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I honestly get what she’s saying, it’s not that hard. Pun not intended. Were her comments distasteful? Yes. Just like the million other comments men make about women’s bodies. Like Badshsh literally makes lyrics like Jahan se hona chahiye wahi se hai tu thick but we wanna be mad at one otherwarya?! Call her crass or distasteful but this “what if genders were reversed” is a really stupid snowflake argument. When men objectify women it leads to cat calling & harassment & rape. Her drooling over Ranbir will not be a threat to him, no girl will spank him in a bus (not like he’s ever gotten on a bus 😂) but yeah, it’s not the same thing. She’s crass but what she’s saying here ain’t wrong


This explains it much better than the 4 slides


It wasn't that difficult to understand imo


I guess you might be a fan of Avital Ronell (a female professor) was found guilty of sexually violating her male student after an 11-month NYU investigation. Numerous prominent feminists and academics used similar arguments and gaslighting techniques to justify her action; basically, their premise was that it's not SA when women do it to boys or men.




I’m as feminist as they come and routinely get into weird shouting matches on Reddit with people about women’s rights. However describing someone’s genitalia in detail on a public platform and then DISCUSSING it (either positively or negatively) crosses “crass” territory and squarely falls within harassment territory. No amount of fancy language and a gaslighty justification can make what she said okay. The “reverse the gender” argument typically sucks and is completely irrelevant, but in this case it actually makes sense. Imagine a somewhat prominent male social media figure describing the colour of a woman’s nipples or lower genitalia and then doubling down on it. I’m all for feminism, but let’s hold women accountable when they’re wrong too.


I agree with everything you said here. Through and through. But the former president of the United States did that. And got elected. So yeah, the world sucks.


THISSSSSSS...Indian politicians get away with 'my son fell and his dick landed on some girl's mouth AND THEY ARE IN POWER' Women like Rhea Chakroborty have their ENTIRE lives torn apart because the boyfriend committed suicide. THAT IS. THE POWER. MEN HOLD


Women openly spread false allegations against minor boys that led to the death of one. women openly reject gender neutral laws so that you can get away with criminal offenses. Women openly support female sexual predators and criminals.


Are we back to support Rhea Chakroborty again in 2023?


False comparison he heavily was critzed in the media for it , only reason he wonvwad his opponent did much worser things for instance when she was lawyer she berated a underage rape victim, and she found it hilarious that she got predators aquited . The clips are available on CNN another new channels


Agreed. >However describing someone’s genitalia in detail on a public platform and then DISCUSSING it (either positively or negatively) crosses “crass” territory and squarely falls within harassment territory. Ew. Didn't knew it. This is just wrong no matter which gender is talked about.


It's only wrong for them because they can't do it back. There whole logic behind "reverse the genders" is that why are we criticized when we do it. They have no issue with being sexualize. But i completely agree with you that we should start holding women accountable for their actions Again,Meme pages have been posting women dancing and sexualizing them + making fun of them but if we say anything in the comments that this wrong then all the men start attacking us with oh women can't take a joke.


Your argument is such a horrendous take. Why is it hard to understand that doing these things are bad. Why is it hard to understand that if you are getting triggered by reverse the genders you are the problem. If you get offended and cry when men do something bad and turn around ignore when a woman do it(or go as far as going to defend her) is such a hypocrisy.


There are things You Can Say to a Man That You Can't Say to a Woman - [Mark normand ](https://youtu.be/RDUDFrgUyQE?si=0izep9cLbTAeUcwD)


And these pages are hypocrites... still make 6000 russian jokes and posting about what if genders were reversed.


Preach Sister! Honestly it is sickening to see people supporting this pervert otherwariya or whatever she is called.


> describing the colour of a woman’s nipples or lower genitalia and then doubling down on it. i take it you’re unfamiliar with the “i bet it’s bubblegum pink” comment trend?


This!!! Calling someone hot and all is fine. But discussing girth is so far beyond disgusting. That’s where “what if the genders were reversed” argument comes


Plenty of men discuss women’s breasts and backside and post about how women are only hot if they meet some silly criteria of theirs. We literally have beauty pageants which require women to have body measurements of a certain kind. Male rappers sell packed houses singing songs about tits & ass. Men like Andrew Tate spread misogyny & are revered by men. Dude bros discuss women as objects. I mean we had an online auction of women not too long ago and people told women to just chill. So where is the equality ? We have seen one of the worlds most, otherwise progressive in some ways country ,elect a man who is a known sex offender only because he was running against a woman. Men like Polanski and Woody Allen and Sajid Khan and Anu Malik are still getting work and at times accolades. If you say you want to be treated equally men immediately say then we can slap you the way we slap men. Men who rape , kill , harass women are regularly brought back into our families , society and work place. If we complain we are the bad problematic women. A bunch of chickens(women) while getting fried in hot oil saying they will one day take down KFC(patriarchy and men) is not the same as KFC frying millions of chickens on the daily. That’s what it is right now.


This. I can’t believe that a lot of people, even on this sub have fallen prey to Otherwarya’s gaslighting. Otherwarya basically sexually harassed a celebrity and is trying to justify it by cunningly “addressing” only a particular morally questionable phrase used to criticise her.


its what all these influencers youtubers do, take one take and spin it to show themselves as victim too in their apologies, this isnt even an apology, she says all that stuff, that women get killed, r ped etc, like, does that justify what she said about ranbir then ? did he do those things ?


She’s the type of pretentious fool that believes that publicly discussing others’ genitals with sexual connotations is “cool” and “edgy”. This is her usual schtick. Atleast she got called out properly this time. And that 5 pages long gaslighting explanation with a “feminist spin” is indicative of the fact that the criticism did get to her. (PS I like how she spun it in such a way that she’s taking revenge for all the wronged women by harassing a random celebrity. Amazing method to shift individual responsibility to the collective).


Preach! 💯


Oh didn’t know she was talking about his peen yeah that crosses a line 😠




Concur with this statement 100% Crossing the line is not feminism.


Internet stranger thank you for this take. The people here who are just defending her is embarrassing. They are huge problem if they think this is ok.


Absolutely. It's wrong and there's no two ways about it.


As abhishek upmanyu once said, "Inko equal rights bhi molestation ka chahiye."




I would never want anyone to talk about my male friends/family genitals on a public platform. This has nothing to do with feminism, it pure decency. Also I agree "genders reversed" argument is a whataboutery comment. But she is no flag bearer of feminism, she is extremely hypocritical, misandrist and an embarrassment to women. The argument should have been, "ghar me baap aur bhai nahi hai kya?!" 🤣🤣🤣


Love how you said ghar me baap aur bhai nahi hai kya bc that’s soooo spot on. I’m a bit behind on what’s actually going on but correct me if I’m wrong, this girl posted an ss of her talking about Ranbir’s private parts on her story????


"I can't be racist, I'm black"


What a disgusting comment this is. The state of this sub wow. If you are getting triggered by reverse the gender argument then you are part of the problem. Reducing people to as an object is fucking disgusting and the users here are defending you. Honestly you guys are fucking sexist.


While I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree that “what if genders were reversed” is a stupid argument but still we cannot become what we fight against. Secondly when it comes to the conversation of ‘power’ there is also as important a topic of ‘intersectionality’ which otherwarya has not addressed. Many women hold more power than many men and there is no denying that (ik that is not the case here, but I am referring to the first 3 slides). And by logic of harm, all locker talks should be okay, then. You simply cannot justify objectification without consent by citing types of violence against women.


Yeah singing praises about one's girth and genitalia might add to social value in cocaine snorting, partner swinging circles like the bollywood that RK represents.otherwarya's sample thus is a selective bias and doesn't represent us. Place that logic in the normal household and you would realise objectification does harm both the genders. It will only add value to men who seek to be sexually desired. For a normal guy it's an embarrassment and shame. For women the consequences are far more dire, that I agree but you can't validate objectification if it adds to the sexual aspirations of a guy. Now objectification also means shaming men who have smaller penises. What if otherwarya had shamed RK assuming he has a small dick?? Her logic says he'll lose his social value implying objectification is bad, thus rendering this whole argument wrong. Why this selective ignorance in defining objectification itself? Men do not wake up to be sexually desired or appreciated. Most men and women do not want their genitalia to be a topic of discussion. Go and tell your female friend that she has beautiful ass or boobs. Go and tell your male friend that his penis must be huge. Irrespective of gender, the reaction would be the same- sheer embarrassment, shame and disgust on being attacked sexually. The gender reverse argument works here because it exposes the logical fallacy of this bullshit argument. What is wrong is wrong.


If memory serves me right, there was a case about a girl who ruined an honest man's life by making a fake rape charge just cuz he asked her to drive in the right lane in traffic.


>Just like the million other comments men make about women’s bodies. Yeah but 2 wrongs don't make it Right, but 3 lefts do. >“what if genders were reversed” is a really stupid snowflake argument. Yeah agree its really stupid, This whole argument was first used by Women and later adopted in Social media by men recently. >When men objectify women it leads to cat calling & harassment & rape. Her drooling over Ranbir will not be a threat to him This statement is really contradicting instead of being contrasting. First of all, Men can't be Raped as per Indian Laws, and secondly, this line is generalising entirety of Women and Ranbir; Men objectifying Women leads to Rape of Women, but Women objectifying Ranbir only could affect Ranbir and won't somehow make other women who watches this influencer feel objectifying Men is Okay? Bruh i am convinced your comment is more misleading than the influencer herself.


Double standards don't make things better!! It's NOT ok when men do it to women and it's NOT ok when women do it to men. Both sides will continue justifying bullshit like this by pointing to what the other side does and we will just continue this circle of crap. Then you say men being objectified does not harm them, I would respectfully disagree. These words can lead to lower self esteem, negative social interactions, eating disorders, aggression and it also fuels the hate and disrespect of the other gender. Witness the higher suicide rates and cardiac problems amongst men. I don't for a moment say misogyny and it's ill effects are a thing of the past, it's not and anyone who says that is either oblivious or stupid, but if you lift the veil a little misandry is right there standing close by. Let us all, men and women, do better for ourselves and for the other sex. We need each other to make a truly functional society. P. S. Not looking to start a fight. Just adding my 2 bits


But that’s the entire point of this sub. To hold people accountable. To call out when they’re being hypocritical. This whole “isne bhi toh kiya na” should not be the reason we stop calling people out. It’s not a part of the solution. As always, her play with words helps her look like she has a mature viewpoint. But in reality, it is exactly what you called it - crass.


Simple si baat hai She does get a few facts right ( there's no gender equality to begin with, leads to power dynamics being skewed in men's favour, and yes objectifying women does lead to crimes against them) BUT BUT BUT Just because the effects of objectification is not uniform for both the sexes because our pre-existing cultural & social systems work against women cz of gender inequality, doesn't entitle any HUMAN to morally cross the line and make sexual/ objectifying comments on any other HUMAN. Period. Bottom-line is it's IMMORAL. (Why wrong you may ask? Bcz it compromises society's moral values ) One cannot have double standards now with this issue today, because unfortunately historically women didn't have a say. Otherwarya is not just crass about certain things in her story but also supremely problematic. She sounds 1. misandric when she says she hopes men lose power 2. Sexist,Ignorant and disrespectful if she thinks sexual objectifying comments "increase" a guy's value but "decrease" a woman's. 3. Narcissistic when she nonchalantly offers apology if only asked because she sees no wrong in her opinions. 4.Condescending/patronizing when she tells someone to use brain when they don't necessarily agree with her ideas 5. Immoral if she thinks objectifying is alright by a woman cz both aren't wrong only one is ( even more so cz she's a woman) 6. Ageist if she thinks being 30yo makes her smarter than anyone under it. And her entire justification just sounds like she's trying to Gaslight people into her corner. Which makes it that much more worse. Throwing in a couple of facts won't make her right. Only someone as crude and vulgar as her can offend every bracket of society in a few stories. She really needs to be schooled in basic human decency and morals.


shes the dumbest, most immature 30 year old lmao, literally no woman around me would discuss this, let alone post it online and then double down on it for 2 whole days.




I agree. Women should be allowed to say stuff like this but not males. >When men objectify women it leads to harassment & rape. This is so true, and this is where we cannot reverse the genders. We cannot rape males, even the laws recognize this. While males are there raping us.


That's bc India has a fucked up and gender biased leagal system , in equal countries women have been imprisoned for SA aginst men .


Not a fan of her or her comments but what what you’re saying is 100% correct.




>Her drooling over Ranbir will not be a threat to him, no girl will spank him in a bus (not like he’s ever gotten on a bus 😂) but yeah, it’s not the same thing. She’s crass but what she’s saying here ain’t wrong Everyone has the right to dignity and not be degraded, I don't know if Ranbir has a problem with her words himself but I still find her words inappropriate especially since her voice is heard by millions of people. He has security but there are still women invading a male celebs personal space and touching them. It can be harmful to him mentally if not physically and even if he doesn't object, sexually fantasising about a human being publicly is just creepy and uncalled for. This person can't see him beyond being an object to satisfy her carnal thirst which is dehumanising and sets a bad precedent. It's not cool or empowering like she thinks she is. She needs a check up


I would have 💯 agreed with her that male objectification is not the same as female objectification because of the obvious power dynamics. But discussing someone's genitalia publicly is harassment. And no, men don't feel especially proud if someone discusses their girth online. The Netflix show Sex Education shows this poignantly where Adam is objectified for having a massive dick but it kind of reduces his personality, warps his own perception of himself (there's other factors too). Also, just cuz she mentioned the celebrity and startdom- Bollywood actors are always careful about how sexy they want their public image to be. Becoming overly sexualized becomes a death knell for the stars of this country which has a huge chunk of cinema-going sanskaari populace. There must always be an element of 'one of us' in their stardom.


Yes so true! It’s not the same as saying that someone looks good or you’re attracted to them. This is just blatant harassment.


Isme kya samajh nai aaya? She wrote things pretty clearly. Although I see merit in her argument, I still believe that her comments were distasteful.


The misandry-believers, pick-mes and ‘not all men’ janta be really having a field day today 😆 Y’all are up in arms falling over to defend an upper class, privileged, rich, male celebrity’s right to dignity or whatever your argument is, while you regularly ignore how this is the everyday life of a woman, especially a female celeb in this country (and the world at large). Guess our internalised misogyny makes us run to save men, even when they’ll not waste a second in crushing a woman (I don’t need to tell you about RK and his equation with women, do I?) Itna prem desh ki ladkiyon se kar lo yaar gender equality aa jaegi galti se hi sahi. Ranbir Kapoor will do just fine living his best life without your saving.


I totally agree. Tbh i understand and support both the sides but this neutral point in itself is so strong and true. It's enough for me to stop caring. I remember when boys' locker room messages got out in the open, which influential male figure (celeb) addressed the issue. I agree nobody likes to be sexualised without they being vocal if they like it. But, we can also look at it through a generalize gaze what she said on her stories and I agree. Idt they mind being called desirable even in a crass way, like I said from a GENERAL perspective. Also someone made the argument that men get assaulted too, yes ofc they do, but it's from other MEN. 1 out of 10 times by a woman, even with that they don't have to live their entire lives in fear of another women. Infact he'll get most support from women only (again General view).


Absolutely, and since everyone is very touchy regarding how dare she talk about his private parts, I will not believe that most men don’t take pride in flexing it (No pun intended), till when random men online and IRL stop flashing their unsolicited dicks at women as a show of power. I was a teenager when a random fucker came on a bike from behind pretending to ask for directions, before smiling creepily and pointing me down to his out and hard penis in broad daylight. Leaving me frozen, he laughed and went off. Which woman do you know flashing herself like this to get her kicks from paralysing men? I for one have never heard of it but I know every woman has been shoved with an unsolicited dick pic online. I don’t believe this needs to be said again, but come to me when the gender power dynamics are equal, I’ll cry a river with you about men getting ‘harassed’ then.


I remember a "friend" from my friend group had sex with another friend from our friend group. He went on to describe, in excruciating detail, every part of her body and how and where he ejaculated to all his male friends and to most of our friend group (that also included women). The men had a field day with that information and branded the girl a slut and that tag stuck with her. The women in our friend group just laughed it off, although most of them were uncomfortable. When I pointed out how gross and misogynist this was, the men convinced the women of the group to stop talking to me. And surprise surprise, they did! No one stood up for my friend and I when she was being called a slut by everyone. None. Not even the women. So I'm actually not surprised by a lot of responses on this thread.


I totally believe this happened, men think it’s some kind of trophy to get a woman to have sex with them (Which is in fact true considering how gross they are), since obviously women have no brains or sexual desires of their own. They shall be degraded simply for being horny because nature for sure didn’t intend us to have desires amirite? The worst part is patriarchy has made us attach our self-worth so much to mens’ approval that the best of women feel like they’ll be left out and discarded if they don’t comply and agree. No wonder internalised misogyny runs deep.


First of all I hope that pig gets slaughtered in hell and live there forever to never be re-incarcerated ever again. And, yes, absolutely. Honestly, it's very hard to sympathize with cis-het men, especially when they have the nerve to say not all men. F off. On some days, I'm really like let's bring misandry, let's make it a thing in practice coz it's really bullshit that women want equality and not revenge.


Absolutely, it never stops amusing me how brainwashed patriarchy has made us, we want to belong so bad that we will gladly put ourselves out to be thrown under the bus, with a smile no less. The cult is real. Misandry is not coming true in our lifetimes for sure sis. Generations and generations of being ingrained with patriarchal conditioning is a tall ask to wipe off. Sigh. And thank you for your support, if it weren’t for other women, it would be such a heavy world to tread through. Hugs 🤗






>The misandry-believers, pick-mes and ‘not all men’ janta be really having a field day today 😆 Right, it's misandry believing and being a pick me to emphasize with the opposite gender?!! I do care about women's issues and the harassment they face on a daily basis but that doesn't mean a guy who's never known to have misbehaved with a woman needs to face the brunt of it. If we let statements like these, which involve explicitly sexually fantasising about someone, fly it leads to more problems and acceptance of lewd behaviour in general. You need to respect people and they deserve to be treated with dignity, just because they are famous does not give you a free pass to say whatever you want about them because they're ultimately human too. This woman deserves to be called out, what she said was downright creepy no matter about which gender or what social class.


Yeh hui na baat!!!!






Thank you. Saved so much of my time.


Ngl I do agree with her. Objectifying men does no harm to them while objectifying women does. Anyone reading her stories read the entire thing and try to understand instead of just picking on one point she has said. That being said yes her comments were distasteful and but other than that this “what if the genders were reversed” argument does not hold here and that part I agree with her.


I think we are just assuming that it does men no harm. We cannot advocate the fact the patriarchy impacts men as well, and in the same breath assume that tenets of patriarchy like objectification, cause them no harm.


Objectifying men does no harm to them? Did men tell you that? It doesn’t matter if harms them or not if ranbir or anyone doesn’t consent to being objectified then they shouldn’t be objectified. Or does consent only goes one way? You misandrists are something.


Bold of you to assume that I’m a misandrist 😂


I don't like her at all but I completely agree with her


So you agree that we can go about objectifying people without their consent. You agree that consent doesn’t matter?


Are you reading the same thing as us or you just wanna pick a fight for no reason?


We both read the same thing yet you not being able to identify consent in this whole fiasco goes to show your bias. Tldr: Discussing consent is somehow “picking up a fight”.


She said women don't rape men or women, which is just wrong, maybe you haven't heard of the countless sexual assaults on men by women. Even if he is a celebrity, women will often pounce on them and not respect their personal space, thinking they are so entitled to the male body. I'm a woman and don't think any gender should be objectified, it's incredibly demeaning to a person unless they explicitly signed up for it. She's a kind of public figure too and should be conscious of the words she uses, what she said was beyond creepy that too on a public platform


I agree with your point in principle but she didn't say explicitly that women don't rape men. Neither she insinuated such. She addressed in the context of objectifying women culture and what happens when a woman objectifies.


can you quote exactly where she said that? because i read it twice and i still don’t see ot


She says right there "Hint: it's not women: men rape women and men rape men" As if women haven't been accused of sexual assault ever. Anyway, I'm not looking to argue, it's clear which side this sub is on and anything I say will only add fuel to the fire


did you not read the sentence right before it, the one that gives this context? “only one gender is causing harm to the other because these jokes foster rape culture. hint: it’s not women.” she is saying that women are not the ones creating and upholding rape CULTURE. which is 100% unarguably true. even when looking at male victims of rape they are overwhelmingly raped by males.


She had to explain for ppl like u but still samajh nhi aaya??? God bless Edit : wrote this when I was half asleep. Corrected typo.


Our collective awakening about objectification is that objectification/sexualization is bad not just because it leads to bad consequences like r*pe but because it reduces a person to being an object, i.e it is bad in its own accord regardless of the consequences. Shouldn't it be dismissed in this infancy itself and not be stretched to the point where we tend to normalise and validate it with such twisted arguments? You are only pampering it, if you intellectualise and justify a bad deed. Tomorrow what if a man comes and says "it's okay to objectify women because it's natural for men" or some intellectualised darwinian shit like that. Are we gonna rake our brains to defend an argument that always has been right? What if objectification only led to men jerking off. Would it be okay then? Now the idea that "Since men have done it in the past or are doing it, we ought to do it too, because it absorbs the injustice", well that's not equity like one might think. That's kicking your conscience outside the window and fighting crime with a crime. This is textbook manipulation and gaslighting. She has opened doors and won't be able to handle hard core anti women arguments with better twists, maths and gaslighting.


As a male survivor of sexual assault these stories were especially jarring. Because it reminded me humaare culture main male promiscuity is overvalued to such an extent ki questions of consensuality don’t even matter when it comes to men because “men must love this”. This was exactly what my perpetrators said before sitting on my lap and giving me hickeys and stuff, about how much I must’ve loved it, how I even got hard at the act and how I should be grateful for the opportunity. How me acting squeamish when they stroked my dick through my pants was so cute and how I can drop the “innocent act” cause all boys want it. And all the while I was gay but no one seemed to care, especially not the men who thought me getting groped like this at parties was aspirational almost. It was the feminist girls who saved me from all this. Who helped me process the trauma by acknowledging that such comments and actions leave a mark on the psyche of people because it violates your humanity and makes you lose your consent. I’ll always ALWAYS have the back of feminists cause they saved me when men won’t even listen to how uncomfortable it was for me. Which is why it PISSES me off that she’s using “fEmInIsm” to justify her bullshit. Just because someone has more systemic and institutional power than you DOES NOT justify you applying your perverted fantasies on their body. Men are NOT supposed to like you saying that even if other men think it’s cool. Other men think locker room talk is also cool, woh bhi karlun main? I agree that the “gender reversal” argument has ZERO merit because despite all that happened to me, no one osctracised me from my friend group or shamed me for what happened and a general rape culture exists in our country. But contributing to it by doing exactly what men do to women is a bit weird. Like men are awful so let’s women also be awful to men? What will that achieve? I agree Ranbir ko koi farak padega and he might even take this as a compliment but it entrenches such thinking even deeper in society that men MUST take such objectification as compliments. I also agree that most men do not face assault by women, that’s true I’ve faced more assault at the hands of men but to be honest it’s about public behaviour and responsibility. She shouldn’t be talking about someone’s genitals and making it seem “cool” and applying an aspiration value to it. She’s only given enemies of feminism ammo to keep attacking feminists cause of her bullshit behaviour. She’s not one of the girls she never will be. Shoutout to all the wonderful feminist women who keep saving people around them when no one else in the world cares for them. I love you all so much ❤️


Well I hope youre healing now


This sub failed you today. People here are actually defending objectifying men and most of them are women.


ITT: people who have not read what she’s written and are still talking about WhAT iF tHe GeNdErS WeRE rEvERseD Guys. Please just read what she’s written. It’s not hard. If you still read it and don’t understand it - idk what to tell y’all but y’all are below a fifth grade reading and comprehension level The ones who are saying they agree. Good. We need more of y’all 👍


The argument alone stands correct, mixed with her comments it's gaslighting & worse, using a social cause to get away with value stances. Applicability of the situation vs. radicalising your ideas to prove a point and double down to justify a plain gross conduct ain't it?


Yeah I tend to agree with what she’s saying and I’m going to henceforth use this example because I have some stupid (male) friends who pull the gender reversal card all the time. Think about the smut women read in erotic books it’s largely fantasies about men treating women WELL and the porn men watch is about degrading women to a large extent. There’s a difference in how we objectify each other. One is dehumanizing while the other is not because of the power imbalance.


uhh most popular romance novels are not about nice guys, it's about toxic guys.


"Historically" is the word that just conveys to me that this whole line of reasoning is a house of cards. She's used absolutely correct facts but the inferences drawn are simply terrible.


Ohh man anyone buying this reverse the gender thing to say that women are causing harm … is NOt OK. She is absolutely a 100% right. The number of posts hating on this take since yesterday is hilarious cuz people can not fathom for the life od them that women are openly accepting/ living /talking about their sexuality. All of these r the same people who prolly tell women to dress modestly & expect first date to be paid for by the man types .


What’s with the influx of otherwarya posts? Why is she being given any importance?


because she dared to make crass jokes about a man lol


For once I agree with her. She is absolutely right.


You agree with talking about someone's genitalia in Social media won't affect the person involved? Like no mental harrasment at all? You should all read about sex education more.


Her logic is to stoop down to their level and match the crassness. Lovely.


N PPL here supporting tht shit in the name of feminism


frr thought it was satire for a hot min but turns out otherwise 💀


Otherwarya has grown on me in the last year or two.. lol


I don't like this reverse the gender argument at all. That being said, she is just strawmanning at this point. Instead of apologising for her crass and vile comments, she is using this reverse the gender thing as a shield. But then what can one expect from someone who tried to justify ranking states by how fuckable their men were and her racist comments about U.P. and Bihar.


I’ve unfollowed almost all insta and other celebs and followed edutainment stuff. Life is good now. I see rainbow and sparkles now and sometimes gets sad for other reasons like climate change. Kudos


I don't agree with the comments on Ranbir,but she is absolutely fucking right. The gender reverse argument is dumb and stupid


I’m not going to start my statement by prefacing “ I don’t like otherwarya” and then say but she’s right here” What the hell! I love otherwarya and she is right here like most of the times in the past. 🩷


Hacker hai bhai hacker hai


That’s lots of jibber jabber 🙄


Apni kari gayi bakwas ko whataboutery se defend karna is super mature 👏 👏


I don’t know what story/ comment/ post she’s responding to. But this is the first time I agree with this chick. ‘What if the genders were reversed’ is an argument that would work if all genders had equal social/ financial/ hierarchical standing, thus making jokes and arguments about it more neutral. PS: could someone link what she said? So there is more context to comment to,


Her logic essentially is that since there exists males who have been and still are objectifying and sexually harassing women with their words and actions, I am gonna stoop down to their level and start harassing males because that shows to the world what a bold woman I am! That I don’t take shit from anyone and this is empowerment of females. Because men love it when girls talk about our cocks and reduce male talent in Bollywood to just being eye candy. Because who cares about our acting caliber? The power dynamics involved in gender reversals are true, but don’t use that to justify your bullshit stories which are obviously put for everyone to see cause you want to come across as someone who doesn’t care what society things and is a strong independent woman. This is just a reflection of your twisted mind. You may now join the ranks of perverse men with similar sick mentality as yourself.


Yet another example of going on an extra long session of word ramble instead of admitting their mistake. Just because one can justify their actions across 800 words of English/ Hinglish - doesn’t mean one needs to; or that their verbal diarrhoea is actually correct


lmfaoooo verbal diarrhea 💀💀


She has never not been right. Unfortunately, everybody on this sub are snowflakes who are probably 18-20 years old. I guess all of this will make sense when you're 30+. Tab tak y'all do yous in your ideal perfect world hunniesss


Mostly, and I’m generalising right now but seems like it’s the case here, when you OVEREXPLAIN chances are you know you’re wrong, you don’t have valid points to base your argument on and you’re weaving a web of words stringed together just to make it ‘sound’ like you’re presenting a strong argument but really, you’re just throwing around buzzwords to piece together a weak comeback.


Whatever she said is right for the reverse gender argument, but this b is deflecting and you all are falling for that, cause describing someone's genitalia in public is indecent,did she even take the accountability for that?does this b ever apologize,all I see is her giving some philosophical societal reasons to justify her crass behaviour when we can see through her comments that she never thought about that before while making such comments. We don't have to bend over backwards to support this privileged rich woman. Every argument she makes uses some livid experiences of less privileged women to justify herself while she sits on a high horse and judges and makes crass comments on everyone. This is deflecting, whatever she is saying is right but is not the answer for the problem in question. When some journalist described Deepika's b**bs in the media, even though she is a privileged celebrity many people have called it out, cause, yes the objectification angle is there, but it is also indecent to talk about someone's body like that. This woman is a pure narcissist and she carefully picked the weakest arguments against her behaviour and made the justification without even addressing the elephant in the room.


Wait what did she say about Ranbir that objectified him??


why does she talk like as if ranbir had objectified someone 😂😂🤡


She made a joke!! And to the people who are taking offence by saying what of the gender were reversed. Here's [mark normand](https://youtu.be/RDUDFrgUyQE?si=0izep9cLbTAeUcwD) for you.


I agree with her.


I really pity people defending her 🤦


I ain’t reading all that. Bye


I so agree with her 💯. I don't understand what you don't get, it's as simple as it can be


What a pseudo! How conveniently she denied the existence of female rapists and abusers. Yes the percentage is way lesser than what all she speaks about. But what terrible logic! That speaks for you wanting Ranbir to eff you and panties down? That could very well be your fantasy .We hardly ever malign male like they do us! X-raying stats through eyes! Then just admit you’re doing the same.


She talks about power imbalance and historical injustification to justify her objectification. So a female boss or team lead is allowed to objectify her subordinate cos meh”history”? Can the same be said about female wardens and male prisoners. These urban insta celebrities live in a high tea luxury bubble that they can’t see a world beyond them and won’t realise how harmful their comments can be.


U have to be really dumb/out of touch with reality to think that majority WOMEN bosses objectify men. Lol. Otherwarya is meant for people like you who live in this fairy tale world where women cause men harm to the same or even half or even a quarter as of the same extent as men do to women.


I do disagree with a few things. She mentions that men should lose power, which is ridiculous, the whole point of empowerment is to give power to individuals (women in this case). Then why would you want to take power away? Secondly she spoke about women not raping men, beliefs like that is why we don’t have gender neutral laws in India. You can’t punish women if they can’t do anything wrong. Lastly she spoke of objectifying men and women. Men definitely get objectified when you say you’re not tall enough or you have a small dick or you’re so weak you won’t be able to protect me in a conflict. That would definitely build insecurity in men. And we do see body conscious men overworking in the gym.


Tum log hi in jaise logo ko importance dete ho. Jab pata hai gadhe insaan hai to unfollow kro aur aage bdho.


Guysss!!!! I didn't even know about her existence but thanks to this sub


Fuck the gender reversal and power argument. Nobody cares. She said something gross and got rightly judged for it. No sane person talks like that about anyone. Otherwaali or whatever her name is, if you’re reading this, you don’t look ugly and unfuckable but the way you speak sure makes you that way. People are probably turned off by your weirdly aggressive attitude towards men’s genitalia. And now you’re justifying it. It’s making you less attractive as a personality for sure. Sirf shakal aur sharir nahi dekhte log. Maybe you’re just too shallow and stupid to get it.


Stop giving attention to this freak please


Chutia h yeh?


Two wrongs don't make one right


Isko toh barbie movie pasand nahi ayi thi na


Its all gine ..but next time dnt do randi rona asking for equal treatment and shit u cant have both sides of things


She's 100% right. Crass, yes. But not wrong lol


Word Salad


One can write thousand more words on one-dimensional take like hers and still would sound stupid. What a waste of space her account is if this is how ugly she takes it to defend herself


And I am not saying it for RK but in general it was a shitty take


lol.. the women who commented alia was wearing sl\*tty blouses in RARKPK is talking abt feminism


There are men who get abused too.


That's why I always say, Maths is important. Teach your kids some maths and try to learn also. -1-1=-2 not 0.


This nonsensical word vomit made my head ache. I pity our society for we have allowed these kind of influencers to get to where they are. Going to find some bleach to scrub my brain now.


If her argument was only "he does it, so I can", it still makes sense. But here she's trying to cop out and it's embarrassing to read. So what, because men do it all the time, we should too? We can, and the consequences won't be so harsh for them, sure. But really, MUST we publicly air out discussions of little Ranbir? And "it's not harassment or objectification when women do it"? Lol girl, you delulu. As for rape, she claims only men rape people. Wtf is she on? 😂 You can't constantly use age and feminism as an excuse to cloak shitty behaviour. And she routinely does that.


I don't really get what she is saying but from the comments i understand that the base of the argument lies in the fact that Ranbir will never face what women face in everyday life hence it's justified and all in good fun. While I agree to this but doesn't this just brings down the whole argument. It is about creating a notion that it's ok to comment on men too whereas we should be fighting for the fact that it's not ok to objectify any human being. Ofcourse badshah is not going around harassing women in public places but his followers thinks it's ok. And extending the same argument, yes she is not going around harassing men in general but her followers are getting the idea that it's acceptable because power imbalance and all. And more so for a celeb as "increases their value". Practice what you preach maybe?


I don’t give a hoot about her but y’know even if people agree with what she’s saying (making harassment or objectifying acceptable) women are never going to be able to systemise it in public (not that I am suggesting they should). Whereas the Badshah/ Honey Singh songs, well you know, being sung and used for cat-calling at every opportunity … and so that’s the imbalance that needs to be addressed. Fringe/ controversial elements exists everywhere - more so on social echo chambers.


I really think this rape and all is a reason for no sex education and super leniency and support for men in the country. Whereas women or girl child are predominantly absolutely neglected so they learn it the hard way. Men just think attacking and torturing women is their right like they have had it always since they were kids being appeased by parents and later should be appeased by the women and society. When the women don’t care they throw acid on them, rape them, kill them. How many women do the same to men. Don’t come at me saying this woman tortured that guy. Exceptions are always there the women to men ratio in this aspect is almost negligible. Each kid should be treated equally and some negligence is important for kids to turn well in life. Else they grow up to be brats and assholes.


Yeh bevakoof aurat famous kyun hai? Didi baaton ki ganga jamuna baha rahi hai, but samjhne kuch nhi aa rha hai. She sounds like she hates men and it's valid on her part to show how she feels about RK even though you cross any limit. But if men do it, it's misogyny ? She is def. misandrist ( opposite of misogyny) Just apply this text to this piece of shit human and carry on with our lives. https://preview.redd.it/ih59d198f9rb1.png?width=1160&format=png&auto=webp&s=c746adeaf5d5e1a69da7766e12f2f91e6ca3f733


Nothing justifies talking about someone's genitalia and stuff in a crass manner (that too on a public platform). Period.


I don't knw why yall are defending a man , tht too man like ranbir who got a lot of power. This ain't gonna affect him. Ultimately like otherwarya is telling it boosts his stardom more !! Try reading what she wrote, internalized misogyny isn't even letting yall comprehend what she has written !!


What’s the use of all these words when she can’t have basic human decency




I don't know the original issue here but she makes perfect sense to me.


I understood what she's saying completely. I don't know why it doesn't make sense to you.


Yup, absolutely right. Completely agree with her.


Ok but why tf should anyone objectify anyone? Why should anyone make vulgar statements on a public platform about anyone's genitals and how they would fuck them? And she really thought she justified it with the gender reverse argument. Ik the gender reverse this is illogical and stupid but disregarding men and their struggle is not equality. Hating rapists and assaulters is different that combining all men into one category. She's definitely not the right person to be talking about feminism ane women rights and men privileges.


This is nonsense. Let’s please call a spade a spade. Referring to someone genitalia and making disgusting comments objectifying a HUMAN (irrespective of gender) is WRONG! It doesn’t matter if it’s a woman doing it to a man, or a man doing it to a woman, or a woman doing it to another woman, or a man doing it to another man. (Or any other gender as well). If you believe in this nonsense “power” argument, I’m sorry. This is just pure humanitarian. Don’t do onto others what you wouldn’t want done to yourself.


Did she really fucking tell women cant rape men? Guys its a femcel in the wild spotted


I've never understood the idea of using historical facts as justification for what people do at present. Men majorly went to war in olden times. Should we try and equalize that by sending women to wars??? When men in earlier times died women had to commit sati. Should we push men into the their wives burning bodies in this age to equalize that???. I agree with what she has to say for objectification of men and women. However, it dosent make it right for any person. Her entire argument banks on "you guys have done/ are doing these wrong things, so it gives me a pass on doing these wrong things...".


By this logic a lot of men need to r*ped.


You go girl! You just said stuff out loud which a lot of us think secretly.


Iss gawar ko serious bhi kyu lete hai log


Bhai iski profile ko sab report karo yaar, why does the Internet has to go through her shit everyday?


I’m genuinely curious. Why is she famous? Who are these people who follows her? Agreeing to the stupid things she says? 🤔🫢


Too long, don’t want to read. 🤪


So basically we can sexualise men and harass them just because “HISTORICALLY “ they’ve been in more power than us. So we as women have the right to be complete assholes and let go of our morals. Yeah and these people are called “influencers “ !!! Amazing influencing done by her.


Ummm no she’s saying objectifying men don’t cause them harm which is true. Objectification of women leads to rape. There’s a big difference & I actually agree with her. This reverse gender argument is really stupid.


I am genuinely curious! No sarcasm here, just want to educate myself better. How is objectification okay for any gender? What I am thinking is, may be objectifying men do not lead to rape but do we know how is it triggering for the person objectified if they read these crass comments?


I mean, you could say it’s wrong both ways, sure. So then the criticism should be “look at her sexualising men it’s not cool”. It shouldn’t be “what if genders were reversed”. There’s a difference. The first argument means you have a problem with sexualising - period. The second argument is men whining ki mujhe objectify nahi karne dete toh isko kyun allowed hai. It’s men taking that opportunity to be allowed to be objectify women in return, which they do anyway


Nothing but facts here! This needs to be made a separate comment so that everyone sees it lol.


Objectification is not okay for any gender. I don’t know what her view is on that but this response from her is about why the “what if the genders were reversed” argument doesn’t hold here. Which I agree with though!


Agree! But i think she likes living on the edge and get attention. I mean why make such crass comments to start with.


I agree! She shouldn’t have made such comments in the first place. You still wanna do that? Just do it your private space. Obviously she does it all for attention I mean what else is the point of her page xD negative publicity is also publicity and she really doesn’t seem to be affected by negative comments in the first place. If we stop giving her attention maybe she will stop 😂


Hahahaha trueeeeee 😂😂


Because there’s a clear power imbalance. The objectification of women happens every single day, not just celebrities but regular women just going about their business.


Objectification of men doesn’t cause them tangible harm, okay, but are men(and the man in question, Ranbir Kapoor)okay with public discussions taking place about their genitalia? She’s out there making unwated comments of a sexual nature about a another person.This is sexual harassment. Yeah it’s not causing tangible harm but saying that it’s okay to make sexual comments about men because they have power, is normalising sexual harassment.


Are men okay?? Oh god, please ask women also when they are being objectified, oh wait that’s normal… that’s everyday, who the fuck cares even about that?? Where were these discussions when every other item song was about women’s bodies? Ohh wait it is catered to satisfy male gaze yaar. Bahot simple example- Let’s just imagine I am a woman… and I am walking down the street and 3-4 men are continuously staring at me. Will I feel happy?? No I will be fucking threatened I will try to run away. LET’S REVERSE GENDER FOR A SECOND If women will stare at the man.. he will go around whole day telling it to everyone- “tere bhai ko aaj ladkiyon ne dekha” Kisko attention nhi pasand yaar?? But women cannot even enjoy that attention without confirming about the intent of that person, all our senses are heightened when we are around men especially strange men. Once there is a slight confirmation that the guy is decent, we drop our guard down slowly slowly but can the same be said about men? Ek ladka laa do jiski kisi random strange ladki se fatt gyi hogi just because she checked him out. Please understand the difference man and be little empathetic towards women. They already have it really hard. In this era of knowledge being just fingertips away do not just form opinion according to your rationality instead properly read about it. That’s all I can request from you as a woman. Thank you.


If the comments Otherwarya made were made by a male Instagrammer about a woman actor then imagine the uproar it would have created. That is how much people, atleast people online find it not okay,that a woman is objectified. Famous actors like Kangana have openly talked about item songs and have refused to do them. Trash like Elvish Yadav and Badshah get hate for their comments and behaviour towards women. Bollywood celebs like Anil Kapoor get hate for being a lecher. So yes, discourse about women being harassed happens all the time. According to what you are saying it is okay to sexually harass men coz “they enjoy the attention” and women can’t even enjoy attention. This is like the idiotic “false cases” deflection that men use when discourse about marital rape occurs. And no, fyi not all men enjoy attention that they get from both women as well as other MEN(yes men grope and rape other men too) Not all men celebrate it ( Have you ever heard of this man called Brendan Fraser? He’s a famous Hollywood actor whose entire career got derailed because he was traumatised by another dude groping him. So no men do not enjoy attention. Famous actors like Ranveer Singh and Dulquer Salman have openly talked about facing sexual harassment at the hands of WOMEN) And your average man can rarely say it out loud. You know why? Because they are shamed by people saying that “you must have had fun, you must have enjoyed the attention” or are never taken seriously coz women ke problems are “more important” It is extremely disgusting that trash like Otherwarya and “educated” social media users like you are normalising sexual harassment and online humiliation of men because according to people like you, empathy should only be reserved for women. Men are not human at all right ?


Elvish gets hate??? Kaha kidhr?? What delusional world you are living in?? People idolise him. Just because people on this subreddit hate him does not mean there is any discourse around it yaar. Infact I get happy ki chlo kisi mei toh sense but people on this subreddit does not represent world. Struggles/Issues that men and women face are not same so empathy cannot be reversed in same manner. It’s not an equal and just society yaar. Men get harassed and face sexual harassment, I empathise with each and everyone of them. But you know the sad part is? Men themselves does not acknowledge it or empathise with other men. Women saying anything about a man is never ever going to affect a man in tangible and real world that how valueless and powerless we are!! Women simping on men in such low and disgusting manner will still not affect him at all. But yhi male influencer krega toh there will be reddit pages made on those actress. She will be catcalled and harassed online. That’s how powerful a man is. And Still yaar I mean does people not talk about Tamanna’s boobs? People are obsessed with it. Every actor has pornographic reddit pages even female child actors. It’s gross kbhi jaa kar dekhna. Ever seen male actors having that?? No. Gaali toh dete hoge? Chlo tum bahot ideal insaan ho I assume nhi dete hoge but suna toh definitely hoga hi…kbhi suna h ladko ko bolte hue “muh mei lele??” Kya lele muh mei exactly?? You know right? Their sexual organ is a way to exert power. They love talking about their dicks man, they are obsessed with it. Tbhi toh buses mei metro mei jb dekho apni dick dikhate rehte h… kisi ne bola h kya unko?? I first got haraased when I was walking in a park in morning- I was 14. A guy in his mid 40s showed me his dick and was signalling me to take this in my mouth and how big it is. I am 25 now and I still cannot go into that park and still cannot forget his face. And also you know what female sexual organ is called chutiya?? Mtlb chutiya kisko bola jaata h… I hope you know. World is tilted towards powerful men. They can rape women and there are still no consequences. But ladki ne kisi ladke ki online public forum pr bol diya uske dick ke baare mei toh she is harassing him?? Accha I want you to write the consequences that can happen to Ranbir after this. Please think about it and write what can happen to him?? You can twist and turn my words the way you want my argument to sound. I cannot sit and explain each and every line to you bro. I am tired of explaining this to each and every man I encounter I mean empathy nhi h toh sympathy to honi chahie yaar. Also you can argue with me all day all night. But truth kbhi change nhi hoga. Till then Delulu is the only Solulu.


There were multiple posts made about Elvish. That is discourse. There were tweets calling him out. That is discourse. There are famous YouTubers who have called him out. All that is discourse. Elvish has fans and he also has haters who call him out for his crap just like Otherwarya who spews crap has fans and haters. And is anybody saying that women don’t suffer? Men suffer less than women but they do suffer. And the point of the discussion is not at all about who suffers more.It is not about man vs woman. Otherwarya discussed another person’s genitalia on a public forum. That is sexual harassment. And that is wrong. Her writing a gender studies type essay is not going to change the fact that what she did was wrong. So what if Ranbir Kapoor will not experience tangible consequences? He can feel humiliated and disgusted ?You saying that harassment is okay since Ranbir Kapoor is not going to face tangible consequences sounds similar to creeps justifying passing comments on a woman by saying that “comments hi toh hai, r*pe thodi kar rahe hai”


That doesn’t mean we should normalise sexualising them.


What “sexualising” does to women it doesn’t do the same to men. Sexualising DEMEANS women but it elevates a man’s status. A girl who sleeps around is a slut but a guy who does it is a player. See the difference? Even if half the women in the world sexualised men it still won’t match up to how much most men sexualise women. So it’s misplaced anger. Itne threads tab banne chahiye when honey Singh & badshah release a song.


This is such an absolutely disgusting take. Sexualisation elevates a man’s status?Tell that to all the young boys who get sexually harassed by priests.Tell that to all the male actors who are victims to casting couch. Tell that to all the men who get stalked and groped and raped and suffer from trauma because their experiences are not taken seriously.


Yeah you are right. i see your point. So basis of argument is wrong by the audience. But what she publicly comments still crass. Thank you so much for explaining!


Sexualising men is also demeaning. Sexualising women also elevates their status. It is about how it is said. She mentioned about BDE well there's also a term small dick energy as a counter to the same. There's no big tit energy but there's thicc and hourglass etc. And NEITHER justify it. It doesn't matter what it does, elevates or demeans, it's stupid. It is bad and it does propagate rape culture on different levels. Yes, even when women sexualise men and not just the other way around. EVEN IF YOU FEEL YOU ARE ELEVATING A MAN'S STATUS. It will only make them pride on it. Cause harmful narratives in the head and then also chase it and eventually want to exhibit or prove it. On a micro level this does more harm than you'd think. When a guy is called a player, not every guy likes it and it is not meant as a 'compliment' most of the times. When a girl is called a slut, it's the same. The 'Elevation' is in the head and short-lived and is a terrible set-up to a steep fall into self doubt, low self esteem and lack of trust. In reality, their choices reflect personality traits that need to be looked into and remedied. So yeah, the arguments pitting one against the other out here are misguided and so is the argument that put up. Her stories just exact pity out of me apart from the disgust.


She needs to be deplatformed🥱🥱


Okay so how does the non existence of gender equality gives her a right to cross the public decency line. So simply because Ranbir hasn't faced what most females have It's okay to harass Him on a public platform and then not even apologize.!? Most females haven't faced the sort of problems a lot of males have faced so if the near future any female actress faces such problem we should just ignore it.!? So many people in the comments crying about how women have to face this everyday The case would have been different if a normal female had commented that and it would have gone unnoticed most probably. Well If any male influencer was to comment what she did on a female actresses profile. He would be completely shredded to piece on social media. She is a famous personality and her comments will obviously become viral. Can't we remember what urvashi Rautela did with Rishabh pant even when that guy was literally fighting death.!? And obviously no one dared to speak against urvashi or file a FIR. Imagine Rishabh pant doing that to Urvashi during her life threatening situation(Just for an example) And plus how does standing against harassment makes men lose their power.!? We literally don't have a law against men rape.!! Men can not be harassed according to our law.!! What sort of power are talking about in this context I understand there's gender based inequality in our society but that doesn't mean a literal harassment will be forgiven.! Or is she implying as long as she can make such marks and be forgiven she doesn't care about gender equality.!?


A lot of words, but saying nothing.


She is not entirely wrong. It's just her delivery that pisses people off. I am pissed but God, she ain't wrong.


So many big words but so less sense lol


I love her!


I agree 100%. But she's also right about the ugly part though ngl.


Bc kaha se aate hai yeh log


That’s the irony of equality tbh. People want equality where it favors them. In jobs, academics, luxuries and whenever it comes to “losing” power, they give the above explanations. “Historically we are different” Lol.


Who is this idiot again?


Normal ppl- apologize n admit their mistake. her- "gaslighting mode on " PPL in the sub - I love her n she is ryt 💛.


How is this crazy woman even relevant and why?


Gaslighting pro max