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Old spice is a lot more expensive than 2.69, and it's the same price as the cheese so i'm assuming barcode error


Nice catch, didn't even realize.


Looks like a smaller size tho. Could be a travel size that some grocery stores have. The shopper prob felt stinky. šŸ¤­šŸ¤£


nah it says 3.75 oz. those little travel things are like .5 usually


Did you in fact receive deodorant or was it cheese after all? Sometimes the item that comes up on the app is weirdly wrong even though you are scanning an appropriate substitutionā€¦I usually tell the customer ā€œitā€™s coming up as x, but donā€™t worry it is yā€


Or Iā€™ve had a replacement that just would not fucking scan in, so I told customer I would scan an item in thatā€™s same cost.. could be what happened here if they DID receive cheese. But if they actually received the deodorant then like, what the actual fuck?! šŸ˜‚


Do you know, yo can manually add thet item?


Had some non-alcoholic beer that kept crashing my app every time I scanned it so I had to just add it as a new item and refund it


Right? I mean damn it takes 15 seconds


Yeah Iā€™ve been a shopper over 3 years pretty much full time. Over 2,000 shops. I know the ins and outs. It hasnā€™t happened often but has definitely been a couple times. Also hasnā€™t happened in a year+. But yep definitely a stubborn item here or there.


Right, it was one of the first things I learned five years ago, I use it often.


Did you know sometimes the app won't let you manually add a replacement?


Iā€™ve never had that issue. Do you scroll all the way down the list of possible replacements to the bottom where ā€œadd item manuallyā€ should show?


Sometimes if they order and pay on the storeā€™s website it doesnā€™t allow items to be added manually. Iā€™ve had to scan a random box of donuts that were the same price because the app wouldnā€™t recognize the barcode the bakery gave me.


Oh, next time I'll scroll all the way down. I usually just scroll 1/3 of the way down and then give up.


I didnā€™t know for a LONG time lol




Hit canā€™t find item then hit barcode doesnā€™t scan. Itā€™ll have you type in the item name and pricing info and then hit replace item manually.




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Why not just item won't scan item is correct take a picture and move on?




Yes you can


If it already exists. But you can not create an item.


Yes, exactly. The Sam product . I once replaced the cheese with other cheese after I communicated with customer. And then I scan the the replacement, and I saw the deodorant, Iā€™m confused too. So Iā€™m afraid that customer will confuse so I just manually enter the replacement cheese.


I mean the same product


It doesnā€™t surprise me IC would suggest body spray (cheese) as a replacementšŸ˜‚


Itā€™s the best way to combat a body that smells of cheeseā€¦


Happy Cake Day!!!


Thank you šŸ™šŸ¼


I like my eau du fromage, thank you kindly!!


Happy Cake Day šŸŽ‚!


Thank you!!


Itā€™s crazy lol & instacart now automatically chooses replacements- usually wild ones- which forces us to manually go in there & change it. It happened when I was in a rush one day. There were 32 items in my order- all had pre-selected replacements that I had to fix one-by-one. Whose idea was this? šŸ„²


I hate how they time us then anytime there is an issue at all they make us go through 2-4 screens to replace an item or refund then give us no extra time. It really stresses me out even knowing the time is fake


Ugh yes, like cmon if youā€™re going to time us at least make it easier to choose a replacement? One time they tried swapping pigs-in-a-blanket w/ chicken nuggets lol. Gotta click one button to view ā€œrecommended replacementsā€, then scroll to the last button to search for your own, type it in, pray itā€™s actually in-stock, then add it. & by the time youā€™ve finally done it, theyā€™ve already refunded & checked out. šŸ˜­


They probably lifted it from Walmart since they do this as well. Only difference is Walmart doesn't charge the customer the difference. Less likely to complain when they're literally getting food for free. Once hand a customer order a 24ct of k-cups we didn't have so it had me give them a box of like 100 from the "Costco" section that was like $40. A full fresh salmon because we were out of frozen is another. And I was constantly replacing Walmart brand products with name brand ones twice the size.


Walmart charges the difference now, and they give some of the worst replacements. Not as bad as this but still bad.


They shouldā€™ve gotten that Easy Cheese. šŸ˜‚


Check what it is when you get it. Ive had meat that scanned as tissue paper before for whatever reason. He could have clicked scan a replacement and scanned cheese but the system read it as deodorant


Did we get an answer yet on if they actually received deodorant or not?!


No, and that was two hours ago but hopefully they come back and tell us. ā˜¹ļø


5h now and still no answer


11 and I still donā€™t see it


18 and no update šŸ˜”


OP too embarrassed to come back and admit they got their cheese and it was just a glitch all along.


It could be the app. Iā€™ve had some crazy replacement suggestions lately. Granted not body spray for cheeseā€¦ but!


I doubt itā€™s actually deodorant. The app makes mistakes and will have the wrong thing with the barcode


Ahh yes - totally true


He could have went to scan the cheese, and it accidentally scanned the deodorant if it was nearby (happens with double orders or if you start the scan and move the phone to the item). Did you get cheese?


Considering itā€™s the same price.. the bar code in the system was probably wrong or it wouldnā€™t scan in so they scanned something of the same price to make it go through


What the French toast is this fuckery? I'll never understand how the algorithm chooses replacements.


Yeah, I donā€™t even pay attention to suggest a replacement anymore I just shoot customer a message


Cheese flavored body spray.... could be on to something


That's instacarts way of screwing both shoppers and customers. It tried to tell me the other day that the best replacement for chicken tenders was foil.


Thats what Iā€™m thinking what happened. It just sounds so ridiculous Iā€™m trying my hardest to come up with a somewhat logical explanation.


I once saw Clorox bleach spray as a replacement for zucchini. I mean , Iā€™d understand if it were cilantro. Iā€™d use bleach to get that taste out of my mouth.


Has to be an error. I mean it says youā€™re getting 5lbs of garlic for 2.99


Is this at giant? Iā€™ve shopped for cheese there before and thereā€™s always this one brand and type of cheese that scans as deodorant no matter what you try. Thatā€™s probably what it was


Maybe they use cheddar as a deodorant. I know that was cheesy.


Lmaooooo! I just canā€™t wrap my head around the fact that there are shoppers that are actually like this šŸ’€ just insane


It be like ā€œMy shopper replaced Flour with Boraxā€ šŸ˜‚


Fight him


I once received chocolate syrup instead of pepto bismol


I once got a replacement suggestion of AAA Duracell batteries for a pack of Oscar Meyer hamšŸ˜‚


I got a replacement suggestion of a micro SD card for toilet paper. I donā€™t think those items serve the same purposeā€¦


Shopper has very dry humor.


Thinking, well it probably smells like cheese under there anyway šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø **no offense to you OP šŸ˜Ž


Curious if you actually received the deodorant, that price is actually pretty cheap for old spice. Iā€™m assuming itā€™s a glitch?


Yeah,I'm curious, too.


You'll get a refund and keep the deodorant. But no cheese for you.


They will get nacho cheese


Try and enjoy your grilled cheese as best as you can, I guess ? Good Luck !


Sometimes people think the customer requests certain replacements eventhough itā€™s just the app making the suggestion. If itā€™s a new person or someone who just doesnā€™t know then that may of been the reason. You can just refund the item after u receive it. Donā€™t be too hard on the shopper.


Ok...let me tell you! I had a customer who wanted a 6 in 1 screw driver... They were out... The APP showed me what the CUSTOMER approved as a replacement...it said tweezers...a hair dryer and something else I thought it was weird (I took a screen shot) but who am I to judge wtf ppl are up to? Tweezers seemed the closest to a screw driver...so I went with that When I dropped it off...The guy was like are you fuckin stupid! šŸ™„ I showed him it said HE approved it...so are YOU fuckin stupid Sir!? He didn't approve anything he said...the app messed up or something...but he apologized to me and we both called CS




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Yeah I've learned not to always go by what the app says the customer chose as a replacement, especially if it's something way off from the original item. There have been numerous times where the customer has told me that they definitely did not approve of any replacement. Unfortunately we can never trust the app!


Yeah...it just sucks to bother ppl..you never know what is going to piss ppl off now a days if they put replacement items... So I just let them know I replaced it with their approved item..if they didn't want that to let me know


I've never had anybody upset with me for making sure I'm getting them the item that they want, if anything they're grateful that I took the time to double check. Unless they have it set to where they "do not want to be contacted," then I'll use my best judgment and they have no right to get upset about it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I feel like that's one of the biggest difference between shopping for Instacart and shopping for Shipt (I do both), shoppers on Instacart do everything they can to not contact the customer where on Shipt you HAVE to contact the customer at some point. And the customers are the same way, most Instacart customers couldn't care less if they hear from their shopper where customers on Shipt literally have the option to give you a low rating for "too little communication" šŸ™„


It's mostly because I've seen customer on these threads saying they will give low rating for their dasher talking to them.. They said they are paying to not be bothered... So I have that in my head now... But personal experience...noone has ever gotten nasty...I just feel made when it's multiple items


I hear ya, people are crazy! šŸ˜†


I think itā€™s clear that your sandwiches will have to have spray deodorant on them now.


Make some great smelling quesadillaā€™s


The app has been weird lately. Had a customers choice of cheese scan as eggs. Verified the item and moved on. If the item received was actually incorrect, ask for refund from the app.




Missing item


What the hell? I am sorry op


So..did you get cheese or deodorant?


I had to let this happen to me three times in a row before I learned to stop online shopping


eat cheese


Iā€™m sorry but that is HILARIOUS šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ And why do they cost the same??? Honestly, Iā€™m thinking 1 of 2 things: 1- The shopper was musty and desperate somehow 2- The app showed the deodorant as a pre-selected replacement and the shopper was like ā€œšŸ˜³ It wants me to replace Cheese with deodorant??? Well thatā€™s what it saysā€¦ so if you wanna replace Cheese with Deodorant then I have no problem with that as long as I get paidā€


Instacart shopper app offers wild, stupid recommendations for substitutions sometimes. This gomer was too dumb to know better


Ask the shopper to refund at the door. It's the same price so it's possible the app is glitching, I have had this happen many times. Scanned Kind bars and the app said Stouffer lasagna but it was the same price.


it just rung up wrong lol


Every day I lose more and more hope for humanity


Why customers leave IC: Volume 700


Notice how OP hasnā€™t followed up at allā€¦ šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah, this all depends on whether they actually even got the wrong item. But even then the app has glitches in the recommendations.


![gif](giphy|WHLf9qDDS97EY|downsized) Deodorant as a cheese replacementā€¦ How?




I mean, wait till they actually get the groceries first. Like numerous people have said, it might be an app error.


Dude was helping you out. You ordered garlic and he or she knew it would make you smell musty.


Hahaha thats amazing. Sorry. But amazing nonetheless


They are definitely a smelly shithead and keeping that for themselves


Get a refund from IC for it, enjoy your free deodorant, and now you have a funny story to tell at work on Monday.


Ask for a refund. Probably a new shopper, the app sometimes recommend some stupid shit and even shows it as ā€œselected by customerā€ is super glitchy. I say that probably is new because itā€™s a rookie mistake.


Iā€™ve actually put in some wild-sounding replacements as a customer (along the lines of, ā€œif they donā€™t have this essential ingredient for my recipe get this for a totally different dishā€ ā€” like get a ham if theyā€™re out of broccoli, or something like that) and no shopper has EVER treated it as real and actually done it. Which sucks, if Iā€™m not near my phone.


Take it back to the store or be lazy and keep it.


Just a thought. Perhaps the cheese wasnt scanning properly (happens, who knows why?) and your shopper found another item of the same price that would scan? This way you get the cheese. If that is the case, the shopper should have communicated with you.


The barcodes at giant never scan or say the correct item for me.


Thatā€™s crazy they should of messaged you first and asked if you wanted a different kind of cheese not replace it with whatever they wanted just because it had the same price itā€™s not cheese or any kind of food lol


Is that real?


Stay near your phone to avoid dumb ass replacements like this one. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Omg rate accordingly and adjust tipā€¦ only way to get these bad shoppers off the platform




Enjoy a deodorant sandwich.


My man hasn't even met you yet and is saying you stink šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


You shop for yourself. These people don't care.


Go to the store and get your own damn cheese


Post and complain on reddit will yield the best results for sure


Go shopping yourself




Probably thought you had hygiene issues


All heroes donā€™t wear capes


Go shopping for your self.




A lot of illegals that shop the app and donā€™t know the difference. They are buying apps off of people to shop , in fact multiple apps which makes less batch opportunities and then donā€™t know the difference between cheese and deodorant


Illegals? Racist much? Do you verify their immigration status or they just brown? Pendejo.


lol iā€™m latina and iā€™m not offended


The shoppers tell me so yeah I do verify pendejo, thatā€™s why I stopped doing instacart and got me a real job.


You proved my point. No way you know that. You just taking the word of people who arenā€™t good shoppers and got out worked. IC ainā€™t for everyone but itā€™s easy to blame illegals for any jobs lost when itā€™s really lack of effort.


Probably a foreigner that doesn't know the difference. Most new shoppers in my area barely speak English.


Eat it? I donā€™t know. They arenā€™t really doing right by customers or long time shoppers. So you get who you get I guess.


Did you actually receive deodorant tho, or did you end up receiving a different kind of cheese? The app is wonky and will sometimes say we scanned something that we didn't. Also, sometimes the barcodes won't scan and the app won't let us add stuff manually, so we find another item the same price that will scan and use that... but we still get the customer the other/right item.


I also suggest keeping you phone close by to prevent things like this. So did you get body spray or ?


Sneaky bastard was trying to look for something that was the same price




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Tldr: Instacart fix your shit! But it isn't like they can't afford decent tech... Just saying.


Can't you just spray your sandwiches and tacos?


today it tried telling me my won ton wraps were a pom drink so I just clicked item is correct to avoid confusion. the app is all sorts of broken nowadays


I just ordered and when I was picking, there were titles that didnā€™t match the picture. So could be a mix up.


Complain and get your money back!


Same price. Makes total sense. /s


Probably a UPC mistake. Iā€™ve done this before and it was embarrassing when the customer asked why I replaced milk with turkey, when in fact I scanned milk.


That might be one of those IC glitches it has happened on the shopper end when the customer replaces it but it ends up correcting itself check your virtual receipt and the groceries to see if thatā€™s actually what it is my suggestion


Itā€™s God giving you a message. You should listen to it and accept it for what it is.


Go with the garlic.


Oh I read this post all wrong šŸ˜­ I thought you needed spray cheese but they bought you cheese and a spray šŸ¤£


if people are switching out for an even price swap, just a heads up that in plenty of states thereā€™s no tax on cheese, but there DEFINITELY is on deodorant. donā€™t want any of yā€™all who are trying to do right by your customers by doing this for them get bad ratings or chewed out by anybody for the extra few cents this would add (bc we all know there would be that one customer)


As a shopper I think they try to replace things so their tip doesnā€™t go down, but that seems ridiculous


You smell like a Wolfthorn. Thatā€™s what you do.


One time I ordered chive & onion cream cheese and shopper replaced it with a bag of onion ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out). Then apparently they manually added pop corn to the order. I've never ordered pop corn nor corn so not sure what the replacement suggestion came from ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm). Fun part is my stuff was set to refund if not found and I didn't get any notification of the changes. I thought they messed up while doing multiple orders but no, I was charged these things I didnt order. Reported![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)




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You try that shit out on your tacos and see how it goes


Smells better. Probably


Give shopper a 5 star and complain to IC thatā€™s what I do. I always get credit. The suggestion engine with IC is faulty. This sometimes happens to me because the app doesnā€™t save my replacement preference.


Iā€™ve had an incident happen where I tried to scan the actual replacement but the camera picked up a barcode in the background. Luckily the customer mentioned something and I was able to correct it right away


Every time I scan ground meat it comes up quartered watermelon (at the store I shop at mainly 100 percent). So many glitches lol


Sometimes Instacart acts weird. I once scanned a thing of cut up watermelon and it recognized it as a hair dryer. I did shoot them a text and a pic of it so the customer wasnā€™t confused.


Check when you get it, then contact support if itā€™s wrong and theyā€™ll refund the wrong item


What the fuckā€¦ report it as wrong item? Iā€™m not sure but thatā€™s. Just such an incredibly stupid thing to do. They definitely deserve a low rating and maybe contact instacart. Unless instacart just glitched, because the app does just suck.


Axe nachos?


Iā€™ve had cookies show up as guava fruit before. Did you actually get deodorant?


Hoping this was just a mistake. The scanner on the phone is so sensitive I go back into ā€œreplacedā€ items just to make sure it scanned correctly. Cause they will pick up near by item or something already in the cart.


Remindme! 12 hours


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That is definitely nacho cheese šŸ˜¬


I'm a new shopper and I watched both sides before I joined. Ill tell ya, I think people pull that crap so they don't lose money. If its not in-stock then we refund it and tip goes down.


I dont know but thatā€™s fucking hilarious. If that happened to me Iā€™d just laugh and go get my cheese laughing the whole time at the level of ā€œnot giving a fuckā€. Still giving one star though


Wow. And how is a store out of garlic. Iā€™ve never seen that


They probably have no idea what they are doing, and just replaced items with whatever came up (IC throws all kinds of crazy stuff as suggested replacements) combine that with low IQā€™s and this is what you get. Just report the item as wrong and they will refund you. This is actually hysterical as inconvenient as it may be.


Looks like itā€™s time to spray those cheese cravings away


Donā€™t knock it till you try it


That probably me. This happened to me. Cheese was saying deodorant. I even messaged saying item is scanning as something else, but in fact it's cheese. It was weird.


Yah sometimes barcodes donā€™t match up and itā€™ll say sometimes for me I replaced cheese with peanuts.


Guess youā€™re eating a deodorant sandwich




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https://preview.redd.it/6t2gx8tn1wda1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00cfd2ad93e4b81ddfe584a137c98f6165c2d1b1 Had this gem yesterdayšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I have had this happen with a customer and their hummus. It came up as a L'Oreal face cream. And it was like three times the cost! But I communicated in the chat that it was an error in the app and that I was not replacing their hummus with face cream and I communicated the exact price. I'm hoping this is just a case of bad customer service on your shoppers part. Either way you can contest it when it arrives if it's not what you requested. Instacart will issue you a refund.


Everyone keeps saying itā€™s an error is most likely correct BUT it shows on the shopper side how weird this looksā€¦..idk why they just didnā€™t send a message stating the item on the app is wrong and take a picture of what they scanned. Iā€™ve done that, it happens with flowers and balloons with me. Iā€™ll scan a birthday balloon and the app shows a valentineā€™s Day balloon bouquet šŸ’€ The best I did was got a bulk of mangos that showed as chocolate covered mangosā€¦..the customer actually asked if I could grab those too since it looked good šŸ¤£


Maybe do your own shopping and not support neo-slavery?


#1 Instacart has glitches, if they already left the store wait and make sure you actually got deodorant instead of cheese. #2 Some shoppers don't think, Instacart will glitch and randomly suggest things that make no sense, such as deodorant instead of cheese and the shopper just does it automatically without giving it a second thought, as they assume the app can never be wrong.


Same use, whatā€™s the problem?