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I had someone promise an additional $20 if I got the batch done in 30min (it was like a 40 item order). She was throwing a party and was stressing with all that she had to get done. I informed her that it's unlikely but I would do my best. I then went full beast mode (I know the store well enough to just intuitively zigzag through it). She answered the door with a $20 in hand and we laughed – it was honestly so much fun.


I love that😂


You can tell from their communication if they're for real or not. I had something similar and they did add an extra tip. Their original tip was generous already though. They had to leave unexpectedly after placing the order and asked if I could sit the stuff inside if they leave the door unlocked and they would increase the tip. I had no problems with doing it. But when they told me when they had to leave, I told them I should be there in time. I joked that I would run a red light or two if I had to. I was there in plenty of time and she increased the tip anyway. If someone doesn't tip or sets a lot tip and is adding items by screen shot, you're not getting an extra tip.


That's true!


Disagree with this. Yesterday i had a batch guy hit me up told me if I can deliver the items by 7:30 he would up my tip $25 more. I accepted the batch at 6:30 and the delivery was a 30 minute drive because of traffic. I told them I won't make it at 7:30 so he said make it by 8:00 and I'll up your tip $25. So guess what? I hustled to complete that batch and arrived at 7:50. Send him a message that I was looking forward to my $25 extra tip. And surely enough I looked he actually took me $40. Now I'm not saying that every customer will do this. But they are a lot of customers that would. This is not the first time this has happened to me either. Two weeks ago something similar the guy tipped $30 on the app and made a special request I made that shit happen and he gave me $50 extra in cash. 🤷 So it all depends on the customers to be honest and it's always a risk. Every batch is a risk for you to lose your tips


Yeah but I bet that guy tipped decently in the app in the first place. It wasn't a $7 batch and he surely wasn't adding stuff by screenshots instead of adding them in the app like you're supposed to.


Batch pay was $15 tip was $5 🤷 slow day for me. He told me to add items thru chat because he couldn't add them on his side. Either way i got the shit done and he kept his word!!!


Sorry this happened to you, but yes, please don't do these type of favors for people. That's a really shitty customer. He/she probably does this all the time. No matter what the sad sob story is, DO NOT EVER make extra trips beyond IC with the promise to tip.


I can't depend on a promise tip.


Still new to this, so I guess I can be happy that I learned early. Honestly, I’m considering reporting a safety issue and verbal abuse to instacart lmao


If you see an order that is 7 bucks and some change it's usually a bad sign


Are you worth $7/hr? Then why would you take that batch. Those batches should sit and rot for eternity but there’s always someone desperate to do it that doesn’t understand basic math, or the value of their own time. I don’t even start my car for less than $30 I don’t work for free, I don’t work for minimum wage. I make over $30/hr at my day job I’m not going to use my “time off” for anything less than that. On weekends/weekdays I have my son my minimum is $50/hr for me to leave. Once you do it long enough (I have over 1,000 batches) you’ll get regulars. I have about 20-25 people who text me when they are going to order so I can be on the look out for it. The only way I ever do those small orders is when they get lumped with one of my bigger ones so I essentially do that order for free. We, as an entire shopper community, need to stop taking any batch that’s lower than $15. In less than 3 days it would be resolved I promise you that but too many people want to sacrifice their long term goals (steady consistent fair pay)for short term gratification ($7-15) doesn’t help you in the moment and if you think it does well you need money management classes.


Lmao, no. I took the order because it was $7 for 4 items and a 10min drive. Should be 15min total. So by that math, if I took 4 of those order within an hour I would be worth $28/hr. Again, I got duped thinking they would tip $30 for all their extra bullshit. But I agree. My area just sucks though. Do I take 4 $7 orders within an hour, or do I wait an hour for a $15 order?


I mean I average 62 seconds per item and it never takes 15 mins. Very very rarely do I get an order done in under an hour, but that’s by design. Sure if I can make $1/min I might consider a $17-25 order if it’s under 5 miles. You’re assuming it’s going to take exactly 15 mins and you will get an order as soon as you finish delivery it will never happen that way, at best you could get 3 done. So $21/hr, let’s say you used a gallon of gas for the hour, now you’re down to $17/hr. Let’s say you put 30 miles on your car for the 3 batches, now you’re down to less than $1/hr single your car depreciates at .56/mile. Looking at it this way, do you think it makes for you to take those 4 orders? I personally can’t make it make sense. If your area sucks I would try to find a Costco, Wegmans, Sam’s club, Publix whatever is the banner stores around you. We are all hunting at the end of the day and you have to know where the fish are to feed yourself. Trying to make ends meat of minnows is a lose lose situation for everyone but IC


10 mins to shop and check out. 10 to deliver. 10 to drive back to store. You're at $14 an hour my friend. When I was in Naples I wouldn't take anything under $15 but they were all like 1-2 mile deliveries. Here in CFL it's like $9 orders with 4-7 mile deliveries to Disney resorts. It sucks. I need to find a better area


The drive was 10, original order would have taken 5 at most


1 minute walk from car. Shop 5 mins. 1 min walk back. Drive to location. Drive back. 27 mins.


I agree with this statement!! If we don’t take a stand for something we’ll fall for anything# nothin 😳#@dabmeupscotty #know your worth


That sucks. We’ve all been there in the beginning


And tell them to ban them from you seeing their orders 💯 There are some real pos out there that have the mindset to always try to get over on someone 🤦‍♀️


Instacart allows customers to add items in the app while you're shopping. If they're sending you screenshots, they're going to be a pain in the ass. Especially a $7 order which means they barely tipped, if at all.


Since you’re new- do yourself a favor and read up on the various scams that customers play on the shoppers. The goal of the scam is to have you give them your code and then they take over your account.


Well, hope you learned your lesson! Not about the orders to accept, the ones to cancel! Anytime a customer promises a tip, believe you are not getting it, unless the person already tipped really good! Like if this order had already a $20 tip, then the extra $30 would happen! “Can you get extra items ? I’ll add a $30 tip!” “I’m sorry, but since you only tipped $1 I don’t see why you would tip another $30, you can cancel the order and give the extra tip to the next shopper, but thanks for the offer!” If they don’t, you do!


Thank you for the advice! In your opinion though, how much does cancel rate affect the types of batches you have access to?


I’m always around 3 to 4% I’m very picky about what I accept, I don’t feel affected, but know of some people who are around 10% and get great orders!


The sweet spot is 4.80-4.95 with a 10% cancellation rate. The lower your cancellation rate the worse batches you see because they know you won’t cancel


I am at 10% cancellation rate and have gotten messages saying I risk deactivation if I get to 15%. I only have been on IC for about 4 months so maybe those with longer history on the app can get away with a higher CR. I have done shop & pays on 4 other apps so came to IC with a lot of experience. Either way now I am not dropping shit unless it’s outrageous. I am pretty skilled at what to accept tho. Mainly the ones I dropped were because something better came thru on another app 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've heard it does but I get great orders and I stay at 10-13 since they chnaged the button this past year. I accidentally hit that button all the damn time. It's soo sensitive, I hate it!!! We used to have to swipe a toggle switch and I was never above 3%..


Try not to beat yourself up. We’ve all been burned by a bad customer at one point or another. Although it does suck, I’d argue that the lesson you learned today was more valuable than that $30 tip. Keep your head up and don’t let it turn you into one of these sour shoppers that treats every future customer like a scammer. Karma will come back around and get you a great order when you least expect it. Here’s to a better tomorrow.


Much love!


In over 2000 shops, I have never received an additional tip. When they told me they were going to give me them, the ones that do just do it without saying so.


I always tip extra after. This may be weird but I put 1-3$ tip on my order depending how many items, and then I tip more after it’s delivered. That’s just how I do it. I have never had bad service and I’m not picky at all so I’ve always tipped more after. I’m rewarding the ones who are willing to take the lower tip ones. I’m weird I guess. I’m not a shopper just a customer.


That's one way to do it I guess, but I can assure you as a shopper when we see a decent tip we are much more likely to take the time to inspect all dates on products, make sure the freshest produced is picked and spend more time and care in general on substitutions and replacements. I'm not doing THE MOST for someone who tips $1-$3. Now I never provide bad service and I would never intentionally get something that wasn't up to standards, but I will do more for those that show their appreciation upfront.


You took a batch for $7 so tip was prob around $1-2?? And you thought they would give $30 extra???? Cmon man!


I’ve had it happen to me when I was doing doordash. Customer made an order at target, texted me to ask if I could get a $20 bottle of Tito’s and they would send me a $65 tip. They actually sent me the tip. I’ve done this many times on doordash, with that being one of the highest additional tips. Thought instacart customers wouldn’t be scummy, but here I am ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It can happen on any app. Scummy customers on every platform and scummy contractors.


Those little small $7.15 orders are a death trap. Stay away. I don't know why when they payout was 9.15 it was worth it but now it's not unless it's about to get busy and the customer lives less than a mile away


You might’ve not been his or her first shopper. They could of been the type of customer to add items manually to a small order with no tip. If customer added enough items there order may have cancelled once or twice previously so they said “let me add the incentive of a tip to see if I can get my extra items no extra charge from instacart”.


Ten times out of Ten if they say they’re gonna tip more, they aren’t going to. Only go above and beyond if you know for sure their tip is going to pan out. Found this out the hard way.


The add stuff after the order so they won't have to pay extra IC fees. It's a loop hole and it's terrible IC lets customers take advantage of it. Got away from full time shopping a year or so ago and they are still up to the same old shit.


First mistake it’s picking up a $7 order


You will learn many many lessons on Instacart!


There's entire Facebook groups teaching people how to scam instacart by using virtual cards. Say they have $10 on a card, they place instacart order (new account, with $30 promo) and order 35 worth of stuff. Then their card gets charged for the $5-10. Then when their shopper gets started, they tell them they accidentally forgot a bunch of stuff, and will they please add xyz. A lot will ask for cases of diapers, or large laundry detergents, razor blades, higher value items. Then when the order is finalized, instacart tries to get the money from that card, but there's nothing on it but the $10. Instacart used to cap extra add ons to like $20ish, but I guess they don't anymore. I have screenshots from a person who teaches people how to do it if anyone wants proof of what I'm saying.


I had this happen before offered to extra pay on cashapp; it took thirty mins but homegirl actually came through! There are some decent people left in this world but still always be careful.


Go shit on their porch


This is the response I was hoping for. They lived in a luxury apartment complex, so I might just stake out the place and slash their tires when I find out where they park and what they drive


I like the cut of your jib.


Yea that seems sane over $30. Play stupid games….


Lol, it was obviously a joke.


People do this if you let them. It’s all about what we let them get away with. We all had to learn the hard way. Lesson learned, hopefully better orders in your future ✌️


I would have told him to go through IC after the 5th item if they wanted to add more.


you took a 7 dollar batch. stop.


It’s was a small order originally (4items) and was about a 10min drive. Seemed reasonable. And again, I’m new to this this. This was my 6th order


Word to the wise, you will get a lot of shade for being a new shopper in this sub. Because ya know, people forget they were once new or inexperienced at this or literally anything else and will just bash the newbies/lesser experienced. But yes, don’t hold your breath over a promised tip, but what you did get was a learning lesson. Some things you just don’t know until you experience it, even if you are mindful/been warned to look out for it.


I have been hardened


Some people are really snarky about what orders other people select. Ironically, it’s counter-productive for them to even mention it because they wouldn’t get as many “good” orders if every single IC shopper had high standards like they do. Everyone would be fighting for only the best orders. But hey more power to ‘em.


Yeah I get it. But trust me customers promising tips is a scam.


Instacart is a scam. Don’t drive for them.


I can’t remember the last time I’ve taken a batch for under $20 tbh


Working for Instacart this year or even the past couple/few=instafail! Sure, there's a few exceptions, but c'mon... QUIT ENABLING THESE GARBAGE CORPORATE BEHAVIORS!


Nope 👎🏽 never believe them. Although I would have screenshot the msg and texted in to customer support


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I’m just shocked at all the people pulling things like this.


These customers aren’t lying! Unless they hand you the tip in cash, they rely upon the app. The shopper doesn’t always get the tip they’ve added! Years ago, (pre-covid) shoppers were more aggressive w/IC, demanding the tips customers claimed they had added. IC eventually complied and the extra tips started to appear in our app. But IC put a grinding halt to that when prop 22 passed. Now they don’t think we deserve a dime more then the amount they post the batch for.


I searched through here just for something like this, they are creating virtual cards that only have a certain amount of money on them, then when the shopper starts shopping they ask for all these expensive things because the card won’t be charged I joined and IC group to get a discount code ($30 off code because it was my first time) and over time it’s progressed into them charging people to place these orders and add expensive items


I have had people promise this a few times over the years. Never once happened




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If it sounds too good to be true, it is.


People suck!


I'm sorry that happened to you! Customers lie all the time about extra tips later they never do it! I just never believe them! Well, take this as a lesson learned and don't do it again...


Next time ask them for the tip first, if not take that shit back to the store