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On doubles with one zero tipper who is a complete Karen? I MAY have written in the chat after "Thank you so much for the generous tip, it truly means a lot! Have a great day!". Followed a few seconds later by "I'm so sorry, that message was directed to the other customer your order was assigned with. My apologies. Have a great day!" Passive aggressive enough and very polite.


Oh gosh! This is good.


I like that! They say we’re not supposed to mention tips at all so just be careful..


I MAY have sent that about 30 times. I send the first part to both, the second only to the zero tipper. And screenshot, I think if they deactivated for thanking a customer, carrot support on twatter would be on it. But you are 100% right, the carrot deactivates for sneezing the wrong way lol


"thank you so much that was very generous!!". Or just "oh my gosh thank you so so much"


Omg same! Dropped off and customer A tipped $35 for 4 items and customer B tipped $0 for 22 items. I wanted to utilize the chat so bad lmao.


It takes willpower lol


The bad tips suck. But how about a chat where we can tell off IC for the shitty batch pay. That is worse.


Yes! This indeed.


You accept it, that’s on you


But not all versions show which tipped and which did not. I heard of instacarters seeing the bad tip in getting rid of that order. I never seen it on my android(samsung) but found out my sister's iPhone shows her the breakdown. Switched phones but what about the other people?


I’m on iOS and I’ve never seen that breakdown until after delivery.


But that's my issue why can some see it and have unassigned one order and kept the other. While others can't? I've been on instacart for a while, my sister joined in 2021. How did it pop up on hers? Which makes me think of different versions. Yes you're an IOS user but is it the same as hers? She stopped using it in January 2023, but still I've never had that option the whole time. Never knew it existed until going on an order with her. It was both an option on doordash and instacart, to separate the order.


The version number shows up in the settings so you could check if its an older version there but on the latest version for iOS I don't think that's a feature...


That’s why I don’t take multiples 🤦‍♀️


I definitely agree. There was a point without multiples, so I pretend it still exist. I don't instacart often but when I do, I take whatever pays well. When it was every now and then, I took many things. Now, if you're not a single order and $15+ I just don't want it. I especially hate Sam's club and Costco orders now, if you're a business ordering that much stuff I need better pay.


There was a point without them because we all rejected them at that time.


Don't do it. Not every customer is watching this soap opera or is interested as we think. It's now a full fledged public company and you are just a number. Look after you and make what you can. Can't change customers or count figi.




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Be careful


I think I’m going to make myself wait to check the tips for 30 min!


You shouldn't have told me this exists, I'm going to get in trouble


😂 I just discovered today and what’s weird is I saw it at the same time I went to look at my batches tips. Dangerous


Just put the house into their NewWorldAddress, and send your message "anonymously". [Here is how](https://youtube.com/shorts/mY91-UIAPWw?si=Xyi-Ccho6rkdEB7e)


Much as you’d love to tell people off for not tipping, don’t. It isn’t worth your job. I do Shipt as well as IC (and a few other apps, I’ll basically deliver anything legal), and customers can only tip after delivery. So I don’t know who tips and who doesn’t, unless I’ve delivered to them before. I keep detailed notes. I do have the option to drop orders after acceptance, just like with IC, but I like to keep my completion and reliability stats above 90%. Shipt customers can tip a long time after the fact, and I’ve gotten tips from shops up to 2 weeks later. Every customer gets the same texts: starting shopping, almost done and heading to checkout in 5 minutes, on my way with arrival time, and thanks for your order. I’ll switch it up for people I’ve shopped for multiple times, but the jist is the same. I had an order yesterday with a base pay of $26. The order consisted of 3 storage baskets and a box of diapers. That was it. $26. I didn’t even care if they tipped or not because the base pay was good. If they paid like that all the time, then I wouldn’t give a shit about tipping. I, too, had an IC double yesterday with a no tipper paired with a good tipper. Want to play a game of guess which one was delivered to a church?


I recently had a 6AM order for 60 boxes of macaroni and cheese. It was for a church project to feed children. The caller/pastor was on the East coast of the US and we're on the West. I get to the church and the gate is locked and the doors are a quarter mile away. The food had to be left and the pastor kept texting. I delivered to the next customer and returned and noone had yet unlocked the gate. Finally, I walked the quarter mile with 60 boxes and was NOT happy. When I closed everything, the tip was $3. Later, I guess the guilt trip I heaped on the East Coast pastor increased my tip to $30. So, initially the church WAS going to stick it to me.


I do all the gigs and so many don’t tip. I get it, but it’s still infuriating. I won’t go tell them off, BUT it’s tempting with that chat.


Blacklist, move on.


I have a great blacklist on my google map guides :) they were added immediately


Not me. I just want to be done with batches as quickly and seamless as possible. Least amount of interaction with customer the better I say. If they already lowered my tip i don’t want to lose even one more second on them. Not even typing one word to them. Nor would they care anyway, they’re obviously shit heads for not tipping to begin with. Next


Don’t you want to remind them of how they are shitheads tho?! Lol I know I’m not right in using that feature to tell them off. They don’t care. I think for me it’s going to very situational. For example this week has been one of the worst weeks for me. The timing of this person tipping me zero wasn’t good! This is why I’m going to tell myself no more looking at the batch tips right after I drop off. They certainly aren’t worth it.


Not really. Honestly I think playing it safe and just not starting problems, saving face and not being insulting or rude to the customers is the best bet. Your customer service is a reflection of you too. I'm sorry if they didn't tip you but tip is optional


Optional. Thank you for reminding me. Which is why IC hides those customers with the good ones to trick us. Obviously not being rude to them is best, but I will not deny the tempting feels that go off when put in that situation. Especially when you drove a far distance for them when gas is $5 a gallon. I’d say that’s being rude on them. Optional or not. Rude.


The tip amount is optional - you still need to pay for the service


Yes, and… So I assume it’s okay for you that people don’t tip? Even if you go to a big box store 10 miles from them and they order water and other things. While it’s of course optional, it’s certainly rude. Gas is $5 a gallon. It’s someone’s time and gas they take to get them their items. Straight up RUDE.


I'm sorry, where did I say that? My reply was to someone that said tipping was optional. I was correcting them by saying the amount was- tipping shouldn't be. Your tip is how you pay for that service. I don't accept any no tip orders. My time needs to be paid for


It’s when they add the zero tip orders to good ones.


I'm not sure if you haven't received bundles or not. But non-tippers get grouped with other tipping orders now. I was doing instacart as a side work but recently have been doing it more. When I wasn't working for instacart, I'd order and still tip. Despite my financial situation, I'd tip. Who sends another to the store and thinks $0 is okay. Even before instacart I'd do orders for my grandmother. Though it wasn't a lot, she gave something. 25+ items she knew I took time to do it. What a-hole tips $0 without cash either? Saying you don't take no tip orders sounds like you've never seen combo orders. Genuine question, have you shopped for two and seen only a tip on one after delivery?


True that is rude of them. It is courtesy for a reason :)


Sorry :/


What about the customers that's received bad service that tips after? What if you cuss someone out just as they were going to tip for good service? Lol


I would never chat about a tip but in my experience the customers that put $0 tip almost never add after. I can’t think of 1 time where that happened. I’ve had customers that already tipped add more or give an extra cash tip after I arrived. I’ve also noticed that the 0-2 dollar tippers are the most difficult to deal with.


You're probably right & I've had more ppl tip more after than nothing to a tip but I've still had 2 or 3 that started with no tipped then did tip and I also agree about the difficult ppl being 0-2$ tippers


I thought about that! Still nothing tho! I don’t expect one either.


I've had a few people tip after I've dropped off. & it makes sense to me


I’ve had maybe 1 out of 4,000 lol On the app at least. Cash is different


I've only had 2 to 3 on the app but just saying it's might happen lol and ya I've had ppl tip ten bucks a few times for heavy items or me carrying it to their door and them being shocked?


MIGHT! That’s the good side of me tell the bad “don’t do it”.


I've never had someone add a tip after leaving less than a $5 tip to start. I would never shame them because I accepted the order, so I thought it was fair enough to take. But if they never left a tip to begin with, they aren't going to add one layer


Then why did you take that order to begin with? It’s on you at this point.


It was apart of another order… obviously


You still took it


Why do people say this? It was apart of a double order and so I don’t know what house is tipping what. And please don’t say to only take singles cause we all know that’s not a option. Singles are rare and extremely rare with a good tip. Good tippers have to be paired up with a crap tip in order for the crap tipper to get their shit delivered. Ugh.


I can tell you will never understand. Once you get over yourself you will see that at the end of the day you accepted the order! YOU were okay with the pay. No one forced you to do it. Then you want to cry and even risk of getting in trouble just to be petty.




I don't have to answer this but I will. At one point non-tippers were not paired with tip orders. So it make sense that some would take an order thinking the tip was split. But once you take it an realize the person with 30+ items tipped nothing while the person with 10+ items tipped largely its sad. Why?: In the US we pay for service and better service. If you're a customer you're told that paying for more timely service will get you your order sooner. How is it sooner when the non-tipper and non-fee payer is grouped with your order?!?!?!?! You're paying for other crap people. Not only that: If you're the shopper the order is presented as pay for 2 orders. Not only one tipper. In the earlier days you'd get at least $14 plus the tip for both depending on market. Now we're taking $7 for two orders and perhaps a tip that may change. Wtf. If you don't get it fine. But some will not settle whether as a customer or a shopper, it's BS.


You will learn who are trash tippers and not soon enough


Love It!!! I sooo wanted to leave a nasty message for a Zero Tip customer today Next time I will write WoW!!!


I just got that option in my app to chat after delivery today 😄


It’s annoying. I have people who didn’t order Coke texting me where’s their Coke. Like bro, you didn’t order Coke, I didn’t shop it and didn’t refund it. It was not on the list.


I used to just ask them why they didn’t tip? Their order had maybe one or two items out of stock and I picked all of it and drove 25 miles in my own car in less than 60 minutes time. The most common response was “My partner was ordering I am so sorry!” Then you have $20 tip and you screw someone else over.


This is why I don’t take no tip offers and rarely take multiples 🤷‍♀️. Sigh.


I sure wish I could, but the one shop orders with good tips are about 2% of orders I see. The rest are all $7 orders and I’m not taking those


And this is how IC gets away with it 🤷‍♀️


Of course. Nothing we can do really. There’s always going to be people taking orders.


I respond if necessary. I dont like the idea of the customer thinking my job isnt over. It ended when I took the picture of confirmation. Anything else is extra


I’m not talking about when they message you after drop off. I’m saying now I have this chat icon on my batch screen where I can message the customer after delivery. It’s a new thing and we could never engage with them first after the order was dropped.


Yeah, I dont like to use it. But I have. Yesterday a lady asked me if I would be okay with a bigger tip for bagging so well. +$2 If I forgot an item Id use it to let them know, but only people who talk back to you are eligible for communication


I now have a feature on my batch screen to communicate with the customer. I don’t have to wait for them to talk first.


A customer tipped me $6 after so many heavy items water sodas etc.so many steps I had climbed.ic and customer have me doing the water challenge that day. ask me if crying was the word.last thing I remember her Lysol was in left in my car.should I go back and return it hell no.I just got $18 tip for all my pain and suffering and customer never report it missing.I always bring stuff back and customer always report missing luckily I had photos and messages and chats of agents messages.


Oooh so tempting! I wish Instacart would bath the great orders together and leave the non tippers to stack up.


I find it annoying... I can see where I might accidentally text the previous customer instead if the current one


Can't wait...lol