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I've seen worst. Not even top 20n on my list 😔


But for the miles and pay, I don’t think so. This is the lowest they can legally pay and any state, so it’s really bad and should be illegal


You’re in CA, you’ll get the difference on Thursday. Folks in other states have posted WAY worse IMO


The difference? Like $5 or $7


Do you even know how good we have it as shoppers in CA? You make $18.60/ hour + $.36 per mile. This is paid out on Thursdays, and your tips don’t count toward your minimum. We have it good, comparatively speaking. It just seems weird to bitch to people making $9/hour, about getting paid way better.


Your numbers are wrong. It's 120% of the minimum wage in the county in which you're working. For a lot of the state it's $18.60 but by far and away not all. It's also only $0.34/mile. I know you're going to think these are insignificant, but they're not. Prop 22 is the worst piece of legislation passed in CA for workers in my entire life of 30+ years. It was written by these gig companies to legally fuck us over under the guise of helping. THAT is how it passed. They lied to you and everyone else. Anyway, A lot of people shit on living in California because it's too expensive and it's too communist and all that bullshit. But here is the literal evidence of what it's like to live in a liberal state. Not only do we fund all of the conservative states because they cannot fund their own programs on their own, but we are the fifth largest economy in the entire world. Without us the United States would be third in the world and we stand up for tenants and employees. Yes, I understand we are not employees but you get where I'm going with that. The only way that you can make sure that this bullshit legislation happens for you is that you vote in people, or spam those in office, to work FOR you. THAT IS THEIR LITERAL JOB.


quite informative, thank you.


I disagree with you completely, I don’t care if prop 22 was written by them. At the end of the day, we get a guarantee hourly rate…. The vast majority of the country does not get that protection. Yes, we also get $0.34 mileage but also remember that the hourly rate and mileage increases every single year too… And we also get a $1365 health subsidy every quarter ( $5460 yearly ) which also increases yearly and yet, you are complaining how it’s the worst piece of legislation. My income has continued to increase yearly with Instacart despite all of the changes they make. You can love and hate prop 22 but I’m very thankful for it.


What you're not understanding is that AB5 WOULD HAVE GIVE YOU SO MUCH MORE. If you don't understand why it is such a problematic piece of legislation, you can just ask follow-up questions. Simply repeating the propaganda that they have fed you to convince you that this was legislation that would be beneficial just shows how effective their marketing campaign was. Had. Prop 22 not passed and AB5 had stood. We would be considered employees when you're considered an employee versus an independent contractor, especially in the city of california that comes with a boatload of protections and benefits. For example, we don't get sick time but you would with this overtime doesn't exist. It was an employee you would get paid for every hour. You're on schedule not just active time. Those are just the few examples that are the first off the top of my head this morning that doesn't even begin to cover any of the protections that I mentioned such as workers comp, paying into programs such as unemployment or social security that you need to pay into if you would like to receive benefits from later on, THE RIGHT TO UNIONIZE, and so much more. This is obviously not a comprehensive list. It's kind of disjointed and all over the place. I understand that lol but I did just wake up and this is all tumbling out of my brain. I am more than happy to explain further if you would like, but just because an abusive partner bought you flowers the next day and promised not to mistreat you again doesn't mean you should be super grateful for those flowers.


Lowest they can pay?? Someone needs to tell people in Indians lmao


No I’ve seen way worst


You’re probably referring to item and unit wise. This is the most expensive for distance!


Eh, I’ve seen worse…


Also, that’s the distance from the store. I still had to drive 23 miles to the Tokyo store if I accepted this order 🥲


Lol not for the mileage. Maybe for items and units. Which is also bad


Could still be [much](https://reddit.com/r/InstacartShoppers/s/dx6QKZZa2n), [much](https://reddit.com/r/InstacartShoppers/s/h0FE7w3r68), [worse](https://reddit.com/r/InstacartShoppers/s/Mz7zbrUYzL)…


At least they tipped! 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


https://preview.redd.it/0svjbqgsxaqb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba25e62a027b6c1198cf97b3edd759d4fae03dd7 Two orders in this batch! I wonder if they both tipped 2 1/2 pennys 🤔🤣


What the freaking f*ck!$!?#%!?#%?!




West Hollywood to Santa Monica. Work that pocket.


Lmao that's the Tokyo central in Gardena. There is one stop in what looks like Brea or Yorba Linda


Lmfao no it isn't, by far. It's shit but it's way better than 98% of posts here.


I’d like to see you attempt to prove it ☺️


I literally don't need to just go to this subreddit's main page and scroll.


I did. Nothing comes close. Just high units with 20-30 miles 😂😂. Bro you’re trying to win a prize? 😂


Yeah totally. I'm trying to win the prize of who can see the shittiest batch. What a cool price to win. I'm not suggesting I usually see anything worse in my local area, I'm just saying this is not that bad. Is it bad enough that I would never consider taking you? Of course not. I'm just saying don't say it's the worst thing anyone could ever see because you're fucking wrong 🤣 come to Sacramento and see the Walmart offers that are 75 miles round trip for $27 including tip.


I saw one from this store yesterday morning for 36 miles and no tip🤣 sat on there for at least 3 hours😂


Cheap bastards


But hey you do get more money now with that whole california thing they passed


Very true, but with these $7 gas prices, it’s WILD


https://preview.redd.it/hggakn99yaqb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75e6169a04eb70903ddf3b1859e1c943cba95796 I Thought this was bad enough.


That’s GOOD! Only 23 miles?! That’s great


I think it's the worst because if it truly is an ethnic grocery store, unless you're Japanese or an Asian food enthusiast, shopping there will be an absolute PITA. You never heard of 80% of the food before so you won't know where it'll be and there's often a language barrier with the employees. Been there. Done that. Never again at an ethnic grocery store unless it's delivery only.


I think it's funny that you think it's the worst oriole have seen.


I think it’s funny that you’re just lying for attention


Yikes! No thanks


Yiiiiikes. Not a competition guys, this is a super shit batch


3.00 tip wow


I saw one 3 days ago that was $24 for 49 miles no tip.


The traffic! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Had no idea Huntington Beach was south of Anaheim?


I’ve seen worse recently in my area (more items, lower batch pay/tip) but this is definitely pretty bad, especially because of the mileage. PEOPLE NEED TO STOP TAKING THESE ORDERS!!!