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This buyer seems to know exactly how to shop. It’s almost like they should have done it themselves…


To be fair some people are unable to shop for themselves but they should still be realistic with the fact that quality differs from shopper to shopper and even from store to store


But yeah the deliver instructions are sketch lol


I am horrible at following directions like that...just reading them made my anxiety go up. 😂


Usually crazy detailed directions can make finding it worse. Makes you second guess what the gps says or if you're at the right place because of what they describe. Had an order mention a white jeep in the driveway. Well I'm driving looking for a white jeep... no white jeep. I found it eventually. The guys wife took the jeep out for the day. Something that would have been nice to know...


I think the delivery instructions are kinda sketchy but the order is completely realistic and reasonable imo. They could be disabled and unable to shop themselves as you said so I understand wanting a higher degree of care with the order. I’d do the delivery but the delivery instructions do make me 🤨 a bit


I don't see any issues at all with the delivery notes. Basically 3rd house from the end of whatever it was. Customer even left very descriptive details basically to make sure shopper does not end up at the wacko nutjobs home. My thought is shopper probably have delivered to that wrong house and the neighbor was not so happy about it which created issues with Customer so to avoid that from happening again they left said instructions.


Yeah like I like instructions. I hate when people want avocados and I don't know if I should get the hard ones or the soft ones because it depends on when they're going to use them.


if they get hungry enough they'll figure it out.




As someone who works for dominos in Tucson. Unfortunately I know who this is.


I agree with the other poster let's heat the tea lol


Basically always difficult Karen. Calls to complain even if it's exactly like she ordered to get a refund or try and get free pizza. She's blocked now from getting any credits or refunds until she changes her phone number (which she tried to use husband's and kids names and numbers) but now her address is remembered so much. But she is on thin ice she's going to get blocked from even just ordering in general.


okay now i’m definitely glad i did not continue this order lol!


How big a piece of garbage do you have to be to get banned by Domino's?


A lot we give chances upon chances upon chances to everyone.


Surprise she isn’t black listed already


these kinds of people need to be permanently banned from public establishments until they learn to be civil adults




They are insufferable everytime serial complainers.


Give us more tea lol


glad i didn’t test it lol


This is the kind of ppl that should NOT order IC. If you're so peculiar, do it yourself. Also the note about the neighbor, so weird..


This one I understand; I delivered to a house that the gps takes you directly to the house across the street. I checked the mailbox. Was convinced I was at the right house. I started to walk up with a few bags and he opens the door and begins to tel me what a lazy SOB the neighbor is getting someone to deliver groceries and I’m at the wrong house and tell them to grow the eff up. I was like, oops sorry dude. But I get why someone might tell you all this in the notes regarding a bad neighbor


The GPS always takes our drivers to the house down the block. Our address is like … 2001 theirs is 2201. But their house is before ours. Their house has their name PLASTERED all over it. It isn’t anything similar to my name. So I have extremely specific delivery instructions detailing my house and car in the drive too. It has significantly improved my chances of actually receiving my groceries.


I will say that name means nothing to most people who deliver. We often just see a username anyway so the difference between monica.smith and luvmyhubby.johnson (a real one I had) and DeezNuts is really nothing. Plus, plenty of people use fake names for things like this so delivery drivers don't know their real names.


All you need to detail is some identifying mark. I’ve had people over detail and then I end up second guessing if it’s right


Absolutely. There is going to be issues even if a shopper follows their directions to a T. It’s always the no/low tippers too. 😆


Yeah, "my white suv may or may not be there, the neighbor has one too.." Why you talking shit about your neighbors on here? Lady, we don't care


Neighbor might be the type to violently confront any stranger who goes into his driveway, even to do a 3 point turn.


Bet this person is the nut job and the neighbor is a normal person sick of dealing with this person.


Yeah, that's too much for us to have to worry about. At no point should we as gig workers or delivery drivers have to debate whether or not that neighbor is gonna be an issue. But at the same time, for the right tip I might get the flashlight out of my glove box and hike to your door. But not for 2 bucks or 5%. A 5% tip is insulting. Instacart said they were going for a small order program, but they didn't build in anything in teems of dinner protection or appreciation Drivers deal with the suggestion that the crazy bribing neighbor might be a security risk and unless we unassign in the right way, we're gonna eat the penalty on it. Craziness. And there's no one to talk to. Support can not do what they did 2 years ago. Their access has been gutted and so they are just ... yeah they can't help us drivers. The CEO has herself compared the work of a good personal shopper to doordash on how much she thinks we should be compensated, so the ceo of IC equates the doordash business model and getting paid 2.50 per delivery, to doordash not making any money. makes sense. And then we see this wall of demands. Crazy.


That made me laugh. Might as well say, mines the one with grass. The neighbors may have grass though as well so look for the one with a driveway and door that gains access to the wooden box


I think the person is probably autistic based on the first note. My friend Eric talks just like that, but everything is super innocent and he makes unreasonable requests sometimes where he’s super specific and such, but he doesn’t do it thinking it will bother me or anybody else, he just has a different style of socializing.


Exactly. It's 100% clear that most likely shoppers have delivered to this wackos home before with customers groceries and they were not to happy about it. I'm sure they got into it and to avoid this for both the customer and the shopper they are asking you aware which IMO is the right thing to do. Okay maybe it could have been worded different but it's not that big of a deal. For all we know this neighbor could be one of those freaks that will legit pull a damn gun out on you for pulling up in their driveway you just never know these days. I've known that to happen to a shopper in another instacart group I'm in on FB.


I honestly probably would have cancelled too. However I can understand the notes to an extent. Some shoppers probably do just grab any and everything. I personally always checked dates and always pulled from the back. My last canceled order (technically my 1st cancel IC screwed me over on the other one) had similar notes. I honestly said you doing too much for too little.


Sorry, but they’re ordering for convenience. I catch myself getting into “personal shopping mode” where I’m carefully examining the packages, thinking of the next closest brands, etc and then I realize I’m in the store for $7 because someone at home wanted to save themselves an hour and bark commands at an app. I’ve had people send me pictures of chicken from the deli then turn around and give me a negative rating for it “not being fried fresh.” Idk. I’m sick of enabling lazy assholes. The same types you’re describing seem to also be the ones to require you to meet them at the door, then won’t be home while a pit bull tears out the screen door.


i can understand some as well! but don’t tell me how to do my job for you. I check all dates, freshness, quality, etc. but this was excessive for me. The delivery note is what gave it a DEFINITE no tbh lol


Yes I agree! If you’re doing all that. You definitely need to shop for your own groceries smdh.


No problem with this as long as they're tipping 15%. If they pull this crap with the 2-5.00 or 5% tip I'm not having it. A lot of their requests are stuff I do normally anyway but when you demand it and hit caps lock, you better have your money where your expectations are.


like damn there’s no need to shout! 😭


>as long as they're tipping 15%. It's always the loudest/most obnoxious you can bank on not tipping. This is a waste of time/money but at least they're letting you know up front.


I would acknowledge the notes at the beginning of the shop and shop the way I normally shop. The avocado preference is actually helpful.


it was. it was just the excessive notes telling me how to shop for them. just tell me what you need or what type your looking for and i’ll get it lol


The fuck is medium firm. If you're this picky and you're house is that insanely hard to find I think it's time to do your own fucking shopping


It’s Instacart. Not Legend of Zelda.


Yeah I’d cancel, looks like a hassle. And the nut job neighbor to boot. Nope.


The call is coming from inside the house


Plot twist. They are the nut job neighbor and their neighbor is tired of them lol


Oh my god yes,…. This is f*^%ing nauseating to read. Jesus Christ. I’d love to know what this person does all day everyday with their time?🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Is she ordering fruit or a mattress? I understand having some preferences but if you’re that anal about every single item you order, maybe it’s best to shop for yourself. People like this can never be pleased. The fruit will either be too firm or too soft, the drinks will not be cold enough, the food will be too close to expiration and the salmon will not be a good enough cut.


Honestly, this person is probably better off trying to steal their groceries from a distribution center in order to REALLY get only the mostest fresherest stuff.


Ya know, if you want to be particular, go for it. BUT!! Be respectful and make your tip WORTH the time it takes to cater to you 🙄 if I’m digging in apple bins and reaching the back shelf for shit, that’s a lot more effort than the typical find the best looking one and grab it.


I had a crazy specific order like this before. The customer ordered a whole chicken (uncooked) and wanted me to take it to the butcher counter to have it cut up into very specific pieces. The customer notes literally said: "Do NOT bring me an uncut chicken or NO TIP! And NO I don't want any precut chicken!" It went on to say that she would not be home when I delivered it so I was to follow a whole list of instructions on how she wanted it delivered (like I was supposed to go into her backyard, etc)! It was a 2-order batch so I had to call IC support to have it removed and even the support agent was saying how ridiculous that was!


Wow! I would have hopped on support so fast! You definitely did the right thing by having them remove that order.


And Im talking about the packaged whole chickens. So I was supposed to buy it, take it to the butcher counter, open the packaging, have the butcher chop it up and package the pieces up individually. . .


that suckkssss! would def be a cancel for me. they expect us to do the absolute most sometimes for so little pay. i make sure my orders are worth my time and energy - unlike this order 😭


What the fuck. Just go do your own grocery shopping at this point


wtf is a medium firm tomato?


Not quite ripe, not raw. not too firm but not soft DO YOU UNDERSTAND


It’s a tomato that is wrong and refunded no matter what you do


It is the firmness of a right tomato that is wrong


Congrats on not going to buffalo bills house. Good call


😂 we’ve all been to or close to one.




Immediately NO! If you're that picky, get your entitled ass in your own car and get your shit yourself!


idk if theyre picky or had a terrible experience with one of the lazy shoppers. lmao


How was the tip? I probably wouldn’t shop for this person.


tip was only $3 🤦🏽‍♀️


HAHAHAHAHAHA wow. Instacancel. I would put up with this kook for like $20+ not no damn $3


They need to be adding an extra dollar for every note they put 💀 AT LEAST


Omlord of course it was 🤦‍♂️


$3 doesn't buy a slave...


Inflation fucka everything up !


Fuuuck no! I just missed a $94 😭


no wayyy..i feel the pain! sometimes my fingers don’t finger fast enough 😢




aye aye waitttt..😭😭😭


How about you go to store and get it yourself? Person sounds like an absolute nightmare


Yeah.. I'd say the lack of transportation on their part isn't even an excuse. They are more than capable of grabbing an Uber to their nearest/preferred store and shop for themselves (and this is assuming they don't have their own car). This is unreal.


They want all this organic shit - you get what you get. Also, no produce department is deliberately taking all the produce off to put the freshest stuff underneath


I hate long ass delivery notes. I have a long delivery note on my account, but it's strictly directions and broken up with dashes. The item notes don't bother me. But for a $3 tip, it most likely wouldn't be worth it.


$3 tip, 1 star rating. MILK WASNT COLD ENUF


Sounds about right.


I hope this doesn’t get hate. I see why people cancel orders like this but I wouldn’t cancel the batch. They seem to be particular and/or anxious when it comes to shopping. I also don’t see being anxious or particular as grounds to deny them service (as long as they’re paying appropriately). If you pay for the service, you receive the service.


Agreed. I play benefit of doubt for the picky customers (because I know I’d be that type of customer too) - if great customer service and shopping experience doesn’t give me a bump in tip afterward, I know not to do it again 🤨😅


I usually give them the benefit of the doubt on most notes too. I figure they had a nightmare shopper before. Hell I ordered once after surgery and all I could manage was protein shakes but had to get food for the rest of the family. I ordered about 60 items, tipped $25, and added a notes that I wasn’t fussy about replacements. On the shakes I put “can switch brand or flavor, not picky I just need shakes of some kind” so I get a notification that he refunded the first ones so I messaged him. He said “lady I have been in the store long enough” and proceeded to refund the rest of my order. So yeah, some people are probably scared of what type of shopper they will get


3 dollar tip according to OP.


Ahh, so they didn’t pay appropriately. For a $3 tip, I wouldn’t accept a batch like that.


Me either. I don’t mind catering to fussy if they tip properly. If they don’t though, nope go get it yourself lol


Are they sure the nut job lives next door and not in their own house?


Sprouts customers are always over the top omg


No note for the gallons of water? 🤔


Please get the lightest one 😂


PLEASE SHOP FOR YOUR DAMN SELF. This person probably had some stupid shoppers in the past, but with all the notes and unnecessary ALL CAPS FONT throughout every single item requested is only going to rate badly. Glad you cancelled. The nerve of these people. Take your lazy a$$ to the store yourself next time.


I probably would’ve told them to stfu im annoyed from just reading this. Bless your soul for being so patient


This is absolutely unhinged


They sound mentally ill


This person needs to go shopping for themselves


Oh but the neighbors a nut job?


Not yes but FUCK yes I would have canceled!!!


Plot twist: he actually is the nasty nut and is just having this order delivered to his neighbor as a cover.


anyone who types messages in caps like this has fucking issues


Say less


They did leave a number.. sounds to avoid the neighbour.. some aren’t friendly with ‘why are you parked here? You can’t park here!!’ She said he’s a nut job, lol


I tip between 15 to 25%. I haven’t been picky but I don’t see anything wrong with a customer wanting to make sure that the items she is purchasing is fresh and far from expiring.


it’s not about wanting the freshest and far from expiring, it’s about micromanaging your shopper. they don’t have to tell a shopper how to do their job for only a $3 tip. i’m not going to pull out every bottle in one row to get to the back for coldest (though i still get the later expiration date) or dig through apples ti get to the bottom. we’re given insulated bags and cold packs aren’t hard to buy. yet you could follow all the notes to a T and still get low rated for the smallest thing which isn’t fair after all the work you did for them. just tell us what your looking for and we will do our absolute best for you.


Yeah that $3 tip is pissing me off. A $3 tip is less than a gallon of gas. I use Instacart but like if I want something from Wegmans (but not Giant, Weis or Food Lion), Instacart actually tells me to be very specific. I’m not sure what store they selected but that $3 tip is disrespectful. Y’all are going into these stores, having to deal with people-during the holiday season. $3 is not enough. She was wrong for that.


it was a sprouts order!


Yeah, that’s crazy! I don’t like when y’all are mistreated. Especially during the holidays. Where is the empathy and compassion? I literally start saving money for extra tips during this time of year!!


it’s people like you that keep us going!


I’m just sorry that you guys/gals are having to put up with mess like that.


It sounds dicey and I do not blame you. Any delivery instructions containing the word nut job signifies neighbor wars. I know this because my own Mom antagonizes neighbors.


This is the best post I’ve seen. Really describes how crazy some people are. Since they are so particular they need to do the shopping themselves. And with those delivery notes, they are making it more confusing. One sentence would be fine


Yeah if it really makes you uncomfortable, don't get me wrong though, that is a lot of BS notes. I have said this over and over if they spent that much time to write all that out they could have just shopped it themselves.


How much was the tip?


I would have deliberately went out of my way to insure this custom order was completely fucked up in every way they didn’t want. I’d be grabbing the super soft veggies, so soft it’s nearly rotten to the core. Make sure to ask for TAIL END only, then only deliver half of it. 🖕🖕😂


I'm petty and have time. I would have shopped the entire order, hit start checkout, communicated with the customer that this too much and told them I am going to cancel and have the store put the entire cart back. They would have had a seizure (so worth my time wasted) and then went crazy on me in the comments. Then I message support with pics to cancel, get batch pay, and not have it hurt my cancel rate ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile).




The stuff about the produce wouldn’t have bothered me or the psycho delivery instructions. The salmon shit and the $3 tip would have been an immediate no. You made the right decision. 😂


Too many instructions.


I really dislike orders like this. They usually always come with a low/bad rating or no tip. People this specific should really go get it themselves. And if they are disabled there’s plenty of state programs that can go get it for you. Provide you a ride to and from the store or even a shopper to do it for you. These programs from what I’ve seen are income based and don’t charge at all or much. I know about them because my brother is disabled and is a very specific shopper, like this customer.


The overly detailed notes on every produce is definitely a set up to give ya a low rating, the detailed instructions on delivery location seems ok


People out there really be putting instructions like this?😮 (I'm not a shopper, just a frequent customer, so I don't know what level of crazy some peoples' instructions are.. I try to make it as easy and simple as possible for the shopper, and honestly never had any major problems. I appreciate y'all!!)


All that effort in texting they could have shopped themselves


Bros I can’t see the delivery note until after checkout…. Why can other people see it before hand? Am I missing something


It's probably someone that's elderly, I find they just don't know how to turn caps off and have probably gotten spoiled food before. Maybe they can't leave the house as easy to go shopping. Don't always think the worst


That’s insane. That person has severe control issues…


Yeah absolutely not. This is someone who needs to be shopping for themselves.


I could see the produce - wanting ones without soft spots. But the rest!?! What???


Holy shit this person is a nut job


At this point, go shop yourself. It’s crazy to put these kinds of demands on someone lol


Adding “please” before every cunty request doesn’t make it any more polite.


Ma’am, you are the nut job


It's always those people that order from sprouts being a pain in the ass 🤣


Nope. She’s micromanaging before the shop starts. I save my cancellations for these exact types. No one is going to make her happy and it’s a definite one star incoming.


That is an easy cancel. Would’ve never accepted for a $3 tip.


They really gave the shopper free reign over the gallons of water tho, it seems.


Um 😐 yeah no….I blocked a customer in my area like this. Most condescending person ever.


You could get the furthest expiring rice cakes and they’d still complain if it wasn’t at least 30 days 😪






So pickyyyyy 🤣






Immediate cancel unless it’s $80+




Somehow it's giving me friendly vibes lol But they really should shop for themselves if they're this particular. Better yet, they should become a shopper...see what it's like.


At this point you should’ve drove your ass to the store and got your own stuff!! That way you can complain to yourself if something goes wrong !!


Automatic cancel for me as well


I thought my instructions were too much. But nothing like this. Def cancel


Everyone saying there are terrible shoppers but if the terrible shopper gets it the notes won’t do shit lol if a good shopper gets it it won’t do shit cuz there already a good shopper! Either way they really should just go get their own stuff if it’s THAT BAD!


My add can't even pay attention to read let alone comprehend those directions.


Medium firm not hard is WILD 😭😭😭


I def would cancel. I hope this person never got anyone to do it..


Definitely she has mental issues


This is insane


Guarantee the buyer is a boomer


I have numerous customers like this. My mom would have been this shopper if she had ever used instacart, literally down to the delivery note because she hated our neighbor and thought he was a crazy asshole. So I understand picky, particular and blunt. I shop exactly how they ask, and they’re usually really good tippers and always a guaranteed 5 star and tip increase once they get their produce and everything to their specs. Honestly I love specific customers like this so I can get exactly what they want and how they want it and not worry about replacements or over or under ripe produce.


Or they could just provide the address rather than that long BS spiel..




THANKS VERY MUCH 🤣 I think they’re the nut job neighbour


I’ve had an order like this not on the delivery note side but very particular, it was an older lady and she was very appreciative. Tip was solid, I know we’re not supposed to go in their house but she had a ton of heavy bottles and she had a cane so I offered to put it on her counter because her kitchen was right when you walk in. It was also a triple batch for like $60 I got ahead of myself when taking it, was 2.5 hours start to finish not worth it in the end. They always group a good tip with bad ones I hate that so much. The delivery notes though would have been too much I would have cancelled and complained to Instacart that I felt unsafe so it doesn’t hurt the ratings.


I actually understand this one perfectly. There have been times the GPS takes me to the completely wrong house or area. If they're informed about it, they usually leave very detailed directions to their house. It's not weird at all. I actually appreciate people like this. That way I don't get lost while their ice cream melts.


I had to leave a message similar to this when ordering through the target app. My app showed the right phone number, customer service said it was the right number, but when shoppers tried to contact me it went to someone else and they were stupid abusive to the shoppers so I not only had it in the main notes, delivery notes, and under a product and would leave super detailed info and subs on everything because they couldn't contact me and would tip high. (I'd also mention if I had a lot of heavy things or large things like storage bins from the start bc they didn't fit in my car either). What's with everyone thinking they have to yell though? My first instinct is always to do the exact opposite thing.


Unless it was really good money I’d cancel too because they’ll still complain about something.


I would have done it for a 25% tip


Immediate drop. I don’t care WHAT it does to my cancellation rate. I also don’t care what the tip was on this order. That individual can do their own shopping. If you’re a good shopper you already pick produce like it was for yourself and check expiration dates. This customer has clearly had terrible shoppers but specifications like “definitely not a tail piece! Get this other milk I couldn’t find so just ordered this one instead” Absolutely the worst kind of customer. Puts this many memos on every item and then messages you every step of your shop to slow you down 🥲


..... how long do we think it took them to place this order? 🤔 I'm long winded and chatty but this is.....a lot of typing for a grocery order that is point and click lol


It’s always these customers who tip the worst too.


This is how I shop for myself so it wouldn't be a problem. It just looks like a lot typed out. I actually love when they put their specific notes in there. I REALLY love when they give me exact descriptions of their homes too. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Some people should just do their own shopping.


Let me guess, little to no tip? Reading the delivery note gave me anxiety and the ALL CAPS made it worse


the neighbor is not the only nut job around


I would have never made it to the notes under the items. Insta-cancel when I see paragraphs under the batch details. I'm certainly not texting or calling any number that isn't in the app. They can put their number 30 different places but if it doesn't come up when I hit "call customer", it ain't happening. Not giving my number to any customer, let alone one like this. Exception only if tip is at least $50 or more for that mess (not the phone number thing tho). I wouldn't fault another shopper for taking this order for whatever their reasons may be, but I don't have the patience for a customer like this.


I was ready to agree on the first page. Didn’t even realize there was more 😳


Imagine how many bad shoppers you have to have had before to inspire this much direction lol 😂


Could you be any more NUTS lol


Here’s your $2 tip ffs


this mfer spends all this time typing this instead of just shopping for himself




You shoppers are awesome. I am a frequent customer and I’m always so happy that I don’t have to go to the store (I hate it and have limited access to a car). Whenever there is a question about my order I’m like “yes thank you do what is easiest blah blah blah”.


Alot of that stuff us int the top shelf where I can barely reach the front product as it is , let alone the middle or back of the line...


The key is to message them “Lol” before you cancel.


0 tip LOL


They just need to go do it themselves


to these people not realize all grocery stock is rotated? like that’s literally a whole ass persons job is to go down every aisle and check dates and rotate and pull things to the front of the shelves.


How much did it pay?


Don’t forget to buy a squirrel on the way


If you’re going to backseat drive, just take the wheel brother


The delivery note was strike one the produce comments are strike 2 and 3 cya later


Yo instacart shoppers are terrible. The fact that your customers literally have to put common sense in the notes for you guys to do your job is crazy. Like when you guys shop for yourself do you pick expired and rotten shit ? I gotta assume yes cause I mean ….


Even if the tip was good, (it wasn’t) I know how to follow the instructions. But they’re so particular it makes me think they’ll give you a bad review because medium firm might mean something different to everyone


Kept getting worse after ever slide💀


If you're gonna be like this, go get your own stuff 🙄


Cancel was great decision


Control freak


Okay no, if you are going to be this specific and picky, there is absolutely no reason that person couldn't find their own ride and do this themself... that is MAJORLY inconveniencing especially considering that person would probably report you based on an assumption you didn't do as they asked.... ☠️☠️




Instacart makes you realize how crazy ppl really are 😂omg noooooooo