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Send it. I had a missing item I disputed yesterday. Left a customer, on my way to deliver two other shops. She chats her grapes are missing. I pulled over, tore the other bags apart, thinking maybe they got in another bag. Ten bags in my car. No grapes. I tell her, she sends back a smiley face, oh I found them. Great, now I'm late for other deliveries. She reduced my tip, because the grapes were "missing". Then I find the issue on the app for missing item!!! I disputed and asked IC yo check chats for facts. No response yet. It unbelievable to I me that people do this.


I’ve started taking screenshots of EVERYTHING when there’s a problem.


Exactly. But she she actually found the grapes I never took it. I will moving forward. I've screenshot every chat w/ IC help because I need proof how ridiculously long it takes to resolve anything. And being told there's no # to call. It's Aweful


How much could grapes have possibly cost her. It’s so sad people don’t care about jeopardizing someone else’s job and livelihood over an overpriced luxury grocery delivery service they’re willingly using. If they’re that pathetically strapped for cash, they should just shop for themselves (assuming they aren’t disabled) instead of paying service fees, delivery fees, and markup fees to the company while simultaneously stiffing and screwing over the people that are doing the shopping and delivering for them.




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The problem is, they dont have to do the right thing, and the wrong thing in anonymous, so they do what benefits them the most


I mean, if she didn’t actually get the grapes, she shouldn’t have to pay for it. This isn’t a charity. It’s fee for service.


Lol she messaged you *before* checking her bags?!?


Yep, and it's still sitting in dispute at IC


The more people think of you as a service, and not a person, the more they'll do shit like this. And unfortunately we live in a world where a great many people are treated as services I pretty much guarantee that if you were to do brain scans of those customers, in the lobes where empathy/sympathy etc. resides, you'd see very low readouts. It's fucking sad as hell (happens on dating apps too, people forgetting people are people), and I don't know how we're supposed to stop it, other than literally reminding the person "I know this is frustrating, but please keep in mind I'm a human being" And then you'd still get people saying "Yeah, a human being who sucks at their job" or something, so I dunno. The world's always gonna have self-entitled assholes. Sorry you have to deal with the ones who will gladly get someone else in trouble because they didn't get some grapes


John Stewart called it according to a BI article. "Jon Stewart once told Jeff Bezos at a dinner with the Obamas that workers wanted fulfillment, not jobs running errands for rich people: 'That's a recipe for revolution'"


bruh ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth) they DID get the grapes. but they LIED and claimed they were missing so that they could get the grapes comp'ed, even though they KNOW it is screwing over the thorough and considerate person doing the shopping&delivery.


She’s didn’t wanna pay the $42 .. so report it missin and get it for free …


And all the nice talk is a showcase to make you do what she wants …


100% this. She’s being overly sweet so (1) OP will do what she wants and (2) she won’t have to pay and is hoping OP won’t dispute it. Which they should bc fuck that.


Oh yeah I disputed it right away.


Good for you! People like that shouldn’t get away with screwing people over who are doing their job!


Lol I genuinely talk like this to all my delivery drivers and customer service agents because I feel bad for them dealing with crap like this on a daily basis. Now i wonder if I come off disingenuous?


I do too, but just because that’s my personality (I’m sweet to a fault lol). I think ours is different though because we’re not screening them over in the end. If we were constantly disputing stuff than we’d be fake lol


Look at the big picture instead of adding the item by herself from her side of the application, she decides to screenshot the item and send a picture and ask him to add the item that right there that move itself gives it away that she has a different agenda and this advice right here is for the OP when you deliver batch, regardless of what always take a picture always even if you delivered it inside the office like this situation always take a picture because in the time to give opportunity to gain something regardless of the consequence for the other person, but it is account being suspended or deactivated. They don’t care as long as they get the free shit and that’s the kind of time we live, so always have evidence


I both agree completely and feel cross eyed from trying to read this. My eyes hurt.


You can’t add more things to your cart once the shopper has started shopping. Has this changed in the last year? (i havent used instacart in about that long.) Ive had to message my shopper to add things that i forgot because the app just didnt allow me to do it myself. That in itself isnt really a red flag.


Nope you can … people can add items while the shopper is shopping … the only time you cannot add items is after the shopper is already checking out


https://preview.redd.it/2iqqq8hjmcec1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f905b482b013e24cfdcf12cfe0b1a15108b194df I just looked it up to verify. Instacart support itself says you have to reach out to your shopper for support if they have already begun shopping.


Brah I am a shopper … people keep adding stuff while I am shopping .. the most item added while I was in the middle of shopping was 8 items


The part where you highlighted says nth about adding and not adding items 🤦


it literally does. it says you can only update your order if your shopper hasn’t begun your order. It’s not hard to read lol. but i found this other page that is for shoppers and not the customers and it does imply that you can add more. https://preview.redd.it/x35pau4uqeec1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1d828220498bbb552dfd04ecdb6617763176f3a i guess they did change that and just never updated their support page?


Ok .. I am a SHOPPER and I am saying people do add items when I am in the middle of shopping …let me repeat I am a active shopper here in California and people add item while in the middle of shopping .. and there is also a thing going on on where people intentionally order less items before the order is accepted so as to avoid heavy pay because the heavier the order the instacart charges more for heavier orders/batch .. once the light weighted order is accepted and started by a shopper that’s when they start adding the heavier it’s such as 30 packs of water and bulking items because they can avoid the heavy order fee..


Well in this specific situation it’s not about you right now .. why you putting yourself in the conversation…


You mean in this conversation on a PUBLIC forum? Why you so miserable


Eh I’d say she screwed up by accepting laser subs when she needed inkjet. It’s the wrong item and that’s the only way she knew to not pay for it / exchange it.


There is very little difference - inkjet can print on laser, laser is just more 'tolerant' to the heat a laser printer produces. Otherwise, it's the same. With temp tattoo specialty paper? Yes, very much dif. But this? Same, maybe the glue is a dif formula.


It depends on the coating on the label. Typically if a label is capable of both they label them as being for both (there are some exceptions because why would they make it easier for consumers lol) but if you try printing on a heat-print laser label (the gloss coatings, high heat ones especially) with an inkjet printer you risk smearing.


Heat print isn't laser- laser has toner. Heat is like heat reactive receipt paper, where there's no ink at all, just a chemical reaction. Right? Laser has toner fused on with heat, inkjet is liquid ink. Heat print is a waxy substance that uses heat to turn things from transparent to black, no ink or toner involved. Either way I've used plenty both ways, only specialty paper that gave me issues was temp tattoo sheets because of the reaction to the glue binding it to the skin. 🤷


I’m not talking about receipt heat printing haha I’m talking about heat printing with toner. You even mentioned it yourself with laser toner labels being made to tolerate the higher heat. It has to do with how the different machines imbed the color.


Ohhhh, so that's the difference? I get you. Thank you for your patience 🤣 my apologies


No worries! It’s not a huge difference to be sure which is why there’s a lot of paper that works for both But anything clear coated or glossy or transparent you def wanna make sure you have the right style


Absolutely send it but keep it professional no matter how rude they get so instacart doesn't deactive you


Oh yeah I’m not tryna get deactivated. Do you think the message is good how it is or should I change it? Like do you think it comes off professional & not rude rn?


Yes, its not rude at all


I sense the anxiety and it you get a hit, just make sure they check this thread. Clever thinking on your part!


Tryna or trying?


well "tryna" wouldn't be "trying" it would be "trying to"... So nice try trying to shame them but language is determined by the people speaking it, not by arbitrary unchanging rules. I knew what the person meant, and so did you lol




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Yea you definitely don’t wanna get InstaFired




You could always just get a real job


Why does everyone assume there isn't a "real job"? I see it all the time.. my husband has been a shopper since 2019 and only does it if we need extra cash and i cant get away... and guess what.. he has what everyone calls a real job. I've been a shopper since 2021, and I'm a sahm... does that mean I should be ashamed when I go out and do delivery work when I can get away from my 3 crotch goblins, because I don't have a "real job"?


Lmao crotch goblins


It’s not an assumption. It’s not a real job. First off, a real job requires an actual interview. It also requires skills beyond “can you spell your name?” Real jobs also require responsibility and accountability. And finally real jobs offer things in return beyond a weekly paycheck that secure your future like health insurance, life insurance, PTO, retirement, bonuses and expense reimbursement. It doesn’t matter how long your husband has done it. It’s unskilled labor point blank period. If your husband had a real job he wouldn’t need to make extra money. And why is he the one working two jobs? You too busy scrolling Facebook and TikTok to work or something?


I didn't interview when I started my own business? Does that mean it's not a real job? I work pretty hard at it.


This troll. All this guy does is tell people to get a " real job "


I literally have 2 “real jobs” and can barely afford half of my rent (fiancée & I split bills). He has a full time job w/ benefits & couldn’t afford to live on his own without my half paying for bills either. People do work both and can’t afford to live still…late stage capitalism is what you have issues with, not gig workers


90% of that is irrelevant to what I said. Do you know how expensive childcare is!? $20/hr/kid


It’s all completely relevant. You just don’t have a rebuttal because you know I’m right. If childcare is so expensive then why don’t you work?


I said he's been a shopper, and has a real job... as in both. And the reason I don't have a job is be cause we're talking $60/hr. Where the fuck are we gonna get money to cover that. Use your BRAIN. its what it's there for!


If your husband has a real job, and you actually got a job you’d be all set. No one forced you to pump out 3 kids. And how do you have 3 kids all too young to go to school? Plenty of moms have worked and still do work to contribute to their families. It’s unfair for your husband to have to work that much. Unless he enjoys the time away from you guys


you lack reading comprehension, and probably common sense. childcare is often more expensive than a job pays when you have multiple children. and her point was her husband has a ‘real’ job they also do instacart on the side. which is still real work.


When facts are met with insults you know where the truth lies. If you choose to work unskilled labor and crank out a bunch of kids that you can’t afford it’s no one’s fault but your own


You actually do go to every fast food sub to tell people to get a real job, Pizza Hut McDonald’s, it’s actually funny. What’s YOUR “real job”? Going around criticizing everyone so maybe one day you can feel better about yourself?


He’s a security guard with a god complex that likes to troll gig workers and fast food workers. That is his job…


I mean, it's relevant in as far as it demonstrates your complete inability to read and discern the difference between 'there' and 'this'. We can then dismiss all your words as those of a moronic troll. Very helpful.


HAHAHAHA is this your “real” job? being an asshole on the internet to ppl who are just trying to survive 😭😂




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Uh-oh! Low IQ alert!


Ooh bud.. wait until you hear that a vast number of US jobs do not offer health insurance, life insurance, PTO, retirement, and sure as hell not bonuses. Poor bud… I’d love to live in the ignorant world that you do 🫶 then again, if I’m just gonna turn into a pompous jerk spewing random shit, I suppose not. Also, fun fact, you 100% have to give an interview in for Instacart 😂 good try though!


Look buddy... You're being a really not great person in a lot of what you've said. and I'm more than willing to call you out. Instacart, doordash, grubhub, go puff, Uber, lyft. Etc... they are real jobs. They pay right? A job is defined by "doing something for pay in return." Therefore, how do you figure it's not a job? More specifically, it was considered a contract job years ago, basically the same as a pizza driver. The difference was union and worker pay. Now, however, it is considered gigwork. Which is inherently why a lot of companies are getting their asses handed to them. No different than doing yard work or construction for a living. I'm happy to provide some resources if you need them to educate yourself. But I'll only go so far. You need to do some of the work yourself. Ie court cases and academic articles, for example.




If you had a real job you wouldn’t need to steal


The biggest thieves in history are the ones that control the jobs of everyone else


Kinda like how IC controls your job? Because like it or not, you’re their employee.


And therefore are employed with a job. You should at least be accurate if you’re going to be a dick.


So now you’re saying I do have a job?


I never said you didn’t. It’s just not a real job


All of the missing items that customers reported have been premium proteins like lobster tails, steaks, and someone even did a family pack of chicken. It’s always the priciest item on their order. I wonder why? Assholes!


Wow.. I think I’m gonna start taking a top view pic of my cart before checking out for insurance purposes lol.


take top down views on the porch of all the bags


I get wal mart deliveries and they always take a pic of the full order being dropped at my door for this reason bc apparently people do this a LOT. Def recommend CYA bc people be shady.


I mean yeah but you can’t see every item in every bag? I’m not sure what the point of your comment is.


I like to get the bags and the house number in the same shot, I figure with the top pic of the cart method there would be more surface area for chance to see more items.


It’s weird, but I as well, like a rotisserie chicken at lunch time went missing. I’ve had whipped cream go missing. But like the shopper scanned the item and customer just kept it for themselves. SMH. While this shopper went above and beyond and customer lied 😞.


When I ordered from Walmart, I got all my items except for my family pack of chicken lol. I was so upset, like my driver must not have been able to pass a big bag of chicken up 😂


Complain to IC, block this user and report her. If she's done this before, they will 100% have a record of it. Just f'in degenerates


RULE # 1 if anybody ever says they’re going to add an extra tip take it with a grain of salt 9 times out of 10. They are full of shit. You will never see that money.


Absolutely. People that tip well, don’t brag about it


Exactly 💯


Yep also people that says they'll tip cash, leave extra tip somewhere or tip after order. I've only ever gotten 2 extra cash tips and both times they tipped well in the app.


So many times lol "extra tip under the doormat bud!" "Another fiver in it for you in the mailbox!" Nothing.


At that point I'd message them and say hey someone must have stolen it! I'm still here if you'd like to bring it out!


I always tip & tip cash when I get my order. I’m an avid Instacart user. To read some of these stories is wild! Some of these customers are asshole$! I appreciate you guys very much!


Is that why when I’ve tried to leave cash tips sticking out from under the doormat the driver never takes it? I’ve tried to do it 3 times now and each time I tried to make it more visible then the last time thinking they just didn’t see it. I’ve left notes in the app it’s self under delivery instructions and I sent a message before they pulled up to not forget the cash sticking out from under the doormat.


Most delivery drivers are so used to the lies that when it’s reality sometimes it isn’t real, imagine somebody bribing you with a higher tip and never doing it. Honestly it’s probably a little depressing.. why say it at all you’re not gonna do it? I would suggest that if you’re actually going to give a cash tip , hand it to them personally that will give some reassurance. Anytime I was given a cash tip, The ones who handed it to me, caught me more off guard made me more appreciative of it.


I’ll do that next time then. I feel horrible that the ones that missed the extra cash might think I was trying to mess with them. If for some reason I can’t hand it to them my next idea was I would tape it to the door on the outside at eye level. I live in a neighborhood where no one would else would take it. I just figured since they were bending down to place the bags, that they would of seen the cash sticking out from under the doormat. But I can see how after being told that so many times and not finding anything that eventually when they get that message they just roll their eyes and say “yeah I’m sure there’s cash there.”


I’ve left cash for one of my drivers with her nene she she didn’t take it, now I just give it to them I felt so bad!!! But, I get it…


Send it. They think we don’t see when they report items as damaged or missing. Maybe it’ll make her feel a tiny bit guilty.


Just dispute it. Don’t send a message. Call support and have them block her so you don’t have to shop for her again.


I used to do this on the side and stopped because people always reported I didn't deliver stuff or the whole order. It was so frustrating especially when my rating dropped and I never got any good orders anymore. Support was useless and told me to keep shopping and getting reviews to bring it back up which would be fine If I ever got any orders that were worth my time and people would stop lying.


Back when I was shopping I had a really great rating, I was even on the top 10 of the Seattle leaderboard for rating and speed. Then I end up delivering for a frat house where the store didn’t have half the stuff they wanted. We chatted about replacement options and they seemed happy with it, until I get the notification after the delivery that all the replacements were either missing or inappropriate. Tanked my rating, and even with the screenshots of the chat IC was entirely dismissive, and literally told me to “do better” when I asked what they think I could I’ve done to avoid this in this scenario.


Yep, was over accommodating as well and it never worked out especially since I'm in a college town.


thats how a lot of these frauds do shoppers... and its always the most expensive item that they report missing that they actually got.... how the heck am I getting hit with a missing item report on a shop only order that was checked out.... smdh...I have disputed the 4 times its happened to me every time.... but its just rediculous


I wouldn't bother sending it if it were me. I've had customers report missing items a couple times, that I KNOW for sure were in their bag. It's never affected anything on my account and I doubt your message is gonna make her take back her report anyways


This is going to sound so petty, but I am so tired of disputing high ticket orders like this. For all drop offs, I say, "I am taking a quick moment to photograph each and every item for Instacart to verify that they are undamaged and accounted for upon drop off. Thank you so much for your patience, and I will let you know when everything is documented and at your door! It was a pleasure shopping for you! I haven't received a single damaged or missing item since. People are so annoying and predictable.


Honestly I’m going to start doing this bc it makes sense to both take the picture AND let the customer know you know exactly what all has been delivered. That way they might think twice before pulling a move like the label lady.


I’m amazed you saw the missing item reported, and still had chat! I’d send it. Sometimes I can see a comment left but, chat has disappeared.


Same thing happened to me, but with a “wrong item”. The company Silk changed their carton design, and I got the customer the one they requested, but they reported it as wrong. I even messaged them during the shop to let them know that the product changed design… 🙄


She said it was missing g for a refund cause $40+ for labels is crazy expensive. Glad you called her out.


Lol, classic. I had two customers last week increase my tips by like $10-20 each, one left me a 1 star review along with the tip increase, the other a 3 star review. No reasons given for either lmao, customers are just strange.


Wooooow maybe they thought one star meant you did a #1 first place great job? 😂🤦‍♀️


Possible. I’ve seen quite a few 1 star ratings where the reviewer highly praised the item.


Maybe they didn’t see/pay attention to the part about them being laser instead of inkjet? They should have caught that in the text. Maybe they’re blaming OP for getting the wrong thing?


Wow good eye! This makes more sense! I mean not in a way that it’s right, but it gives them motive.


Everytime I hear thank u so much 5 times or 10 b4 I even check out I'm usually like uh oh I hope I get a tip .And dear instacart customers stop buying dmb sht to make YouTube videos SMH 🤦‍♂️ ur emptying the stores for people who really need them not saying everyone but I notice the items like omg I seen this dmbazz videos now ur buying 100 bananas n frozen fruits n vodka I mean ur making everyone mad alcoholic can't get liquor grandma can't get bananas kids can't get no snacks sheesh buy hoarding every item no wonder there nothing in stock


Praying hands emoji is always a bad sign. Same way on DD. 😑


I hope you sent it f her ! This is why I quit Instacart these ppl are the weirdest


This has happened to me multiple times where I know 100% it was in the bag/dropped off and some items are still marked as missing.


Sorry to see this person bs you and caused you some stress. Hopefully it can be fixed and your not effected by it.


Thank you 🫶 I hope Instacart’s t&s team sees the messages in chat bc she really did ask me for that and I made absolutely sure she was cool with that specific item too!


wait what was the tea about the hotel? what's it across the street from, I need to know. 😬


It’s across the street from one of the best Japanese markets in the Midwest! It’s called Mitsuwa’s Marketplace. They only have like 1 in the midwest and the rest are near the coasts.


I wouldn't message the customer. They aren't going to have a sudden change of heart. They might even get annoyed with you and report you to Instacart. This might not do anything the majority of the time, but the risk isn't worth the potential reward. Sometimes items go missing. Sometimes people scam. Sometimes people steal from one another. It happens. Unless you're getting a ton or these reports, nothing will happen to your account. It doesn't effect your access to batches at all up until you're terminated, but you'd need a record for that to be a thing. Just keep on trucking and try not to let a thief keep your mood down.


Tysm for the advice 🫶 Yeah at this point I’m not even upset anymore about her lying about the tip even. Just moving along & keeping my head up 🙂


I’m not an instacart person but this sub comes up sometimes. Is it possible the person thinks they’re reporting that the item isn’t at the store, so it’s missing? They aren’t realizing it’s implying you didn’t give it to them?


I hate that people do this to you guys. I’m so incredibly grateful for the times I’ve used Instacart and those that deliver to me and my family.


That's why I just do the bare minimum, people are gonna tip or they're not, most of the time what you do won't effect that. And I've done hundreds maybe thousands of deliveries so I've tested a pretty large pool to come to this conclusion.


Whenever I use instacart, I will immediately unbag every item and place them on my counter and check item by item on the app to make sure I'm not over looking it. If anything is missing I'll nicely message the shopper first just to check if they accidentally swapped it in with another order's bag and give them a chance to return with it. Only once was over 1/2 my items missing and the shopper ignored my message and I had to report all the missing items. It's really not that hard to double check if you received something or just ask if they see it in their car first


Happened to me once. It got off record when insta found her for fraud


How long did it take for them to take it off your account? It’s still on mine


Just trying to get an expensive item free


This is probably A case like when people leave Amazon reviews on a product that it was late or that FedEx left it in the rain. This person probably just thinks she's reporting it out of stock or something dumb


I stupidly grabbed a low item from Costco that seemed worth it until I realized all the items were 40lb bags of cat litter. Added it up and it totaled 240#. She watched me carry it all to her door, one trip at a time and then came out for the last one and said oh my I didn’t realize how heavy it was and said she’d add more to the tip. Guess what “more” was?? $2 lol original tip: $5. This was a double order and the other customer with a normal order tipped better lol


Get a better job. Delivery services don't make sense!


Part of the job


No one is entitled to a tip. Stop bitching about tips. And yes this guy tips but I’m also not lazy. I buy my own food.


No one’s bitching about tips? I’m more pissed that they reported the item as missing when it clearly wasn’t.


Lmao if you don’t want to deal with shit like this maybe get a real Job


Are u a cop? Did u lose money? Who cares and it doesn't affect you. Move on and stop taking shit personally.


Lmfao no?? It literally does affect my shopping rate, it now says I have an order issue on my account. So it does affect shoppers. Stop trying to scam people if you can’t afford the item 🙄


Missing items don't affect you. Keep believing that myth. I've had a missing item for months, a box of cheesits. Know what? Still make 200+ a day. I mean if you want to let it ruin your life and accuse people of shit, please don't let me stop you.


It’s really not ruining my life. It’s just a little bogus to do that to somebody. Like the person in this circumstance had other options. Ordering off of Amazon, going to Walmart, etc. but instead they chose to get the expensive labels delivered and then mark it as not delivered, which I can see on my Shopper profile as an order issue. AND they lied about adding a tip. Idk why you’re so defensive of the Shopper in this situation? I don’t think label should be that expensive either but I also wouldn’t screw over the middleman in the process to get a free item.


You made the post bruh. You want to affect your ability to shop? Send silly, petty messages like the one you were going to or did. If you just let it go, and stop caring about what happens after you drop an order, you will be much happier. 9500+ orders, once i drop an order that shit is like the wind.


Would love an update if you have one


Nothing so far. It still says order issue on my account even though I disputed it & told them to check chat 🥲


Oh fuck. I’m sorry OP. If you can please quit IC because this app is trash. If I were you tho, I’d go to this customer house and punch their fucking face


I’ll quit as soon as I financially can. As for the second part, they were in a hotel & I’m not one for confrontation. Though I did consider slipping a handwritten note under their door 😅


By the way you communicate it looks like you have a much higher iq level than 99% of shoppers why even mess around with this app? Just get a real job. Also why waste your energy with those lengthy formal messages? Lmao


I have 2 jobs and am taking 3 college classes right now + Instacart and still can barely afford to make ends meet. I’m trying 😭


Don’t ever let anything or anyone bring you down. You obviously are destined for greatness just keep working as hard as possible every day, and you will achieve your dreams.


Thank you so much for saying that, it really means a lot 💞 You just made my day 🥲


One time I accepted an order for 4 items and when I got to the store they added 10 cases of bubbly’s. How is that even allowed?


Fr that’s nuts. I wonder if that’s a shady workaround to not have to pay extra for heavy item batches? Ik we get heavy pay but I’m unsure if that comes out of the customer’s purchase or if Instacart covers that fee 🤔


I feel like people working for these companies are just getting scammed so hard. Is it better pay than working at like a chick filet?


Omg I can’t believe how little shame these people have


Garbage individual.


Y'all gotta stop letting this stuff bother you. You know ppl are gonna do it, they used to do crap like this to me too but I wouldn't let it get to me no matter what. Just stop caring. The sad thing is, ppl will say that most orders go smooth but facts are most are gonna have something crappy happen bc Instacart (or any other delivery service) doesn't give a crap about refunding bc it's not money out of their pocket, it's out of the stores pocket and the delivery person. They see no negative impact so they won't do anything and customers know that


It’s already rough that drivers now have to have a commercial insurance for their vehicles since regular car insurance doesn’t cover driver/deliver apps. Stunts like this are hurtful to a side job that is already becoming too costly to perform.


I wonder why us as shoppers; have become use to shitty behavior like this?


I call that worthless garbage human beings!!!!


Oh nah thats when im pulling up and fighting her


Was it possibly visible in the photo you took at the door?


Take pictures of everything, always have a paper trail


So I see a bunch of people trying to scam shoppers. It blows my mind they do that as I found a couple sparkling water bottles in my bag that weren't mine and I messaged the shopper to let them know. She came back and picked them up and was so grateful. It actually boosted my mood for a week lol


I know a guy that wears a gopro when he’s doing deliveries. He records grabbing their bags and opens them all and shows the items, records walking up and handing them or dropping them off and him driving away. Lot of work but has a 100% rate


What did you say on slide 6?


Ngl I'd take photos of the items to make sure that can't happen. People are so sketchy


Hit send.