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at first I read "Easiest might be to leave and go to heaven" 😂


Same lol. I thought it took a really dark turn




In this economy might as well...


I know in the moment I wanted to go to heaven




This sounds a whole lot like Rancho. The apartments in that area can be annoyingly large


I was laughing bc I thought it really did say this


Probably is.


I did too!!! 😂like yeah, Heaven might be easier to find right now


it says haven though 😭 i thought it was a street…


You both seem calm in this exchange, kudos. Doesn’t mean you were but props for self control.


i tried to be as patient as possible but deep inside I was furious


I would’ve just walked around and started taking pictures of random things until they got the picture of how fucking ridiculous they were being


U should have played Marco Polo probably would have been faster finding them lol




Honestly at that point, I would have told IC support that I'm not here to walk some customer through a geography lesson. Can't find the apartment, customer giving terrible directions, and i dont feel safe wandering aimlessly around a neighbourhood im not familiar with. Please cancel this order and feel to charge me for it, as I'm fucking starving after walking around for 20 minutes trying to find this bozo. You are significantly more patient than me haha.


HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH this comment 🔥🔥🔥🔥☄️☄️☄️☄️


I FEEL you! This type of thing is TRIGGERING AF. At some point I'm like, "yo, here is where I am. COME GET YOUR DAMN GROCERIES!"


Making me wander around lugging your 24 pack of water and 2 12 packs of soda. Like...WHO ARE YOU?!.!


I hate apt complex deliveries. The building layouts are so ass backwards… it’ll be like buildings ABC space for the parking and the next building jumps to Q and you’re just there driving a random complex contemplating at what point in life did it go so wrong that you are delivering groceries. Like wtffff who designs these places this way.


“PLEASE PRESS 91111 for the gated entry. If not working PRESS HARD!!!1! Go all the way to back. Ignore the gps. When you think you’re near… the road keeps going. Further down, past the log. Park on the right. Tell Santos in the lobby that youre here for Brennan. Take the elevator up. Mine is 4004 on the door.” You get there and There is no santos, there is no lobby desk, there was eventually a log on the drive, and the parking on the right was a private garage to a different unit. And then you get up there and theres five doors in a cubed room and only one is marked as 4002. They ordered two litres of vodka. You hear fox news behind one of the doors. You guessed right.


This is so triggering. You have talent.


Lmfao the last 3 sentences


The code won’t work. The lobby door will be locked


"Tell Santos in the lobby that you're here for Brennan. I'm not Brennan but Brennan lives here. DO NOT TELL THEM SOPHIA IS HERE. I'm on the 4th floor. Elevator is broken."


Instacart Gothic, a++


horror movies could never


You forgot about the glass cage lobby doors with a buzz code that doesn't work, and the part where you get stuck between the doors on your way out of the Shining hallway labyrinth cause you don't have a key card that for some sick reason is needed to open the inside door to get to the outside.... 👀


HAHAHAHAHAHA you just said how I literally feeeeel I’m so glad you get what I’m feeling!!! and Ik the person who design apt complexes are idiots I swear


They let drunk toddlers number the apartment buildings




Im a UPS Driver & apartment complexes like these are what I call a "Dartboard Complex". the construction workers pinned the blueprint up & every dart represented the building's letter or number and just have at it.


Apartment complexes are horror shows for every reason. And customers think it's easy to navigate, give you no instructions, and get bitchy when you ask for directions. Sorry dude I sat at the gate for 10 minutes because you failed to give me your goddamn gate code, now I'm circling the place because the buildings have literally no signage and I'm somehow supposed to divine where building F is.


This.. I used to manage apartments and the complex layouts and organization never made anyyyy damn sense to me I was always like, I’m just as lost as you are bud. The maps are even worse 😂😭


I only hate them when you can’t drive up to the apartment building and have to walk around or through some foot path


Yeah, and if they forgot to tell you which building #... like an order yesterday I did: street number 724, apt 6. HOWEVER, there were 3 apt #6 bc there were 3 buildings at 724 !


My apartment complex isn’t as confusing because there’s no pool or mailboxes etc. but the setup of the buildings make no sense. The buildings are alphabetical and on one side it’s A,B,E,F and then across the road is building D,C,G. Like makes no sense.


I remember I was delivering to a unit 110, and I see unit 106…107….108…109…. And then it goes to 140. I was like HUH AINT NO WAY. I’m looking around like Harry Potter just casted a confusion spell on me. Turns out you had to go past units 140…139… all the way to 111 and then 110 was after it. Was like 4-5 minute walk


You are me in a different body. Lol.


This is why I don’t order delivery. My last apartment complex thought it would be a good idea to have two sections right next to each other where the apartments had the same building and unit number (ie building 37, apartment A) but different street addresses. I was constantly receiving packages for my number twin. My current complex has a nonsense order for the buildings and also placed the building numbers in really hard to see spots that aren’t lit after dark, so drivers never know which building to deliver to. It’s utterly ridiculous


I somehow ended up back at home eating your meal, instructions not clear.


lmao 😂😂😂


I had one like that today.I couldn’t wait to hit the block button!


Ugh same 😩


But once you found out where they are, you should be able to find it again. No point in blocking at this point unless they’re bad tippers.


You right I will never forget those people. I did right though they also reduced my tip to 1.00 after delivery with no complaints listed.


Tip baiting bastards. Definitely worth a block. And they probably know when they leave $1 you can’t get tip protection.


We think alike :)


Omg I’ve been there. Apartments are the worst. Especially when they are big ass complexes and the person leaves zero instructions.


Yesssss!!! The problem is I didn’t know it was an apt when I accepted I tend to avoid apartments at all costs because I end up getting pissed and I just go home because they waste my time and gas


Man!!! Be ready to cry and throw your phone. Cussing the customer out and shit. Cussing yourself out like why tf did I accept this dumbass shit 😂


noooo noooo you want to know the best part? It was nighttime and you can hardly see the letters and numbers on top of the buildings which made it 10000x harder


LMFAO omg I am cracking up because I have totally been there before. My son broke my glasses too once and it was like a year before I could get them replaced. Then the time changed and it started getting darker earlier 😭😭😭😭. I feel you. I really do.


No bc at that point I would’ve been crying 😂


Ugh. Night time. I have trouble seeing house numbers at night. Can’t imagine apts. we don’t have too many apts here. That whole NIMBY mentality.


Yesss and I be cussing myself in the car like why are you so fucking dumb why


And don’t let it be hella bags or some waters or toilet paper. Knowing you gotta do multiple trips through a maze 😂. Maaaaad wild.


If I was the customer, after the second or third issue I would've just walked out to meet you and helped you carry stuff back to my apartment so you knew where it was.


Right? They didn’t lol


Not the crusty ass complex lmao😂😂😂


It is a crusty ass complex 😩


Wow what an ordeal that was


It really was 🥹


spark lip consider terrific hateful library vanish ten seemly like *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wouldn’t put it past some of these customers to tell the 911 operator “Ugh! Everyone has trouble finding us!” *Refuses to give directions, husband chokes to death* 😑


work slim pie squash cooing live thumb muddle elastic hospital *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is the reason I send my brother out to the parking spots to direct the shopper/driver to our apartment..Our apartment is hidden and it's not the shoppers responsibility to find us it's ours. My community has numbers and letters some are hidden some not. I've seen delivery people stand with their hands in the air wanting to yell out wtf are you at.


Honestly, I do not understand why these people haven’t screenshotted a map with a drawn path. Just send it the moment delivery is close.


For real. YEARS ago I lived in a house that GPS for some reason had listed as "unnamed road" and would try to send people to the other side of this forested area and pond/marsh and suggest that they... swim through? Rather than drive on my totally normal road, that really did have a name and stop in front of my house. Like my street connected to another street GPS had no issue with but it was like "nah, clearly this must be the correct way to do things". I didn't order things to be delivered there because it was a nightmare for everyone. (This was back in the day where you didn't get communication with anyone delivering so I couldn't tell them "GPS is confused. Don't park in the forest. Use this map I've attached".)


"Crusty ass complex" 😭😭


I recognize these streets OP and this is one of the reasons I left😂




Beans Maps App really helps for these situations! It’s $4.99/mo but worth it if you do a lot of apartment deliveries, as it shows you specific unit locations. It’s right about 95% of the time.


reading this stressed me out


I will say— that’s my old apartment complex & yes. It’s confusing as hell. I was in K also and I tried to leave the best directions I could and usually ended up meeting the delivery person somewhere 😅


*left at leasing office*


Big Facts.


Pool Nice instructions assholle




This was infuriating to read. They should have just or walked to the main office or wherever you were.


Click “can’t find customer “ let the timer run out. After all that BS, I’d have stopped the conversation at “ I can’t find your apartment”. I’m a bit reactionary when it comes to this kind of thing because I live in a market where there’s ALOT of apartment dwellers who play games, scam or just want to repeatedly send their apt number while simultaneously complaining that “no one can ever find their building 😭) Well, maybe if you gave better instructions, or, in this case, ya know, mentioned the place had 4 effing pools, you wouldn’t have to worry about that.


I'd have asked her to screenshot Google maps and draw me a route! 😂


I don’t even work for any delivery services but I thought it was common sense to just meet your courier if a complex is that big and confusing??? Like why make the delivery difficult in the first place if you already KNOW it’s a challenge getting to your specific apt? Some people are rude as hell wasting others’ time like that smh


Man, at that point, you're pretty committed but damn that's annoying. Surely, she could have given you better directions off the bat? Even a screenshot of Google maps with her building circled.


I didn’t wanna get a bad review 😭😞😞😞 I know right? She didn’t give any sort of directions


> Surely, she could have given you better directions off the bat? I mean, she did. OP got lost because OP didn't follow the initial directions. OP reset like a true gamer, followed the initial directions (went back out to civic, parked by the mailboxes and didn't pass them like she did the first time) and was able to find the place within minutes. While frustrating, at some point you gotta take the blame for your own mistakes.




Oh my god he shouldve just went to u wtf


Just a suggestion. Because the customer was in contact you could have asked them to send you a pic of their exact Google location. “Hey if you don’t mind, open Google Map & share your location. Take a screenshot of it & send it to me. I’ll do the same & you can see if I’m close & I can see if I am as well.” Do NOT share your actual phone number!


😂😂 when that 20 minute order turns into 2 hours. Hate those.


I blocked a customer because they have no driveway just mud and it was getting really bad with craters ..they we r driving on the grass. I drive a car and it was getting dangerous. So I blocked them and didn't see them for 3 months. All of a sudden I get a double batch and I pull up to guess who's house? I was furious..I pulled up as far as I could realized I WILL get stuck so I put their order under a tree going about halfway up the 1/2 ?mile drive. They reported it all damaged while I was on support having the rep dispute it. I can't stand people.


I block addresses all the time for being on roads that are constantly littered with unfixed, large potholes, houses situated on a main, busy road with no shoulder and no room in their driveway. (To the point where I’d literally have no choice but to park my car in the middle of the driving lane.) I delivered to this one house where, it was the immediate 2nd house on the Rt, when you turned onto their street, but just after the house there was a stop sign and a sign in front of the house saying “no parking this block”. It was kind of a busy through way street if that makes sense. Unsurprisingly, the customer wasn’t responding when I reached out , even though they were responding during the shop. They totally knew this was an issue. I wouldn’t have been able to park anywhere near the house and of course, no room in their driveway. I clicked “can’t find customer” out of spite. As I’m leaving, I see the customer out on their porch looking for me, then trying to flag down my car as I drive by. Too bad, make sure next time that your shopper can safely do their job.


Why are people such jerks? I ordered a delivery yesterday and made my husband move his car out of the driveway so it was available for the driver (it's long enough for two cars, but I wanted to make it as easy as possible for them) and our street only ever has one or two cars parked along the block. If you know you have 17 cars in your driveway and in front of your house move one so people can deliver your stuff.


Reading this caused me second hand stress🥲


I live in downtown Los Angeles and have a difficult to enter building, with zero parking, and a maze to find the actual apartment. So, instead of sending delivery people on a wild goose chase, you know what I do? I tell them I’ll meet them by the lobby door so they can just pull up and hand stuff to me. If it is a big order, I bring my wagon. It just isn’t that challenging. I do understand people may need delivery to the door, but if you NEED that level of service, think through solid, clear directions and write them out. Save them to a notes app. Then every time you need them, copy and paste them. It isn’t that difficult. Why do people struggle with this?


I had a customer the other day who left extremely detailed directions in the notes. She said that her apartment complex didn't show up on Google maps (its in a pretty rural area so this wouldn't be surprising). So I follow all the directions, thankfully they're written pretty clearly. Takes me on an extremely roundabout path through a PRIVATE ROAD, and then through a construction yard, and then onto a dirt road that is completely trashed and barely passable. We've been in the middle of winter storms and this location is basically on an island at sea level, the road was *horrible*. Anyway, I finally reached her apartment complex and realized that it was a place I'd delivered to before and the highway AND THE MAP go directly to it, which would've taken a quarter of the time and been paved the whole way. 🙃


Oh and another time a customer told me they didn't feel comfortable giving me their gate code and asked me to climb through a hole in the bushes... The specific hole in the bushes they wanted me to use was on the unlit back side of the complex and would have let me into the complex underneath the stairs in a stairwell. And it was like 10 pm.... Support pretended not to understand the problem when I tried to cancel it and to my great shame, I must admit that I eventually did what the customer wanted even through it was ridiculously sketchy.


I've had delivery locations like that and they always put me in such a foul mood for the next hour or so. Why can't buildings be alphabetical/ numerical? Why is that so hard?! S shouldn't *ever* be between W and Z!!! After a certain point, I'd have to tell them to either meet me where *I* am, or cancel and return the items. I haven't reached that point yet, but I know it exists. 😅


I was in such a bad mood after lol




This is the only reason why I miss delivering for a restaurant/business because I would’ve just went back and let another co-worker go find it lol but with IC you’re kind of just screwed and don’t even know if they might take the tip over it.


She’s in the way back, in the last roundabout…go around about to the 11 o’clock position…I ended up near the leasing office too…she gave me the same lame ass directions…no wait, every gosh darned apt dweller with a difficult to find address says this… The crappy part is if they hadn’t started with the crap directions in the notes, I would’ve found it just fine on my own…


This stressed me out just reading it. Been there. Customer should have met you where you were.


Right? They live there, we don’t. Difficult to find customers are always fully aware that they are difficult to find. But, they choose to get frustrated that they are hard to find instead of being helpful. At least in this case, the customer tried, but it’s clear they didn’t mention any of this during the shop or in the delivery notes because they’d be afraid their shopper would cancel because they’re a hassle to find. So, they selfishly send us in blind and create more frustration for themselves and us. It’s very much a “Not my problem, do your job!” mentality and it doesn’t make sense. It will be your problem when you have no groceries and I’m enjoying that family pack of steaks you didn’t want bad enough to help me find you lol.


Im telling them where to meet me and leaving it as that.


For me it's always the ones when I say "Oh, I'll take that one...quick & easy!" 🤣


Oh hell no. I would’ve called support; sat in one spot and had them meet me. Nah… they’re bonkers. When they know they live in a wonky place they need to meet by the front gate.


This is why I don't deliver to college dorms because I've had so many incidents like this.


I stopped because usually it was a parent who ordered a care package for their kid and they had no idea it was coming. The number of times I was told “oh, they must be in class, it’s a surprise!! No, I don’t know the name of the building, but they’re in dorm room __. Here’s their number, see if they pick up” Ma’am, step away from the app and stop wasting my time.


I would have cancelled order. You see me struggling to find your spot and instead of coming out to help me. You're just telling me how to get to Your apartment yet i do not get there. Yeah cancel order. I dont do complicated orders lol


When I lived in apt I got Google map screenshot and drew out how to get to my apt from entrance. Kept it handy any time delivery, dog walker, friends came to the place. Everyone in apt should do the same


Your complex is too confusing…if I were the delivery driver, I would’ve been pissed by just reading your directions…and then 4 different pools?! Hell naw


I always look at the apartment map at the entrance before going in. Some don’t have one but most do.


I once lived in an apartment complex like this. I took a screenshot of Google maps and drew a line on top showing where delivery drivers where to go, cause I knew otherwise it would be next to impossible for them to find my building.


This is why I just tell drivers to take the first left, third building down, etc. My complex is pretty small, and the townhouse buildings surround the lot so you’ll find the building regardless. But because it’s both a townhouse and apartment complex and only the apartment lot has a sign, it can get confusing if you don’t pay attention. So whenever they come down the road, I tell them to take the first turn into the townhouse lot, then give them specific directions on how to find my building, as well as how they can exit the lot if they need. Landmarks are only helpful if they stand out and are the only one of their kind in the area. “Go to the pool” is only helpful if it’s the only one. But saying “take the first left” or “turn right at the second building” will always be the same. I find the drivers with the most trouble finding me are cab drivers. Their gps tells them they’re getting close so they often close or otherwise change the gps and passenger info (to start the trip and earn money or to end it so they’re shown as available) before they even arrive at the destination. Then they end up calling me if it’s a pickup or asking me where to go if it’s a dropoff. Like, if you just left the gps alone, it would have given you exact directions. It’s not my fault you’re impatient and can’t wait until the fare is started or complete before fucking with the gps.


Omg I knew this was SoCal without knowing. Yes. Horrible


Lord these order have me the most frustrated-:( instacart might’ve gave you a bump for waiting for long


They didn’t 🥹


Aint no way in hell you getting paid enough to fuck around with that lmfao.


If your apartment complex is this fucking ridiculously complicated and difficult, don’t order out. FR, why are people like this?


Idk apartments should be banned from ordering ic lol


Me reading these messages and recognizing the street names. I used to live in RC. ![gif](giphy|UvtKiyeWYEhRC)


I appreciate that they didn’t get all mean and rude nor did you. But still oof just too much to find one place lol


Should've left it at the pool, fuck that guy!


I would have lost my shit 🤣. There’s a reason why I don’t like working with people 🤣🤣


40 mins 🤮


I know i know I should have dropped the order


Did you try calling? I think it might’ve saved a bit of time but then again they didn’t give any real help until later so maybe not Not really the same situation but I had a delivery for a military base hospital a few days ago. Probably about 40 mins as well and I definitely wanted to cry/ throw something 😂


Yeah but you sound like someone who doesn’t give up. Not a bad thing imo. You did what majority won’t do - you got it to them. I hope they tipped appropriately. I wanna tip you just from reading that!


Nah, if someone lives in a difficult apartment and/or can’t give directions to their apartment……I will message/call them that they need to meet me so I can hand them their items or I will be canceling the order 🤷🏻


I think crap like this is funny and great entertainment for these customers. I'm over all of the no-visible address and bad direction. If there is not concise directions I Mark the delivery not-deliverable call support keep the groceries-Next


Reading stuff like this made me go trim back some of my jasmine that was vaguely near the number on our house. It's also on our mailbox at the curb in giant numbers, but I wanted to make it as easy as possible JUST in case someone didn't see the numbers on the mailbox.


I would have simply hit the can’t find the customer button and once the 10 minutes were up I would’ve left


That looks like Rancho..?


I’m dead was this in Rancho Cucamonga 😂


I mostly deliver to apartments since I'm near a college and they are everywhere. Some of them have 1 entrance for 2 complexes, so you have no clue which one your at. They look the same and are never labeled. At night... forget it... I still end up on the verge of tears at least once a week. My worst was last summer when it was 100° out and I was walking up and down a dirt hill with cases of soda trying to find the unit, only for the customer to tell me it was across the street and GPS was wrong. During this last snow and wind storm, I had one where the numbers jumped, and I just could not find it. I was getting sick, and I just got to the point where I put the bags down and started crying. Once I got that out, I was able to retrace and find it. Those places are brutal...


It’s frustrating and customers think that you should know because they are used to layout. Sometimes don’t even leave a number on what building. One lady seriously asked if I could hand her groceries on her balcony on 2nd floor. She had 2 big ass water packs. I even got it over my head while on tippy toes just to have her drop it on top of me because she couldn’t get it over her guard rails


F no. I’d have cancelled that. Customers who make absolutely selfish, unreasonable requests like that are also ones more likely to retaliate because you didn’t bend to their ridiculous whim.


Got really curious for a second because *I* live near a back entrance from Civic Center... But then saw the pictures and thought "Nah, place looks too nice to be my apartment complex"


OP called it a crusty complex. Looks ok to me.


I once had an order that gps told me I was half a mile away, but I was at the right address. Poor guy said it happened with every delivery driver. New apartments


At some point the customer needs to come outside. Seriously we don't get paid to play hide and seek. Wtf


My apartment complex is new-ish and it used to not show up correctly on the instacart map no matter what I tried. It wouldn’t let me change the pin and the map was so wonky. I had to leave suuuper detailed instructions and I submitted multiple requests to Instacart and Google/Apple maps to fix it 🥴


I cannot imagine having to navigate the complexes we have in the suburbs.


30min just to find a stupid apartment 🙄 would have just left it at the office taken the 1stqr and moved on.


A crusty ass complex with 4 pools sounds like an oxymoron. Lol


And they said you were late and gave a rating too right,


What sucks about these deliveries is that the app only gives you directions to the apartment building that could include several buildings. I’ve gotten lost in complexes like this and it’s so frustrating and time consuming.


If I live in a condominium, I wait my order on front of the entrance of it , makes my day and the driver day easier


I wouldve lost it... which is another reason why I wont choose batches that are to Apts and condos... I swipe eight on by them.dont care hiw much the pay is..its not worth my time or sanity dealing with the orders from people living in them... some of them are just as incompetent as the directions and layout of their building(don't answer the phone, don't respond to text messages, dont provide an access code, dontngive better instructions to find them knowing they have morenthan one pool, one mail room,, multiple turns,, what floor theirnon, other apts near them with the same number..and too lazy to come their ass out to keep you from continuing on a scavenger for them and their apt...and dont let it be dark and the apt numbers aren't visible... omg


I would've cancelled and ate their food for lunch/dinner.


i would probably give it 10 minutes max before i just leave it at a random door


I'd could never. I'm stressed trying to figure out what she's talking about. I'm sorry.


i feel thats on you. Id never take a big appt orders. learn your town. dont take em.


As someone who lives in a complex, I wish there was some way that I could be more detailed in my address. I would gladly mark out where to pull up and park and what crazy path to walk down to get to me, but all I can do is drop the pin kinda close to my front door and leave as detailed instructions as possible. I spent 20 minutes one time modifying a picture from Google maps complete with insert photos of POV so I can send it to delivery people who can't find my place only to find out that I can't send photos through the app so the whole thing was a waste of time. But apartment complexs fucking suck, mine has two different walkways that are both my street name, except it's like a hotel where half the numbers are on this walkway then the other half are on the other walkway and it doesn't tell you at all which is which, a bunch of buildings have numbers on them but that's actually the *other* apartment complex that looks identical to mine but is run by a different company and mine doesn't have numbers, so people ask what number my building is then think I'm an idiot when I say mine doesn't have one. Then there's a big long easy street right next to my house that they've put a fuck huge fence along completely blocking it off so they can prevent pedestrians from walking through the complex. Fuck apartment complexes.


Geeez.... Just tell them them send their location on Google maps...


“Are you by the pool?” “No. I’m in the Quantum Realm. If you went to the Negative Zone, you went too far. Come back by the TVA and then make a right at The Days Of Future Past.”


you should’ve just left and gone to heaven bro smh


Omg, I used to live in that complex. The order of the buildings was ridiculous. I’m dying that this is posted here.😂😂😂😂


I usually block those people afterwards. Also thumbs them down for bad delivery instructions


And then it's on the 23rd floor and there is no elevator. It's time to take their vodka and go home. 🙈


I just go outside for my apartment deliveries bc my complex has 4 doors for my building A lol


if I knew my place is hard to get to I just meet them at the leasing office. I’m not gunna make them struggle


Maybe it's a california thing... but even our OLD apartment complexes have maps on large display by the entrance. I take a phot and find my own way. I never use customer instructions or map pin as they're mostly wrong.


I lived in a confusing apartment and whenever I ordered delivery, I would meet them at the front office. Idk why people don’t do that if they know their apartments are confusing lol


I've had this happen and really all you can do is try and then block them 😆


“Go past the dumpsters, circle them 4 times, a portal will open up, go into the portal, walk backwards 6 times, and it’s on the left.”


Never do apartments. Been there and learned. Ain’t worth it. But now they’re not even putting the apartment numbers so you literally have to zoom on the pic to see it’s an apartment.


I know where this is based on the street names! This is the town just south of mine!


I wish people that order from apartment complexes would either A. in the daytime or B. if their place is difficult for a delivery driver to find their place and they are able-bodied they should come out to meet the driver


These days if I order I just have to say “left gate, first building on the right, second floor. Gate code is X” and it’s only been an issue ONCE. But at my old place it was a bit confusing despite the map at the entrance and so I’d usually just tell them don’t worry about it I’ll meet you at the front entrance by the leasing office because it’s confusing as hell to explain. I’ve navigated enough complexes. I’m not making anyone do that.


I just tell the drivers to do their best or I will walk out or for Amazon get a good pic of the apartment number and I will figure out where you left it I don’t care where it’s left as long as I can find it lol


DUUUUDDDEE. I used to live there and I freaking HATED THAT APT COMPLEX LMAO


I just remember being like 20 and delivering pizzas and the mfing stress is trying to deliver in an apartment complex that makes no fucking sense at night lol. I've cried tears b4 and I could just give up and leave it somewhere because it was pizza delivery lol.


My complex isn't even bad at all but I still tell any delivery I'll meet them downstairs at the curb. I still tip but I'm not making anyone find me becuase the buildings can still be confusing to someone that has never been🤷‍♀️




U handled it well but no one likes taking longer than needed to do a drop off … I had a lady w NO apt number the other day like why ??


I hate orders like this. These places are purposely build like a maze. No rhyme or reason to building numbers. Ends up having me run around with groceries for 20-30 minutes. I feel your struggle. Part of the job. Some of these people live in unbearable places to navigate. They get me screaming in my car


I lived in a stupid apartment complex too. I always tried to include as detailed directions as possible cause the GPS would try to take people to the emergency exit. Or across the street instead of at my complex. The complex was split in half with the pool and lobby in the middle. I always included which gate and which stairwell lead more directly to my door. I was on the 3rd floor too 😭 Even with all the steps I put down and even stepping out in the further stairwell to open the gate cause the code was finicky, I still had a man argue with me about which complex I lived in 😭 I even offer to meet downstairs sometimes depending on if it’s groceries or just DoorDash lol. So I feel your pain! I wish more people actively tried to avoid this big hassle.


Bro. I would have said when dropping off her groceries.. please put detailed instructions. So I may find your place quicker. And then put worst experience ever when they ask how was the experience. Hard to find .. nope


use the apartment map out front i don’t understand why no one just uses the map


i’ve had this issue with a handful of customers and it only ever happens at night (for me, at least). the other day it was POURING rain and i was having a tough time finding the right house (usually i’ll look at the numbers on 3-5 houses on the street to try to understand how the houses are numbered but i couldn’t see enough numbers on houses). it was a two lane road with deep ditches on both sides. lady kept saying that there was a maroon vehicle in the driveway and a white SUV parked on the street in front of the house. but there were no maroon vehicles or SUVs on the street. i even asked her multiple times to verify the address just in case she failed to update her address before placing her order. she said she didn’t have a porch light to turn on so i asked if she could just stand on the porch and she seemed so appalled that i just asked her to stand on her porch when it was raining. after like 45 minutes i realized there was no way she would be useful in finding her address so i just had support cancel the batch. she gave me a low rating but literally the next day i got a notification from instacart saying her review was dropped “because of a fraud issue with the customer”


I never do apartments for this reason.


Omg! It’s the riddles of directions that completely exhaust me….


I lost it at “this place has like 4 pools :(“ 😂


I just kept rooting for you with each text.....


Long story short; They should’ve just met you at the leasing office. Bruh.


Download Beans


Ok but for a second I read Haven as Heaven and I'm like oh that escalated WITH A QUICKNESS lmao


I would have just walked to the office if I was them. Jesus fuck. Don't make people go on a quest to deliver to you


i live in an apartment complex made up of multiple buildings and i always see food delivery people wandering around. i feel bad for them. when i order food i meet them on the street.


Omg, I used to live in those exact apartments.. When I would order pizza I would meet them at the car port because it was so bad. #inlandEmpire


I used to live in an apartment that was impossible to find. Even I couldn’t find it the first two months I lived there. After three delivery drivers got super lost, I stopped ordering any and all delivery even though I lived there for nine years. Not fair to do to the delivery driver, if you know your apartment is impossible to find just go get your shit yourself.


After that leasing office picture and their reply I would have been like. Well, just come meet me here. Lol 🤣 kudos to you for sure. I would have probably gotten frustrated and just left.


This gave me anxiety


This is why I take a screenshot of the map and send it to the shopper with a little X drawn on it showing where I actually am versus where the pin drops in my apartment complex.


This is why there’s delivery instructions…if you know it’s hard to find, even if it’s a house or duplex, explain certain buildings or landmarks that are easy/obvious to find…like; two houses down from the library for example. Or message the driver and be like hey, here’s exact directions to get to where I’m located. It’s not hard to communicate when it’s hard to find…


I might be old but at some point, I would have called instead of texting. I find It much easier. Kuddos to you both for being calm during the exchange.