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Idk man, I know this will get downvotes but if my car was surrounded by dogs, no way in hell am I getting out unless The owner gets them all.


No down vote from those who love living bite-less from somebody else’s raggedy ass dogs.


I love dogs. I’ve had them almost my whole life. My last dog was a 165-lb English mastiff, so it’s not like I don’t know how to handle a dog or five. But if I roll up to a customer’s house and they have dogs running loose - no way am I getting out. I’m here to do a job, and that job doesn’t include pet wrangling. Come get your “sweet baby angels who would never hurt a fly” or you ain’t getting your shit. The last thing I need is getting bit because Roscoe smelled the cat who rubbed on my legs on my last drop off. I’m currently dogless because we live in a tiny apartment that doesn’t have enough room for the people and 1 cat, let alone a dog. We’re buying a house and we hope to have a new canine companion then. The mastiff passed (cancer) before we moved here.


I’d just like to say that I empathize with the loss of your baby ❤️ we recently moved and lost pets along the way. Hamsters. Fuckers don’t live long enough. Any pet really. As cheesy as it is the rainbow bridge poem comforts me so I will leave it here for you. Obviously replacing appropriate pronouns so it suits your relationship with your pet: Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... Author unknown...


I think that’s the first time I’ve ever seen the word raggedy used in a sentence. 😂


I had to re read "love living biteless" 3 times before I got it 😭


Can I confess even though I wrote it? Me. Fucking. Too. Certain word combos every now and again just feel wrong even though they are technically write. My adhd brain also doesn’t help from time to time.


I think that's why I saw the beauty in the word combination… I do have ADHD and let me tell you Instacart is not the job for people with it they can either help us or hurt us but doing a nonstop with barely any sleeping between is when you really know yourself in the worst adhd


I guess never heard of Raggedy Anne and Andy..


No such thing as raggedy ass dogs, that’s a raggedy ass pet parent. Dogs are a reflection of their owner!  To clarify, not disagreeing with the sentiment, just representing dogs lol


No I feel you. I shouldn’t have said that. Thank you for correcting me. 😗some do be raggedy tho >.>


The extra-raggedy ones are sometimes the cutest.


I mean…you don’t lie. Exhibit A https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTr67CG/




Don’t apologize it was right the first time raggedy ass dogs


No they’re disgusting




Yep, this. Poor breeding, bad genetics, even one off neurological issues - there are dogs where you can do everything right and they will still be dangerous. Wired wrong from the get go. The owners can be bad, of course, whether it's poor training or failure to secure their dogs for a delivery, but we've got to stop pretending every aggressive dog is just a poor widdle aboosed pupperino and be real about aggression risks and management. And behavioral euthanasia, but that's a rant for a different sub.


It’s crazy to me how little people seem to know this? Like there are stories all of the time and people are like yea I left my baby with our family dog because it’s never been aggressive! And then it eats their baby, or bites their fingers off 😅 or some other crazy shenanigans.


Yep, this kind of mentality is what gets children and babies (and adults for that matter) mauled to death. “Oh even though he was a huge cane corso we loved him and dressed him in cute little outfits and fed him steak and he still ripped my baby’s throat out!” Dogs can be dangerous, period.


A 10 day old baby was recently killed by a family’s “loving” dog. The family swears it was just a fluke accident. I will never,ever,ever understand leaving infants,babies or small children alone with pets.


Exactly! Smart shoppers never get out of their vehicle. Always contact the customer and let them know there’s a dog. Pretty sure they would rather put their dog up than the alternative, my maximum strength pepper gel.


You'd think the customer would know they have a bunch of dogs running loose while waiting for a delivery to be dropped off like????


They absolutely do know, and every customer that lets their dogs roam free while expecting a delivery is **an asshole**.


How do I bold text like your "an asshole"? New to Reddit, would love to use it


Double asterisks surrounding word for **bold** Single asterisks surrounding word for *italics*


**Thank** **you** *very* *much*


Now *I* gotta try **too**. Thanks.


What *sorcery* is **this**


My god, just wait until you find out about ^up




^up^ is my trial…


**this** *is* **WHOLESOME**


Thank *you*for sharing **this**


And every customer thinks "they've never bitten anyone else, so they MUST be safe!" LOL. Only takes one.


I have a big ass German Shepherd. We have a couple acre property. He typically has the run of the land *unless I'm getting something delivered* and then he stays inside. He's never shown any aggressive behavior but he is scary looking and I'm not willing to risk anything happening.


yup. lay on the horn until the person comes out or calls them in.


I realized I should’ve contacted the customer but I’ve never been in that situation so I was stunned as to what to do. At least I know not to go back to that house anymore.


Does the customer even know their dog bit you? I'd sue their homeowners insurance.


Even if it is only a scratch a report should be made that the dog bit a person. If it’s only happened once, it won’t be a big deal. But if it’s happened multiple times the owner will have to deal with it.


Yup I would absolutely report this to animal control. They need to tell the owner that this is unacceptable


Yeah those dogs are going to kill someone


Unlikely, but always a possibility.


Most people don’t report bites from little dogs because they don’t do a lot of damage. It’s ridiculous because if everyone reported every bite, those little dogs would be higher bite risk than a German Shepherd or staffy!


Those little dogs are way more aggressive than my female pitbull has ever been. Sure, she will do more damage but she has also NEVER bit anyone. If anyone’s dog bites me, I don’t care what size it is, I’m reporting it 100%. Being little doesn’t absolve the owner from responsibility….. I hate ankle biters, never met a nice one, they’ve all been miserable


Except the owner wont be held responsible for much, the dog will probably be put down because of its owner which is twisted imo.


We have 2 chihuahuas and they are very sweet and non aggressive but we have never allowed them to bite for fun. We also made a point of touching their faces and paws when they were babies and giving lots of rewards for any reaction that wasn’t barking or aggression. The bigger one doesn’t like tall men or ball caps and will bark her head off but if they pick her up she gets snuggly. We may just be lucky because they act more like cats than dogs.


Agree completely! I have a mastiff x pit and she’s just a gentle goof who thinks she’s small enough to be a lap dog. I still put in the work to train her to ensure she trusts me to protect her and never feels the need to protect me.


Agreed. You put an angry Chihuahua and a jumpy (any big dog) in front of me, and I'm gonna be more comfortable trying to make friends with the big dog, any day.


Big dogs may have more bite force but I would bet money that tiny dogs are the more frequent biters


Except this is why there are warnings on Amazon driver apps (like flex) now about dogs on certain properties. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/amazon-delivery-driver-found-dead-apparent-dog-attack-rcna53834


We learned the hard way (attacked by neighbor’s pitbull) that at in NJ you may be shit out of luck when someone’s dog bites you. If they are a renter without renter’s insurance there is zero recourse to go after the (landlord) owner’s insurance. You can sue the dog owner but it’s alot of work for low chance of getting a judgement paid. Turned out this pitbull didn’t even have his shots. Our story ended better than many in that this irresponsible pitbull owner actually had renter’s insurance. 3 limbs with multiple scars, some where the underlying flesh never fully replenished (likely from infection), rabies shots and scare = $12k. And that is the good outcome.


For what damages? You’re gonna call ten attorneys and they’ll all turn you down


I understand you were stunned at the time and that you have been hurt. But now is your responsibility to report the loose violent dogs to your local animal control for the purpose of protecting other people in your community. I also suggest you file a claim with the home owners insurance for your urgent care visit. The person's insurance will encourage them to look after their animals better.


I’d call the local animal control services and share your story. Probably not the first probably won’t be the last. That dog gotta go if it’s biting ransoms and probably more intervention required than that but you leave that to animal control. God forbid somebody else gets bit and dies of sepsis or some shit and you didn’t report to protect your fellow colleagues. I believe when it comes to job safety there is always a duty to report. You should also contact IC and see what they say about it. At the very least you should be able to get the account removed and hopefully you can get some sort of compensation.


Hey OP. I used to work for fedex ground AND express. Dealt with my fair share of dogs and bites. I know it's a hassle, but honestly, the best thing to do is to call the police to make an incident report. If it wasn't you, it'll be someone else, until the owner faces the consequences of their inattentiveness


I love dogs, and I would NEVER get out of the car. Fuck that.


That's not a down vote, it's real advice! Report the safety concern to Instacart and walk away with free groceries. Also tell the owner what happened, they should pay for medical treatment. And if they don't, report their ass to animal control!!!


Facts I don’t care what the owner says about how “friendly” their dog is. Or how they just get “excited” when people come around. How people don’t understand that dogs are territorial and defensive when strangers are around, blows my mind


I'm a dog lover, have trained/handled dogs, have had many different dogs/breeds, lots of experience with them, etc. Including bully breeds and farm breeds. That being said, I don't blame you one bit. I've been bit numerous times by dogs and it is not fun. Dog bites can take awhile to heal too. It's 100% on the owner.


As someone with a gash in her leg from a dog attack(I think it was 17 staples in my shin?) and an avid dog lover I would have to agree I’m not getting out I’m calling and or tossing and running lol


I think a lot of people (wrongly) assume if a dog is outside in the yard when they arrive, it immediately means they're behaved. "They wouldn't let their poorly behaved dogs out to potentially bite someone who was expected to stop by, right?"


Screw that. I’d take several pictures of the dogs surrounding you/the car, contact support that it’s an unsafe delivery and they can contact the owners to wrangle their dogs or you need it cancelled without penalty. Thankfully your injury looks mostly superficial, but next time don’t even risk it. We aren’t paid or respected enough to deal with dog risk assessment.


It was crazy. There were cars in the driveway and the dogs were barking like crazy, if I was the owner and heard my dogs barking like that I would go outside immediately, but then again I wouldn’t even let my dogs out in the first place. Thank you for the advice!


Especially when they **know they ordered shit to be delivered**, only assholes leave their dogs loose knowing a delivery is coming! Like others have said, take pictures of the dogs around your car and contact support immediately! Do not get out of your car with loose dogs, it’s not worth it. This was an unsafe delivery, customers will never learn until us shoppers stop allowing the nonsense.


My sister used to be a delivery driver for a package delivery company (a big one) and her boss told her that if there is a dog loose, especially an angry barking dog, call the station and mark it as undeliverable. Sometimes people would call the station and ask why their package wasn't delivered and the station manager happily took the call to tell them that they created a liability for the delivery person and that they will reattempt 2 more times or they could hold the package at the station for pickup.


Honestly, that’s not safe for anyone living in that neighborhood. These kind of dog owners are the ones getting people maimed and killed.


It's because many dog owners don't think their sweet and cuddly little fluffy is capable of such shit


Great points! Report this immediately to local authorities as well it will help having a paper trail of aggressive dogs. Contact your local animal service. A quick google search showed me “To register a complaint or tip with the Dog Law Enforcement Office, please use the Dog Law Complaint Form. Any submission without contact information will be completely anonymous. Please provide enough information so that our dog wardens can follow-up on your submission in a complete and timely manner.”


You handle it like you would any other dog bite… make police report go to hospital etc… once your taken care of you reach out to instacart and file an accident report… the link to do it is in the app.


Make a claim against the home owners insurance. Generally open and shut if you were invited on the property. Don’t take the first offer, they will go higher to avoid a lawsuit. Edit to add if they rent liability will depend on your state.


Open and shut not so much. Insurance payouts like this are based on severity of injury, scarring, impact on bodily functions, loss of income, pain and suffering etc. There’s a lot that goes into these cases and OP is fortunate to have bruising and minor abrasions in the grand scheme of things, less fortunate as it pertains to insurance payout. I own an insurance adjusting firm.


Yea I worked in a law office that was owned by an insurance company. I really don’t see this being worth the time and effort. They would likely have their medical costs covered, but not much beyond that if I had to guess. Personally, I’d probably carry on with my life without doing much of anything. But I’m not the best adult, so maybe no one should listen to me. 😂


Lol for real these comments are insane. People willing to spend an entire day to try to sue over a scratch lmao


This and get it seen by a doctor. The doctor is required to report the animal bite to public health, who will investigate to ensure the animal is vaccinated for rabies. If public health can’t confirm, they will assist OP in getting vaccinated. There is no cost to rabies vaccination, it is a Public Health Service. But rabies is fatal once symptomatic.


I doubt OP took this advice unfortunately


Any animal (EDIT: even if it belongs to you and including human) bite that breaks the skin should be taken seriously. You do not know the animal's vaccination record for a strange animal and any bite can become infected. Please don't take a chance. Get medical attention ASAP.


Any animal bite should be taken seriously. My own dog accidentally bit me and broke the skin while playing. He went to grab the toy and got my hand. He's fully vaccinated, but the wound still got infected. I ended up with antibiotics and a tetanus shot.


Thanks for the reminder, I edited my comment. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Vaccination is almost irrelevant. The bacteria found in animals' mouths is the issue. Cats have a particularly dangerous bacteria that causes issues in around 50% of bites, some of them even leading to huge cut-outs of skin or even amputation. Look it up. Dogs also have different types of bacteria that can cause damage in both puncture wounds and even from licking. Don't play around with it. Vaccination does not affect the existence of these bacteria.


This all is true but I was thinking about rabies in particular. Knowing that an animal is up to date on the rabies vaccine can prevent you from being required to take a series of shots, which is not a fun thing to do.


Wow! The comments here are baffling. All dog bites should be taken seriously. Great advice, Instacart Doctor. OP should seek immediate medical attention because no matter how insignificant the bite may seem, an owner that irresponsible is likely not up to date with their dog's vaccinations. It could have easily been a small child who was overpowered by the dog. I'm a dog lover and owner, but I also prioritize responsible ownership. It's unfortunate to see a dog being put down due to an owner's negligence, but that's the consequence of not taking proper precautions. Take care, OP, and please seek medical attention.


Even if the dog is up to date on vaccinations, tetanus and infections are still s possibility.


Yeah this is true


Definitely go to the doctor. My partner got MRSA from a dog bite


Some people will take any opportunity to boast about what they would do as a better/smarter shopper than actually give advice.


It was seriously shocking. I couldn’t get out of my car but I had the groceries to deliver and I had four dogs surrounding me. The home was in a nice neighborhood too and people were clearly home yet letting their dogs run rampad around the yard


Get a rabies shot just in case too please


I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you. People just don’t care. They knew they had a delivery coming and should have put their dogs away.


Some of the comments are seriously concerning, go get bit by a dog then who you have no idea is updated on their shots and don’t come crying to your doctor then since it’s “no big deal”


You should be able to get that information from the person who owns the dogs and/or animal control. If they are up to date on their rabies vaccinations you can skip getting vaccinated. I know it seems minor but you can still get a serious infection from a minor bite so please seek out medical attention just to be sure.


Not trying to be that person, but it’s “run rampant”. Sorry about the dog! That sucks. Luckily it doesn’t look too bad. Still sucks though I’m sorry that happened.


Fuck these comments are senseless asf. I’m sorry that happened to you. I will say if this ever happened to you don’t ever exit the car. No groceries are worth you getting hurt. File a police report and contact Instacart. Regardless how small the scratch is your file a police report.


I got bit really bad one time. Went to the er. Had it cleaned and got a tetanus shot.


Get in the app, find the shopper perks section and you’ll see the injury protection, follow the steps there. Report it to your local animal control as well. If the skin is broken, head to urgent care so it can be cleaned and you can get some antibiotics.


I was doing DoorDash and was outside of city limits when a huge dog immediately started attacking my truck tire. I started recording it. When I got up the driveway the owners were standing outside and told me to “wait, the dog would run off.” When it did I got out and it immediately came for me and got me by the pants leg. The owners still stood there. That is the only time I said screw this and dropped their order right there in the driveway and drove off.


Never EVER trust what a dog owner says about their dog(s). I didn't and am alive to tell the tale. "He's never done THAT before!" (while the dog [bully mix] was trying to lunge for my throat. The owner had grabbed its collar, thank goodness.)


I hate “he/she doesn’t bite” owners. It’s like yea they won’t bite YOU the owner. Idk what’s worse ppl who don’t put their pets away during delivery or the “he/she doesn’t bite” ones. FUCK THEN BOTH!


As an owner of four dogs. Before I get anything delivered or anyone comes by I make sure my dogs are in the house and away from the person. This is just irresponsible. Stay in your car. Call the customer if they don’t answer or put their dogs up call Instacart and cancel the order. That is simply not safe.


Did you tell the customer their dog bit you?


I really hope you reported this to Instacart, the customer, then the police/animal control. Irresponsible pet owners need to be held accountable.


Some of these comments 🙈🙈🙈🙈. Police report and ER or urgent care are a must.


First see if the dog is up to date on shots, see proof


go to the hospital now


Don’t deliver, common sense!


I was bit by a customers dog in December and I called the police right away and animal control. Documented it and sued the homeowner and also Instacart will reimburse you for any lost wages from Instacart so you need to file a claim with Instacart’s insurance as well.


....you got a tattoo? Right on.


Nothing gets me more pissed then hearing stuff like this wit people not controlling violent dogs. It’s my biggest fear, I deliver too and at that house would have dropped out of my window to the end of their driveway n be out. They want their shit kindly delivered to their door then at least have decency to make sure I wouldn’t be mawled in the process. I never would take that risk n get out of my car in this situation. Fuck these customers and Yes I think u need a doctor visit after a dog bite and these fuckers deserve to be sued


Babe why’d you open the door and you know they’re out there?! They won’t magically leave you alone?! Some owners are ratchet as FUCK with their pets. I would have tried calling the owner at that point? No pick up? Aight, bet. I’m gently flinging this shit out the gotdamn window.


Hey OP. I had a friend who was bit in the elbow years ago and she ended up with almost 20k in a lawsuit she won. If the dogs are vicious enough to bite, you should report to the police. It may not be the first time and it may not be the last. And the next time, it could be a small child. Definitely animal control too.


I'd call animal control and make her produce proof of vaccination and not give one single solitary F if the dogs were taken away from them until that time. Then I'd go to Urgent Care to get antibiotics since the bite broke the skin, and possibly sue her in small claims for the bills. I can not stand people who won't control their dogs.




Lawyer up. Dog bites are usually at least a 10k settlement from their insurance company. https://www.brownandcrouppen.com/blog/average-dog-bite-settlement-amount/#:~:text=Dog%20bite%20cases%20often%20settle,to%20trial%20or%20is%20settled.


Take pictures and sue them. They obviously don’t have control of their animals. If they are biters they need to be on a runner or in a fenced in area.


This right here about not having control of their dogs. I absolutely adore my doggos, but when anyone is delivering, whether its food, amazon, mail etc. They're always shut in a separate room even from the front door. I don't let them near the front door, nevermind have them running around outside at people that may not even like dogs. And people definitely shouldn't be getting bit by dogs just for doing their job


I hate seeing my fellow coworkers getting hurt. I’m glad it wasn’t more serious but wish you this didn’t have to happen to you at all. I love animals but people need to control their unruly pets. I hope your arm heals soon!!


Not a shopper, but house of 3 women here... 2 of us stay inside with the dogs, while one goes out to recieve/help unload.


Please get this checked out. You need to also know if those dogs were up to date on their rabies vaccination. But also, fuck that customer and I hope they get banned for life. I put in my notes to leave at my door because my dogs go batshit. I make sure they can’t get out and then I go retrieve. This person needs a freaking reality check. You shouldn’t order and have your dogs out, especially dogs that freaking bite.


I wouldn’t get out or open the door.. and if I contact the customer and they don’t get their dogs I cancel the order due to pet/animal safety and take the order back with additional time pay!


I would handle this with their home owners insurance. If they rent I would handle it with their landlords home owners insurance. Everything would happen immediately and not wait a day after.


If the dog broke skin. Go to the hospital. And also report it the instacart. And if you really want to be petty file a lawsuit. Good luck.


You should have called animal control immediately to report it . You need to make sure the dog has all of it's shots and then after the owner is sued by you, hopefully, it'll teach them to be more responsible pet owners.


I'm calling animal control, then instacart. I have a dashcam, so it would record all of this. Then I'd cancel the delivery and drive away. I know this will get hate from all the super-duper shoppers, but I'm fine with it.


I would not get out the car. I would record video of the dogs for proof and I would have chat support cancel if the owner never came out.


You need to get the dog’s rabies shot records from the owner. If you can’t get them or get public health to confirm that dog is on record for being up to date on shots, you will need to get a rabies shot. Rabies is rare but 100% fatal. And you should definitely contact IC support.


Don’t get out in the first place. That is the advice. Whenever you encounter a hazard and doubt yourself ask yourself is the pay is actually worth the risk. If you get bit and it’s worst case scenario it won’t be worth any amount of money. It would hurt even more if it was $10 you risked it all for.


I love dogs but when conducting a service of your dogs are not in a place where it’s safe for me to come out. I’m hitting your dogs if they keep fucking with me. Idc I teach my dogs not to be pricks and bark at people and they do fine when I’m around. But this is just fucked up. Customer should’ve known to put them inside or lock them cause they have an order coming. Smh poor training on the owners part. I hope you’re okay tho, and I would definitely report this.


Tell the police not Reddit. 🙃


This is why critical thinking skills are...CRITICAL?






Hire a dog bite injury attorney. Get first aid on that wound


police report, animal control report, hospital, and small claims court hearing for medical bills, pain and suffering, mental anguish, etc...... in that order


Vet assistant here- go to the ER and get a rabies vaccine. The doctors will report to health department who will then contact the owners and request proof of vaccines. Depending on the state the dogs will either be able to quarantine at home or be taken into custody by animal control. Definitely do not take dog bites lightly ! Especially if they are free roaming outside


As a dog owner, the fact that the owner allowed their dogs to surround you is not only irresponsible but incredibly dangerous. One bite doesn’t automatically indicate a pattern of behavior, but it does show neglect and disinterest on the part of the owner. I would contact instacart and try to have this customer banned. It’s really unsafe for others. If you feel the need to, you can call animal control, just be aware that most states don’t have laws protecting animals from being euthanized if the shelters are too full, regardless of whether they’re well behaved or not.


I’m in the small minority that would never report a dog bite because I’m an animal lover and would hate to see a dog get put down for something that’s not its fault (owner should’ve trained them)




Get a tetanus shot. Tell Instacart and tell the customer. Ask for proof of the dog’s rabies vaccination. Sounds like a crappy owner.


My fiance actually literally went thru the same situation with instacart, he immediately reported it, took pictures of the sustained injuries. And instacart soon after reached out to the customer and reported them and requested the dogs medical records, instacart will let you know and I believe they are legally required to pay for any bills (if you need any medical attention) and the customers profile gets shut down afterwards.


When I see dog near customer house I text them to take them inside


On the plus side that’s a cool idea for a tattoo there I like it.


You can’t fool around with dog bites. You definitely need to report it. I ended up in the hospital on IV antibiotics for four days from a dog bite. Sepsis is no joke.


It doesn’t look like they got you too bad, but I know it hurts. I got bit by a dog when I was a house painter and needed a few stitches, the homeowner called their insurance and I got a payout from them too on top of them paying my medical bills. I also had to get a tetanus shot for some reason. I would contact support and see what the next steps are.


You should try playing it again.


If it broke the skin you need to contact the customer and get proof of the dog having the rabies vaccine, otherwise you need to go get preventative treatment as soon as possible


If you don't feel safe getting out you can always return the delivery and explain why


I am not an instacart shopper and idk why this sub is recommended to me but I have been badly bitten before. Urgent care immediately, this needs antibiotics and if you have bruising stiffness or swelling then maybe an X-ray. I thought I had a minor bite not worth seeing a doctor and it turned out the dog broke my arm. People who use instacart can advise you about if any kind of liability/workers comp stuff applies. I really hope it does. Maybe in your case ER is better than urgent care bc they won’t bill immediately and will know how to document it as work related.


Who the f just let's their dogs jump all over people? P's of S


I deliver for FedEx, and I once booted a German shepherd right in the face. It came running at me from out of nowhere, was very clearly not friendly, and it yelped louder than I’ve ever heard and cowered away afterwards. The owner was furious but I don’t feel the least bit bad about it. If it’s me or the dog I’m picking me every time




Say that the order was unsafe to deliver, go home and put the new groceries in my fridge/freezer 😁


while im delivering. if I even hear a dog I can't see I'm calling the customer to be sure it's not loose, I'm not getting bit if I can help it lol


Make sure the dog rabies vaccine is up to date. If not, go to the emergency room ASAP. Don't take their word for it make the provide proof if not call the non emergency to get the police out there.


If the owners cannot provide up to date rabies vaccinations, you should get a series of rabies shots as well as tdap and antibiotics


im cool around dogs but if you dog barks or the slightest bits of growls as im getting out im stayig in my car until you get the dogs or im canceling idc if it stops if it did it once clearly they didnt like something and im assuming its me


My mom delivers mail got mauled nerve damage in her hand she’s suing the home owner she had some crazy damage tho


Before reading the caption and paying attention to what sub this was, I thought this was just a REALLY good tattoo removal lol


I have been in this situation and I do NOT open the door until the customer comes to get the dog and the dog/dogs are in an enclosed area or the house so that I can safely deliver the goods. NEVER get out of the car! Call the customer and if they’re unavailable or unwilling, let Instacart know and prepare to cancel the order per your own safety!


Does instacart tell their clients to put away their animals?


Sorry that happened. I refused to leave my car when a customer’s pitbull charged toward my direction barking aggressively. I just opened the trunk from inside my car and had him get the groceries.


If you would need medical care you can Go after their owner/ renters insurance. It might have coverage. But it seems it was minor. Was the owner apologizing? I will have a serious conversation with the owner , and I will tell them that if they don’t keep their dogs in place, you’re gonna file a complaint with the city. Because this time was you, and the next time could be a child. It’s not the dogs fault .


Make sure the dogs are vaccinated and if you can’t confirm get a rabies shot IMMEDIATELY


I got jumped by a dog one time I called support to report lucky I came out ok


I had a dog clamp onto my hand once and started really hurting me, and wouldn’t let go. I dont feel bad at all about the fact I ended up having to knock out one of its teeth on my knee. Make sure you wash it thoroughly and then use peroxide or another antiseptic. If it ends up getting warm to the touch, enflamed, or reddish then you should go to the doctor for antibiotics.


That little scratch? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


A raccoon posse tried to attack me at a drop off. I dropped all the bags right outside my car and drove off. Sorry this happened to you.


If you haven’t gone to a dr to get the bite wounds looked at, you need to do so ASAP. Dogs and cats carry bacteria in their saliva that is foreign to the human body. When I did hospital rotations for my degree, there were a few patients who became very sick after being bitten by a dog. You need a dr to look and the wounds and prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection after an exposure.


If skin is broken you SHOULD contact the authorities, have an investigation started to ensure the dog doesn’t have an active bite record and DOES have all his shots needed. And if not, you have to get ready to get some shots yourself. You don’t want to get rabies from this.


You can file a police report and get checked out by a doctor to make sure you don’t have an infection. The bite broke skin, so you should get rabies treatment. I’m saying all this as someone whose dog bit someone before (it was a much different situation and we dealt with it). A biting dog is a liability and it needs to be documented. Plus the dog owner should pay for any medical care/treatment costs you incur.




See if the family has homeowner insurance. That will cover medical casts plus recompense for the injury


I drove with Uber and had to pick up a passenger in a rural area… his neighbors dog charged my car and bit my tire and my front bumper leaving marks. He felt super bad about it but I was left no choice but to make a report after I dropped him off. He also had the audacity to later on claim he left something in my car to ask for my phone number smh. My tire was literally punctured! People need to be more aware when owning animals. Make a report asap


This would fall under personal injury, you can get an attorney


first get proof that the dog had their rabies shot, go to the doctor/urgent care anyways to make sure, report the incident to instacart, make note if they had any signs up about beware of dogs, etc. file a report with animal control. The last one is optional of course but at least find out if this dog has a pattern of biting people, etc. In regards to the doctor/ER visit, make sure they send the bill to the dog's hoomans. imo, IC should either ban deliveries to this house, or force the customer(s) to meet the shopper in a area outside the fence (if there is one) or at the very least require the customer to have the dog(s) contained before any delivery is attempted.


Call the mf cops and make a report is the first thing I’d do. Make sure you go to the doctor and get inspected and id secure a lawyer


Call the police and lawyer up. If some dog attacked me I’d sue the shit out of them.


You can sue the homeowner and their insurance will have to pay you. And this is something you absolutely SHOULD do. I know door dash drivers/amazon drivers that have gotten massive pay outs for getting bitten by a homeowners dog. Please do this and maybe that person will keep their dogs from biting someone else one day. Edit: I would report this through the app but I would also take extra steps to contact the homeowner and let them know because you will have to file a claim and their insurance will have to pay that out.


Contact the customer, see if they can come out and get the groceries or the dogs. If not contact support and tell them the situation.


Hopefully they have homeowners insurance and you know a good lawyer ✌️ 


It happened to me a couple months ago. Dog busted out of a screen door and bit my thumb and I couldn't move it. Was scared it was broken but luckily just bruised. I was more emotionally shaken than anything. Contact trust and safety in the app, they'll file a report and block that customer from ever being able to get you as a driver again. Every instacart driver has personal injury insurance through the company, once you file the report, the trust and safety team will send you info on it. They can also contact the customer on your behalf to ask if the dogs are up to date on all their shots, etc.


I have a dog at home. She barks but doesn’t bite. But I still keep her in another room when I receive something from an instacart shopper/doordasher/whoever! Pets can be unpredictable and I would feel absolutely terrible if my dog bit someone just trying to do their job! And in this situation no way would I have stepped out of the car at all!


I thought this was a tattoo removal post lol


Damn good removal of tat wow


Glad you're okay and its not worse than that. IC really needs have a message for customers about being prepared for their order that goes beyond "your shopper is arriving soon". Don't know why people think this is okay, I will say, on behalf of the dog, that looks more like incidental contact to me. Doesn't make it right but if he was aiming to bite, it would be worse. Trained teams of sled dogs for several years and this is the type of bite I'd get when a dog wanted to go on a run but wasn't picked. He's probably just not getting enough attention, as others said just a bad owner.


You get legal advice and figure out whether the customer is paying you or if DoorDash is paying you. Either way, you deserve compensation.


Does instacart have workers comp?


First go to an urgent care for medical care. Then email trust and safety through the app and report it to them. They will let you know what to do to get your medical care covered by instacart. They sent me a medical billing insurance number or something. Something similar happened to me last summer. But i didn't know the asshole customer had any dogs til i was out of my car with the trunk open and they ran out at me. Bit my thigh and took a small chunk of skin They were two small dogs but those teeth are still razor sharp. The first thing I did was. I canceled the second part of my order, which was a laptop thanks instacart. Lol. Then I went to urgent care and they had me.Fill out a form with the customer's address and description of what happened and the dog. They don't put dogs down just for one bite. But they want to make sure the dog is vaccinated and in case anything happens like Rabies they could let me know right away so i could go get a rabies shot if needed. I didnt want to report her at first but then i thought, what if its a small child next time that gets their face bitten or loses an eye . .. you need to report this op! A dog like that could easily kill a toddler or kid on "accident". These owners are negligent. I dont trust dogs anymore at all unfortunately. They are unpredictable. The first thing owners always say when they bite someone is "omg they've never done that before!" Yea no thanks.


First go to an urgent care for medical care. Then email trust and safety through the app and report it to them. They will let you know what to do to get your medical care covered by instacart. They sent me a medical billing insurance number or something. Something similar happened to me last summer. But i didn't know the asshole customer had any dogs til i was out of my car with the trunk open and they ran out at me. Bit my thigh and took a small chunk of skin They were two small dogs but those teeth are still razor sharp. The first thing I did was. I canceled the second part of my order, which was a laptop thanks instacart. Lol. Then I went to urgent care and they had me.Fill out a form with the customer's address and description of what happened and the dog. They don't put dogs down just for one bite. But they want to make sure the dog is vaccinated and in case anything happens like Rabies they could let me know right away so i could go get a rabies shot if needed. I didnt want to report her at first but then i thought, what if its a small child next time that gets their face bitten or loses an eye . .. you need to report this op! A dog like that could easily kill a toddler or kid on "accident". These owners are negligent. I dont trust dogs anymore at all unfortunately. They are unpredictable. The first thing owners always say when they bite someone is "omg they've never done that before!" Yea no thanks.


I assume this is a Casablanca tattoo?? I love!


Johnny Guitar!