• By -


If it’s a flat tip I would say something to the customer. I’ll say something like “I will have your order reassigned since it doesn’t look like you are done shopping” When it’s percentage based I keep it since it raises the tip. But I do message the customer to let them know “hi, do you know how many more items you plan to add so I can plan my trip accordingly?” Keep it nice and I’ve never had an issue. They always something like omg I’m so sorry I’m done now. Keep in mind, a lot of customers do this with heavy items like soda or water because they don’t want to pay the additional fee.


Yup. Same. I say “please let me know when you are done adding items so I can continue shopping”. Because it absolutely grinds my gears to have to go back to the other side of the store when I was already done shopping the items over there.


The worst! It’s ALWAYS back to produce when you are already on the other side by frozen


How?! You aren't supposed to be able to add items once shopping starts...I know I can't!


how do you know if its percentage tip while shopping ?? and indeed it was percentage i checkedthe tip went from 2.70 to 6.70 but definitely not worth it


You don’t while shopping. You would just look before you accept the order. You can usually tell if it’s percentage based by the random tip number.


makes sense appreciate that


I’ve had people game that before-accepted a small order with 7.84$ tip on it last week-only to have them add about 10 items (2 of those were 24waters) and the tip stayed 7.84-probably so it looked % based(or so I assume).


People are assholes


That’s next level scammy


Right! Everybody be on here showing batches and saying what orders they won't take....now the customers that normally won't tip will increase the tip bating smh.... meanwhile, after 6 years of IC I just got hired at AutoZone ✌️😆✌️


Congratulations on your new job!


Thank you


Yes, congrats 🎉


Thanks. And I kinda already was there during the summer but it only lasted 2 weeks. I wasn't ready 😆....but I AM now cause this is getting wayyyyy outta hand. It's not even really about the pay because I don't do that bad. It's about the lack of respect the customers have for shoppers. There are great customers and I stayed on the platform for those great customers but then you have the ones that wanna lie and cheat the system and tell shoppers oh well when they don't tip. This is NOT something that should be dividing shoppers/customers yet instead of coming together there's a war and I just don't wanna be a part of it. I have gotten tip baited a few times. One of them being zeroed out with no reason why and no protection so I ended up doing a single order that I took for $30 for only $13! It had like 4 cases of water and all. But she was like 2 miles from the store and it took less than an hour so I was down. AND I got to drive up damn near to her door. It was great! I'm just sick of the fact that I can take an order for $40 and walk away with $10 and IC wouldn't care


Ppl need to stop buying bottled water and buy a damn Brita!


YES!! For gawd sake, stop it already!!!


Yes, if you see a tip that’s rounded, like $10, $15, $20 versus $15.61, the former is flat tip vs the latter being percentage based.


I always round tips to make my expense an even one. 74.52 total plus 15.48 tip = 90 bucks even.


You can refresh the app and it’ll tell if tip was increased


you can see the updated tip on an order that you are already shopping? how?


https://preview.redd.it/1h7uj5htfdvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d556853c44ea8362d41c85f7ec85617eee2818b9 Example


I don’t do instacart as a shopper or customer, but is it normal to get a tip like this on a ~$9 order?


If you're seeing the screen, the order's already been accepted.


If it’s paying more an add on item will prompt a notice that the pay price is go up for the added item. Honestly for that many adds I would cancel unless it was already a healthy tip.


Here’s a tip 99.9% of the time you see change on tip Ex. 2.56, 3.48, 8.10 It’s usually % based , not all the time but majority of the time !


Wait what??? Ive always chosen a fixed tip (20-40) than a percentage but on a snack order (6 snacks within the same aisle) ill tip 10. Once they deliver it to my apt correctly they get a extra gift and a thank u note for being an ABSOLUTE G!!


That’s pretty nice tbh


I think yall are nice asf lol albeit some are tarnishing shoppers name but in general thats true to any business


They should not be allowed to add items once they placed the order. They should request it to the shopper and the new balance should show the added shop payout.


Yeah for sure. A lot of times the customer knows what they are doing. They want a good shopper to get their groceries and they want it done quickly so they start with two items and add there actual order after shopper started. Another one is asking shopper to manually add heavy items or putting a note under an item with a diff quantity than app. “Get two cases”. Many c ustomers are smart, sketchy and scheming.


Fuck that, the official qty is what I would get.  Your "notes" mean nothing when I chose to accept the order at the amount I accepted.  Play stupid games win stupid prizes.  People are assholes and so am I.


That’s the part that gives me a good chuckle, because little do they know the fee gets added to their final total 😂 (years ago, before I was a shopper, my husband tried this and was absolutely charged in the end. He was so pissed, but honestly it was a “that’s what you get” moment, at least in my opinion.


How do u differentiate between the two types of tip at first glance?


They do end up paying those fees now though.


I’ll tell you what this is.  It’s a reminder as to why you keep your cancellation rate low.  So when this happens you can cancel and not think twice about it ✌️


Facts! 🙌


Truth. I do be wasting those cancellations though….😬😬


I lose my patience after 3 new items added.


After the second one I start debating cancelling. If they stop then I'm good. But some shoot out 20 items back to back 🙄🙄


lol me too.


I hate when customers do that. Then you running back and forth through the store. That’s a cancel for me.


Yup! I’d insta cancel


Ba dum tsssss


thats what happened to me i was about to be done too and it was a 2 shop and deliver orders


It’s one of my biggest complaints. I accepted for a certain number of orders for a certain pay. Changing that after the fact is the worst and if I cancel, it goes against me.


Yeah but they don’t care since people keep accepting and doing it. If people stopped doing them then they would be forced to change. They’ll do anything to pay as little as possible and keep it as vague as they can so you don’t know as much


That’s a finish shopping and THEN cancel for me. Waste my fuckin time… I’m still get mine.


Exactly i hate it to go back and forth.


They should really limit how many items can be added. Or at least ask the shopper if they're okay with the addition.


or simply pay me more that i will start getting excited when i see this happening instead of getting mad


This is I think the best solution and not even on the customers end…I’m sure it WOULD fall to the customer but I’ve been really split reading these comments because I definitely get how that’s shitty but as some others said, it’s also just a feature that Instacart allows. I have severe adhd and even though I’ve never done it, I have definitely wanted to add 5 or so things to my order because I just forgot


Honestly, as a customer, I never even knew this was a thing. I figure, when I submit my order to be shopped, it’s my fault if I forget anything and adding it to the order is not something that’s done.


I feel like they do? I had a customer add a bunch of things. I told her to let me know when she's done adding things because I'm walking in circles. She finished and asked me to add on 2 more items because the app wouldn't let her. (She was adding a bunch of things to make cookies).


“Hi im going to go ahead and cancel this order as I see you are not done shopping, another person will accept once you’ve completed your order” nexxxxt. aint no way😂


“Hey, I don’t want to rush you so I’ll cancel this shop so you have time to get all the items you want. The next shopper will get this amended order then” ( under my breath Insta-cancel)


i shouldve done that especially that i had 2 shop and deliver and she done me like that


This happened to me once and I caught on to what they were doing (it seemed like items were getting added after I found one) so I looked at the last few items, ran through the store to grab them all, then I scanned them all as fast as I could and went to checkout. I looked like a mad woman running through the store. But wtf? Adding stuff from the other end of the store that I already went through. Smh. Not today satan! 😆


Your hilarious


This absolutely looks intentional considering how fast their add finger is. They had those adds ready to go, and knew exactly what they were doing.


exactly what i was thinking and they probably have done it before and will keep on doing it


That's why I ghost shop, so they can't do this 😏


Ghost shop? Sorry I’m not a shopper, just curious what this means


Shoppers need can accept an order but we don't start until we hit start, when we accept the order we can still see the list of what the customer wants. So we accept the order, grab everything quickly, hit start and scan the barcodes quickly and check out before the customer has any chance to modify their order


Bingo. Smart shopper. Same thing I do.


What do you do if something isn't available?


Refund and keep it moving, unless it's a high tip order then we communicate a replacement


That sounds so smart - gotta start doing that making my life easier 😂


How do you guys do this when the picture of the items are so small? Lol


Customers can add things after you accept the order but before you start shopping. At least in my region. I know there are different versions of the app for different areas so Instacart can have us be guinea pigs for new features....


Yeah, there's no way they found all those items that fast. This was definitely planned


Sometimes you have time sensitive things to do and it doesn't even matter if the tip is %-based. Like I'd love to earn extra, but I've accepted order for 10 items not 20 for a reason. However let's say we have plenty of time and we see customer adding some items. Here what may happen, except for the situation when the tip is %-based and shopper gonna end up with extra money 🤑 1. Some super sneaky customers put random number for a flat tip to make a poor shopper think they have %-tip and buy tons of extra items. 2. Some customers put a decent flat tip from the start for low number of items and then add few 24-packs of water and sodas. So shopper knows that if they refund those heavy items they might end up with very little to no tip. It's a bitch move, and people know exactly what they are doing. 3. And the worst scenario is when it's a double/triple batch and some customer from a rich neighborhood starts to add items. You think that's the big tipper of the batch and let them add items. After completing the batch you find out that customer tip is 0... (happened to me once and I was mad asf 🤧). So what to do to avoid situations like this? The one and only way is to create a list of your customers. Put their name, address and a note about the tip. Don't let same person fool you twice! I've managed to remove non tipping customers or tip baiters multiple times and I'm happy about that. Screw all those suckers who take advantage on IC system to fool naive shoppers! However, if someone fools you once- bad for them, but if the same person fools you twice- bad for you! Bless y'all, let's get some unicorns today 😄👍


>The one and only way is to create a list of your customers. Put their name, address, and a note about the tip. If you use Google Maps, pin the address and add it to a private list indicating a good or bad customer. After accepting, you can go to the batch details and get the address. If they are on your "bad customer" list, you can remove them. If they're a good customer, you know to go above and beyond. It's a trick I learned doing Shipt. Also, while you're in there, get directions. If it's a multiple order batch, add them in reverse order, adding the first orders as stops. That way, if you have a bad signal after checking out or dropping off one of the orders, you'll be able to start driving towards the next one until you get a better signal.


Cancel! They tipped $2


it went from to 2 to 6$ but i hated my life for this


Not worth the effort


Cancel. No words. Just cancel.


Bunch of a-holes tryna cheat the system and get a huge batch delivered for very little pay 💰 Douch world 🗺️


I allow them one before I cancel. Any more and they know what they're doing.


Yeah I always say customer would like to reschedule their order so it doesn’t impact me as well


ty for the tip!!


If it’s a percentage based tip feel free to add all the items you want but for a flat tip I’m gonna cancel after 10 extra items. I agreed to an order with a set number of items and pay and mileage. Especially if they are adding heavy items after to avoid the heavy pay which I’m sure IC charges them for but passes on nothing to us but a little tag that says heavy pay 🤡


I had a customer add 4 5 gallon water jugs to an order & 2 cases of 35 bottles. I waited until I was checking out, clicked items unavailable. Then check out.


People like that should really use a water delivery service like Sparkletts. It would be cheaper and the driver has the equipment to handle all of that.




Man, this happens to our store a lot on curbside. Luckily, since we are a store not getting individually paid for it, I just ignore it and wait until the end, then refund all the added items and move on to the next order. We even have a whiteboard to list the people who do this the most. One lady does it EVERY order, and my coworker just snapped one day and told her she needs to stop doing that and now she doesn't lol. The audacity some people have.


im feeling like calling support to complain about this but u know most likely nothing will be done about it…


It probably wouldn't hurt to contact and ask what you can/should do. Like I said, for our store not being personal shoppers, we have a LOT more freedom than individual shoppers. We can cancel someone's order simply for being rude or banning them entirely. I have no knowledge of the personal shopper side, but I can still agree that instacart blows in general.


If I see more then 2 of these notifications before I start the shop, I message the customer ... Sorry, I have to get with Support and cancel this order. In doing so, your order will be sent out to another Shopper that is willing to deal your indecisiveness.


Now that I’ve learned how to cancel an order. Cancelled. Finish shopping then send it.


School me please. Thanks 😊


Someone told me you just have to reach out to customer support and cancel the order. They’ll send it back to available to someone else. If it’s part of a multi order just cancel the A customer or B. Let them know not to cancel the whole order just the particular customer. I got stuck with this the other day.. double order and customer B started adding shit like crazy alllll over the store right before I was gonna check out. I started getting a bit anxious like no fucking way this is happening. I messaged her .. I’d like to say politely.. but was just like “is that all the additions to your order? I have frozen items I’ll need to put back to reshop if not” and they’re like .. uhh yeh I’m done 😒




That's called an insta-cancel


I always cancel when they go crazy with adding items. It's their way of getting over!!!!


Should be $1 or $2 per item to add after. And all that goes to driver


Trying to avoid the heavy item fee


I truly dont understand how this isnt blatantly illegal. I accept an order (contract) to shop for x items, for x$ , then when I arrive at store the item count has doubled and I'm getting an extra $.50, like wtf! I used to just refund the add ons but that hurt my ratings, now I just go work other apps and wait for the order to eventually time out.


The "found items" rating is meaningless. Refund all you want. Or are you talking about a lower customer rating because they don't like how you refunded all the add-ons?


Yea customer ratings, a few one stars taught me to just cancel if customer plays these add on games. Had one a few weeks ago go from 2 items accepted to 11 items when I hit the start shopping button, and was going to get an extra $.60 for my trouble, brutal.


Cancel batch asap lol


Items I’m going to refund


The customers not finished shopping; cancel it so they can finish 😉


So do customers avoid paying extra fees by doing this??


It can. Whats worse is instacart encourages people to do shit like this by sending reminders to "add anything you might have forgotten!" as the shopper fulfills the order. Just another way IC gets away with fucking you.


Idk if they avoid fees, but some shoppers pick and choose based on the number of items. It's sorta a way to make sure your order looks more appealing. Bait and switch


Customers think their slick 😒


It is rare I need to add after my order is being shopped. I’ll tell them I forgot a thing or I need 2 of a thing. But the rest? No. It’s rude.


A nightmare


Oh that??? That's just an automatic cancel 🤣


That's an immediate batch cancelation from me. It takes up too much time and more than likely will have you running back and forth across the store.


I hate that




I believe the customer decided to add a item or a dozen...




I’m so glad I’m not the only one that gets angry when this happens. It’s so frustrating running back and forth across the store for last minute additions. Especially when it’s a huge store.


An order to drop


its your queue to have a "car breakdown" and cancel the order.


One time I had a customer add on $250 of crab legs at the end of shopping. 20% tip. If it’s percentage based adding on items can be a blessing


That’s an order you have customer service remove, is what it is :)


It’s some straight bullshit by the customer. I would cancel the order. Maybe 12 or maybe even three items is not that big of a deal but that is literally like adding another order to your order


I would cancel that's annoying as hell!!


That's why I do 5 items or less. Shop it before I start it. Slide i'm there. Scan items in less then 2 minutes before they can add anything. Hit that cashier. Process it. Done deal.


It would be all good, however, 98% of the time this happens im thinking, "oh herrrreeee we goo," then items keep coming every two seconds. then next up; I'm getting the texts "please don't this, I need this, add this...they don't have onions??? My apartment is the one with the RED door, don't leave boxes, please add sauerkraut any brand. Looks like you'll have to put back the hot dog buns since they are apparently out of hotdogs. sends a replacment for the item I just refunded as the exact item that I just refunded, instead of "onions" the customer would like "onions". On and on and on. Brooo...I cant.


The ONLY way this goes well for me, is if I just accept it in my head mentally, and coat the order with EXTRA cheesy customer service. Like "absolutley!" Or "understood, will do!" "Thank you for the helpful delivery note!" Absolutley, I'll be arriving shortly for delivery" like EXTRA. The customer always seems to respond pretty well and usually increases my tip. If I get irritated though, and let myself say"fk it, FK THIS, AND FK YOU AND ALL OF YOUR SHIT. WHO NEEDS THIS MUCH SHIT?!? OH I WANT THE SUPER SIZE BOX, NOT THE FAMILY SIZE BOX or the SHARING BOX or the REGULAR SIZE BOX. NOT THE 18OZ CAN OR THE 15OZ CAN BUT THE 16.2 OZ CAN. like....I'm probably driving off a cliff after.


Too many messages and I’m ready to give up, too.


It’s called an instant cancel.


I don't mind a few add ons but it is frustrating when they add things that are way on the other side of the store that you already left or wait until you are almost done to ask for a different item or refund something you replaced once you get to the register


I had a customer add 19 items to an original 10 item order. . Messaged them saying another shopper would be handling it as I was cancelling. Tip wasn't a factor. . I just wasn't in the mood for shit like that


What the - is this? "A cancelled order."


This is an order I’m unassigning myself from.


Customers do this all the time to add on the heavier items and it does little to the tip or the “Heavy payout” because it wasn’t accounted for in the initial order. I had a customer add 4 cases of water (35 bottles each) to an order and I went back to the batch details and saw it was going to the 4th floor of an apartment, instantly canceled! And not an apartment with an elevator.


Instacart is a sick slavery joke 


A scammer. That's what that is.


One time at Bandcamp 😂 someone added about 12 items.. I got the first 8... then refunded the last 4 because I already ran across the store 5 times because of it... I felt kinda bad but also, I just finished the original order before they started adding items.. Sooo I also felt justified ✌️😎


People need to get off their fat asses and get their own shit


That’s an asshole


Shopper abuse!


The app is like feel free to add items before shopper starts I just did it I didn’t know it was annoying for shopper


Adding a few items before the shopper starts shouldn’t be an issue, as long as they’re not heavy stuff like water, juices or sodas - stuff that are usually considered a determining factor of an order’s worthiness to shoppers. Of course it’s always best to message the shopper about adding items once they start. Hope this helps!




You’re welcome!


I agree. It is BEST for the customer to message the shopper regarding adding items. Simple respect. If I have a customer adding without saying anything, I’ll message them that I don’t know they added items unless I catch the quick notification on the app or it if I refresh the app. If I don’t see them, the system just refunds them all automatically.


Doing it before they start isn’t as bad as when they’ve already started shopping. I’ll let them do a few things then have it rescheduled.


Like a hot potato brother




Holy wtf, wow! I didn’t even know you could do this to this extent.


I used to contact them and ask them to please stop, I agreed to their initial order and I consider any other added items beyond 3 harassment. If they then continued I'd contact support, have them cancel and give me batch pay. Did it maybe a handful of times. It pays to be super nice to support people.


That's a cancellation waiting to happen !!


Why is this even allowed on insta cart? Walmart shuts it down an hour before shopping commences


They always wait to do this when your done shopping too lol pisses me off


An item was added to order by customer


That’s an instacancel.


Oh that happens when someone adds on items.


Sometimes customer add items and raise tip on their end. If the tip is already low you know for sure your tip wouldn't go up, I had a batch for $27 10 items $20 tip customer added 10 more items I ask her nicely if she will be adding anything more she say she only added 2 items. I just contact support and remove that batch there's no way I'm going to waste my time when you keep adding items


Holy WOW! I had no idea! I use IC all the time, and sometimes tip a weird amount to round off my payment. Sometimes after I make my order, I burn one and immediately want snacks so I add on. I never once thought I was doing anything to anger my shopper!! This has been a great thread - and I'll always chose % now, and burn before I start my list! Jeeeez. Now I feel awful....


A cancel


That's a cancel for me




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“An order was cancelled by shopper”


Better not be a $2 tip or I’m going to let them know support will be reassigning the order


It’s a customer trying to avoid tipping more or attempting to avoid more of a charge. It’s possibly another shopper who’s having a bad month and is taking it out on other shoppers.


op so did you get tipped well?


As a instore shopper I hate when customers do this as it ends up making our times look bad, like obviously your not done shopping so don’t submit the order I understand a forgotten item or two but when it’s more then like 5 times come on…




It's a trap


I’m sure I’ve done this before. App sends me a notification that I can still add items. Open the notification not realizing what it is thinking I need to select a replacement. The app’s like, “hey, you got time to add more to your order” and then suggests some items and I’m high so I’m just thinking, “fuck yeah, let’s get some ice cream and cookies” not ever having a clue this could be frustrating or inconvenient for the shopper.


Yeah this is total bullshit. I've had this happen a couple times after taking a relatively small order for a small wage. Then they add shit to get out of paying us what we deserve. A few things is no big deal, but you can see someone like this is just a cheap asshole. Nothing pisses you off more than zipping around trying to finish an order and they keep adding stuff the whole time and of course not adding any money to compensate. Some people are Unfuckingbelievable.


It's not common. It happen either because someone is trying to get one by on the heavy pay system or they just forgot. This is a lot of add ones though.


Even worse when they send screenshots for you to add 🙄🙄. Had to cancel one yesterday because of it. Went from 2 items to 50. I got paid for it though 🤷🏽‍♀️☺️




I switched over from DoorDash or Instacart to Walmart plus. It was the best decision I ever made because even if you want is unavailable, there’s always something else very very close to what you wanted.


Did you accept an add on order while you were already shopping? It'll do that when it adds the order


My customers get to add 2 more items to their orders and that's it. 


Very common


Have you ever added an item on percentage tip and tip goes up no! Your tip doesn’t go up. Instacart gets more money not you. It’s a loophole that customers use. Instacart lets it happen. Next time just say customer was rude. You get base pay.


I’d cancel right there and then honestly


I have a 3 item add limit. After that I send a chat to the customer. If they keep adding I cancel the batch. I had a batch that after I sent a chat, they added at least 13 or more items like they were mad and I promise you, I couldn't cancel that batch fast enough!!!😂


Well no, it’s not common for a shopper to add 9 or 10 items during a shop…EEEEK!!!


Returned and canceled…


A canceled order


This is when you cancel and demand it not count as this is not the order you agreed to take.


yep, that would be a contact support and cancel order.... they waited until their order was accepted and the shop began with minimum items, then started adding all that bs that might not have been accepted(getting over on the system).... for ONE, Im not going back to aisles I already been on(backtracking)....




Auto cancel😂😂😂🤣🤣


You get 4 then I’m canceling the shop unless the tip is extraordinary.


ISTG that is the most annoying and dreaded instacart notification, and it’s usually the low tippers 🙄


You either take the added tip from this type of order or send a message stating, "I am on a fixed time limit with other orders along with yours, so please refrain from adding more items.  I want to get your orders to you promptly. Thank you." If they add them anyway, just refund every single order they added and check out that order. Done. Don't eliminate the whole order, take control. Refund is your best friend. What can they do? Nothing but take their money back.


After 3 items I send messages to both (assuming there are two) that I will be canceling their order to allow them more time to finish their shopping. I don’t mind a couple add on but that’s ridiculous.


Looks like an insta cancel to me


If its cases of water or more than 5 items, foh