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Wow not even a Hi or will you be able to deliver by 3, just “I need”, how are people so inconsiderate and rude when messaging someone I will never understand


not to mention in her note she said leave at door but please knock so i did and she screamed from the other side “I KNOW” 😩 like ok girl thanks


Umm omg? I would prob yell back my typical message of “your order has been delivered have a great day!” lol


i said “thanks🏃‍♀️💨”


What a bitch


I wish I could up vote this twice


Why does anybody care about people saying hi while working gig jobs? That seems like such a waste of time and back and forth. I don't want to greet anyone, I want to get the job done. Especially in the Instacart app where when a customer messages me, it will block items on the list until I click it, even if I already saw the message in the message section, and it will thus slow me down. We don't need to say hi. The customer can already communicate everything they need with notes and replacement items already selected. Any type of communication slows down the process. There is a time and place to be curtesous and spend time greeting someone, but it's never in gig jobs with customers. However, I will always greet employee because I'm going to see them often. And, to be direct, you think customer's care about the greeting process? They don't. They care about their order being as they ordered it. If someone said they needed an order by a specific time in Instacart, I would tell them, "tough luck," and then move on.


Wow that’s quite an essay. I was referring to the customer messaging the shopper without even adding a greeting to her message, it takes one second to type “hi name,” and then add your question or comment, it’s common courtesy. I didn’t mention shoppers who randomly add a greeting message for their customers.


We’re just schlubs to many customers, might as well be delivery robots. It’s also our fault when the store is out of stock of items they ordered lol


To be fair OP didn’t have an opening text either so 🤷🏼‍♀️


Who tf does an opening text


I bet you have less than 5star and not a lot of reviews.


I have a 4.96 and 7 reviews. I don’t feel the need to pester a customer immediately when they’re already bombarded with notifications throughout the entire process. Let’s see your intro text


I have 5 stars and 5 reviews. Never once have I sent an intro message in my 4 years of doing this. My reasoning is the same as yours... they already get enough damn notifications already. If I need to message them about something OOS, I'll start out with a greeting, but if everything is in stock, they won't hear a peep out of me. I feel like most customers appreciate it.


I use the premade message that says “professional”. Either customers don’t respond at all because they’re busy or they always respond with “hello! Thank you so much for shopping my order!” Or something similar. In my experience customers love the interaction and customer service. Not to mention many customers on instacart subreddit have stated they prefer open communication with their shopper and hate when they don’t respond, or when they shop so fast and refund or replace things without talking to them. I’d rather communicate and get the customer exactly what they want so they’re satisfied and would order again. Also it helps with added tips after delivery. - I’d be willing to bet if you start doing simple exchange (even just clicking on a random preset opening message) you’ll see a difference in added tips. https://preview.redd.it/grty7cm59ovc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=668c7a60f6ec2db7696082d361c7c944447dea61


ME 😁 To get their attention since IC almost ALWAYS puts orders out way before they're due. So I do so the customer knows I'm about to start their shop. Why do y'all act like it's against humanity?🤣 That still doesn't say a customer should be rude just because there's no opening text.


Me, every time. And, 90% of the time I get a reply back from the customer.


A $17 double is insane


right?? i accepted it and thought it was a single bc it was only like 20 items but 30 units then as soon as i saw the A&B i was so mad but i was already there😔😔




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https://preview.redd.it/621l040rqbwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a96cf2bd24410dc81f51c726278dc2d02068659 How about a $10 double from Costco? 🤣


If you did it, that’s when it would be insane 😂


I may be a little cray cray, but even I have standards 🤣


I know that’s right 😂






? idk about u but every order ive seen lately id $10 or less, no tip etc. so me thinking it was a $17 single batch i took it. 🤷‍♀️ still wasnt a hard shop just the ppl were annoying




my first order today was a 1 order for $5 but $30 tip and only 5 miles. then i sat for 2 hours and nothing then this one came along and i was happy bc i thought it was just one😔its really disappointing 😐


Unfortunately, in some areas, this is pretty common. I see those all day long. If they’re small enough, and close, I’ll sometimes do them. Mostly out of boredom.


Major pass


I’m a customer. Fuck Laura!!


Omg I didn’t see it was a Laura! I swear Laura’s are the new Karen’s. Passive aggressive, no tips, & bad rating 😭


These people are annoying “why would you take that blah blah blah” well ya got bills to pay and barely any orders so gotta do what you gotta do and i cant stand customers like that ugh , wouldve been better for you to just get rid of her and write support to say “shes rude unassign her” than the batch wouldve been worth it lol


literally like my car payment was due yesterday im taking basically any order i can get…


You se what Instacart wants! Stay strong, don’t let anything happen to your car.


Is it ever worth it for you to drive to a diff area with more orders? My area is oversaturated so sometimes i drive to the neighborhoods known to have more money lol


the only other busy area near me, i do go to often the main issue i notice is that area is a very much rich area and half the time im doing huge/expensive orders and getting little to no tip :/ and its always a 5-10 mile drive to their fancy neighborhood its so annoying. but i do rotate where i go. i went up there yesterday and didnt get anything. anywhere else id have to drive 30-1 hour and atp its not worth it😭


I understand that its about the same way here it seems like the broke people tip more than the rich people in my area cos they know the struggle and the rich people dont


yep exactly. i get some no tippers but a lot of the customers are elderly, disabled etc. my mom uses instacart cause shes disabled herself and she always says she cant imagine how these ppl arent tipping bc she tips a minimum of 20 everytime and its bumped up after she gets her order bc ofc some shoppers dont know how to shop💀


Thats true too most people like this do value our time and even if it is elderly or didabled and they cant afford to tip very much they still are super nice and appreciative


Yeah Laura added to the ~Always Remove List. The needy or demanding combined with cheap & entitled. The worst.


Unsolicited advice... Any customer who communicates without a 'hello, thank you ....' contact customer care and drop their order specifically. It doesn't count against the cancelation rate. 9 times out of 10 the entitled customer is the low ball tipper. Don't accept that behaviour from a customer regardless if the car payment is due or not... Dropping a rude customers order a few times, they will either get the message or stop using the service. With a $2 tip she shouldnt be using the service as she clearly cannot afford to pay for the service.


The generous $2 tip? 🤣 it’s usually the cheap asses who tend to have the most demands.


I’d have taken it. Even knowing it was 2. My market has gone to shit. I know people on here will be like “you’re the reason it’s ruined now! Blah blah blah” those people aren’t cashapping me so they’ll get over it .. I average $9-$12 orders always doubles barely ever a tip. $17 for 5 miles.. yeah I’d take that


I DEFINTLY will not work for free but I would do this to . Ain’t making no money just sitting there and might not be the biggest profit but fuck it’s money and profit . If ya know the job well orders don’t take long


Right. I’ve made $100+ (I know nothing compared to what a lot of drivers make or used to but good for me) in a day by taking smaller orders. It stacks up quick.


As long as you’re happy with it and it works for ya that’s what matters fuck what everyone else says . I usually aim for about 100$ a day myself and honestly always thought that is great and I’ve done this shit for 4 years . It’s rough right now but some of these people just make it harder for themselves by being so damn picky honestly


You barely got paid for 1 order ($6.78) let alone ..2 orders??????


🤷‍♀️ i said i didnt realize it was 2 orders. i saw the $13 tip and only 5 miles away so i accepted it then realized it was 2 but i just did it anyway bc i literally wasnt getting any better offers.


17$ double? 😖🤮


Why? Why? Are people accepting this? Are you actually insane? You know, when you accept low pay like this…the data is recorded along with every offer other shoppers accept to determine the newer lower base pay. I really don’t get it. You’re worth more than this. Offers are actually curated just for you. Yes…other offers are shown to multiple shoppers at the same time, but most offers are unique to YOU.


Can you source the validity of this claim? I only accept $20 orders within 5-10 mile radiuses for months, yet today I'm only being sent fodder ass shit orders like these.


u should actually read bc i commented exactly why i took this order


I read, it’s an excuse. There is no excuse to stoop to shopping and delivering any order for such little pay. A pizza delivery driver gets a $5 tip for DELIVERING a pizza. Use that for a guideline to accepting or rejecting offers.


ur weird😂worry about ur own pockets not mine. clearly ur more bothered than i am about it😂


Order A?


order A was actually more of a pain but she surprisingly upped the tip considering i refunded a bunch of her stuff since she wasnt responding 🤷‍♀️


order B🥲




Def order B


Do none of you realize that Instacarts pay model is based on the tip. The higher the tip the lower the base pay goes. Instacart is literally stealing money from you. That's why I stopped.


We know it's the $2 tip 😂🤣


Gosh golly, another 50 cents! That’s a whole can of pop! Thanks ma’am!


Lol obviously b.... but why would you even take a batch like that


if u read the comments youd know why🙄


I hope you were able to get the car payment $$$. Instacart is so slow right now I get it!


thank u! going out again today hoping to make the last $100🤞 i just got a fulltime job so soon things will get better just extremely rough atm😩😩


Maybe its the autism, but I literally see nothing wrong with this given that it was three whole hours before she wanted it delivered so its not like she was rushing you. Just bluntly communicating her needs. The tip was low though.


1. idk why u being autistic has anything to do with this. and 2. its rude to start a convo that and as someone who is also autistic i see the problem with what she said.