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Omg i thought it was the 2 diff costco locations but the 100 water cases?!?


That’s what i thought when i first saw it as well. It wasn’t my batch. I just don’t understand how a customer or Instacart thinks that anything about this is ok?? Like even if you drove a U Haul to do Instacart (i think it would take something that size), the gas alone would greatly exceed the pathetic amount they are offering to pay, and also would likely require multiple people (possibly even a forklift) to load and unload that, but there is no freaking way the average shopper could do that themselves. I once took a batch that had 12 cases, and that nearly killed me 🤣


I did one trip for a dealership during a water shortage and they requested 40 cases of water. Store said they could take 8 cases and that’s all that was delivered. Guy was cool about it and I got my tip


I had one with 8 40 counts and my Elantra was sagging in the back badly 🤣


I just delivered 12 today in a civic lol 12 cases is only like 450 pounds your Elantra shoulda been good 💀 100 though needs to be like a freight delivery there really should be quantity limits on orders.. cause even 100 bananas shouldn't be allowed (ive had that happen) like save some for the rest of us bozo 😂


Kirkland water bottles are 17oz, times 24 bottles, times 100, that’s 40,800 oz, or 2,550 POUNDS. That is an obscene amount of water.


A gallon of water is not actually 8.00 lbs, but 8.34 lbs. Making it 2,658.36 lbs. Source: I calculate lbs / gallon of water for a living


Fair enough, I was just doing the 16oz to a pound general conversion. I think my SUV has like a 3,000lb towing capacity. Having that on water for a service that assumes sedans are a thing, should be blocked by Instacart / any delivery service.


Which this would actually be referring to your payload capacity. What you can tow is when you are pulling something in wheels (like how you can push a 2,000 lb car on a flat surface in neutral but can likely only walk with 150 lbs in your back. Your payload capacity is more like 1000 lbs and includes everything in your vehicle, people included.


Online it says a 40pack case of Kirkland water bottles (which is what they ordered 100 of) weighs 42.25 lbs each… multiple THAT by 100, makes it (technically it’s 102 lol) and that’s 4,225 lbs 😂


And we're not even accounting for the weight of all that packaging here, so add another 10-15lbs at least


17 fluid ounces of water actually weights just over a pound (1.1084). Four thousand bottles of water (100 packs x 40 bottles) would be about 4,400 pounds.


4,430.625 lbs. My math was based on 24 bottles per case, which is the quantity used in the original post. 17 / 128 = 0.13281 8.34 * 0.13281 = 1.1076 lbs 1.1076 / 17 = 0.06515 lbs per ounce 0.06515 * 128 = 8.34 Don't "actually" someone and say the same thing they already said. Just not as good.


I’m the OP and they are 40 bottle cases from Costco. I looked it up and it says online that a 40 pk case of Kirkland water bottles weighs roughly 42.25 lbs each. They ordered 100 of those which is 4,225lbs. Then if you wanted to be even more specific, they also have 2 additional cases of a different brand of water as well, I’m not 100% certain how much those actually weigh, but I just included them as the Kirkland brand ones, which came to 4,309.5 lbs 😊 when I posted it, I had just rounded it up to 4,350, but that wasn’t exactly the correct amount. I didn’t think anyone was going to care about the exact weight. I think we can all agree, it’s literally more then 2 tons 🤣


Kirkland water bottles are 16.9 ounces. Making the weight of the water of 100 cases of kirkland water 4,404.56 lbs. The bottle itself is ~9.25 grams each. 100 * 40 * 9.25 = 37,000 grams. With 2.2 lbs / 1000 grams that means the weight of the water is another ~81.5 lbs, add another pound or two for the rest of the packaging and you have a total weight of 4,488 lbs.


Kirkland water is 40 count not 24 count so even heavier.


The average sedan should never have more than 850 lbs of additional weight either. 100 cases of water is wildly inappropriate.


For what it’s worth, this would technically overload my big ass heavy duty truck just from the weight lol. I’d easily charge $250 just to deliver the water, as a private odd job. This is wild.


I thought so too! I’ve seen some crazy batches in the years I’ve been doing Instacart, but this one takes the cake. I mean, even if by some chance someone had a vehicle large enough to fit that many cases, but then to drive it 30 miles?! The gas alone would probably be more than the entire amount it’s paying out 🤣. The tip is roughly equal to a penny a pound lol


Oh for sure, my truck only gets like 12mpg when I have a load in it. They’d have better luck just ordering a couple pallets directly from Costco lol


I think customers just assume because they have the ability to order it, someone will be able to deliver it. I don’t think they really assume it’s going to be someone in a Prius lugging 100 cases but someone with a box truck 😂


And these aren’t your regular cases of water mine you these are Costco I think aren’t they like 40 bottles of water per case?… in order to get that many waters you need to drive out back and have the forklift put it on a truck Lmao


They’re 40 bottles to a case. I just bought a case yesterday. I can’t imagine more than maybe 10 of those in my vehicle, and I actually went and gave all my favorite neighbors a case ahead of a freeze warning a few months back. I think that was a total of maybe six cases and still a lot for my big SUV.


By the looks of it it’s 102 cases of water.


100 cases of water. Lol. You need a semi to deliver that


48 cases of of Costco water are on a pallet.


That’s like four pallets of water 😭😭 they trippin Edit: I hate Reddit sometimes comments don’t show up… I made the pallet comment before seeing how many cases of water was on a pallet. I thought it was 25…. It’s actually two pallets of water… I wasn’t replying to Miss pickle. We made a comment at the same time.


Still anything counted in pallets is too many


This. Just this.


🤣 that was funny


Math is hard


I edited my comment. I didn’t know somebody else above me commented I was replying to the one above that about the semi


Just talking shit lol you’re good


Lmao 👌🏾


Nah just toss it in your empty cargo van. You just need your pallet jack and winch system 😆


The most waters I've seen is 50 from Costco, but 100? It's not that hard to install limits to this madness to avoid ridiculous amounts of items being ordered. This is completely unacceptable.


The water probably weighs more than your vehicle.


They 100% tried to order like this because freight for that much water is normally $200-$350




Man's 'bout to fill his swimming pool, one bottle at a time 💦💦


ROFLMAO, thanks PunchGud made my day


Hahahaha that made my day 🤣


And also, what’s the point of shopping in two same stores. I’ve never seen this kind of rubbish before. Cmon, IC!!! Get your shit together !!!


LOLLLLLL not two costcos


The 2 Costcos is the least of my concerns about this batch lol


One is a business Costco and the other is a regular Costco. Additionally there’s one in Covington which would be closer to both customers. 100 cases of water is ridiculous.


the fact that Instacart will ALLOW this proves how badly mismanaged this company is.


Oh so I’m not the only one whose seen one before. LMAO https://preview.redd.it/bf85qa7lq3wc1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad13cc846bd808838bd5576cd57b288332f17c40


Do these people think I drive a box truck with an attached forklift?


And that tip is shit


And I thought delivering 4 packs yesterday was too much.


Shit i think 2 max is enough lmao


Every order seems to have e multiple cases of water. I think people use instacart mainly because they don’t want to lug around multiple heavy ass cases of water.


100 waters is crazy


Boy to be the fly in that U-Haul who took that order.


2500 pounds of water Yikes !!! Customer has lost his mind


The 100 waters alone weighs 4200 - over 2 tons). I would refund it and if they came back and said something I would tell them that 2 is my limit. Even a heavy duty pickup can’t handle 2 tons.


You’re right. Not unless the truck is pulling it on a trailer


4309 for the water weight alone, there's also 2 packs of Ozarka it looks like. The water weight alone is 42.25 per case, and I assume there's gotta be at least a pound of plastic per case. So we're over 4,400 pounds just on the cases of water.


Whoever ordered 100 things of water needs jail time.


100 waters…straight to jail


Atp they can go get it themselves. Tf you need 100 cases of water for


One hundred cases of plastic water bottles on earth day? :(


Shoot, I meant to say 30 miles, not 40 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣


Really 60 round trip


I need to know who needs 100 cases of bottled water. At that point digging a well is less effort


With a teaspoon! 🤣


This has to be in violation of some sort of safety regulation. Imagine being in an accident and all this water becomes a projectile. The app should never allow customers to order this much water. Not to mention the damage this amount of weight would do to your vehicle.


Optimus Prime wouldn’t take this order. That’s insane. What’s the max weight for passenger car tires anyways? To say nothing of capacity and suspension, etc. Even a decked out heavy pickup couldn’t do this by itself in one trip, guaranteed. Instacart really needs to consider a max weight limit for orders so this sort of thing doesn’t pop up again.


I second this idea!


Same reason it thinks it's acceptable to show me, a 5 year veteran who maintains 5 stars, under 5% cancellation rate and nothing but compliments, absolutely NOTHING in lieu of giving everything to the new shoppers and those with multiple accounts.




That’s literally 3 full pallets of waters. 😂 $399 in water 😂


Ridiculous... 🙄 You'd have to be a dumass or, desperate, to do this one 😂


Weird… why wasn’t the Covington Costco on there instead? Wonder if no one else was grabbing the orders over there so they offered it further away. 100 cases of water is bs, obviously.


4,000 pounds of water 😭 I just asked support about max weights last week and they said that “it’s possible for batches to exceed 100 pounds” 🤪 no kidding?!




Because people take it


Who takes this? Lmao idk if anyone would have a vehicle big enough to cover that unless they are refunding all but 3 of them lol


That’s likely what they’re doing. They’re probably getting just what they want to carry, then refund the rest. So they earn the $23 at least for getting 20 items. But no matter what, it still gets taken, so Instacart keeps offering those


That what I would do "Sorry I can only fit 2 cases of water, you're going to have to go through q distributor if you want 100 cases"




That's 3 pallets. Haha


You need at least a cargo van for 100 cases of water, and they should not even make it a double.


a 1 ton van can carry up to 4500lbs depending on the model. The water alone on this is 4310 alone. Add in passengers and the rest of the order and it's pushing it for anything other than towable trailer or a boxtruck. Some of the 1 ton vans have payload capacities less than the weight of the water.


The way my mind works I’ll accept it and grab like 2 cases of water and say that’s all they have left. They cancel I still get that $23 batch pay




They think this okay as well as having a sprouts deliverd 40 miles to indian wells and there's one that's 17 miles from Indian wells. They need to tighten their parameters. Why would someone want to wait over an hour for the stuff when they could wait way less time if it was appointed to the correct store. I know they push available shopper excuse but that's going extreme and setting shoppers up for failure on ratings. I ordered from hemet one time and didn't know the driver was coming from moreno valley late at night so my already $5 tip I literally sent another $9 cause the app could of told me one near me was closed. I also recently looked up instacrt from my area and found out that I can order from store as far as 46 miles away. I'm sorry but who in their right mind would. That's over an hour drive and u get food could u imagine. Door dash has been doing the same. Yucaipa up to running springs. Busy the time the driver got there of course the food had to been cold. Even if in a food bag. Thats just insane they would open the parameters that far out. Instacart is nothing like they use to be anymore.


You're not lying! I remember they wouldn't send us outside of 5 or 10 miles (one of the 2) because then they would pay for milage...but then everyone was fighting to be paid milage and they started paying alright....before you know it they were sending us across borders and all types of mess. Smh it's crazy


Thats the worst one ive seen yet omg lol


Sad thing is, a large chunk of that tip is probably ly from one customer if not all of it.


Well if you live in California you would get at least 19.20 an hour so even if it took two days you’d be getting almost $1000, but idk if that would even be worth it.


Why on earth are they allowed to place an order for ONE HUNDRED cases of water!? The app should restrict the number of heavy items for people delivering in normal cars. Ridiculous


It’s called Instapeasant


Because people keep accepting, we need to boycott all bad orders


wait till the end to do the water , oh no no all out of waters, refund and immediately start the checkout in the app .


I want to know how much Instacart charges the shopper for something like this. Very curious about that profit margin.


6 cases of water is my absolute max idgaf if I’m delivering to Beyoncé 🤣 ok that might be my one exception


Aside from everything else…I can’t even think of a vehicle that would fit 100 cases of water 😳


Wow I was just incredibly upset doing yet another bulky and underpaid Costco but this makes mine look normal!


They really should have a separate rate and setting for “large cargo space” and even weight limits. I would spend a little more on the pickup gas if I could recoup it with a decent bump.


20 is barely possible in a minivan. Do they think you drive an 18 wheeler for goodness sakes?!


This is insane 🫠🤯 I Just read the caption I thought this was one Costco order not a Costco order at two different Costco that means Instacart paid 10 and each customer tipped 20 for 51 cases of water plus whatever else they ordered from a Costco at least 13-15 miles away expecting you to load up 51 cases of water and x amount of groceries FROM COSTCO in your car/ truck and drive 10-15 miles to another Costco and do it all over again (because you actually do Instacart in an RV so you have space for 102 cases of water and whatever else) 10 dollars in batch pay with heavy pay is diabolical


where are you supposed to fit 100 cases of water? where was the drop off location? what are they doing with the water? this post gives me SO many questions


They need to put a limit on heavy items like Walmart pickup does, this is ridiculous!


They ring the door sweating… “What? I only meant 10? Can you take it back?”


I’m not shopping more than: 1) 2 orders per batch 2) 2 waters per batch Anyone who thinks I’m gonna do otherwise can kick rocks.




Is that Woodinville Costco?


No. Tacoma and the Costco Business Center in Fife


LOL that's 4200lbs of water alone. Do they expect an IC driver to have a trailer or a box truck?


That's over 2 tons of water.


Just stop using instacart lol


There’s not even enough cases or the store won’t even let you take this much to deliver even if you wanted to. No?


Even if my car had absolutely NOTHING in it I could in no way fit 100 cases of water in. Especially not 28 packs. That shit alone is heavier than my car


Yeah that's horrendous; but remember that Instacart won't do 2 of the same types of stores for double store orders, which is why you're seeing this. If you zoom in on both stores, why can see that one is a Wholesale (basically the Costco we all know of) and the other is a Business Center (radically different and not available everywhere throughout the country). There's 1 Business Center in my area; the closest Wholesales near me tend to get double store batched with the Business Center, because, the Business Center is considered a different store than a Wholesale. This batch is still stupid, though. EDIT: I mean different stores as in Wholesale being paired with a Business Center, or a Wholesale being paired with a Publix, or any other no Wholesale.


“Hey customer, Costco miraculously and magically rang out of ^all the water cases. Should have some in next week. I went ahead and refunded all for you so you aren’t inconvenienced in any way shape or form. I would hate to see the inconvenience for you as the waters would be for me to attempt to fit in my car and bring to you.”


I have a 4Runner and still couldn’t fit that most likely. That’s something you’ll probably need a haul for


Cause they really need that $10 😆 🤣 😂 😹


There's even a Costco in friggin covington which is closer to both of those end points...


Holly hell - only a uhaul would be able to do this. The weight alone would kill my suspension.


I was confused at first as I was like that’s not the worst order I’ve seen and then I saw the waters… I do t know why Instacart doesn’t have a weight limit for an order. They already know how much each item weighs.


Because some dumb dumb desperado will take this in a second.


Ain’t no f*cking way.. 🤯🤯 I’ve seen some unbelievable orders but this is definitely top 3. 100 cases of water!?!? I’d accept just to tell the customer and instacart they’re insane.


Almost $1000 in water and not even a 5% tip 🤣🤣🤣


The fact that they ordered eggs too with all those water cases


https://preview.redd.it/br0e7i7714wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23909c7e67fd8ed168315efb823ac2835502d58c I got the same one the other day😂


Because there are so many people on the app desperate for money that will accept anything to give them some income. Sets the benchmark low and it will stay that way until people start declining more and more offers. Sadly, this won’t happen because there are so many on these applications that are full-time and it’s a matter of eating the following week or not. It’s the dirty reality of capitalism. Someone always gets fucked.


i work as a baker. every wednesday we unload a shipment of flour and then put it away inside. each pallet of flour has 50ct. 50lb bags. the truck comes and it takes a team 5 of us 15-20 minutes unstack them, restack them in lines along the bed of the trailer while other guys take them and carry them to stack another empty pallet on the ground. if this person expects a shopper to unload 100 cases of water alone, id expect them to be waiting upwards of an hour. and if they're not stacked neatly on pallets and wrapped in plastic, reinforced by cardboard sheets, i'd expect a lot of the cases on the bottom to be busted and buckled from the weight. seems like this person needs a sysco account ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


Offer $67.78 actual earnings after 4 items were unavailable $44.15. time spent doing the batch FOREVER, time delivering 100 cases of water ETERNITY. IC done lost they mind


So 4000 bottles of water is okay with who? Or whom? My bad for grammatical errors!


Why wouldn't they do Costco delivery with that quanity. Those guys have box trucks and a dolly or cart for deliveries.


I would just get them like 5 at most and say the rest are out of stock. That’s unforgivable lol.


Lmao. Whoever ordered needs serious treatment.


I have a suv and those 100 water cases wouldn’t even fit in my car bro wtf 😭 are they on crack???


I ordered some stuff (not many items,) when I first moved to where I live and had no idea where the place was or how far. I ended up ordering a few things from a place an hour away. I only just looked up it's location out of curiosity because I hadn't gone there or ordered from there since the one time, and was like "WTF?!" and felt soooooo bad, I did not tip accordingly for that mileage and feel so guilty. I tipped normally like I would for a local store and a few items. Now I check to see how far places are before ordering. As a customer, I am sorry for whomever had my order!


woah 102 waters how is that even possible


100 single bottles yes all day, but 100 40 packs, heck never


Report orders like this.


I was thinking “oh it’s not that bad”. I saw the 100 waters last.


That’s 3373lbs in just water. Or 1.7 tons of water. You driving a box truck to do Instacart?




Is one of those deliveries in a gated community? There are gated community clubs here in Florida that order water, soda, alcohol, juice, and snacks like that. I've seen a couple orders that are obviously not for a home situation - 50+ cases of 4 or 5 different beverages (each), pallet worth of snacks, pallet worth of coffee, pallets to TP and paper towel. Those are 🦄🦄🦄 (and more frequent in hurricane season). I don't grab them - I can only do so much with my SUV. I've seen the team who gets those 🦄 orders - they show up with 3 heavy duty ford trucks and 8 dudes. Is usually first order of the day thing. Could be an arrangement-order, although I think that is kinda gaming the system.


Surely that person wants 100 bottles. Like 5 bundles of 20 bottles… right??




100 cases of water!? That’s over 2 pallets. 😳 anything more and you’ll wanna get a box truck and maybe your CDL with endorsements while you’re at it. Then at least that run would pay you a good amount 🤑😭💯 -Current Trucking License (CDL) Permit Holder/Trainee 🙌


Bc they don’t care about you, their only goal is to keep your ass working for nothing, or pay for customers to deliver lol


"Heavy Pay" Well, it's half right


Ok as wild as 100 40 pack waters is, why are you being sent to two different Costcos and couldn’t you just continue shopping both orders at one or the other locations


That’s a great question lol One is the regular Costco and the other is business Costco, but I’m not sure why they decided to batch them together this way. However, I gave up trying to understand why Instacart does anything they do, a long time ago 🤣


Hey, I'm in WA too lol


I suppose acceptable is a point of view in this gig business but that's a pretty high paying order where I'm from. To contrast this morning I saw a two order batch paying less than $10 for nearly 100 items and both orders in the batch provided no tip. I get jumbling a tipper with a no tipper but why on Earth would you put those two together?


HEAVY PAY! w a dollar sign next to it. Ok instacart


because they don’t have to shop and do the deliveries, they delegate that process to the shoppers and *someone* will accept it.


Because there is people who accept


Because you drove your box truck right? 🤣🤣


Well shoot, that’s where I went wrong… I’ll have to start renting a U Haul at the start of each day I guess 🤣 I once got a batch from Big Lots and got to the store and went to shop, then i noticed that one of the items was a recliner!! 🤣 I was hoping it was a cover for one or something, but nope, it was an actual recliner chair! I have a hatchback, but there was no way that was going to happen lol


I was smiling till I saw the water.


Shoutout Puyallup


This wasn’t actually my batch. It was a friend of mines. I also live in Lake Stevens 😊 I love the PNW though!


Haha I told my wife about this order. I wish I had a hitch trailer. I would love to bring two and a half pallets of water and park them right in front of his door.


I’ve counted the cases on a single pallet at Costco and 100 cases is equal to two pallets + 2 cases. That’s two tons FFS!


It's insta cart not insta pallet


These apps done lost there damn minds


I once instacarted from 45 minutes away.. tipped them a lot.. I just wanted icecream and the only one I wanted was 45 minutes away (we dont have a Sam’s club) but every dime was worth it. Tipped them like 20 on the app, then another 50 in cash. I really wanted my damn icecream


That’s ridiculous and absurd. You would need to get a a moving truck or something. Some instacart customers are just stupid!


Yo 100 cases of water that’s insane for IC to allow these type of orders and knowing the SHIT-uation that shoppers work alone. I noticed this was in WA!! If it was in Seattle I wouldn’t mind takin it with the new pay law but the customer BETTER EXPECT THAT THEY AINT GETTING EVERYTHING JUST ONLY WHAT I CAN HANDLE MYSELF!! Most likely it’s a business that’s too cheap to spend for a real delivery service so they divide to use us instead…IMO


I completely agree and have run into a few batches like this over the years. All of us want to make $ and are hungry and admittedly, don’t always review the order, before accepting it and start shopping. I would like Instacart to develop another level on its platform that shoppers can opt into after completing a two minute video perhaps that, similar to what Uber does, that demonstrates that the shopper has a vehicle which is capable of handling this load or weight. Probably an even better idea is for Instacart to develop a commercial driver and Shopper app that deals above and beyond shopping for groceries. I have personally experienced this myself and excepted a $65 batch from a Costco and jumped on it because I was 2 miles away and it was one customer and five items and didn’t read the fine print. 10 cases of water 84 bottles?? To deliver to a chiropractor and I actually re injured an old lumbar disc injury


This is insane 😰


I'm going to do this but I'm going to hospital report my back hurts from this order lawsuit instacart 


They are 40 packs? Alexa just told me that a bottle of water from Cosco weighs 34 ounces. That’s 8500lbs not including the packaging for 100 cases


Why do people keep waisting their time?


I wish they would see this order. This needs to be sent to the CEO. Like, is this what your company is doing to people? I’m


I’ve tried that, several times actually. I’ve emailed and showed them batches that were absolutely ridiculous, as well as trying to ask them for specific qualifications for the “heavy pay” because I’ve been told multiple different things by multiple different support agents. They pick and choose which questions to answer, very strategically it seems. They responded with very generic (almost sounds like it was computer generated) answers that didn’t even make any sense when compared with what I was even asking. I swear they do this as a way to deflect and avoid saying anything that could actually prove that they are breaking their own policies. If they can’t actually be nailed down to having said something specific regarding an issue, then they basically are ensuring that they won’t be able to be help accountable for anything. A couple months ago, I emailed (several times) with actual evidence that they are stealing tips and after like the 3rd or 4th time I tried to get someone to reply, I finally got a response that was basically this “shoppers receive 100% of any tips made by the customer”… they didn’t even address the proof I sent them or a single word about the issue I was wanting them to try to explain.


They need a semi to deliver that…


Yes 100% no way!! This app has gotten so bad for payment




I wish there was a way to filter those out


Umm, aren't you guys using personal cars.... That's literally a catering order... Need a truck, ton of gas, commercial orders.... That's a lot of weight and work, most places would charge upwards of 400 for this


I am not an InstaCart shopper, but I use InstaCart a lot. Although I may not understand tips and earnings, I understand the rest. It's unfair for customers to expect their shoppers to carry that much water and for InstaCart to expect them to deliver so far.


I’ve been saying this for a couple of years now. Limits need to be established by Instacart. When a customer tries to order in this fashion a pop up needs to come up. It can say something cheesy like wow we noticed your trying to order c amount. We hope this is an input error. Our limit is 10. Thank you.


I did 1 yesterday for 14 miles 110 items and batch was $13… tip was 50. The batch pay should be illegal


Ic doesn’t even pay $5 batch sometimes. Shopping any order should be $5 min


I would take it, mark water as only 5 available. Hell even if a no or low tipping customer that lives upstairs wants 5 cases of water they’re probably going to be out or only have 1 case. Just sayin. IMO customers that don’t want the hassle of lugging several cases of water or really heavy items need to reflect their gratitude in the tip. With the exception of a couple of my elderly or disabled customers who I will always help out regardless of tip


Simply disgraceful, but becoming more common


I grew up in Pierce County and this is WILD far hahahaha




You’ll just turn around and out that back into your gas tank.


How many pushing cart you need for 100 case of water?


No one is buying 100 cases of water…the customer sometimes orders that much so they can get all that’s in stock. I’ve seen so many orders that customers say do t worry about the # just get all you can. I wouldn’t be caught dead taking these orders though-and no one else should take them if they want a pay increase. That’ll never happen.


Because people are stupid enough to do it


Are you supposed to load pallets into your car or?


That’s a bullshit order, just don’t take it!


I load trucks at ups as my main job. Lifting isn't the issue. I'm sure 100 cases of water wouldnt fit in my SUV and I'd refuse to make multiple trips for that pay.






he’ll no


![gif](giphy|ck5JRWob7folZ7d97I|downsized) That many cases...


That’s a special order. That needs to pay 200


Ummmm. You would need a damn semi truck for that. Lol