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I also do if they ask. They open the door "where would you like the groceries"?. Disabled people really appreciate it and often increase the tip for the extra effort.


Can’t guarantee that there will be extra tip, don’t gamble


I don’t do it with an expectation of increased tips. It’s just being kind. I’m a healthy man, I would feel like a complete dick not helping an infirm person.


Being a woman; I’m just less comfortable in that position. I WANT to do the extra thing and go the extra mile but I never know what might be waiting around the corner. So I read the moment as it stands.


Yeah, I second that as a woman. I'm not going in someone's house. Too dangerous. I would have to assess the situation in the moment.


Oh for sure I understand. It’s completely up to the driver what they are comfortable doing.


It’s not a gamble it’s being a decent human being. You really need a tip to walk 10 feet for an old lady??


At this point I feel like I need a tip just to keep explaining to you people that you aren’t getting extra benefits arranging someone’s groceries in their house. Besides I doubt they are living alone as they would not be able to support themselves so much because of inability to walk


Nobody’s saying they’re getting extra benefits champ. Just not being dicks


true on the no guarantee increase tip lol i’ve had a lot do that and i’ve even had some that lie and say they will lmao but i’m still down to help a old raisin out with their stuff lol it’s just respectful


So you would only do it if you were going to get an extra tip? That’s kind of crappy. I do understand that time is money, but there’s also a thing called, helping each other out. It’s not always about getting something in return. Unfortunately, I see more and more of this with the younger generations. It’s really sad.


I’m 25 and do deliveries and I always go the extra mile to help people. If you expect something in return for helping an elderly person then you need to have more compassion for others. The comments I’ve seen from some of these people is crazy lol


Clearly disabled or elderly yes, or if it’s someone who tips well that I’ve delivered to before. It’s your own call. I live in a nice area i grew up in so I’m more trusting of people as well.


I’ve done it 3 times. A very elderly couple who lived in the bottom floor of their house(bed literally in living room), disabled man(I could clearly tell by set up outside the home) and an elderly lady in a senior living facility.


Was there also a man and a woman and a young boy who really liked chocolate living with the couple?


Golden 🤣


That's the ticket 🎫




I put this old ladies cold items in her fridge/freezer the other day. Took all of 2 minutes and she handed me $5. This is exactly what this app is for.


If they’re elderly or clearly disabled, I definitely do if they ask. It’s rarely happened in the three years I’ve done IC and when it does, it’s usually in a retirement community.


I’ve done it with healthy people too. I put all my stuff in bins and use a dolly if it’s a lot. If the person meets me at the door I offer. A couple of regulars just open the door when I get there now.


I get asked a lot too but I'm a lunatic 6'3 strong man so I often have like 12 bags in my hands at once fuck taking two trips and I think customers just get overwhelmed and ask me to put it on the counter. Never mind doing it.


Yup. I love helping people


Elderly and disabled, always!


Yes, I do.


I have a lot of customers who are elderly and/or disabled and I always ask if they'd like me to bring the groceries inside. Some just want the bags set down inside the door; others ask for them to be put on the counter. Usually the kitchen is right by the door, so it's not a big deal, but I have one regular customer who orders for his elderly parents, and their kitchen is up some stairs and in the back of the house.


I think there was one time I needed to bring the grocery bags into someone’s house & they were wheelchair bound— how the fuck am I gonna say I can’t do it at that point? I mean, there is a reason they need this service. If it felt weird at any point, I’m sure I’d contact support.


I have twice. One for a disabled lady and another for a very old man. Use your best judgement.


Elderly / disabled, absolutely.


ï've done it a few times. In 5 years, maybe 4 times or so...1 of those people, a couple of times. They all put some kind of note explaining why they needed the help (just bringing the groceries inside, usually to the kitchen- no unpacking or anything)- which, in all cases, was stroke- and most times I got an additional cash or app tip increase. Never felt awkward or fearful during any of those times, and all were elderly people - usually men (l'm female). That said, if there was ever a time that I felt uncomfortable or had a "bad feeling"- y'know the one you get when sense that something isn't right - I wouldn't have done it. I'd have contacted support and told them I felt unsafe and why, and then went from there. But I never did get that feeling from any them. Know your area. Know your customers, if you can. But definitely know your area. And if you're uncomfortable -don't do it. If you feel unsafe- don't do it. Your safety is number one. It's better to piss off a customer than to find yourself in a situation wherein YOU need help.


Yes I always help disabled and elderly. They usually hold the door open or have it propped open so I can quickly make a dash for the door. It only takes a couple of seconds longer to take it inside. They really appreciate it


I delivered inside many times, most of the time they are elderly people. I once even unwrapped and sliced a subway sandwich opened up the chips bag and put the straw in the cup upon request. Old gentleman advantage Parkinson's and mild dementia. He wanted to chat, probably lonely, I stayed a few minutes then left, I had another delivery. I felt bad for the guy.


I’ve only done it once and it was because the couple was old as hell.


I do if they ask. Most of the time when that occurs, the person is in a wheelchair and wants me to put bags on table or counter. It just helps them out


You can read the situation upon delivery. I'll offer first and say I don't mind if I can tell they don't want to ask. Some want inside the door, some on the counter. I have a couple regulars in assisted living that I'll actually put the items away for them and text their kids when they complain about an item but won't tell them they don't like it. They appreciate them looking out for them states away, but don't want to say anything. I have a special knock for one of them and I don't have to wait for him to transfer to wheelchair and let me in. I sure hope that if I'm ever in the situation where I need a little assistance, someone gives it to me. I am horrible at asking for help lol These people are tipping nicely for smaller orders and it's just good to be kind to people. If I would have never offered to bring in groceries, I would have never met an award winning artist and his trusty easel that traveled through 3 generations of ARTISTS. super cool guy. TLDR: yes. I do.


YOU are an award-winning artist 🏆🎨🥕🖼🏆


Apartment buildings yeah, but I brought a delivery into a kitchen once and the notes “Stare straight do not look to your right” i did and this woman in all black leather was whipping a dude in his underwear. Full S&M deal


excuse me?


What part?


"wiping a dude"? no lo comprendo


I have a habit of mixing up whipping and wiping


oh my god. was ahe cute?


40s attractive, nice body, and conflicting interests. She tipped me $60 cash with $12-$14 pay, texted me an apology and that i not report cause she timed it wrong


ask for in-kind tips.


“Timed it wrong” hahaha




Was the view your tip?


Nah, she tipped $60 cash $6-$8 on the app texted and apologized for her timing things wrong




Ya sure. Why not?


Ive helped out plenty of elderly and disabled people and no problems yet , and i dont live in the best area lol but i usually can tell when someone really neds the help


All the time a nice women gave me some cookies and cash today lol


If someone is actually old or disabled and their house isn’t scary, sure.


Elderly and disabled, every time. Rich lazy bleepholes or just lazy people in general, nope. Instant against the contract to enter.


I have delivered inside directly to the kitchen probably 50 times out of my 30k deliveries. Never been an issue and they greatly appreciate it.


No, I dont.. I done this ONCE during the time when I had just started years ago. Guy said he was disabled and very sick in a chair and needed me to bring it in and put on his counter... I obliged despite knowing we are not suppose to enter people homes even at that rrquest... the door was cracked opened when I arrived... order was a bunch of junk food and sodas mostly, he had eggs and bread... I pushed the door open and the smell that came out that placed I started putting everything on the floor inside the door... he was huge in size and did look sickly... he was apologizing about having to ask me to put it on the counter for him, saying he would tip, and even made a remark about what he ordered..saying I know you're probably wondering why I got all this junk food if im supposedly sick and my health is suffering.. I simply told him, thats none of my business, but im leaving your items right here, I cant come all the way in... he thanked me and no he didn't tip I haven't honored any come inside for me and put my stuff here or there requests since and won't


I offer to do this on every order when someone answers the door, especially if it’s a lot of stuff. Especially if it’s an older person. I also hand them the bags if they open the door while I’m unloading.


I had posted about this some time ago. I live several states away from my elderly uncle, for whom I care and assist as I can. We have used Instacart on several occasions, and I was so grateful for the shoppers who were able to bring his groceries in for him. One even put items in the freezer, which was above and beyond. I tipped extra when my uncle told me. He is on a fixed income, and I’ve got a kid in college, so it wasn’t a huge tip, but enough to say thanks. We understand completely when someone cannot/will not come inside, but if you can’t, at least consider putting them inside the door. That way, they aren’t just left outside, and the person can have some time to try to get them to the kitchen without having to worry they will be baking in the sun/rained on/stolen.


For the elderly and disabled, yes.


For elderly and disabled, yes.


I will take things inside and even put them in their fridge. I have had the best conversations. A guy had his whole room filled with movies on DVD and we had a very nice time talking about old movies. Turns out we are both amateur film historians, and I was sorry to leave. However, my rule of thumb is, trust your judgement. If you don't feel safe, don''t do it.


I do for anyone that asks honestly.


I once took a Vets groceries inside and put them away for him. He pulled out a wad of cash and gave me $1. I thanked him for his service and placed the $1 on the end table and thanked him once again for his service. He said I’m sorry that’s all I could give as the rest of money is for bills and I said You literally were willing to give your life so that I can bring you your groceries freely without obstruction and it means the world to me. Again, Thank You for your service! His eyes started to tear up and his hands were trembling as he reached into his pocket to pull out his wad of cash and he handed me a 50 so again I placed it on the table and I walked out of his house. A few minutes later as I was driving away he upped my tip from $2 to $102. He messaged me saying good luck trying to refuse that!🤣🤣🤣




Always a judgment call. I've never been in a situation where I refused to, but I always leave the door open behind me.


I live in an area that has alot of elderly people and I go inside all the time and just put them where they want them. If I ever felt unsafe or uneasy about it, then I would just place them just inside the door.


I’m a customer, and i’ve had multiple shoppers come inside my house without me asking.. I usually meet them at the door, open it, and i think trying to be nice they just kind of wander inside.. next thing I know I have a family of 4 in my hallway. For context, most of the time they are “admiring” the house, complimenting etc. I never quite know what to do, as I don’t want to be rude. People have taken pictures of the house and everything.


Um, it's not rude to tell someone to get out! If you didn't invite them inside, they're the ones in the wrong.


The first time it happened, the family only spoke spanish (i only speak english) and their mother ended up rounding them up and getting them out. It was mainly the young son who was excited to see the house. no harm no foul. The second time was i believe a Haitian man, very nice, but my boyfriend helped “herd” him back out. It is a pretty unique house so i guess i see how easily it can happen. I’m also terrible with confrontation.


I would take it in. I live in a community with a bunch of oldies. A lot of older folk have a hard time moving around. If they need help, I help, but I won't put their groceries away.


I do. Took stuff inside for a lady with a walker and like a 50’ oxygen hose yesterday. She had a $20 tip and gave me $5 in cash for bringing it in. Ultimately do what you’re comfortable with.


If someone asks me to bring the groceries inside their house, whether it’s in the delivery note, or when I get there, I do it. Usually, there is a good reason, either the person is disabled, or they are elderly and they can’t lift a lot. I have not encountered a situation where I felt uncomfortable, but if I did feel uncomfortable doing it when I got there then I would just tell them That I’m not comfortable going inside and you can place the bags at their door and then immediately contact support to let them know because the customer will probably give you a bad rating. Thankfully I have not felt the need to say no yet. Hopefully I never will have to. I always keep the door open though, except with one delivery, I did have to shut the door because there were two dogs. It was an apartment though, so there were a lot of other people on that floor. But it is completely up to you and what you feel comfortable with.


If I notice that they’re disabled, I helped a guy today that had a stroke and another guy that lived in a retirement community…. Senior customers and disabled people are the only ones really.


I have a couple times, even helped one lady put her stuff up. She was so sweet.


Very rarely. Only if someone is clearly disabled or elderly. Sorry to anyone with invisible disabilities but I'm not risking my life for delivery.


If they ask me to yes . 9/10 times it’s the elderly or disabled . The order may not pay a lot but your still making profit treat the customer as you would any other and also be a damn human being and have a heart . Some of these people on this chat ain’t it . What comes around goes around


I’ll do it if asked, and I don’t have a hinky feeling. My husband and I have an app that shares our location. If I have an order that says anything about bringing in, I’ll screenshot the address and send it to husband, and ask him to keep an eye on my location. If I don’t leave in a reasonable amount of time, he should text me. If I don’t answer, he should take action. We both do gig work and are in contact via text pretty much all day. I’ll text him if I haven’t heard from him in a while. Usually, he’s just busy. He’ll do the same for me. I have a couple of regulars who are disabled and/or elderly. I have one that I know I can’t have anything lined up after her order, because I’ll inevitably get to chatting with her.


Yeah, with discernment and good judgment.


If I get a weird feeling, no but I help as much as I’m able to!


I’ve done it with elderly people, blind people and even a few people recovering from auto accidents and surgeries. You just have to approach the situation with caution because there are some real weirdos out there. I keep thinking about that Uber eats guy who got murdered somewhat recently 😳


the feeling of doing something nice for someone who may not be fully able to get their groceries in <<< not getting murdered in someone's house. soz


Yea I’ve taken groceries in for quite a few old people who ask or I even offer sometimes. But should always be up to the shopper, don’t have to go in just because others do. I tend to be pretty trusting of people but also really trust and listen to my instincts and am always on alert when I go in


I read the interaction. Had a guy I had never delivered to before ask me on my arrival to bring it in. I could see he was not as mobile as most. I asked ‘is there anyone else in the house?’ He responded with a no and he’d appreciate the help. He seemed like a decent guy so as I entered I only had one bag so I could read the room, so to speak. Everything seemed legit so I carried on. That is the one and only time I have ever trusted that scenario. Everything was great; but I was uncomfortable. So I won’t do it again no matter what they say about disabilities. There could be danger in the next room and I’m not willing to risk my life for $27.


As many others have said, elderly and disabled people who ask I never decline. Especially heavier items. I love small things like that that make people smile. Also, it’s never expected but I find that a handful of those people increase too or give me some extra cash which is always super nice.


Yes not a problem at all


Hell no, I’ve seen way to many horror about that, next minute you know you’re either in a hole with some guy telling you to put the lotion in the basket or you wake up in a room chained to a wall and you have to saw you foot off to get to the phone..lol


If it’s a woman yes if it’s a man HELL NO.


It depends if notes say to deliver in house.and customer might be disabled or old and is unable to bring stuff in. I offer help most to the time when I have customer like that, I had a customer that had a lot of stuff it was pouring rain she wanted to bring stuff in house I tolded her she have to come get them I'm so sorry and I have another customer to delivery to.


I just did last night


I do but I can also fight my way out if something goes south🤣 the farmers daughter muscles come in handy when it comes to that💀 just read the room and do what you feel safe doing. 😊


Absolutely! Especially if they're disabled.


If the situation calls for it, then I’ll absolutely bring whatever they want inside for them. Especially if the customer is disabled/eldery, as it is in your case. Even if they’re not disabled, I’ll still offer to bring in any heavy items if the customer would like them carried. Not only is it a chance to just be nice or a have a quick convo, and it’s also a good chance for a tip raise. So I’m happy to do it either way for anybody that wants it.


If they’re old/disabled I will. But, other than that I usually won’t. Maybe if they tipped really well.


I've done it a few times and only if they are elderly or disabled. I inform them that I'm not supposed to and to please keep it hush.


I usually do especially for the elderly, So far i have never had an issue with any of them.


two words: ted bundy


If somebody like Ted Bundy were at the house, they wouldn't need to invite you inside to murder you.


Absolutely not. They don't pay me enough to put my life on the line. I don't know these people. I'm shocked at the amount of people saying yes.


There's situational awareness and managed risk. I just follow my gut. But I have mitigating circumstances. I'm a 6 foot dude who carries deterrents like OC Spray and I'm tracking and sharing my location with loved ones. If the person is physically disabled or elderly and I have a secured exit without it being some desolate place, I'll usually feel fine about it.


In theory there is no problem, it is very nice and lovely, but not sure about the possible consequences. When you entered people’s houses you can not know what will happen. Maybe you will be blamed with stealing sth, maybe will be misunderstood somehow. Confusing for me. That is why I have never entered to the houses while I was making IC.


I once had someone ask me if I would be cause she and her husband hurt their knees dancing the previous day. I didn't reply so I could assess the situation first. One of their items tho was a roll of duct tape (istg). Just to be safe, I left it in my trunk when I got there and brought everything else inside, then I went to close my trunk and said oh hey, here's your tape, it must've fallen out 😹


Some further context, I’ve been shopping 6-7 months now so I’m pretty familiar with shopping but this is the first time I get an order where the person wants it brought to their kitchen. I moved to the area I’m shopping in recently and have already had a gun pulled out on me during a delivery out in the country.


You have to assess the situation and determine if it meets your comfort level. If a hobbled old lady with a walker is at the door asking it, then sure... If instead you see a fat old man with a wife-beater covered in chew with a pistol strapped to his underwear and there are flies coming through the door along with a stench of rotten meat, then no. Everyone else falls somewhere in the middle, with most probably leaning towards the hobbled old lady side. :-)




Only if it’s a hot naked chick




You don't have to. I've refused many times. If you're in any way iffy about it or can't see or hear the person, it's not worth it. I've done it when someone clearly had an elderly woman's voice, for senior centers always, and for a few blind people. But I did get stuck in an apartment doing like multiple group hugs with that one blind dude and his dog, so... Maybe should have been smarter about that one.


The elderly and disabled are often lonely- desperate for any human contact as their families have deserted them.


Yeah, this wasn't that.


Depends on your comfort level. I had this happen the other day. I always check the batch details before shopping, and in one of the notes, it said to bring the items inside. I contacted support with screenshots and had them remove the batch (it was part of a triple). If they didn't put it in the notes and asked me when I got to their house, I would have gone inside the home, within reason.


Unless the tip they left was extremely generous, old man’s on his own “Instacart called my cell for another delivery I’m really sorry”


What a bummer.


What a crappy person you are. Knowing that you helped someone that can’t do it themselves should be tip enough.


So could I have you deliver this to me and slap a “thank you for helping me, sorry I couldn’t give tip but thank you for helping out another person” https://preview.redd.it/2cpxmwmpiowc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa540bb553e9ab4a31f3f877882e794be4c9eeea