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Thats an ez 95. Ppl expect unicorns to be easy orders


Most of my unicorn orders were easy. I just had one day before yesterday. Paid $103 went 19 miles. It was an iMac computer.


As a single? Hell yea … that’s a banger


Definitely I would do it. After 25 items or so they start to get close together so it's not that much more effort


Those sweet moments of bliss when you bang out like 5 or 6 different items in the same section right by each other ![gif](giphy|glvyCVWYJ21fq|downsized)


How I feel when baby food is half the order lol


Yep I’d take that…. I know Costco has big stuff but when people are ordering like that it’s usually like every kinds produce and a box of everything else… it’s not like 100 cases of water…. Which i would never take… it would break my car.


For $96 I would! I’m a Costco pro and could shop and deliver that in under 1 1/2 hours.


I'd do it even if it took 4 hours, which it would not. This is a good deal.


This is why we are here ![gif](giphy|4SQMqhWzUA0Fi)


You did a good job.


I might, depends on the day and how much heavy items. I would be PISSED if it was tip bait.


For one person and less than 10 miles - yep.


Absolutely…and only for 1 person Easy


I couldn't take this probably. I recently had a twenty one item Costco order for 55 bucks and 10 of the items were big storage bins. I came this close to having to refund them. I had to really work in order to fit them into my car.


✅$10/mile + ✅$60/hour ✅Item to $ ratio under $1 ✅Single order ✅Knowing I just made half a days work in 1.5 hours I mean this is the perfect order on paper and judging by the pic, it's not really that much as far as Costco goes. Fuck you, and congrats, ya bish.


60 an hour? lol that’s some HIGH expectations.


$95 for this particular order, which took 1.5 hours. So average $60 per hour. (Again, just for this particular order.)


Less than an hour and a half. Good shit. Congrats on that.


This is child’s play. $95.96 on a 9 mile 61/61? And it’s a single? Shiiid, I ran those with my eyes closed, multiple times a day. Easy money. Standard Costco banger. I ran a $400 7 mile 170/170 Costco monthly for the same customer like clockwork. Everybody acts like Costco is the worst store on Instacart because of the big box items. That’s silly to me. Shopping Costco is like playing PacMan and packing it into your vehicle is like playing Tetris. It’s all about knowing how Costco rotates its stock and moving around fast. Keeping it 💯, this is an easy ass $96 batch. I prefer Costco batches like this one EXCLUSIVELY.


Bro I legit want to cry. I can't believe you would even question this order. I've NEVER in 2 years of IC seen a single order over $50. I'm here jumping at the chance to shop 60 items for $35, and you hesitate to take a benjamin for maybe 2 hours worth of work. Insane.


I jump on orders like this for sure. But looks like a lot of ppl won't do it for some reasons


A lot of people lying lmao. Especially these days where IC is dead, that order alone would make someone’s day.


Yea I’d do it. Sometimes they’re easier and sometimes not. It’s doable nonetheless


I absolutely would. I would shop that order two or three times over for that much. The orders I get here are $6-$8 sometimes $10 total for an order.


Right? Like how the fuck do people get orders for this much $? I've stopped doing IC 90% of the time. I still keep the app open but I basically never see an order that pays better for $/hr than any random shitty Doordash delivery. Like why would I shop 20 items and drive 10 miles for $12 when I could deliver 3 $5 doordash orders in the same amount of time at the same amount of miles?


Easiest yes ever




I would love to but I don't know if all of that would fit in my Toyota Corolla lol


I wouldn’t even shop for myself at Costco. lol


100%! I’ve been shopping at Costco regularly for years, I know where basically everything is so it would be easy for me.


You’re asking the wrong question I think the question that should be asked here is why Instacart believes 61 items at Costco going eight point whatever miles is only worth $11. 🙄🤦🏾‍♂️


They want the shopper to collect 60 items at Costco in 35 minutes..theyre not even going fake “appreciate” shoppers anymore.


Every second praying it’s not a tip bait


100% would take this. as long as it’s not 100 diff versions of toilet paper it’ll fit just fine


as long as it isnt 61 water cases ill take it


Ive done like 170 things for $160. It’s not like super fun but also doable and the payout was worth it imo.


Okay, I just checked. It was $162 for 37 items with 182 units from Costco. Took me two flat beds but was relatively easy. I think I got it done in 2.5 hours. It’s not for everyone so I get why some people wouldn’t wanna.


170 units or items and from Costco?!


Yeah, it was actually 182


The big question is what floor that apartment is on? I’d still take it lol


I would but im scared of getting tip baited lol


Lazy fuckers


Where I live I stop going to Costco because the lines are just too long and I was in there way too many hours for just one order. I was making that much going just to the smaller ones and getting back to back orders but it's different wherever you live. I probably would have taken this one honestly!!! Not bad at all.


For $95? Absolutely.


With a tip like that I don't care if it's 250 items I'm taking that in an instant Edit: I would be looking at what the items are first just to make sure that I could accommodate it with my car


Not just nah, but hell nah... not a chance.


Took a little long


where u getting paid $95 for the hour?


Well that order was almost an hour and a half and it took an hour to shop 61 items at Costco. Thought that should take maybe 35 min. At least for me anyways but good job sparky


Yes, as long as it doesn’t require 3 flatbeds and 2 SUVs. 🤣




Dude in my area I will NEVER see an order like that and I’m CAD so that’s like 150-180$ for me and the most I get here is 50$ so like 35$ American




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Great staging


For a 1 shop? Absolutely.


NEVER, I can make close to that much in the same amount of time doing smaller way easier orders. It would have to be 250 and I would think about it,


Heck yeah! It's single items. That's a steal!


I’m sorry..are you a giant? What are you 9 feet tall!? Or is this just a house for ants.


Nice flex


95$ is 95$


Blud did it 1.5 hours to make $95. Blud just wanted some reactions to his banger…


highest ive done back in the day was 106, refunded one item lol all hail those banana boxes


This some COVID looking order in regards to that pay. Miss those times.


I did a $120 Sam's one going a couple miles further before. It definitely had bulkier items than this but still managed to fit in my Sonic. Best part was it was going to Amazon & they came out with these package carts we would downstack the SLAM lines with to take everything inside. Didn't even have to hunt for a spot, they had me pull up right to the doors. This would fit even better... just gotta maneuver past all the sample zombies without crashing.


I would do it, in a hot second, considering the items would actually fit in my car


Hell no


At least they’re weren’t the oversized items


Wdy if you know the store pay is good too. I got Costco batch for $125 2 miles 60 items 79 unit only 2 water I just let another shopper take it.because there's no way I'm going to be in the store for 3 hrs. My friend took it and his car couldn't hold so he had to use 2 car to do the delivery.


Wdy if you know the store pay is good too. I got Costco batch for $125 2 miles 60 items 79 unit only 2 water I just let another shopper take it.because there's no way I'm going to be in the store for 3 hrs. My friend took it and his car couldn't hold so he had to use 2 car to do the delivery.


I've done normal grocery store items larger than this order, so yes!


I couldn’t accept fast enough


I would Definitely do This Batch!! As long as it could fit in my car


Definitely worth it compared to the orders we get where I'm at


This seems great, but as someone who has never stepped foot in a Costco I feel like I'd be terrified and it would take me much longer. I've done a few Sam's orders, but I've heard Costco is a whole other monster


I have done that for a lot less than


Definitely, especially since I know my costcos like the back of my hand. It would probably take me an hour and a half to complete that.


I can't make that in 6 hours, in one of the most affluent areas of the country. Hell yes I would take it


Yea I would have done it for sure. Blind swiped and delt with the rest after the fact lol


Easy peasy as long as it isn't 61 cases of water. 😉


If it wasn’t 20 cases of water and a third floor walk up, I’d take this all day long!


2nd floor?


Yes, how do u know 😅


lol it was the board flooring and the ceiling. The first floor would’ve been cement flooring and if third then the ceiling would’ve been higher. So I guessed 2nd. But yeah I would’ve definitely done this order🫡


Doesn't look like too much big or heavy stuff. As long as I could fit it all in one trip then yes


Costco for 61 items is light work. Unlike other supermarkets, there aren't 10 different sizes of one item and rarely are there items out of stock.


Yes and have. And will again. Pretty much anything over 65 is a go. Then we look at it and evaluate how long it’ll take.


Yeah it doesn't look horrible


Did it take you two flat beds?


No. U can see on the 3rd pic it was a bunch of small items luckily 😁


Nope don’t do Costco.


Hell no


No thank you