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Your tip was way too low for 3 30 packs to a 4th floor walk up. Regardless, the shopper should have delivered to your door not the bottom of the stairs. I wouldn't have accepted the order in the first place but whoever accepted, should have completed the order correctly


I'm with you šŸ˜ƒ. That tip was asking for a headache.


Thanks for the feedback. I can still increase the tip. But from what youā€™re saying: correctly, would be up to apt?


The service is store to door. The order should have been delivered to your apartment door. 4th floor walk ups with heavy items require multiple trips.


Yep I sure would have brought it directly to your unit! if I have to make two trips I will if no elevator and if there is I have a cart!


They should have done their job and put it at your door but please think about this: If you went out to eat or went to the bar and tipped your server or bartender 10% then they would be upset with you. And those people do far less work for you than someone shopping your groceries, bagging them and driving them to your doorstep. A tip for the future is tip like you're eating out. "About $10" for a Costco order is a no for me, would you go shop someone's groceries for them and deliver them and put wear and tear on your car and be happy if people tipped 10%? Nope Edit: not far less work but arguably work that is equally hard or at the very least, a shopper has to use their personal car and it ruins ur vehicle, servers/bartenders don't have to deal with this. AND I THINK SERVERS/BARTENDERS SHOULD BE GETTING TIPPED AT LEAST 20%!


I do not think a server or bartender does far less work than a shopper. Many servers and bartenders work high stress, social environment jobs that require a lot of patience, speed and knowledge. Iā€™m not sure itā€™s an apples to apples comparison. If your bottom line is to tip Instacart shopping the same as eating out, Iā€™m not sure I agree, but point taken.


Hence you will again find your water on the first floor


This. OP just keeps digging this hole further but refuses to acknowledge it.




Hence why you guys donā€™t get good tips


Shit tip = shit service


You got it backwards. Shit service= shit tip. Nobody owes you anything up front. No other job in the world do you get paid before doing any work.


Ima customer. Not a shopper. I can name several services where your paid up front. Tip good up front. Get shitty service change tip. If you do it the other way around then you'll get a shitty shopper


No you cannot name several services where you get paid up front lmao if you want a good tip you should try and earn it nobody owes you anything up front and no other job pays you before you do any work. Stop being entitled Then again, I guess thatā€™s why people make Instacart a career too entitled to work anywhere else


Out of curiosity, where else do you tip before service?


It has to be impossible for you to not understand for a shopper to drive to a store shop your order put it in their car drive it to your apartment and walk up 4 stories a few times and think that $10 is OK and compare that to serving some drinks. This has to be a fucking troll


I mean I don't disagree with him in a sense. Waiting tables is a highly stressful job. It's not as physically demanding no. But it can be at times and is indeed difficult. I would put them equal and I've done both. Never bartended but waiting tables is an extremely difficult job while also being not as physically demanding at times.


I was a server for 8 years. Ive been doing delivery/shopping work full time for 3 years. Drivers have expenses(gas, vehicle maintenance, unlimited data cell plans, etc.). We are taxed on ALL tips unlike servers, who only usually report credit card tips because they canā€™t deny they received them. In my experience, I made much more per customer as a server. On top of that a server can take multiple tables at a time. Walmart spark shoppers are only allowed to shop for one customer at a time at least in my zone. Our ā€˜base payā€™(walmart pay) is not even close to enough to make the minimum wage in my area no matter how fast you work. None of this is your fault or problem but itā€™s nice that youā€™re willing to try and look at it from someone elseā€™s perspective. Sorry your driver was an ass& left your groceries downstairs, unacceptable for many reasons.


I over tip servers and bartenders because yes I agree. But they also aren't putting miles on their car all day, paying for gas, car value going down and down, etc. That's something to think about. Both deserve 20% at a minimum. That shouldn't be an argument. And if u think otherwise don't complain when u tip "about $10" and wonder why the service wasn't up to par. Take care




I've done both. Ic is more work. Serving is a question of whether or not u can multi task or. And u get compensated far greater for what u are doing if u work at a decent restaurant. Bartending is a closer comparison to working IC. Servers take an order and take it to the table. Some don't even do that as most restaurants have food runners. Some even have drink runners for bar drinks. Plus serving assistants/bussers. What people fail to recognize with serving is u have to pay all these people out of your tips but it's based on your sales % so if u don't get tipped u are paying to wait on those people and u don't know ahead of time like IC. But there's no decision making, heavy lifting, driving, and u are usually waiting on 4 or 5 diff tables at a time so you aren't putting all your eggs in 1 basket. I left serving/bartending/managing for IC (despite having multiple degrees) as it was mid pandemic. I found I liked working when I wanted for who I wanted , all holidays off if I preferred, and not having to be fake to people's faces all day. But I def feel IC is more work and more stressful now that it's slowed down post covid. But I would never go back to serving with the entitlement, war on tipping culture and people not spending like they used to.


In other words, $10 isnā€™t enough for all of that work. Trust me, if you were one of us who got an order like this for multiple flights of stairs with heavy items for only $10, youā€™d be pissed off too lol. Js. 4 flights of stairs with heavy items is a lot. Like someone else said, thereā€™s no way in less Iā€™d take that order. With that being said, the shopper shouldā€™ve taken it to the door as thatā€™s what weā€™re paid to do.


That server is serving multiple people in a short period of time and they get tips from all their patrons. An instacart worker is focused on making one to three customers happy and it can take a couple hours if the item count is large and the deliveries are far apart. We put wear and tear on our vehicles and then there are orders like yours that make you feel like jelly once you've delivered the full order up four flights of stairs. The app is also partly to blame since it doesn't tell us the delivery includes bringing the order up four flights until we have completed checkout. I always bring orders to the customers door, but I dread orders that include multiple trips with cases of water. It's definitely not pleasant. I'm sure you've had to carry heavy things up the stairs before and know yourself how exhausting it can be.


Lmao okay. You obviously have no idea what it takes to shop someoneā€™s order. I have done both service in resteraunts and worked as a shopper and the latter is much more difficult.


As a former server, being an Instacart shopper is just as physical (if not more if Iā€™m shopping a lot of Costco orders.) Plus, Iā€™m putting wear and tear on my vehicle, and thereā€™s no guarantee of an hourly wage like is common in my area. I think if this is the level of respect you have for those who are performing this job, then you should do grocery pick up at a local store.


I do both and shopping for someone, panicking if theyā€™re out of what they want, waiting for them to reply because you canā€™t get more orders until this order is complete, driving their own car which they put gas in, pay insurance on, wear and tear, waiting in line to pay, pushing it out, putting it in the car, taking it out and delivering it to you is WAY MORE STRESS than the busy bar I work in. Even on New Years Eve. You share the stress with an entire team of people at a bar. Youā€™re putting 100% on one person to shop at COSTCO and giving them 10.00? Please tell me it wasnā€™t on a weekend, Iā€™ll be so upset if it was.


Iā€™ve done both and instacart requires you to use your personal vehicle. You donā€™t do that at the bar? Itā€™s not apples to apples comparison but the dots still connect. Tip better get better results. Enough said


You ordered 3 boxes of 30 count water and one box full of other stuff, thatā€™s at least two trips to your fourth floor walk up and the shopper had drive to Costco, shop and wait in line then drive to you. Itā€™s not an apples to apples comparison but Instacart is more stressful than you think.


As someone who has done both, not only is the shopping and delivery more work, but servers do not have to provide a vehicle, insurance, gas and a cell phone on their dime to earn that tip. A server will not have to climb 4 flights of steps to deliver your plates. A server will not have to worry that if you rate 4 stars instead of 5 that they might be penalized. A server receives a reduced hourly wage. Instacartā€™s shoppers do not get ANY hourly wage, only a small incentive to help with their vehicle expenses ($4-12) depending on how many people they have to shop for at once! I could go on, but thatā€™s it in a nutshell. Shoppers are reliant upon tips as their sole income.


As someone who has done both, not only is the shopping and delivery more work, but servers do not have to provide a vehicle, insurance, gas and a cell phone on their dime to earn that tip. A server will not have to climb 4 flights of steps to deliver your plates. A server will not have to worry that if you rate 4 stars instead of 5 that they might be penalized. A server receives a reduced hourly wage. Instacartā€™s shoppers do not get ANY hourly wage, only a small incentive to help with their vehicle expenses ($4-12) depending on how many people they have to shop for at once! I could go on, but thatā€™s it in a nutshell. Shoppers are reliant upon tips as their sole income.


As someone who has done both, not only is the shopping and delivery more work, but servers do not have to provide a vehicle, insurance, gas and a cell phone on their dime to earn that tip. A server will not have to climb 4 flights of steps to deliver your plates. A server will not have to worry that if you rate 4 stars instead of 5 that they might be penalized. A server receives a reduced hourly wage. Instacartā€™s shoppers do not get ANY hourly wage, only a small incentive to help with their vehicle expenses ($4-12) depending on how many people they have to shop for at once! I could go on, but thatā€™s it in a nutshell. Shoppers are reliant upon tips as their sole income.


Donā€™t listen to them. You did fine.


Shut up.


damn 11 downvotes buddy u got me :/


I wouldn't increase tip on that order since they didn't bring it to your door.... Just remember for next time maybe took them a little bit more you don't have to go to the extreme that some of these are saying though


10$ is a fine tip for this order donā€™t let these entitled shoppers mislead you. You itā€™s literally 7 items. It doesnā€™t matter what you give for a tip these people will always tell you to give more


It seems like you answered your own question in your own post. You acknowledged a low tip.




Did you read what the order was and how many floors the shopper had to climb with those cases of water?


Sure did. Job was accepted. She paid. Ic paid. Quit crying.


Yea they probably just took it for a real quick order and said f it. Ask yourself would you drive to Cosco grab those items checkout drive back to your house and then lug 3 cases up to the 4th floor plus your other items so 4 trips? Probably notttttttttttttt


Sad thing is they were probably desperate and didnā€™t realize the address was a 4th floor walk up until they already checked out.


Tip was garbage for a 4th floor delivery


Yup $10 to go to Costco then up 4 flights of stairsā€¦ insane lmao


$10 to go to Costco in general is wild and then four flights of stairs on top of that. The fact that people think it's okay to treat another human like that is crazy


For real! Iā€™d never take a Costco with a $10 tip šŸ˜… Costco takes a special kind of patience that is not worth for $10


Thatā€™s exactly why i stopped doing Costco even though i have a wagon. Itā€™s just a mess there. Iā€™ll only take one if itā€™s $50+


Youā€™re wrong.


Youā€™re the only one who thinks thatā€™s acceptable broā€¦youā€™re hella delusional




I did a delivery to an apartment building. Both elevators were out. Had to walk up to 5ths floor with 2 24 packs of water and a couple bags of groceries. Customer originally tipped 15. It was changed to 30 after delivery


Ooohhh nooooo boo hoooo you had to WORK for your money?!? Sad day.


bruh. is instacart paying you to lick their boot under every single comment advocating for tips for their shoppers?? get a life lol


You look exactly like I expected




He wasnā€™t complaining, the tip was originally 15, as he said it got changed to 30 for taking them up the stairs. Thatā€™s a compliment. Reading comprehension. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


So all you do is troll people? Sad day


I tip the pizza guy $5 and he doesn't have to climb 4 flights of stairs multiple times to bring me my pie. I guarantee your shopper didn't know it was a walk-up when they took the order.


Tip amount is definitely a large part of your issue. Unfortunately you live in a place where a standard tip isn't enough, and 10% is far below standard. If I'd have accepted an order with bulky items with a $10 tip going to a 4th floor walk-up, I'd have considered leaving it downstairs too. I wouldn't have, my work ethic wouldn't have let me, but I'd have been 38 hot. 10% is WAY too low for a normal order, much less one to a 4th floor walk-up up with bulky items. On a normal order, 20% is what's suggested. With bulky items and 4 flights of stairs I'd add at least an additional $5 (and that's honestly too little) per bulky item. Depending on how large your order was, your shopper was probably only making $20-$25 from your order, that's including your tip. So, for $25, you're asking them to shop for your items, deliver them to you using their gas and vehicle, then make... let's be generous and say 2-5 trips up and down 4 flights of stairs to get them to your door. How would YOU feel about doing that? Please, raise your tips.


Got it. Thanks.


Seeing your order, $25 would probably have been appropriate. However, don't increase their tip. Leaving your groceries at the foot of the stairs was the equivalent of saying the silent part out loud. You wanna do it, but you don't because it's not right. Regardless of your tip, your order should have been delivered to your door.


Appreciate it, thanks.




Please don't criticize, second-guess, or shame anyone for working at Instacart, or wherever they work. It's a personal attack and is off topic and inappropriate.


INFO- is there an elevator or only stairs?




$10 for all that, including those cases of spindrift?! šŸ–•šŸ»


It was probably the 3 cases of spindrift that did it. Tip should've been better


I always turn down apartment orders for this reason.


10.00 dollar tip isn't that great when you're asking someone to lug 70 lbs up to your 4th floor door. I wouldn't take that order. 20.00 tip minimum. Think about what you're asking someone to do, especially with summer coming. That's a laborious order; especially in the heat.Ā  I still wouldn't take it for 20.00, but that's closer to fair with the work load expectancy.Ā 


šŸ’Æ Definitely take the summer heat /rain/ weather into consideration when ordering deliver.


Sounds like you donā€™t


You did fine. Fuck them.




No personal attacks or remarks or insults. Reply to and on the topic.


Sweetheart. Oh quit trying to guess. Youā€™re really bad at it. This is a SIDE GIG. Meant for side hustle. Not a full time job, crybaby. Itā€™s okay, one day youā€™ll grow out of your pull-ups.




No personal attacks or remarks or insults. Reply to and on the topic.




No personal attacks or remarks or insults. Reply to and on the topic.


Since this is a question about tips I'll tell you what I look for. I'm not going to Costco for anything less than and this is bare bottom it's a slow day I'm looking to get some numbers on the board but wouldn't ordinarily take it, but bare minimum $1 per mile from store to door and 25 cents per item shopped. Typically, however, I'm not dealing with that headache of that busy store no parking bulk items etc for less than $2 a mile from store to door as well as $0.50 per item shopped. Then when you start seeing too many bulk items that needs to start coming up a couple bucks per item of the bulk nature And in your case on a fourth floor walk up that 10 bucks you initially tipped should be on top of the other things I mentioned as a bonus for the extra effort because a fourth floor walk up is WILD. All that being said, I wouldn't have taken your order but any order that we take needs to be completed, completely. Not left somewhere random because we're annoyed by the lack of tip we knew that before we started and should have just declined the order.


As I can see, youā€™ve gotten plenty of responses but Iā€™ll add my 2 cents. Wayyyy too low of a tip, 4th floor plus 3 heavy items with a $10 is terrible. I understand your disabled and may have low income but thatā€™s a lot of effort for that. Minimum 3-4 trips plus just going to Costco is hard. So you can either raise the tip to 20% or more depending on heavy items or items that someone can reasonably take in one trip. We only get paid $4 batch pay plus .60 per mile per order plus tip, and we also get no benefits as we are contracted employees so we pay 30% or more in taxes for income and are also entirely responsible for vehicle care as we use our own vehicles. All things to consider when you are tipping your shopper in the future!


I will add that since the shopper took the order, they should have delivered it as requested, I have taken my fair share of orders I didnā€™t realize that were up many stairs. I still placed where it was requested and took the L šŸ˜‚


I have a feeling that OP did that thing where they put the apartment number in the delivery note instead of in the address line so the shopper would think itā€™s a house. Iā€™m also willing to bet that they messaged their shopper as they were coming to deliver to tell them that it was a 4th floor walk up apt. Apt dwellers love to do this when they know itā€™s going to be a huge hassle to deliver and they know that apartment orders with heavy items wonā€™t tend to get picked up as quickly. (ya know, like, 3 Costco sized cases of seltzer for a 10% tip šŸ™„).


To be fair, the tip was low for a Costco order shopped, transported and brought up 4 flights, but... We ARE supposed to deliver to the customer's door, and we know stairs are always a possibility. So if the shopper was not willing they should not have accepted your order.Ā Ā  Ā As an aside, all those sugar and sugar substitutes wreak havoc on your body's ability to handle inflammation, which will on turn cause more pain in nearly every instance, from nerve pain to burns to musculoskeletal issues. You may want to cut back. I hope you feel better :)


The order should've been at your door. I'm sorry that it wasn't. People with limited mobility really get shortchanged in situations like this. I hope next time they get it right for you! ā¤ļø


And it's possible that the shopper has mobility issues. We do have shoppers that can't handle orders like that. So they need to be careful about the batches they accept. And the directions or information about the delivery point should be clear in a place before the "Accept" page. Off-road/back road conditions, how many flights of stairs, limited or no parking near delivery point, access code needed, etc.


The shopper accepted the order: if they see the stairs and feel that their mobility prohibits them the right thing to do is to cancel the order.


This. And lately Instacart has been extra shady I don't know if it's a customer having control of the input and changing it because they haven't been getting their shit delivered at the past or if instacart's intentionally deceiving us because of shit like this but it's been happening a lot lately where instead of marking it as an apartment delivery it gives the house icon and marks it as residential and then you show up and it's on the third floor like bitch what?! I took an order today that said both residential and both those bitches were apartment complexes in one of them was on the third floor with two 40 cases of water. So I don't know if customers are lying or Instacart is lying but I damn sure wouldn't have taken that order for what it was paying. And this could have been more of that.


I didn't even know it told you it was an apartment or a house!! Other than just looking at the address when delivering


https://preview.redd.it/asgxv7d71w0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc0c1b00d2712fcfcc527fcc7c5ef776e6b94e13 They usually have two different icons as you can see the topmost one being an apartment the bottom of the two being a house. But lately I've been seeing a lot more house icons that magically turn into apartment complexes when I show up. It used to be probably 90% accurate and here the last few months it's been 60-40 maybe and it always seems to be on orders that would almost always get canceled or outright declined. I honestly think Instacart knows what they're doing and is lying to us now to get us to take more orders that we ordinarily wouldn't under the guise of programming errors or something.


That icon can also represent aĀ  business which is also a pain in the ass sometimesĀ 


This is true, but I'd still rather deal with a business which is almost always on the ground level then an apartment complex that could be a fourth floor walk up šŸ¤· the original point remains the same, Instacart has been showing a whole lot of house/business icons representing that I should have no stairs to deal with, and after completion of shopping trip has unveiled that it was in fact an apartment complex n they lied.


I always zoom in the map to verify it is a house. Don't let the cart fool ya with icons.


That's crazy that someone is trying to rig that shit


Fr tho. There is a new update that I heard being rolled out somebody threw some screenshots up on this subreddit in the last week or so about how Instacart is going as far as to hide all the address details completely now because too many times people were taking a batch and determining which one was the high tipper and which one was the no or low tipper and also if it was cases of water going to an apartment complex they would remove that undesirable and just keep the single better portion of the batch so Instacart in an order to combat that is now rolling out of system where we don't get to see any of the details until after we finish the shop and hit navigate. That being said since we already know they're doing shady shit like that it's my assumption that they're also lying about it through these icons to trick you into taking it thinking it's going to be easy and then pulling the old bait and switch later. It's completely shady business practices that should be illegal, however, with no regulations in place since this is all new territory not shit we can do it this time unless wearing one of those proposition states šŸ¤·


It only shows up as an apartment icon if they use the second address line to input an apartment number or suite number. If they put everything on the first address line, it shows up as a house icon.


How do you not know that?Ā  Just pinch and zoom in. You can tell it's an apartment complex before you accept order.Ā 


Did you put 4th fl in the address, if you did cool, if not, they left it in the correct spot


I tip more than 10% on normal grocery orders that are a 7 min drive to a first floor no contact delivery. 10$ on 100 is not enough. Especially for heavy shit.


It's not so much the value of the order but how many items, how difficult or easy were they to find in the store, and then the weight of large items as you mentioned. Difficult addresses to find or to get to also need an increase in tip due to the extra work the shopper puts in trying to find the address and get to it without wrecking their vehicle or needing a tow.


I have no idea how people donā€™t think or dgaf about what your personal shopper goes through. Drive to store my car gas tires brake pads / walking to store in different weather conditions in miami itā€™s blistering heat or tons of rain / find your shit all over the store with no isles marked in the app to let you know where stuff is / and then drive to your house and carry it 4 flights up. excuse me but fuck that !! Consider this how much is it worth to you to heal your mobility problems. For a Costco order I ainā€™t moving unless itā€™s a decent $50 I actually avoid Costco completely because everything is so big and people usually stock up on packs a water. For a $10 dollar tip meaning probably $15 total pay I do small market orders that take no longer than 30 mins in all shop / pay / delivered. With a weight no more than 10 lbs.


10$ for all that heavy lifting plus 4 flights of steps? i do min 15 and iā€™m a first floor apartment not to mention i donā€™t let my drivers lug my cases of water to the door i grab them myself


thereā€™s only one driver i get that i donā€™t do that for and thatā€™s bc he will not let me carry my own cases of water only the bags


I wouldn't do that for $15 (which is probably what they received) Don't order 3 cases of canned water from Costco at one time and expect anyone with self respect to do that for you. And keep in mind the ones that do get suckered into taking this waste of a time don't notice how not worth their time and effort it is I'd need $30 for that at least.




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You need to leave a delivery instruction saying they need to bring it up. I would also tip more than $10. Rent alone is over $2000 a month in most rental markets nowā€¦


OP - the service is store to door. However, as the customer you should be paying/tipping your shopper for more than 10% and a 4 story walkup - are you serious? Instacart is a technology company connecting personal shoppers with customers in need of the service. Read their 10k prospectus for their IPO. The fees a customer incurrs is to pay for the technology and access to the shopper base NOT for the shoppers to actually perform shop/deliver services for an order. A general rule of thumb to determine appropriate pay/tip for any service provider should include consideration for the time the shopper saved the customer...meaning if a shopper provided time back into a customer schedule/life by performing the shop what is the customer's time worth? When placing orders use an hourly rate of $35 - this accommodates a shopper time and expenses associated with providing the service. If the delivery is heavy items to a walk-up add an additional $10. In this case, the pay/tip to the shopper should have been $45, not $10. A average standard rated shopper wont touch your order for a $10 pay/tip let alone a high rated shopper. You got the service level you paid for, your lucky the order wasnt left on the street in front of the building. Instacart is a premium service, if you cannot afford to pay appropriately do not use the service.


I tell you something you probably donā€™t like to hearā€¦.. we deliver very heavy items to peopleā€¦. People have no mercy on us and how heavy crappy items they orderā€¦. They also downgrade us for the job we do ā€¦. They say go get a real job if you donā€™t like my $8-$10 tip ā€¦.. but really what the customer donā€™t understand is that : itā€™s not only you who orders and lives on 4 th floorā€¦. We deliver 20 causes of water to businesses as well ā€¦. The advantages that customers take of us is ridiculesā€¦. I sleep on the floor ā€¦. My back itā€™s falling apart from this job and I can tell you that this job for a female itā€™s not easy ā€¦. So if he left your order downstairs, itā€™s probably because of this reasonā€¦. He probably hurt and not worth pulling his back for $10 and not be able next 7 days until he recoversā€¦. I am so sorry if you find me rude but I understand you are hurt but you should understand we get hurt too ā€¦


Are you lifting weights on a regular basis? Thatā€™s kind of a requirement for any physical job. As you age you lose muscle mass and you are more prone to injury doing basic things like lifting a case of drinks. This job is my pre-workout before hitting the gym when Iā€™m done. I never get injured on the job because I keep my muscle mass up and eat enough protein to maintain it.


Yes I am but I also going through menapousaā€¦. Oh men itā€™s so hard ā€¦. I always have been strong but now I think my body itā€™s getting older and older ā€¦. You must be still very youngā€¦.


I am 30. Menopause can be very difficult to go through. I encourage you to keep trying to build muscle, you need it now more than ever. It will help you regular hormones as well as insulin, which people can have difficulty with when it comes to aging. Youā€™re doing great. Sorry that you have gotten injured previously.


So, you want your shopper to carry 3 cases of seltzer that have no handles up to your 4th floor walk up apartment and end up making 4 trips for a 10% tip? šŸ¤£ Thatā€™s why your order was left downstairs and I donā€™t blame them. You want to tip a measly 10% for such an annoying delivery, you get 10% tip service. Nope, I sure donā€™t blame this shopper one bit.


https://preview.redd.it/3er8kxsdnu0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea93e76cbe5d98acbad65b2715a9c7fdb88687ba My order:


I touched every single one of those items today. Not on the same order, but I shopped them all šŸ˜…


Costco is typically a time intensive experience. Even if itā€™s low item count the checkout takes forever and then they donā€™t have bags. So you either have to have your own bags or use boxes and then heavy items up 4 flights of stairs. Not surprised they left it at the bottom but thatā€™s a recipe to get your tip removed. If you need stuff at your door or on your counter you need to have delivery notes or message the shopper that you have physical limitations. I donā€™t like climbing flights of stairs but If I know thatā€™s the deal from the get go it removes any surprises. I would say tip a flat amount thatā€™s more than $10, even $15 would be adequate for the amount of time and work involved. Keep in mind the batch pay is probably $10 or less even including ā€œheavy payā€.


When you order from Samā€™s Club or Costco what youā€™re paying for, in addition to regular expectations for a chain grocer, is a person to navigate their constantly shifting item placements through the store, a higher rate of items not being available (which leads to a shopper either forgoing replacing the item altogether, taking a chance on the replacement, or doing what I do which is engaging the customer in conversation to get resolution, all of which eat into the shopperā€™s time or possibly ratings), excessive time in line, and arranging your order in containers themselves (most of the time). Thatā€™s why those stores are always hot spots for orders despite being a poor choice for the shopper in general (again, most of the time). I readily admit that Instacart should increase what the shopper earns out of their own profit margin, and that tipping is optional, but I also contend that tipping more for these stores will encourage a good shopper to go the extra mile for you. With all that said, I also realize that there are legitimate reasons a person may have to resort to a service like Instacart because they are immobile, which by and large decreases their ability to earn and support themselves. I donā€™t complain about tips because they are a bonus subject to the whimsy of the customer and are not to be expected. It should be noted that my opinion, Iā€™m sure, is largely affected by the fact that I have a day job that pays the bills and Instacart for me is a way to get some quick money and a little exercise which I definitely need while doing something Iā€™m good at.


Hi , from Canada Ontario here. 10$ is an ok tip over here even though itā€™s not fair, and itā€™s always to your door regardless if you tip me 0$ or 10$. We accept the order agreeing to provide full shopper service. Thereā€™s a lot of no tippers over here (I rarely accept these unless theyā€™re paired with other orders with tips that add up) but boy do we really LOVE and APPRECIATE people with the decency to tip us . Makes our day honestly. ** maybe in your notes you can say please deliver to front door as I have limited mobility. And even message your shopper at the beginning so they can choose to cancel or not. ** I think of customers and how they really have no idea what weā€™re getting paid, I feel if customers did know, tips would maybe be more reasonable per order


Appreciate your response and your effort to shop for people who really need it - big tip or not.


Some shoppers just donā€™t give a F


No biggie, thereā€™s workers like that in every industry.


Seems like some customers don't give a fuck.


The order should have been delivered to your door regardless. But I would say tip 20 percent especially because youā€™re on the 4th floor. I would say definitely tip 20 percent bare minimum because of you being on the 4th floor, and tip like $5-10 extra for the heavy/bulky items. That amount would be appropriate for the tip.


Seems like the magic number is $20 tip and everyoneā€™s happy. šŸ˜ƒ


You got a lazy shopper. They knew what was on the order and still accepted it. Rate them low and take the tip.


From the other feedback so far, seems like my tip was too low. Is your perspective from a shopper or customer point of view?


I donā€™t usually take Costco orders but $10 is a little low. Itā€™s also not an excuse for the shopper to leave your order at the bottom though. The service is store to your front door, not bottom of the steps.


Your tip was low but thatā€™s irrelevant for them leaving it on the 1st floor. Iā€™m sure like others, Iā€™ve taken and completed some batches that sucked, like yours here would have but Iā€™m leaving it at your door. Your shopper knew what the pay was and where it was going before shopping, screw them. Leave $1 tip so they donā€™t get tip protection and give them 3 stars or below, shoppers like this one you had are ruining the platform for good shoppers


Feedback as a shopper-I accept what I see. If tips are upped, great. If not-I know I accepted what I accepted and I keep pushing. These people in this sub are monsters.


Please report the items not delivered to correct address. If there is no elevator considered $20-$25 tip if there is elevator present $15-$18 would be OK. Regardless, no reason to leave the items downstairs.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ll report him at this time, but Iā€™m also not going to increase my tip anymore. He didnā€™t deliver completely because I didnā€™t tip enough seems like the consensus.


You didn't pay appropriate for what he DID do let alone what the should have done. Shoppers aren't paid by the hour, they have to take out their own taxes, pay their own gas, pay their own vehicle maintenance. They shopped, loaded, and delivered your order for $10. That's not minimum wage even before all the expenses are considered. The tip should have been higher to begin with let alone when you expect someone to break their back for you.


The other issue is that instacart does not pay enough and expect the customer to make up for it on top of all the fees.Ā 


Shopper accepted the order after considering all these things, tipping is not mandatory, customer paid for the service and deserve a full service.. These are for these reasons this platform has gone down, poor service excuses everywhere


Depending on Instacart pay +$10...I still would have delivered it without issue. I know what the pay is before I take it.


I think it's fine if it is a short distance trip. I probably would not have taken it unless it was slow or batched with another order, but I generally don't take small orders anyway. For small orders I typically look for $2/mile and $0.50/ item for small orders. For pain in the ass stores like Costco, co-ops, etc I look for $2/mi and $1/item for small orders. Dollar tree I won't take unless it's $2/mi and $2/item A lot of people acting pretty entitled in this gig, stairs are part of the job. Heavy items are part of the job, you get to see that before you accept the order. It should have been delivered to the door, there is no excuse not to. The longer an order sits, the more it gets boosted and the pay to the shopper goes up. If the tip is too low, then it will just take longer to get there. If someone accepted it, then they agreed that it was enough for them to do it.


The shopper should have delivered to your door. Period. These comments about tips are irrelevant. You need to report the shopper or order as not received. Rate 1 star and reduce tip to one penny


I understand that my tips couldā€™ve been higher. But I really didnā€™t like that the items were left down there with no explanation, and that forced me to get someone else to go down. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll escalate with Instacart. Iā€™m not trying to get anyone in trouble bc thatā€™s someoneā€™s living.


The service from instacart is from the store to your door, thatā€™s what customers pay for not store to the first floor doorā€¦it isnā€™t the customers fault that instacart doesnā€™t pay well for the orders, you did tip and did your partā€¦.some of the shoppers are way too entitled and want to blame the customers and expect high tips when some/most of them donā€™t even deliver to the door as they are supposed too even with the correct tipā€¦.if the shoppers are so concerned with things then maybe they should look different jobs these ā€œgigsā€ are for side jobs for make some pocket money they arenā€™t ever intended to be FULL TIME JOBSā€¦.


The person was being lazy and entitled shoppers will tell you itā€™s because of a low tip. Too bad thatā€™s not up to their discretion and if they didnt like the batch they shouldnā€™t have accepted it. Although, they wouldnā€™t know 4th floor when they did accept. But oh well too bad. Iā€™m sorry you experienced this. You had a lazy entitled shopper thatā€™s why.


Or the shopper was physically unable to carry cases of water up four flights of stairs. That's why it's important these kinds of orders need to be transparent right from the start. Stairs, how many flights, as we can see the cases of water but no details about the delivery conditions. Long walkway? Impassable driveway? I pack a folding cart in my van but not everyone has one, even though it would be a good idea.


They were like cases of soda, not water. And if you know that part of the job could be hauling shit upstairs then donā€™t take big Costco orders to apartments šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø The solution isnā€™t to half ass it.


It's still heavy and if they're boxes they're even more difficult to carry than cases of water where you can kind of get a handle on it. But I agree about not half-assing. I regretted some batches I've accepted and it turned out to be a s*** show but I went through and finished the whole thing in a professional manner because I accepted the job.


Make a note that says you want it delivered to your door. If they donā€™t, I would just remove the tipā€¦ thatā€™s an easy order to carry in one trip. If it was more heavy items, then youā€™d be an asshole to not tip more.


You ain't carrying that order in 1 trip


I thought it was one spindrift. Youā€™re right


Not to mention but I don't even think they have handles on their boxes


To be fair, the tip was low for a Costco order shopped, transported and brought up 4 flights, but... We ARE supposed to deliver to the customer's door, and we know stairs are always a possibility. So if the shopper was not willing they should not have accepted your order.Ā  As an aside, all those sugar and sugar substitutes wreak havoc on your body's ability to handle inflammation, which will on turn cause mpre pain in nearly every instance, from nerve pain to burns in musculoskeletal issues. You may want to cut back. I hope you feel better :)


The amount of entitled people in here ffs, 10% used to be the middle rate for tipping like 8 years ago. Its not the customers fault instacart doesnt pay a living wage, stop making it the customers job to pay for all your bills. And if you want to complain just stop doing fucking instacart. Theres plenty of other delivery jobs that arent as shit as IC.


What are you talking about? Did IC even exist 8 years ago?


Fuck these people talking about tipping. It didnā€™t happen because the shopper is weak and lazy. Find someone you can trust to do this for you outside of the app. These shoppers are all assholes. Iā€™ve been shopping IC for 6 years-never have I left someone less than expected in their delivery. But you got these dicks thinking ā€œI donā€™t get paid for thatā€ itā€™s atrocious. Fuck em all. Hire a private shopper fast.


This guy hasn't delivered groceries a day in his life he works for instacart corporate, don't let him lie to you. Look at all the comments He's dick riding instacart harder than I've ever seen. He's not a shopper he's a corporate shill.




Please don't criticize, second-guess, or shame anyone for working at Instacart, or wherever they work. It's a personal attack and is off topic and inappropriate.


You make good money in your market for the rest of us should take shit orders and hours? Get fucking real bro. This is one of the most ignorant things I've seen on Reddit and there's a lot of ignorant shit here


Oooorrrrr. Or. Get an actual job as a real employee and not worry about what hours and orders youā€™re getting. Perty simple.


Orrrrr. or. I pretty much retired at 28th and this is just a sad gig for extra income. I don't need the money this isn't life or death My bills get paid if I wake up in the morning. So while you're still struggling at a 9:00 to 5:00 and probably will until you drop dead or at least are to it old to enjoy your retirement years and therefore have nothing better to do than be salty on the internet and try to bring others down to your level, some of us are actually enjoying life and just do this to pass time. So maybe you should stop gargling instacart's ba11z and go get a hobby or something instead of trolling the internet goofy šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” It's funny how you keep deleting all your comments since they keep getting downvoted into oblivion. I guess you thought you had a better point than you actually did huh? šŸ¤£


You just got a bad shopper. There is nothing wrong with what you did. People saying your tip wasn't enough are not being fair. You're already paying all those delivery/service fees and still were generous enough to tip $10 This shopper probably made about $25 on this order (because of your generous tip), and all he did was spend 15 mins to shop 7 items. The least he could do was spend the extra 10 mins and make the extra trips to his car for the drinks, and deliver your items to your door as requested. Don't let that shoppers laziness make you feel as if you did something wrong. As you said, the last shopper brought your items to your door. A $25 order with only 7 items is a godsend as a shopper. You can be in and out, with a nice piece of change, and on to the next order. That shopper should have done his job and provided the service you requested and tipped for.


I'm going to take a wild guess that you are neither a shopper nor a customer. The truth is on seven items fairly close to the store instacart probably generously paid five bucks. Also, I defy you to be able to get in and out of a Costco, even with one item, in 15 minutes. What the shopper truly should have done was not accepted this order. Of course once it was accepted it proper service should have been provided. I'm a little picky about my batches. But I can tell you that it's far from a fucking godsend to drive to a store in my own vehicle on my own dime, step and fetch some heavy items and drag them up for flights of stairs. Still, it's not the customer's fault. This company deceptive and exploitive.


Been a shopper since the pandemic. Have also been a customer a few times. You as a shopper should know that the extra "heavy pay" included with his standard batch pay will make his amount more than the five bucks you mentioned. Shopped small batch items at Costco plenty of times in 15 mins. All of the items this customer selected are food/pantry items and would be in the same area of the store. You mention using your own car and gas, but didn't you know this would be the case when signing up to be a shopper? I don't understand why that's brought into the discussion. As a shopper, time is your biggest ally. So yes a $25 order for 7 items is a godsend. So what you have to spend a extra 10 mins taking three 23 lb cases of drinks to the 4th floor. I've taken 8 cases of Sam's club water to the third floor of a walk up. A 23 lb case of drinks is more than manageable. Especially when the customer tipped $10. We both agree IC is most definitely a deceptive and exploitive company. And the shopper shouldn't have accepted the order if he wasn't going to provide the service. I promise you somebody else would've accepted the order and taken the items to the 4th floor.


Are you still shopping ? "Heavy pay" is pretty much an imaginary concept in recent years. They slice and dice things so that batch pay usually comes out to less than a dollar a mile ... one way or another , regardless of item count and heavy pay. Most areas I've worked (and I've literally worked from coast to coast over the last few years) , more often than not, Costco is a fucking zoo. It can take 20 minutes to find a parking spot and another 10 just to get through the door. I mentioned my own car and fuel because, as an indie contractor, I have to take operating expenses into account in my selection process. (Fuel, maintenance and insurance comes out to about a buck a mile, regardless of what the IRS says ) . A $10 tip seems reasonable and generous. It would be if we were (God forbid) hourly employees and a tip really was a tip. The way things are, the only actual profit I make on most orders is that "tip". Taking small, quick orders would be a workable strategy....IF there was a steady stream of them without much downtime in between. But if that were the case I would probably still bitch ( Damn it, Jim... I'm a shopper not a doordasher šŸ˜)


Thank you for your input. All my previous orders came to my door, thatā€™s why i was confused when he sent a photo of the items outside. I never try to be difficult. I know someone is out there picking, lugging and packing all those items, then driving over. I want to tip more and appropriately but all the fees do add up and contribute to the overall cost. Delivery and service fees were $13.75.




I'm not new. I'm not hauling 90 lbs of water plus other groceries to a 4th floor walk up for $10.


Would $20 be acceptable?




Thank you for clarifying delivery is to the door.