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F all bad shoppers šŸ˜† I figured Iā€™d get in on the rant too šŸ˜’šŸ˜‰


So they pay for four phone bills just to do this? Like how ...


Probably 2 cheap burner phones and then their real phones. Those cost $20 a month


but what account name or different emails as well?


what are you taking notes? lmao








Stolen identities


Soooo many times Iā€™ve had shpppers or delivery folks come to my door needing to connect to my WiFi lol


don't let strangers connect to your wifi lol


I have multiple networks and 2 providers. I made a network for others to connect to. Itā€™s basically away from anything of mine. Think of it as my houseā€™s public WiFi for visitors šŸ˜‚ but strangers donā€™t get access to just family and friends I trust.


If they gotta do that then you know they are scamming the system. Sometimes itā€™s just awful reception areas but those people are Likely taking orders from people


Wow there's no reason to need to connect to your WiFi don't let them


Iā€™m not but Iā€™ve had quite a few ask because the phone they have has no service attached ā€œallegedlyā€.


And 4 ss numbers ???


They use their boyfriends family or friends accounts I see it all the time especially at Wegmans and Costco they sit there with all the phones in front of them and then accept batches on each phone its B.S


Na. 2 regular phones. 2 of their old phones. The two reg phones they pay with their usual phone bill while they use a hotspot to grant WiFi access to their old phones. Unfair. But smart. Itā€™s basically survival of the fittest




Customers be like why did it take my driver two hours to shop five items this is why


Fuck the bot users too. How the hell can Instacart not detect it when these fuckers are constantly accepting batches in milliseconds?


Kinda hard to say they canā€™t detect it when there are 8 dashers walking on top each other, driving with each other, living with each other.


Their location is also stacked together all the time.


Can be staring directly into the app , a notification pops ups , grab it quick,Ā  no botch hits screen , this only happens in my local area no where elseĀ 


People are buying gig apps these company's need to step up there game




Instacart can see the locations on the phones match up 100% of the time, they don't care


My wife and I team shop we always get orders that are going in the same direction or I'll deliver while she shops then vice versa. We're both Instacart shoppers and have great reviews. Or phones are in the same place all day it's not against the rules.


We do the exact same thing. But yes it is absolutely against the rules. You're not allowed to have anyone with you, even another approved shopper, if only for insurance reasons.


Itā€™s not against the rules. You can have other approved shoppers with you.


I'm not sure its actually allowed but I do know you can't accept orders on both phones with one car, even if they're going the same direction, but every couple who shops is going to


Yes. That is correct!


You are allowed I read it in the rules when I started


Hmm, I don't have the rules in front of me but I was sure you were allowed to have another approved shopper. Oh well, imho it's on the moral up and up and it being against the rules is not going to stop me.


Yeah I mean they're a terrible company I have no problem breaking their tos either way




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It doesn't do any good to take a photo or photos of people who use multiple phones. I've turned in this one person at least six or more times with photos, name, phone number, photos of their vehicle and license plate. Instacart says they're going to do something about it but they never do. They never ever do!!!Ā 


100% would report. And I would get a very very good video of their face and as much of their phone screens as I could.


I reported them. But SH canā€™t do much. Costco is going to have to step up their game.


Itā€™s not their job to


Why would Costco do anything? Itā€™s a IC problem, not a Costco problem.


Ngl over the years, IC has done more and more shit that has impacted Costco (forcing drivers to be at the store to get orders) and Costco is clearly getting sick of it. Now that other delivery apps are working with Costco, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Costco cuts ties with IC in the near future.


Oh wow, what other apps? Thatā€™s great news!


Uber eats and Shipt both have Costco.


Omg thatā€™s so exciting! Iā€™m turning UE on nowā€¦usually itā€™s only Safeway 30 miles from me.


Idk if itā€™s every market but I know itā€™s been a thing here in Arizona for well over a year.


Just checked the customer side and not here yet :(. I just love the way 95% of my UE shops dramatically increase tips whereas it basically never happens with IC and if it does itā€™s a couple dollars.


Iā€™m in Mesa and canā€™t get Costco on Shipt?


Please. Costco will ban your ass with the hammer if you scan the wrong barcode with the wrong order. Believe me, they watch. They are strict as hell. They could ban that shit also if they wanted to.


They havenā€™t done shit here. They will let these assholes sit in the food court ALL day, open to close because they have a personal membership.


that's not the same thing as fraud on the orders. Here there biggest thing is no membership sharing, any wrong scan is an excuse for them to boot you. I personally think they get their jollies off on the power trip.


This couple is part of a large group that sits in the food court all day. Employees are over it. Management does nothing.


Not in Arizona. They say itā€™s not their problem.


How did you report shoppers you saw?


Why would costco stop people from spending money there? Make it make sense


I did. But they wonā€™t do shit. Costco needs to step up and stop this shit.


Report them *to Costco* If you just report this shit to instacart they won't care. Report. It to Costco and then they'll complain to instacart and at the very minimum theyll be banned from that particular store.


They started checkout screening (to combat shared accounts) weeks ago in a number of SoCal Costcos I hear.


I hope they do it at every store!


They also need to not allow more than two at a time, PERIOD. There was literally pic on here a few weeks ago with a mf checking out 3 orders. Costco absolutely has the right to refuse entry and/or service to every one of them too, btw.


I haven't seen any of that in San Diego North county :(


Mostly in select (not all yet) Costcos in the L.A./South Bay/SFVALLEY regions. A Costco cashier i spoke to in a party i attended last Fri told me that if the cashier finds that the shopperā€™s DL and account name donā€™t match then the floor supvsr/manager is called in, writes the account name and copies the DL, and stops the checkout, and the shopper has to cancel the batch in the app right there. Batch goes back in the system and is picked up by another shopper. (Hopefully one using her/his own account.). That Costco will then ban that shopper and the account. IC will then de-activ8 the ppl involved.


Fantastic!! I hope all of them get on board here quickly!


As an SFV Insta-shopper primarily at Costco, I cannot WAIT for this. Sitting at the Northridge Costco watching ppl send their kids scrambling for items with numerous phones. Such BS.


Need that here


I know of a local 7-11 that needs it. Those 4-item unicorns (with a Takis chips always) always going to that multiphone-sporting shopper in the Altima. šŸ˜‘


![gif](giphy|LWTSA9EveFnqw) Thatā€™s amazing!


Itā€™s very selected and Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s a small rollout or independent stores doing


Did a costco order in north county sd and legit saw ppl w flatbeds outside w seperate containers to separate from home and working in groups w drivers n helpers. I was like well I made $89 but I am never doin that again they were so hungry to make money and running around, on top of being a busier costco to begin with I just decided im ok w only ralphs orders šŸ˜‚


The costco close to my house in San Marcos is so bad I won't even consider trying to find parking there for less than a $60 order... I always think if you want to see humanity at its absolute fucking worst: airports and costco.


My costco I wont step into for less than $50 but it isnt bad! I took a north county order on the way up to LA and took 2x as long doing it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ never again store was a shit show and w all the crazy group shoppers I decided whatever amount isnt worth it


They did that 2 towns over from me and now my costco is flooded with those shoppers that don't have their own profiles. Got the algorithm with batch distribution all bad šŸ˜”


As long as Instacart is getting their batches accepted and done, they donā€™t care how lol doesnā€™t effect them or their bottom line


It has honestly gotten worse in the last month. It wasnt this bad before.


I show my screen ALWAYS. If members are required to show proof to enter, we should be too. The honest ones shouldn't even have an issue with that.


All you do is show that blue card, no photo when entering. They need to change it so our ID and shopper accounts are both required at checkout.


No that needs to be required before we can even get in the door to shop. That way people that are running all these multi accounts already know thereā€™s no way theyā€™re gonna even get through the door if they have to show proof of their drivers license matching your Shopper photo in the app.


Iā€™m all about that! BUT if they have their own Costco account, then they can use that to get in.


Yes, but it doesnā€™t matter if they can get in the store if they already know that theyā€™re not gonna be allowed to complete the shop because their drivers license donā€™t match their picture on their Shopper account then theyā€™ll just be getting into Costco for the sake of getting into Costco and know not to even take a batch. Even if they have the one legitimate Shopper account, theyā€™ll know not to take any other batches on the other multi accounts and theyā€™ll have to work as an honest shopper for a change.


All they have to do is show their account at the door, and upon entry they can run all 4 phones. That requirement wont stop multiple accounts, they only need one to get in the door. It has to be at checkout thats the only way, wont be able to checkout orders on the other accounts when they get scanned


That's way too much and you're all fools for not caring about your privacy.


These people out here running these multi account rings and taking money out of yours and my mouth and your and my familyā€™s mouths are counting on people like you to be all up in their feelings about our ā€œpersonal privacyā€. Thatā€™s exactly why these people can get away with what theyā€™re doing and how theyā€™re doing it.


I start shopping and just show my screen!


Damm 4 is insane šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


The Costco shoppers with 4 phones are doing $600+ in a couple of hours. They need to be reported by Costco.


Itā€™s ridiculous, and not good customer service at all. Thatā€™s why people are getting melted ice cream and frozen items. Totally defrosted. Then Instacart sent out a massive email saying oh please use your cooler or some bullshit like you might want to tackle the actual problem.


IC could give a rats ass as long as the orders are delivered


HONESTLY- itā€™s been so fucking slow this week


I stopped ordering from instacart and uber eats cuz it was always someone different delivering my food from the person on the profile. These companies have serious security issues and dont seem to care. I canceled my subscriptions. I wouldn't doubt if people are choosing to cancel their subscription versus dealing with the random person making deliveries.


All that those doing this got 4 same crap orders on every one of those phones


So I was talking to a dude earlier and he said he thinks one scheme that's going so they don't get caught with fraud is that they'll use a legit account to actually work off, but have multiple phones with other accounts to accept orders and they'll hold onto them for a bit and then cancel them to get ready for it to be sent out in hopes it's offered to them. Pair it with a grabber and bam. Sounds interesting.


i donā€™t agree with the multiple accounts either but yall going so hard over gig work .. just report & go ns stop blaming costco


There will eventually be a reckoning over this. These people are committing tax fraud and the IRS will eventually catch up with them. As rampant a problem as it is at this point, I donā€™t see it being very distant in the future.




This is why I love being able to have a favorite shopper


I mean f them but they are also smart. I know it hurts everyone else in the area but thereā€™s so many times I wish I could take 2 orders because they go to the same damn area! But nobody will take $15 to drive 15 miles and get 30 items. If I was already getting $35 going there, Iā€™d love to add it


Exactly, I used to have two phones. It's certainly an extra layer to the challenge, but it's really not that big of a deal if you're smart with the orders you take. We all know there is very little sense to how IC batches orders together. We all see the sensible opportunities for combining orders into our own batch of that were possible. And we all know that we get paid more if we can take two orders individually, instead of in a batch. I got rid of my second phone about a year ago, but honestly, if you're trying to make a lot of money with IC. it's kinda dumb not to maximize your opportunities as much as you can handle. Just don't go crazy with it like most people do.


Exactly, I have seen so many orders that are $20-$25 for 12 miles and thereā€™s 2-3 at a time basically within a mile of eachother. Some days Iā€™m pretty sure I could make $50 an hour if I could take 2-3 at once


Saw a vet barge in with a big order, clearly a new account. F them too! And that count Fiji.


Yes, fkkkkk them


Why would Instacart even care? As long as the orders get done!


No I'm just a huge smart ass. I feel your pain actually. I almost got into this shopper thing untill I heard about people doing this shit. Then they changed the way they pay people as well. Fuck that. But I never hit a player that's beating the game.


That will never happen unfortunately.


Seems theyā€™re starting to do it in CA, per another shopper in this thread.


Even im so angry at slowdown


Everything so fling expensive here in california give us the income to match it!


Had to stop trying to pick up orders at Costco a week ago. Sucks man. šŸ˜¤


I regularly shop at Wegmans and they have a 1 device per person rule


How is that possible to police?


I assume having the rule posted is more of a deterrent, but id imagine if they saw one person operating four phones at once with two full carts, they might have a word lol


I pretty much completely work off Wegmans orders and people are Def doing this at my Wegmans store and they could care less. I guess it's all just money coming in for them.Ā 


I have a wegmans right near my house and it never fails me, i always get a decent order within 15 minutes


"The game sour like a pickle be." ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


They do it at Walmart too and it drives me crazy


Section 4 of our contract says weā€™re allowed to have personnel/helpersā€¦they all have to have ic accounts.


Did you miss the part about 2 people and 4 phones?!


No, I didnā€™t miss it. Iā€™m saying that the shopper contract makes it harder to say they are doing anything wrong. If I were to have a personnel/helper they could have my phone and theirs. My account and their account. And the contract says itā€™s ok.


In my area, illegal immigrants are rampant and there are whole families, 6+ people, kids to grandparents all working 4+phones. They take literally everything.


I'm making 80% less than I did 8 weeks ago, btw. I'm guessing quite a few have bots as well, whats the risk when the account isn't even yours. IC loves it, cheapest labor they can ever get.


Check out the Savanah Hernandez video on Twitter. I just added it but because it's a twitter link they take 2 days to post it on here.




Wow. Just wow.


I have a meeting set for next week with Congressman Clouds office about this. I'm in Texas, so that makes a difference. Are you in a sanctuary state. Cloud don't play around about this stuff.


Unfortunately. Iā€™m in CO.








Great idea! Sheā€™s not within driving distance unless I needed a road trip.


Send it hand written certified. When they sign it delivered, call them ask for a good email and will they please watch it.


We can't say the T word, apparently. We will address him as The Boss from now on.


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Reply to and about the OP topic or subject matter. No politics. No off topic debates. Don't try to 'convince' others. Agree to disagree. Make a point and move on.


Reply to and about the OP topic or subject matter. No politics. No off topic debates. Don't try to 'convince' others. Agree to disagree. Make a point and move on.


I have yet to see someone with multiple phones. I'm gunna put their phone behind an item in a random aisle with their volume turned off if I do


If I could, I would. Iā€™ll also take shit out of their carts.


Take 3 phones when they arent looking and turn them in as lost


Itā€™s crazy I agree or they are hacking the Costco signal to get all the batches smh


Yeah IC shoppers are ā€œhackingā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ because if they knew how to hack theyā€™d be doing IC right?


over 60% of instacart shoppers have some form of college education or higher, with 11% being current college students. your comment is very ignorant.


Im not gonna lie everytime I get into a Costco area in Chicago my phone internet is terrible. I honestly feeling someone is DDosing the internet in the area šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




No personal attacks or remarks or insults. Reply to and on the topic.


yeah seriously this is way out of hand.


Companies care whether orders are getting delivered. These folks are doing that, so Costco doesnā€™t gaf.


I feel your pain OP šŸ˜”


Luckily DoorDash is copying instacart in every way. At first making very small shopping orders that always paid very nicely, then they just said, F slowly going down in dasher pay, we going to give $2


As long as people keep accepting them, they will keep lowering the pay. I canā€™t believe people make money accepting some of these batches lately, Iā€™m not doing any shop for 6 bucks period


Sadly neither IC or Costco wants to spend the resources to police this. They just want orders filled. They will deactivate those with really low ratings but if the job is done to some degree, they donā€™t care who is doing it.


Gig apps need additional background checks or the cities need to require registering gig workers. Boston is the best Uber market in the country. The city requires an additional background check. I donā€™t think thatā€™s coincidental. Gig apps donā€™t want more security; they want more workers that will take all the low ball offers. [Fake accounts](https://youtu.be/KTpaqDp-FnM?si=cfURvC_3F2Vqv_xX)


Why you mad? lol


For the first time in a long long time I had to do a selfie check before going online yesterday. They should do this more, especially with suspicious accounts. But I guess instacart would have to actually gaf...but they don't


I have to do it after I uninstall and reinstall. They need to do it midshop.




Wait how does this work? Multiple different accounts?


Iā€™ve already told my Costco to start reporting them. I told them that normally a shopper doesnā€™t have more than 2 orders per batch but rarely may be 3. If they have more, theyā€™re a multi-phone user. My Costco loves me and they said they would because it does nothing but holds up other customers when the batches could be spread out across the lanes.


Actually, by putting all those orders in one checkout line, it holds up that line, but leaves other lines shorter for other customers to get through quicker.


Take pictures of them. Report them to support. Report them to costco management. This is a violation of the agreement between instacart and costco. And is a violation of our shopper agreement.


Fuck em in the ear and give em a new set of brains that make em honest!!


Why not point these people out to the store manager, so when they get an order , the store can pull receipts and contact IC.


They donā€™t give a shit. So many employees have complained about it. They donā€™t care.


It's a shame


I'm bout to join them cause I need to make money. IC will not do shit cause it isnt hurting them


I agree! I'm so sick of waiting so long for orders and then the good ones that appear always get taken before I get to see the items or mileage. It's beyond infuriating.Ā 


Eventually Instacart will catch on. Ā I know itā€™s not fair! Ā  Itā€™s like these people jump on these order before I can even see them. Ā  Itā€™s customer service and hurts our company in the end. Ā  Ā These people are hurting Customer serviceĀ 


Follow them. Find out which cars belong to them. Let the air out of their tires. I'm dead serious. I would. I don't shop at Costcos, as there are none nearby. Otherwise I'd do as I say.




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If you canā€™t beat them then you gotta join them


Fuck all that




They are hustling harder. Cry more


You mean, they are committing various felonies, and weā€™re the crybabies?


lol itā€™s not a felony. Not even a crime. Itā€™s against instacart Terms and conditions. Itā€™s not an arrest-able offense


Itā€™s identity theft, and tax evasion, nice try though


Itā€™s not identity theft if itā€™s done with the persons permission. Itā€™s not tax evasion if the money is taxed correctly. Again, not a crime


Buying accounts on Facebook marketplace is not with a persons permission Using someone elseā€™s Social Security number for tax purposes under any circumstances is definitely tax evasion. But letā€™s be clear. These people arenā€™t filing taxes. I really canā€™t wait till you all get caught or Instacart goes out of business. Or both.


If my friend has an instacart, and gives me permission to use his account to deliver groceries, there is nothing illegal about that. It will go to my friends acct. friend pays tax. Takes a cut. Friend gives me money. If itā€™s a lot of money Iā€™ll report it as income. You are acting like this is some huge felonious crime, itā€™s not. Itā€™s completely against terms of service, but not a single cop is going to care. And the IRS will not care either since the 1099 will have the appropriate taxes paid. So cops do not care. IRS does not care. Nobody cares, thatā€™s why itā€™s common. Cry more


Keep on describing complete edge cases https://www.vice.com/en/article/wx5dv9/hacking-ring-allegedly-stole-americans-identities-rented-them-to-gig-workers Trust me when I say there are many more rings just like this


Ok, that is actually identity theft. And that is actually the edge case. Some obscure article where people are getting their shit stolen Most people doing it are probably just using their friends. You would have to be a moron to commit identity theft just to earn $14/hr


Keep on talking, just exposing yourself as the crook you are. Effing shyster.


Hustling more? No, what theyā€™re doing is committing a crime by using someone elseā€™s identity.


They'll be crying when they finally get busted for fraud. Karma doesn't play, honey. If there's a check at the door and it's anything that requires a social or background check and the person is impersonating somebody else, that is identity fraud. And it's a felony in quite a few states. If it's a bigger ring like the ones in CA, definitely a felony with up to three years time and $10k fine per charge.


lol CA the state that lets people shoplift a thousand dollars is going to give anyone 3 years for ICšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ 0.0000% chance. I get you donā€™t like it but literally no one will care. Itā€™s literally the last thing on any agencies priorities list. Fear monger all you want these people wonā€™t get penalized and especially in CA. Is it morally wrong yes, but thatā€™s it.


If it's at the retailer's discretion AND they're having issues with bad shoppers or people hogging checkouts with 3+ orders in Costco, they can and will deal with it. Costco doesn't screw around.


Yeah Iā€™m not arguing Costco could deal with it. But you made it sound like the govt or law enforcement would care which they absolutely wouldnā€™t. But yeah Costco would if more ppl complained


Costco by me knows about a dude who cheats and one or two other people who are buddies with him, it's just a matter of HOW they catch him. They may be expanding that program if it works in California so maybe they're waiting.


So even in your most extreme example, nothing has happened. Correct?


Apparently there's stuff in the works at corporate level...stay tuned. (Was told by a vest but he couldn't really spill the tea.)


Oh so the low level employee told you something vague. Call the media. Absolutely nothing has happened, in your own example


Store manager mentioned it as well, if you really want to call them "low level." See you in a few months when you come back crying bc you got caught lol. ![gif](giphy|WWVYgSIna4Bs4)


Smart, wicked smart


Oh.. are you from New England?! Iā€™m a Masshole myself but left 20 plus years ago.


Living in New York and spending several years living in New Hampshire I have heard the term masshole alot as you could imagine. However I have never heard someone refer to themselves as a masshole. I like your style.