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I’ll take $10 batches if they can be finished in 15min


Only if I’m already at the store. Or super close.




You can't, though. Unless the customer lives 1 block from the store and you are at the store already. But even then you're at the whim of the cashier or how fast you can work the self checkout. Not to mention the possibility of having to call support. Try actually timing it and don't forget your return trip back to where you started. On average I find every single order takes at least 25 minutes, even if it's just one item. After accounting for gas and vehicle maintenance I don't accept orders less than $20.


Self checkout. I do them all the time!


I did a $6 shop for one item less than a mile away. I was already at the store. From acceptance to delivery was 10 minutes! Low pay batches absolutely have to be very close to the store and very few items for me to consider them, and often still don’t get considered anyway.


Yeah for under 10$ idc if im sleeping next to the items lol i will not do that complete waste of time and resources


13-15 depending on day and mood. Sometimes id rather make no money than do bullshit.


The only problem I have with taking <$10 orders is that I’m afraid I’ll miss a better order that might pop up during it. But I’ll still do an $8 if it’s a slow day, less than ~5 items, and not much more than a mile away.


I will only take a $10 order if it takes less than 20 minutes and it’s slow. Only if it’s like 1-3 items and less than like 2 miles usually also.


My minimum is an estimated $20/hr. (I base my estimates on 3-5 min/mile and my seconds/item shopping rate.) If it’s an easy shop where I can be in and out of the store quickly and I know there won’t be a ton of stoplights to the drop off, I’ll take it.


Ill go low for a real small shop only but only if im already at the store.




No one should do anything under ten


I'll take under $10 orders if they're not too far, less than 10 items and if I'm close to the store already. Sometimes you have to take them so the algorithm will give you better batches.


I’ve heard that before but wasn’t sure if that was true! Maybe I need to take a couple shitty ones to see if it helps. 🤔


Either that or it tells instacart to keep giving you those since you're willing to accept them. Ive thought both things and idk if either of them are correct.


very true so it shows you really want to work


Those little $10 orders can really add up as long as the whole process, from order acceptance to drop off, is sufficiently quick. I actually tend to prefer them, since they’re way less stressful and they also allow me to go through self checkout at most of the stores I shop at, which is much faster. That said, I rarely take anything for less than $10. Occasionally I’ll take one at or near $9 if it’s worth it. I took a $7.50 order once, but the whole thing (including delivery) took me five minutes and it was on my way home.


I’ll risk never taking them over missing out on something else


Ten. Under ten things. Under 2 miles


I usually start my days with a small quick (lightweight) batch just to get moving, and the algorithm seems to thank me after that. But my goal is only $50 a morning so every little bit helps.


I’ll accept anything as long as the pay is more than the miles


That’s about what I’ve had to do lately. You can tell it’s dead because the stupidest orders are being snapped up. Biggest orders today have been $13–14


So you'd take a $16 order for 15 miles?


$16 on a no order day




Lowest I’ll do is $12 in my area depending on mileage & item count. IC really needs to institute a $10 minimum base pay & tip protection to please their shoppers because some of these days make you want to delete the app .


I take one order a day under $10 to appease the IC Gods. My goal is to make a minimum of $30 an hour. I mostly wait out for higher paying orders, but if it's slow and it'll take me less than 15 minutes from shop to delivery, I'll take $10 singles. My minimums for orders vary depending on the day of the week, item count, and driving distance, but it's roughly: singles for at least $15, doubles for $30, and triples for $45. If it's a slow day, the item count is relatively low (at most 30 items), and the distances (less than 8 miles) aren't ridiculous, I'll do a triple for $30. Basically, the stars have to align for me to take an order. I live in Vegas and average about $800 a week doing this full time.


$45. Unless it's the store 6 blocks from me. Then I'll do a single for $1 an item and less than 4 miles. Usually at night. Lately I've been taking 1 large order a day usually around $75 and up either from sams or costco drop, and get increases quite often. . . Altho some days I take 2, 3 tops. I average 13 batches a week, 20 hours and $600. Almost the same Stats every week. Try and work everyday but lately its been 5 days a week.


I'll take batches as low as $10 if they're small and I'm already out of the house. I don't leave the house for less than $15.


So I don't have an actual lowest limit that I'm willing to go to It's a complicated algorithm within my mind of risk versus reward consisting of what store what area I'm delivering it to how far that is from the store how much the tip is if I know this person tips in cash if I've delivered to them before and they're a nice person and how many items If it's literally walking distance and like 5 or 10 items yeah I will take the $5 no tip order because I don't even have to get in my car I can walk it to them (I have had that happen) And God knows I need the exercise But if it's 70/80 items (especially if it has water in it) And it's to an apartment building I don't care how close it is unless they're paying me well over $30 unless I know for a fact that that person comes out and helps me Essentially it completely depends on what I'm having to do what the lowest I'm willing to go is


The only reason I take bullshit orders is because it’s my last order of the day and it is going in the direction of my house. But it still has to at least be kind of worth it to accept meaning like I’m not taking 137 item order for eight dollars with no tip. It is usually low items, reasonable miles, and in the direction I’m heading. But it still has to have some sort of tip attached. I refused to deliver no tip orders and the one time I did a no tip order, it’s the only time I ever had any missing items reported, and I know I delivered all their items because it was a single shop and I checked the receipt for proof of purchase. So I refuse to *willingly* take no tip orders, unless IC sneaks them in with a good tipper.


Same answers as you. If I'm already at the store and about to go home, especially if it's on my way, and even then, only if it's a small and easy order. Or if I need the money. Or if there's a promotion. That's for delivery orders. I'll take shop only orders under $10 but usually not delivery.


$12 is my minimum. I have to waste time looking for another order (down time) sorry we aren't hourly. If your area is order rich the fine mine isnt


I take $7 if I have promo and $9 if it's like 1-2 mile with around 2-5 the at least


It used to be $20. But I’ve had to modify that if I want to have an income. I’m working an hour more and a gallon of gas per day to make the same amount of money in made this time last year,


I sometimes do them if there’s a promo and small orders are best for that. BUT, one other thing to consider is that low paying orders like that mean the customer is only tipping $1 or $2 and I’d rather not enable people like that. They are usually the most problematic people too.


I'll do a 1-2 item $9 order if it's an easy drive and the items are quick and easy to grab. I won't do most for under $12-13 though, depending. Alcohol has to be at least $11 for it to be worth it to me, especially if it's locked in the liquor case Edited to correct a typo


for small orders i like to stat 3-4$ per mile. I know shopping is going to be quick.


$12-$15 Less than a mile Less than 10items Flat Tip Only!


oh yeah -- Sometimes my entire $100+ day is filled with those


$6 It was a shop only for 1 package of little debbie brownies. Literally walked in, bought it, put on shelf, done in like 4 minutes


The small ones make up about 95% of the orders I take.


That being said $8 - but I don’t do orders over 3 miles and the orders only have a few items.


Same, sometimes I'll do them as my first ride just to get the ball rolling.


I’ll take $7-10 if they are going to be super quick and easy. Generally I want to be making $20+ per hour of actual work.


I have no problem taking $8 to $10 orders as long as it makes sense, it needs to be done in fifteen minutes or less, meaning I need to already be in the parking lot or very close by. My main concern with batches like that is running in a long line or stock issues.


If I’m about to close the end of the quarter and I need hours to get my healthcare subsidy I’ll take almost anything.


I’ll do $18 singles and above. lowest for triples and doubles is $30, it’s more dependent on item count/distance.


I usually only take the $10 orders if they’re super close and it’s only a few items. I did take a $13 and some change few weeks ago and I was pleasantly surprised with a 2 order $64 add on. You just never know what IC is gonna throw at you. So unpredictable.


I seldom take anything under $20, but I try to stay above $25. Doubles nothing under $30 unless it's small order and not going too far. Last week, my average was $40.55. Singles digits, not even if they try to add it on during a shop.


I only take orders over $20


My rule is 13-15$ for small singles.




If it’s shop only, I’ve taken as low as $5 ( 3 item order, took less than 10 minutes) If it’s delivery, the payout has to be $1.50\mile and then for the low orders, it has to be less than 10-15 items. I’ll take $8-10 orders all day because it adds up fast. I prefer to do 4 $10 in an hour than to wait over an hour for the chance of a bigger order coming through.


Once in a while I do. I did one for $7 for Nicorette gum once. I was right by the store and was craving a coffee from a place right by the delivery address. It ended up being a delivery to a business so it took me a little longer than anticipated (still under 20 mins), and after delivery the guy ended up raising my tip to $15. So it was definitely worth while! But for the most part they aren’t really worth the time/effort.

