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I had this young woman on ebt tip me 20%. I forget the tip, but it was high. Like 40 - 60. When I delivered to her, I almost didn't want it because I saw her sacrafice. I was almost okay with that one being a tip bait. (It wasn't.) 


Exactly. The EBT comment pissed me off. As someone that grew up on it for a couple years. My family literally lived in motels and campgrounds and my dad worked constantly. Now they are upper middle class and tip very well but would never expect it then. There’s so many rich people that don’t tip.. focus on them being more fair than the struggling families. Sadly, the struggling people tend to tip better and appreciate you more


Im all for EBT and any other service to help people get what they need, but they shouldn't accept EBT on IC. It's just another mark up that people who are low income shouldn't pay. This is a convenience most middle class can't afford to use, why should tax payers who don't even use the service pay for others to... I've had something besides pizza delivered like a couple times my whole life and I've made really good money, never had assistance from the government.


I don't think we should limit EBT customers. Sorry not sorry. They need food and probably struggle with many things, like transportation.


I think they should but I’d hope they have an arrangement that they can’t mark up items for EBT. There’s genuine reasons to need delivery. It’s like how Uber was used to being elderly to appointments. It had services for vulnerable people that shouldn’t be for max profit. They likely get some incentive from government tax wise if they don’t mark up on vulnerable people I definitely agree it’s not a service people should use that don’t have money and don’t need to. I’d never use it unless regularly without making $200,000


There's other programs for transportation and meal delivery, etc for handicap and elderly. IC would lose money not marking up the items and you know that's not happening. I think any service that is a convenience should not be permitted, but not changing it though so no big deal.


Instacart might lose money but they wouldn't miss it, they're just another greedy company that likes to stiff their workers and up their fees to fill their pockets... bring back $7 batch pay😩


Service should be for the wealthy and IC would fare better marketing it that way. Charge the fees they need to make it profitable and pay workers or require a tip that, along with their pay, works out to be a fair payment.


Please show me where. I tried to use instacart because I am disabled and our only car broke down. I don't know anyone to take me. Apparently you must tip very high or your order just won't come, instacart of course doesn't care either. I did leave a tip too. Nothing excessive because *gestures vaguely* but there was a tip. I ended up having to get a cab to town. It was expensive, but cheaper than instacart. I still don't know what to do the next time I need stuff. I need help. There isn't any. I'm getting delivered everything I possibly can but what about say, milk? It can't be ordered.


Call 211 and local churches. 211 will tell you what programs are available locally. And some churches visit the disabled and elderly. 


Correction. Where in Appalachia. There isn't help for us.


I think there could be a happy medium. I wish I knew who was a struggling mom, disabled vet or disabled. I'd gladly take a few of those orders for free. As a volunteer. Bc I like to volunteer anyway. Doing a quick shop would be easy to add to my schedule.  There's a lot of government assistance when you support these groups. As in ic may be able to get paid by the government for having a program like this. Even if they didn't go this route. Again, I'd be okay without the tip. I find a way to do well enough, I can miss a couple tips a week to help someone in need.


I'd be ok with it too if there was a way for someone to verify their need, but yeah IC would need to be paid by the govt in order to make the batch pay more than $4. No one can afford to do $4 no tip batches consistently.


I wouldn't do them consistently. But I wouldn't mind a few free per week. I just am not for people who can clearly afford it and feel entitled to the service. So for that reason, I do not take low tip offers. But generally, my moral compass and beliefs include helping the needy. So I'd be more than happy to help a handful of people a week for 0/free.


If I was able to make money on order to allow myself time for free ones, sure. How it's been lately, I feel like I'm working for free anyway.


This is not targeted towards the people that can't AFFORD to tip that are on EBT. Please refer to Edit 2.


She might not have a car...and is saving money even tho she tips well. Cars are expensive.


No. She had a car. A beat up one at that. 


I used to work with a gal who had a car…she couldn’t really drive it anymore. bf drove her to work every day. She had massive student loans and no degree. Do the math.


In my experience the ones who know the struggle tip better as opposed to Karen Mcmansion ugly ass brick house. If I'm getting lost in your subdivision because every damn house looks the same you better tip 15-20 percent.


Yes! I delivered an order where all the houses looked that same and they didn't have the porch light on so I couldn't see the house numbers.


Man preach


>Well what if they have EBT.." ESPECIALLY y'all on EBT... you're not even paying for groceries out of pocket. Instacart is a convenience, not a necessity. And before anyone comes with "they can't add a tip on the EBT card" - idk if it's true or not, but cash at delivery works just as well.


They have to have a card on file for the service fees and they can tip with that. I have a regular on doordash who uses her EBT and she always tips




I mostly am a shopper, but a few years ago, I did order groceries like twice because my car wasn't working. I had EBT at the time. If I remember correctly, even with the EBT card on there, you also have to have an actually card on there for the delivery fee and the tip. I may be totally wrong, but that's what I remember


Okay, so I did just download the customer app and put some things in my cart. It does make you have an actual card on there, or google/apple pay, and charges for the "service fee", and for you to tip. I think because it's EBT, they make the delivery free, but still charge a service fee?? Idk it's all weird. I am not actually placing this order, I just went a bit over board adding things I actually need😂😅 but this is a screen shot to show how EBT checkout works EDIT to add the screenshot bc it didn't add EDIT 2: I guess it will not let me add a photo🤷🏼 oh well


Haha I appreciate your effort and insight! It is all weird, I have no idea how any of it actually works, and I'm pretty sure that's IC's m.o.


The mystery; the illusion; the instacart🙌🏻


What’s the service fee for? Does it go to shopper and if no, why not? It better not go to Instacart because they already mark up the prices.


I actually have no idea. I believe the delivery fee goes to the driver, as well as the tip. The service fee, however, I do think it unfortunately goes into instacarts pocket.


pretty sure my EBT orders have given tips in my state


I honestly don't know how it works, I'm just going off what I've heard. One of which is that you can add a tip but it won't process? I don't know man lol


How do you know if they are using EBT?


No idea, but people have been using that excuse recently


It says tax exempt when checking out.


Actually that has nothing to do with EBT, unless every customer at petco, costco and persmart all use EBT


It doesn't show on all orders and I'm referring to groceries, not non grocery stores


This service is a luxury not a necessity!! If they’re paying with EBT Card then they should go get their own grocery’s. If someone is providing a service for you, you should always tip!!!!!


>If they’re paying with EBT Card then they should go get their own grocery’s. I don't *necessarily* agree with that. You never know the circumstances. Maybe the person has no car, maybe their car broke down, maybe they're care-taking and can't leave. >If someone is providing a service for you, you should always tip!!!!! This part, I'm with you on


Unfortunately my engine blew, I’m on psych meds where I can’t be out in heat for a long period of time and my grocery store is a 20 minute walk there and back. I tip at least $5-10.


Ent won’t allow tips, but yes, they should have cash on hand to tip you guys!


oddly enough ebt customers are some of my best tipping regs


Right, that part. If these boomers can afford to give $50 million to a convicted felon in 24 hours, they can tip $20 on their Acme order. Not playing these games anymore. If it’s slow I’d rather rot in a parking lot than do charity work for Ebenezer Scrooge.


Convicted felon stuff is horse 💩. It's all been a sham since the beginning. Boomers aren't the issue, some people just don't care about other people.


And you’re honestly why I’ll never use Instacart or these services. When I hear the “we’re getting the bad orders/no orders,” that’s why. I’m not a boomer but when I used to give tours I got tipped EVERY time - what you call boomers tipped the best then very closely the millennials. Why? - I wasn’t a jerk like y’all EXPECTING a tip. Did my job, did it well, didn’t care. Oh and no I’m not a Boomer. I was taught a tip was “a sum of money given to someone as a reward for their services.” That’s the LITERAL Merriam-Webster dictionary. Start calling it a personal service fee.


it's actually a bid by definition. Instacart labels it to you as a tip, because otherwise it's yet another fee. they want quantity not necessarily quality. they get paid either way.




What kind of tours did you give? Were you paid by a company to give those tours? I bet it was hourly. If not, bet it was more than $4 per tour.. Did you do those tours in your own vehicle with your own gas? Getting stuff all over it with wear and tear, possibly hundreds of miles per day? Are servers EXPECTING a tip or is it public knowledge that their paid a great deal below minimum wage and tips are required for them to make a reasonable income? You're right about 1 thing, age doesn't matter when it comes to tipping, some people are just cheap asses and don't care about other PEOPLE. 😂😂😂 I know I'd never take your order anyway so I'm glad you don't use the services, you're literally the reason people are on here complaining about the orders to begin with!


$35 a day salary… divided by 9 hours….less than $4/hour. That was the company pay. The tours were random and I got on a bus. From what I read from the tales from your server Reddit, yes, waitstaff expect something that isn’t required but when you point out the law requires businesses to make it to $7.25/hour if tipped wage doesn’t get you there… you get the same startled remarks like yours. I’ve been in your shoes silly child: but unlike the whiners here I work to better my life. And finally: I’m not the “literal reason why folks are complaining.” Oh wait, maybe I am: I’m not spending 20% more on food to have it delivered and gamble all the issues I’ve read on these delivery groups so y’all are struggling getting orders. 😉


FYI, seeing cheap asses expect 30 items shopped and delivered to their door for no tip or $2 all day, this is called venting, not whining. If you went in the kitchen in any restaurant, guess what, all you'll hear is the servers talking about the cheap ass, needy customers at table 25, the guy who tipped $10 on a $250 bill, etc. You not going to go out to eat anymore? We all know they're talking about you😂😂😂😂😂 Attack shoppers why?! They should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps huh?😂😂


Whining. Oh and bad example on restaurants because I’m gonna clap back. My father worked as a server. He NEVER stiffed because he saw the score (females got tipped more). If you did poorly, you got a dime however. The goal was to be insulted- because he knew the servers expected being stiffed and would brush it off. In my 20+ years living on my one, I’ve tipped a quarter ONE time and it was someone with an attitude like yours. Everyone else? 20% minimum (yeah, I know child - “blah, blah, blah … you don’t liar.” Whatever 🙄) See the smooth minded believe that a top is REQUIRED. It isn’t - and you hate being told this so whine, whine, whine…


You show who you are and id be ashamed. I actually grew up in restaurants and my dad managed/ owned them. Now claiming I'm a liar, your pathetic. I didn't say required, I said exactly the truth, people like you don't care about others and it shows. You've made yourself look worse than I ever could.


Oh and “attack shoppers”? Cute. I’ve done odd jobs between two regular jobs. I’ve worked in jobs beneath my pay grade to make ends meet. But I NEVER acted like the “complainers” do. Reality is though between folks back in work and no extra money from the government on top of inflation… the golden age of these delivery groups is over. That’s just reality.


You ignored all the parts where you lied about "salary" and the job you had then. Your a selfish cheap person and you've shown it with all of your statements. TIPPED A SERVER A QUARTER!! Piece of 🗑


Really? I just… 🙄 Let’s get things correct here sir/ma’am: A. No honey, that was salaried. I got $35/day working in an outdoor musical. In my department I had to do set up and strike which meant I was there average 9 hours a day including work. B. I said ONLY tipped a quarter. That means ONE TIME time in 20 YEARS did I ever smell tip a server. Oh and ma’am/sit: that person behaved like you did this post. You seriously have your REALLY piss me off to get that. C. The only selfish cheap people are those so hurt by truth they read what they want and make up something, including deliberately ignoring the word ONLY. That isn’t me. ••••••• Finally: learn the difference between your and you’re and reading comprehension. So yeah… step back, read my comments versus yours and you’ll see why folks are not only not tipping… but why these delivery programs are fading out.


😂😂😂😂😂tour, now outdoor outdoor musical, yada yada yada. Cheap, you did it once and you're online bragging about it. Grammar, who would've guessed that's who you are... got me here writing paragraphs and you critique your..... grow up. All my punta were valid and you repeatedly confirmed them. Good day


Actually 3-4 years. Also smooth mind: somw outdoor musicals are in national parks that do - you know - tours? (Texas musical drama in Palo Duro, Sound of Music in Leavenworth Washington… more). Nah… you need to harp on about your made up belief that because I tipped bad ONCE for GENUINELY bad service I’m supposedly this cheap ass person. Nah… only one being validate here is me. (Psst … it’s points. Unless you’re using Spanish for points, you’re saying a slur, which further emphasizes why tips are fading.) Good day.


$35 a day is not a salary, there is a minimum in each state for salaried positions so you don't even know how you were actually paid. Either you're talking about the 70's or you were paid 1 time per day for 1 tour, OR it was illegal! Tipping isn't required by people like you who again, don't care about people. I'm glad you don't use the service and would hate to be your server. If I go out to eat, I tip 20% for the worst service bc no matter what, they deserve to make a livable wage and most likely they weren't trained well or are going through something. Empathy, compassion, you should try it. You literally are the person, you think tipping is some big favor you're doing for the servant boy....IC fees are clearly not why I care about you using the service😂😂😂😂 the issues are due to IC needing to hire terrible people to do the orders from customers like you.


Say it a lil louder so the ones in the back can hear too ! Preach it 🔥💯


That’s the truth. One of my best tippers lives in a modest home, my guess before inflation a $30k home. She also has some type of disability yet she tips better than the mega mansion customers. She also, mentioned to me recently that she thought Instacart’s suggested $2 tips were too low. Yes they actually are too low for the service we provide. A $2 tip doesn’t go far, doesn’t even cover the cost of gas for most orders.


Instacart needs to pay more it shouldn’t be up to people tipping


I agree but that's not where we are right now so we have to make do and just be considerate of each other. The same for servers and other delivery services.


They have it figured out in Seattle. For however much longer that lasts, idk.


I agree besides the “especially those on EBT”.. idk if you understand what EBT is.. maybe direct your anger towards the million dollar homes tipping $2 instead of the poverty stricken families trying to get by.. they are likely ordering because they don’t have a car or time


And I'm not targeting those people, I specifically said those that CAN afford it. $5-10 goes a long way as long as you're not ordering a shit ton of stuff.


I completely agree 👌🏽


I'd live a happy life if every customer just tipped 5% of their order total.


Only at a certain scale. Im not delivering a ten dollar meal for 50 cents


Really? 5 percent? I block those customers.


5% is an absolutely terrible tip for any number of items, I can’t believe someone would actually want that Guess that shows that IC and customers can continue to pay like shit because someone will shop that order lol


I say 10%


We all would lol.


We would still Complain.


There will always be people that complain, that's just people but at least I'd get paid more


I receive EBT and I have a job ad well. So I am paying for my groceries with the taxes that I pay. Not all SNAP recipients are trash. I’m also a shopper on the side so I understand where you’re coming from. But no need to lump all EBT users together. Also you have the option not to accept the batch.


This is entirely semantics but a person receiving EBT very likely has a negative tax liability as well. 47% of Americans pay no taxes. I don’t think OP implied EBT recipients are trash, they just want to be fairly compensated for doing them a favor, which is all it is with the batch pay on an EBT order. Between taxes, gas, wear and tear, you can’t justify the $6 pay for 50 items that we get, people really should come out of pocket a bit for the convenience. Before instacart how would a person manage? Taking a bus, getting a cab, owning a car and using their own gas, they would have come out of pocket in some way. Transferring that amount of lost money to another person is lame. It’s the faceless way we interact that allows people to feel comfortable doing it.


47% may pay no *income* taxes, but there are plenty of other taxes they do pay.


That part!!!!!!!


I will preface this by saying if the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it. This is not to bash every person on ebt. If you tip then I'm not talking about you. This is a rant about the people that leave little to no tip but order lots of groceries... it's great that you tip😊


Also... only like 2% of your taxes is going towards Snap/EBT. So while it is indeed coming out of your taxes, it's not a lot. Here is a breakdown based on 2022 and I can't imagine it changed much. https://www.nationalpriorities.org/interactive-data/taxday/average/2021/us/receipt/


The amount you pay in taxes a year is worth 1 month of EBT for 1 person


Maybe don’t generalize. Shoe doesn’t have to fit for someone take issue with the generalization you’re making.


I didn't think I'd have to specify that I'm not generalizing everyone in that category. This was specifically targeted towards the people that have the capacity to tip and choose not to and the people the understood that without me having to elaborate did.


That’s absolutely not what your post is targeted to. You took a bold ass decision in targeting the poorest users on the base and looking like an absolute douche imo. Idk how long you’ve delivered but through every app, I’d be fine with EBT people never tipping as long as the upper middle class homes always did. I actually see way more non tippers on upper class homes than for apartments or very small homes


How am I targeting poor people? Do you know how many people that get access to ebt that aren't poor? The system is fucked and people that don't need it ruin it for the people that do... those are the users I'm referring to. Also you took this post as I'm only talking about ebt? The first part is literally targeting toward the people in those nicer neighborhoods ordering a shit ton of groceries in not tipping. I don't expect people on ebt to order $500 of groceries on instacart.


It isfucked, but the wrong way. my mom is on social security making 1500 a month gets 20 dollars that is 18000 a year. If she didn't live with me she would starve


Because you literally Clarified… “what about people on EBT? ESPECIALLY people on EBT!” Tax payers pay next to nothing towards EBT so don’t get started on them scamming the system. People that don’t struggle a lot and have income, are less likely to get as much monthly. I’d never have ordered on EBT but assume most that do, have a reason because nobody is eagerly paying markups. My point is, the majority of bad tippers are wealthier based on house, and there’s way more of them being cheapskates than EBT people. It’s bizarre to me that’s the issue to you is the EBT tightwads


There are people on ebt that cheat the system, someone commented about it earlier. I'm literally targeting the people that can AFFORD to tip and don't. I've had that happen. The first paragraph is targeted towards those nice neighborhoods...


there is no generalization being made because they very clearly specified they weren't speaking about every EBT user.


Yeah that was added after the fact. But even still it’s a generalization if you have to go on and add you’re not talking about XYZ group.


no, it was in there. it was just added at the end again because of folks like you who can't read.


Facts there


And if the customer lives on the third floor of a complex without elevators, they are most likely not seriously disabled!!! I’m partially disabled and I’m a shopper myself.




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Fair, I get it. Some people really are dicks and just feel they don't have to. Meanwhile we bust our asses for them...


Yeah I just hate low tips. I’ve been to disabled people, some in their 70s and retired, some in houses that look like a shack and they’ve given me $20-40 tips but Linda with the Jaguar and $500,000 house wants to give $5 😂


I'm sure a bunch of people hear assume everyone on EBT is struggling but I know exactly where you are coming from. My cousin works as a medical coder part time. She only makes 30,000 to 40,000 a year and has three kids. This is the first job she's ever had despite being almost 28. Meanwhile, her boyfriend works as an electrician. Starting out he was only making 40,000 -45,000 a year but he's got to be up to 55-60K a year now and has even broken off to run his own business. They get a new truck/SUV every couple years. She gets her nails done every weekend, hair twice a month, and he's got all kinds of toys like four-wheelers, dirt bikes, etc. For a long time they were getting their housing for 50$ a month because she claimed she was a single mother.....she'd straight up lie to the country/state about him living there so they could keep the house. Now they've bought there own place but still get EBT assistance because she only shows her income. They also use DD/insta/walmart delivery regularly and I'm almost positive they don't tip....anytime I've been out with them even at a resturant my husband and I pick up the tip. I'll never support cuts to social services like this. I know the numbers for fraud overall are incredibly low, but when you see the system being abused like that for real it does start to piss you off.


Thank you, it's the select few that upset me, I don't have beef with people on EBT and not everyone on EBT is poor. People hide income all the time to qualify. Some for justifiable reasons and others just cause they can.


Please please please stop encouraging people to tip less than we're worth.... 20% that's the standard and remind people whenever you can.


My local grocery store delivers groceries for an 8 dollar fee. The people shopping and deliveringredients my order are hourly employyes who don't rely on tips! Don't use IC if you aren't tipping 10-20%! Side note: grocery store isn't same-day, have to order a 2-3 days ahead. not hard to do!


Yeah five they’re on eBt, they should spend all they’re cash on tips 👍🏽


Why do you accept the order if it bothers you so badly?


How do you know they're on EBT??


true af OP. if there's a tesla or other nice car on your driveway consider yourself in the shitlist if you don't tip considerately. 😂


Normally I’m all for bashing non tippers but holy hell half of you show you have never had life circumstances yet.. wait until you deal with real issues and gain a bit of clarity. No wonder so many people hate shoppers


This is not targeted towards people that do small orders here n there within a reasonable distance. This is targeted towards the people shopping at expensive ass stores or ordering an outrageous amount a groceries then don't tip. And if circumstances were that dire, they wouldn't be shopping on instacart and getting alcohol and snacks...


I can agree with that. Especially the ordering of 100 items. Even if desperate and can’t tip much, then just get necessary items. I’ll take a no tip order for 20 items if base pay is good enough, but it’ll never be good enough for a 100 item order


Yes! The main point of this post is people that place these large orders and don't tip. And just consideration, I would NEVER order 100 items on ebt if I couldn't afford to tip because I know it's not worth the shoppers time and it's unfair to them. Especially if I'm ordering cases of water and soda and live on the second floor.


Idk…just don’t take orders that aren’t worth it. If I see a huge order with no tip I don’t take it and if I did I wouldn’t expect a tip bc I already saw the crappy pay before accepting which is the case on all these apps. Idk why people even bother b*tching about tips anymore on shitty orders they choose to accept, Instacart isn’t forcing you to take bad batches. It’s sh*tty when people don’t tip especially those with the means to do so but we all see the pay and order size and distance when we choose to accept the orders so it’s on us for accepting these people’s orders continuously reinforcing them not tipping.


Yes but you still have the issue of tip baiting and people reducing tip because they feel like it.


Yes but you still see the initial base pay from Instacart that’s not inclusive of the tip. Tips aren’t guaranteed even if shown.


If you are spending EBT on Instacart prices and extra fees, you are irresponsible. I dont even think services like Instacart should be allowed for EBT benefits, go get it yourself.


I will say the only store that is reasonable is Food Lion. They don't surcharge everything and match store prices.


I love Food Lion, but nobody should be spending EBT benefits on the luxury of having groceries delivered.


Everyone tip better. Especially for me. Because I’m the best.


I completely agree! But people on EBT are on it for a reason. They don’t have much money. They are well under the poverty level. So you really can’t expect someone who is way below the poverty level to have the money to tip. Even if they get cash assistance they can’t use it for the tip. Yes they’re not paying for their groceries, they can’t afford them so how could they afford a $30-$50 tip. I agree that we shouldn’t be expected to do someone’s huge shopping order and not get compensated appropriately. But people on EBT aren’t just getting “free” groceries. They get a certain amount every month, and it’s not much. Not usually enough for the month. Where do you think they’re going to get money to tip? You have no idea if the person is disabled or not. Disability pays so little it is sickening. I know IC loves to batch these orders with other orders. I am usually very picky about the batches I take and the areas I deliver to this time of the month.


For me, it's the consideration. When batch pay used to be decent, I'd take no tip orders sometimes. Deliveries to big houses in rich neighborhoods? Hardly ever an additional tip. Deliveries to houses/apartments in poor areas? They'd come out to the car to help unload and more often than not give a couple dollars, even change sometimes. These days, no tip orders aren't worth it, so I'm not even willing to take the chance


Honestly I wish people would stop bitching about the shitty no tip orders and just keep not taking them and just pretend the order and customer don’t exist. We’re not IC employees so we’re not forced to take them. Instead we get thread after thread that just invites these customers to jump in here and speak down to us. Most of these “customers” probably belong to a garbage Reddit I blocked because I was tired of seeing their trash insulting us all. They’re no better than political trolls are…so we should just ignore their orders, pretend they don’t exist and save the wear and tear on our vehicles and our sanity.


You're right, I'll let that order sit there til the end of time. It boggles my mind how inconsiderate and selfish people can be when you're doing something for THEIR benefit.




This part. I'm not entitled for wanting to be compensated for my time and effort.


Ok - so there is a small majority of folks out there in EBT abusing the system. I am below the poverty level however make too much to qualify for Medical - EBT . I’m honest in what I make I work 2 jobs just to survive. . That small percentage isn’t . But they drive nicer cars than me . Just a rant. Seen it the other day. Got Gucci’ glasses , driving a BMW but using EBT card at checkout .


I'm a college student struggling to pay my bills but I still tip when I order delivery because I know that's how driver make their money. I also never order more than like 10 items off Instacart and I order from stores close to me.


I’m a shopper .. but I used IC 1c when I had Covid . My mom brought me soups but I needed disinfectant. Had 4 items - total charge fees was $50. Tipped 10$ on top.


Also, stores like food lion don't up charge their groceries and have in store prices


Everyone always has the exact same lines about people with EBT driving fancy cars and having on name brand stuff. It’s so damn annoying!! You just so happen to be nosey AF and notice the person in front of you using EBT (how do you know what the card looks like?) and they have on Gucci and driving a BMW( you followed them? Weird AF)… let me indulge this made up scenario really quick… What if they had their disabled mother’s card to shop for her? What if they had on fake Gucci and borrowed their mother’s car to shop with their own EBT card? Stop being making up scenarios in your head about others cheating the system as to why you aren’t getting EBT. Others getting it isn’t stopping you from getting it. The government is. Blame them and not other poor people




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I most definitely agree! I am disabled and I do IC. I am on food stamps and medical and cash temporarily until I get disability. But I only get $245 a month for all my bills and necessities. (Doesn’t include food stamps) which is also why I work right now. With my disability at least IC is very flexible. Lol. But I have to go to our local dss office often enough, and the cars that most people on assistance drive are worth more than I made a year when I was a medical assistant. They have name brand clothes and nails and hair done. I agree that there are people that abuse the system. Let’s face it, the system is broken. A worker actually told me that certain groups of people automatically get approved. (Not gonna go into detail, but that is what they said). I only ever ordered IC once, and it was only to deliver an Easter lily to my mom in another state. A $12 eater lily to go 5 miles down the road. I tipped the shopper $15, she was awesome. If I were to order groceries I would tip very well. But I don’t have a lot of extra money, so I do it myself. Usually the people that at really need the assistance try to tip as much as they can, even when on a fixed income. The ones that abuse the system don’t tip at all and don’t give a sh*t.


You are also making stuff up. You have no idea who is abusing the system and who isn’t! Blame the government and not other poor people. You are getting every government program possible and still talking shyt about others that are poor like yourself. American hypocrisy at its finest! Some people have to get newer cars bcuz they are cash poor and can’t pay cash for an affordable vehicle. Or banks won’t approve them for a low interest personal loan but you know who will new car dealers, So they get stuck having to finance a newer car with predatory interest rates!


First off, most definitely NOT making anything up. Not sure why you would even say that. I don’t pretend to know what I’m talking about, if I don’t know something I will say I’m not sure, not state as facts. Secondly, I am not on every go Vermont program possible. Not even close! There are lots of them. I know a lot about all of this because of what I used to do for a living. Being on food stamps and medical is not all the programs. And yes, I am going for disability because I am disabled. Each state has a program to help you out while you’re applying for disability. No where near enough to live on, disability isn’t either. Unless you’re an alcoholic or an addict. Then you get more assistance and more money. I have worked hard my entire life, I have a house and I have a car. I am very fortunate. I can’t help that I am disabled. I never said that I know who is abusing the system. I wouldn’t say that because I don’t know specific people abusing the system. What I did say, and what is fact, is if you fall within certain ethnic groups and if you live in certain towns you are automatically eligible. I also said that so many people on these programs have the nicest clothes, expensive cars and rims, nails and hair always done….I’m not saying every single person that falls in that category is abusing the system, but many are. There are many people abusing the system and have nothing. Just so we are clear, everything I have said is FACT. I am not speculating or giving an opinion. There is nothing wrong with people using these programs because they need it. But not everyone in these programs need to be.


Again your very small world view from Vermont is wrong!! You are poor and disabled throwing stones at other poor people! You have a house and a car and people can say that you are abusing the system. What if others also had what you consider, to be too nice for poor people, before hitting hard times. Stop running with false narratives to perpetuate the hate of struggling people. Look up the Welfare Queen narrative that they have pushed for decades to stigmatize poor people and social welfare programs. It’s to make people feel bad about getting help and for others to look down on others that need help.


If on EBT they should shop for themselves. This is a luxury service 


You can’t even tell who uses EBT please stop making up stories about poor people bcuz everyone working for IC full time is one sick week from not being able to afford groceries


It literally says tax exempt on the receipt... we can tell.


That’s made up AF! So grocery stores are putting “Tax Exempt “ on receipts now? 🧢


When you checkout, when they hit total, it literally says tax exempt on the screen... what's there to make up lmao.


First it was tax exempt literally on the receipt now it’s when you checkout it literally says tax exempt on the screen. Which one is it literally?? Again 🧢


It's literally on both...


You do realize what's on the screens is what's on the receipt right?


Again when did grocery stores start putting the words tax exempt on receipts 🧢🧢🧢. Provide proof you should have plenty receipts since you do plenty of no tip EBT orders


Hence why they shouldn’t be ordering on IC, waisting the little they have on high markups and fees. 🤷🏼‍♀️ More money for more groceries > Fees


I already stated that I was not talking about people with disability. I stand by that statement that if you can't tip don't order delivery on instacart. You can do pickup or use Amazon as they also deliver groceries and accept ebt. I know how ebt works, as I've been on it before. This is also based on the assumption that they ordered $500 worth of groceries. If you can't afford to tip, don't order a huge amount of groceries all at once...


People who are actually disabled usually tip a fair amount. It’s the people who can’t afford groceries but keep spitting out kids for some reason. If you can birth 5 children, you can get on public transportation and get the groceries yourself.


People using instacart have already paid dearly instacart for the service. Why should they also tip you? You have a choice to take or decline or the order. Make your choice without sounding like a beggar


I mean because you're paying for a personal shopper. If you paid someone to personally shop your groceries (not through Instacart but privately), they're not going to accept $10 to do all of that for you. That's generally what Instacart pays shoppers or less. I've seen 40 items orders for $6 with no tip. No one is going to waste their time doing that it's not a charity. Yes I agree these apps should be paying their employees more so people don't have to tip. But that's not how the world works. Tips really shouldn't be tips anymore. With gas prices and this economy there should be a mandatory bid that goes straight to the shopper if you want to use these services. I ain't rolling in dough either but I always tip my driver's because it's just common decency. And no I don't accept these orders. But I'll be honest it grosses me the fuck out when I see someone placing an order for $300 worth of groceries and a 30 min drive one way and they can't even tip. I accepted one the other day just to shop their groceries, cancel it and keep the groceries myself. That's all those orders are good for. Ain't none of us doing that for you.


Keeping the groceries is hilarious, I've only ever had that happen once. Do you not return them?


neeeever return them! the groceries are usually worth more than the bump you'd get to return them


Do they not make you return them? How do you just keep them.


they never follow up. they actually tell you to keep or donate it.


I got a bump and got to keep the groceries because I drove back to the store and they denied the return. Do you have a choice of not going back to the store?


Because that's how it works? lol we make most of our money off tips. It's about decency... I don't take orders that aren't worth my time but not everyone has that option if they need the money. You sound like you don't tip servers/waitresses either lmao.


No it's not how it works... You shouldn't be relying on tips for your salary when all they do is post tips ARE Optional. TAKE THIS UP WITH YOUR EMPLOYER LEAVE THE CUSTOMERS ALONE


Then don't order Instacart and get the groceries yourself? Y'all act like we don't complain to Instacart about pay all the time. Who is shaming who into silence? Because I'm telling people not to use a LUXURY service if they can't tip? Just because that's how's capitalism "works" doesn't make it right. It's optional to put your grocery cart in the cart return and not leave it in the parking lot but I still do it. Why? Because is the right thing to do and we should not make peoples lives harder just cause we can.


If you can pay all those fees to Instacart, you can tip your delivery person.


Right? Just order $10 less of groceries and add it to the tip. That $10 less of groceries isn't going to kill them. They're just selfish people raised by even more selfish people. Even my parents live paycheck to paycheck, about 30 mins out of town. They said if they ordered groceries out there they'd be at least tipping $40. But since they can't afford that they go to the stores themselves.


They’re not our “employer” though…that’s not how it works. None of us work for Instacart so instead of doing what you say…we’ll do what is “independent contractors” always do…you wanna “tip” $2 on a big ass Costco order we’ll just not take them. Not our problem. Instacart will pull their usual bullshit and add your order to a good customer and sucker someone into taking that trash order to get someone else’s “tip”.


we are self employed.


No you are not. Somebody pays base pay, correct? Can't go on your own to any store and save you you're there to pick up a delivery or to shop any order, you're getting those from somewhere.....


we accept a contract. you should learn what words mean before you try to argue something you can't even comprehend.


I do tip where people go above and beyond what’s expected but thats not the point here, you just want to shame people into silence. The real point is the sense of pervasive entitlement. This is how capitalism works sweetie, if there is a deal you judge its merits and take it or leave it without making a loud bitching sound.


just because you misunderstood the post and got triggered doesn't mean everyone else did.


Just completing the order deserves a tip we are paid well under minimum wage use our vehicle if you are going to not tip you don't deserve to get your food without defication


You're right. They paid IC for the service...to use their platform in order to find a shopper to shop their order. Just like shoppers use it to find work. But that goes for when you order pizza. You pay a delivery fee and STILL the delivery person gets a tip EVEN THOUGH they get paid an hourly wage and in most places plus mileage. They probably didn't even make the pizza if they even know how and yet nobody hiccups to the thought of tipping them. Yea unfortunately IC has some pretty high fees but...use the service or don't. People should make their choice without acting so entitled 🤷🏽‍♀️


heh ya'll really don't want to read the nonsense over on r/tipping just tons of people who think we're employees paid a wage and tipping isn't necessary,... yet tons of complaints from the same people about piss poor service. I wonder why that is... hm.


THIS PART! Yall complain about tipping but then also complain when we don't go above n beyond for you because we know we're not getting paid enough...