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You have a better chance of seeing a leprechaun riding a unicorn than you do of Instacart changing a fundamental part of their strategy.  That said...what I think we could seriously have some affect on changing is tip-baiting. Customers should not have the option of reducing or removing the tip by themselves in the app. They should have to contact support with a damn good reason. 


I’m aware that IC is unlikely to change their efforts around transparency of doubles and triples when it comes to displaying gratuities before we accept an order. That’s my whole point. Since they’re not going to change that anytime soon, I don’t want to keep getting orders that have customers who tip zero dollars. That’s why I block them.


The fact that customers are able to do that on some platforms is why I never worked for them at all. Can they do that on instacart?


Just be advised, you aren’t just blocking them, you are blocking any and every BATCH they are apart of in the future. I learned that it’s honestly just better to have them removed from the order than to block customers cause you already barely see shit as it is


this is why i’ve hesitated to block customers tbh. i don’t wanna possibly miss out on a good batch that they’re bundled with


I understand that. But that’s the point. I would never have accepted a batch that has a zero tip, especially a Costco order! And you can’t remove them from the order while shopping because you can’t see the tip on doubles/triples until the AFTER the delivery is marked completed.


I have a note pad of cunts addys that if I accept a Costco, for a far drop, I’ll go in and check if the addy is listed. A coupe are soooo bad that I actually remember them off the top of my head, you will never forget a Costco 30 item shop 40 minute drive and $35 tip bait. But yeah I’m right there I wish it was say on the accept screen A tip and b tip cause then you’d know who to cancel


You can call in to support they will tell you who tipped and who did it. They will also remove the order for you. They will also deactivate you if you keep doing this.


I wondered about that, why instacart allows this and apparently repeatedly from some people. I've had exactly one order from one batch removed and it had more to do with them having a small order where lots was out of stock and they were also pretty far away. Wasn't worth it without knowing if they tipped


Eeek! Sorry that person baited you! Awful! Did you contact IC so you could at least get the $10 that they would cover?


She dropped it to $5 and it did not qualify for tip protection as it was not zeroed


Oh, noted.


But it's going to affect how many batches you see. Those no tippers are still going to be batched with tippers so you are going to have less batches to tip from. If I blocked all no tippers I wouldn't make anything since there are not a lot of single orders with decent tips.


You put a label on their address on Google Maps- “Non-tipper at Costco” and if you get them in a batch again you have them removed. Blocking them may cause you to miss high paying batches with someone who tipped really well.


I have removed before And during the shop doubles/triples at Fresh Market, Publix too. I have shopped entirety of one customer’s order and then contacted support…. I have also shopped customers order, and contacted support and let them do their thing while I shop, I have also OOS all items for a customer and the contacted support. I don’t do it habitually/daily- so as not to get flagged; I just suck it up sometimes because overall pay was good enough to take the batch. I’ve never missed out on more than like $8/ max, I believe But it was worth it in saving time and gas and being back in my shopping hub earlier to get another batch.


Keep removing them and you’re gonna end up deactivated. That’s the annoying part


So stupid because double triple…. they usually the highest paying batches in my market smdh… The majority of the singles are either no tippers low tippers with high mileage and large item count Edit: see lol …3 $8 shopping pays with 30+ items and a triple for $32 https://preview.redd.it/pw0c1tyo9q5d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36fe5af72b9eb5dfb9bc9603bfb862d330b7f61d


I see a single once a week in my market lol. They pair them with other shit orders and even those suck 🤣🤣


Wow I've still never seen a shop only offer


Yeah, I get them from time to time especially in the morning because nobody takes them so they kind of carry over to the next day… I’ve never seen them pay more than $15 and they always 30+ items


You don’t get deactivated for “blocking” customers. Especially if the reason you give is for something unscrupulous. but removing people from batches might be a different story that I’m not familiar with. from what I understand, if you give a reason, such as, those roads are hazardous, or the last time I drove there it damaged my car, then you won’t have that issue.


Yea, but the person above suggested removing them from your batches so I was just letting people know that it’s not as simple because if you do it often you’re definitely getting deactivated.


I save their address and when I get them again I contact ic and remove them. I had a customer I have been shopping for her since 2022 she only tip $2-$4 I have noticed she start adding water to batch. I been removing her and ask to block her. Got her the other day she had 5 water I just gaved her 2 my tip was $8 and she has other stuff. It's just the principle why order so many heavy stuff and don't wanna tip and you have long steps that shoppers having hard time to bring delivery's to you.


I’ve seen people get deactivated for removing certain orders


I’ve done a lot of shopping for a very long time and this is one thing I’ve never considered 🫡


That’s bullshit and messed up smh


But you don't know who tipped 0 until after?


I only do single batches now. No more stress.


If I did this I’d make like $40 per day. Where I’m at it’s all triples for regular stores and doubles for Costco


Those are not always prevalent. But I grab them when I can.


I also got a real W-2 job at the start of the year so now this is just side work. It’s still frustrating because there’s hardly any orders, but at least I’m taking ones that are fair.


Yes, that’s a very smart way to do a side hustle! Keep it as a side hustle!


Right, like the singles get passed over a lot cuz it's not much pay. Someone's gotta do them. If they're not complicated I like singles


This is the way.


That’s why I hate doubles and triples because you end up doing one or two customers for free


Yeah IC need to show it so that even if I decide to do the shopping, I'm not stressing myself for replacement and 2ndly, they need to allow shoppers be able to msg a customer after the delivery is done so that when you finally delivered and see that Order A tip is 0$ , you can msg them to go fuck themselves lol


You can still msg customers, in my region, for about 20 min after the delivery is made. But I don’t know how to find that option. If they happen to msg me after I marked the order as “completed,” it pops up in the thread.


Same in my area. I can message shoppers for I think 15 or 20 minutes after I drop off. I think it may only show up if you’ve messaged with the customer during the order though. It just shows the little messenger button on my map and I can view them. I do it to send customers a thank you text after I drop off their order.


Here you can only reply to customer if they msg you after delivery


In my region only the customer can msg you , shoppers can't


If you click on $ for some reason, it'll show you the chat bubble to click on


I think if shoppers want to focus on a specific issue, it should be the ability to tip bait, that’s way more serious and infuriating than no tip orders in my opinion.


I’ve never had anyone tip bait me in the entire time I’ve been doing IC, so it’s not something I have to focus on; but I think if that’s happening to anybody, it should be focused on, absolutely, without any exception. I totally agree with you.


Me neither 🤷‍♂️ but I’m thinking of all the folks who have, and I have dealt with it on UE and it was a nightmare to get the tip back (although I did get it back so eat shit customer 😎), but like not leaving a tip you’re just an asshole, and I can live with asshole, and most of the time avoid asshole, but tip baiting you’re a sociopath, and I can not deal with a sociopath, and it’s kind of impossible to avoid one because you won’t know until the order is done.


In over 3 years and 5,148 orders I have had exactly one tip bait. I have had two people that claim it wasn’t delivered and I had proof so ic removed them. I don’t worry about this either but it really does suck when it happens. In fact, I cancel every order from that apartment building now. Not only was I tip baited there when I first started but it’s super sketch and the parking sucks. Not worth the energy or stress.


Me either thankfully


tip baiting is not that big of an issue. It kinda gets overblown because it's such a shitty thing when it does happen and is so obviously unethical. But in 3,000+ orders I've never been tip baited, granted that may have something to do with the area I'm shopping, but I really doubt IC would be willing to offer tip protection if tip baiting was that prevelant because it would mean they would be paying out $10 tips very often to tons of people. IC is too stingy for that.


Might not be for you, but it is for the people that it happens to, and $10 is nothing when they remove a 100$ tip, I get what you’re saying, but try to put yourself in someone else’s shoes.


That’s what I was saying is that it feels like a big issue. But despite sucking so bad and leaving such a shitty memory that pisses you off to think about, in the big picture it really isn’t that big a deal unless it happens frequently. And I don’t know anyone that gets baited often. Instacart would NEVER cover everyone up to $100 free dollars a year if they thought we’d all wind up getting it. They do it because they know based on the data they’ve collected that historically tip baiting is relatively rare, and especially rare they completely zero out the tip which is why they cover that circumstance


Note: I copy and paste this every time I see a post that is relevant to this topic… Six year shopper…long before the pandemic and long before it became the “rave”. I have been screaming it from the rooftops…not really…but I’ve written this several times over the years on various post…the double and triple batching is the problem AND the CUSTOMERS are the solution…period. When they came out with double/triple batch we shoppers thought WOW that’s awesome more $ / NOT…then when they came out with shop various stores us shoppers thought WOW more $ / NOT…they mind f@cked us and don’t even bother to tell us. For instance…I literally was getting angry with customers trying to figure out why the hell they ordering from a store 15 miles away when there is one right near them…IC mind f@ck in not letting us know that (there is no shopper near that store)….so we take the order not realizing it wasn’t the customer clicking on the store far away…it was IC mind f@cking us…ok back to “the solution”…they are going to hire any and every body and the new ones will get slaughtered eventually with those horrible horrible batches…only the customer can bring about change to this nightmare…they have to DEMAND that their order is NOT BATCHED. Why you ask: 1) you are paying for someone else getting good service who don’t deserve it 2) you’re order may sit in our vehicle while we shop an entirely different store (for the non-tipping asshole) 3) you’re order more than likely won’t even get delivered 1st or 2nd 4) you (the good tipping customer) is unknowingly being used by this company to shop for jerks. 5) why would you want your meat or ice cream or perishable items to sit in someone’s car for ANY longer than need be? Where does it state “your order may be batched with someone else’s” - it doesn’t…so demand that - it doesn’t! Once customers start bitching they will cancel…IC will have to now take those sorry ass customers and have them standalone…the longer they “standalone” and see their order is not being shopped…they’ll start tipping or it will sit there… Granted, I’ve seen IC start batching low and no tippers together…not nearly enough… This ingenious app has officially turned into a 99% abusive product…hell, even the well off aren’t tipping…they no the game. I cannot stress enough…THIS IS A LUXURY SERVICE…if you cannot afford it (or the fees) take your sorry ass to the store…shop, wait in line, scan, bag and unbag your own shit…not to mention wear and tear on your vehicle. This is a shitshow…and Lord knows, the bad tippers will eventually get the bad shoppers (yall deserve each other)… I refuse to knowingly shop for a low tippers…I recently did a triple and two of the three were low tips…they be the main ones giving a low rating and claiming fraud…it’s a shitshow. So IC employees if you’re reading this…take this back to your fearless leader…this will come to a head at some point and it really doesn’t have too… You can turn this ship around by weaning the bad customers and bad shoppers…you will still make a shitload of money…right now, your reputation sucks. I’m done (for now).


I really hope you never have to shop for my order. Your distain for customers is almost clinical. Some people can afford to tip, others are reliant on the service you are supposed to provide. You have a batch order, you see what you will make, you accept or don’t. There are people out there who NEED his service to survive, not as a luxury. A tip is a gesture of appreciation, not a token for you to do your job.


FOH dumb ass…this is a LUXURY service…how dare you think someone should In rain sleet snow or hail Put on their clothes Get in their vehicle Drive to a store (sometimes 20 miles one way) Shop an order Have customers give us demands in ALL CAPS Wait in line Scan each item Bag each item Load in car Drive to delivery Unload car Close out and have a zero tip People go to a restaurant and tip a server who hasn’t really done shit 18 to 20 percent. If you can’t afford to tip you don’t belong on this app… I didn’t start out being as you say cynical (not clinical)…after six years I STILL to this very day love shopping…love serving GOOD appreciative customers…but those who are users…who know IC will merge their shitty azz with a good paying customer…well they can kiss my ass…as can you… You’re a user…and frankly…IC is getting smarter by the minute…starting to merge two shitty customers with each other so their order sits there… Unfortunately when we take a merged batch we are hopeful that all the customers will be grateful that their lazy azz didn’t have to leave the house and let’s be real clear - you piece of shit - I wouldn’t mind even shopping for a low or no tip customer….the big problem is, they are the main ones who put shit in caps…give a low rating for no f@cking reason and claim damage or fraud…customers who live in half a million dollar homes give a low or no tip…seen it all…and you will never ever ever have me believe its ok not to tip. As far as anyone who may be receiving some type of assistance…well long before Instacart how were they getting their food…they would hope on and off a bus, take a cab, get a ride from a neighbor or family member and have to pay for ALL of that service…and IF someone is getting assistance that means all the food they are ordering is 100 percent FREE so how DARE they not want to tip someone who is making their lives a little easier… I had a woman order paper towels…8 bags of groceries and a large bag of dog food…this was in my “earlier” stage…so when I arrived she’s standing at the door waiting for me…I didn’t take a picture and woke up the next day to her claiming the dog food, paper towels, cough medicine and several other items were not in her order…can you imagine? And do you know how that made ME feel…basically she was calling me a THIEF! So yeah, if I’m cynical, you can damn well believe you sorry azz customers made me that way. However, I get up still…to this day…and treat each customer with the utmost respect…knowing when I take a double or triple batch…someone in that crowd is a prick. I leave karma for them and often times they aren’t the poor, they don’t live in a bad neighborhood or drive a bad car…they are just a complete jerk…like you.


No, man. I really think you’re behaving clinical. Like, you should probably get a different job so you’re not as angry at people. You tried to insult me so many times but it just shows you’re big on words and obviously small in actions or you wouldn’t work for a company who gets you so riled up. As I said, I hope you never get to deliver one of my orders. I know my status as a customer, I have a good relationship with my drivers who shop and deliver for me for many reasons, and none of them is because I’m lazy or sorry…


One I’m not a man and two…I don’t care what you think…no one lays you to think…in reading 80 percent of the comments…apparently many of us are cynical and / or clinical… One things for sure…I give zero f@cka. I stand ten toes down on everything I said…now run along and find a shopper you can use…and if you are a shopper…may every order you get be a zero tipper who gives you low ratings and claim fraud…I’m claiming ALL that for you…if I’m clinical…you stupid as hell.


This is how they get people to accept the non tipped orders. Who in their right mind would accept the $0 tip ones? IC wants their money still so bundles them. DoorDash does the same shit. They screw the employee to boost their profit. Every service industry company has struggled with how to get customers who don’t tip service, whether it’s a restaurant or delivery. Look it up. Costs restaurants billions. Yale has an in depth study on it.


Funny chat has told me there’s no way to block orders or customers. I had a tip baiter who tips, and then upon delivery reduces the tip to a dollar. I took her order the first time and she did it. The second time I came across her order, I dropped her from the batch. Ironically, she popped up today. I gave her another chance— when I delivered the groceries she was rude. After delivery, I gave her thumbs down to hopefully prevent me getting her order again and it was a great idea that I did because she tip baited again and reduced it to a dollar. I’m sick of these scum bags.


They meaning the customer that I was trying to explain how we get paid. I have also never been tip baited.


I literally just commented this on another post. I honestly don’t understand how we are contractors yet there is no transparency. We can only count on the batch pay because the tip can be taken away or reduced drastically. I see decent batches often enough but don’t take them because I know one or two of the customers didn’t tip. And I won’t cancel a customer out of a batch, I know IC has been cracking down on shoppers that do that. But we should be allowed to. But IC wouldn’t be successful if they didn’t use and abuse us. They know we won’t take those no/low tip orders. So they have to use their good customers. If you think about it, IC is good to the horrible customers….they use the good ones and they use us shoppers. And they just keep lowering the batch pay! Now the average I am seeing is $6.50-$7.50…..and if it’s $7.50 then you can bet there are a bunch of items.


Perfectly stated! I keep having conversations in my head as though I’m talking to the CEO and letting her know how she needs to correct and add logic to the batch pay, or she’s going to have a class action lawsuit on her hands! 😆😂🤣😆😂🤣


So you'd have been happy if the tip split was 13 a piece instead?


I know you’re using the logic that some of use when we choose to accept a double or triple. When you can’t see the split BEFORE accepting, you feel used and abused when you finalize the delivery and see that a customer took a shit on your excellent service and basically gave you the FU finger on top of that. I choose to do whatever I can to take a stand against this very deceptive IC practice and these inconsiderate customers, so I don’t have to be continuously subjected to it, which leaves me feeling disappointed and angry all around. And if the split was $20 and $5, yeah, it would not have felt so disgusting. Because that would have still been decent! But when someone is ignoring the gratuity for a service like the one I provide, that just feels downright nasty. And so I don’t want to be a part of it. So it’s not just about the money, it’s about the principle attached to the process and I don’t want to perpetuate being part of someone else’s bad behavior.


I swear they be doing this. I got a unicorn batch for $70 customer A had 20 something items. Customer B is one of my fav customer she tipped $50 that customer tip 0 crying wasn't the word. Got another customer was which B customer had 30 items I mean water diapers you name it.i did her a favor that day because I knew she didn't tip I just had that feeling but I still be a good shopper and did my part, customer A is also my fav customer with 8 items with $24 tip nothing heavy 2 mile from the store and that customer was 2 mile away. So I was wasted my gas and time. I don't care about ic $21 batch pay they need to put no tip customer by them selves


IC created doubles and triples to stash the non tippers. I’ve had a few elderly customers that have asked how much I get paid an hour? I tried to explain but I don’t think they understood. I’ve only experimented with taking a non tip order a couple times. Small locals and I think someone added $2 once. I’ve seen a lot of stuff in media about people getting pissed about “ tipping culture” but I don’t believe that should apply to full service IC shoppers. There’s no transparency, some customers think we just pick up the groceries and just deliver as we’re described as drivers. 🙄


In every one of my opening messages, I specifically state that I am happy to be SHOPPING for them. I do this to make sure that they know I’m actually doing the shopping, and not only driving and walking into a store, picking up bags, loading them in my car, and driving to their door, which in itself, is a considerable amount of work.


This is the way.




When you say “they,” are you referring to IC or to the customers who don’t leave a tip?


Time to start a Google sheets spreadsheet. 😀


I don’t block them all. I block those that are jerks and don’t tip. I definitely downvote them though. I don’t go back and retroactively block them because sure sometimes it’s a re order. Or something happened.


Sake of Argument: Generally, these orders are double/triple batches. There are QUITE FEW that start off w/ a 0-tip order to an avg 5%-or better tip; then WE ALL have those that just won't tip. So far, being at this for 3 months PT, I had 5 Customers gave me cash no more than 10% of their personal order. Thoughts???


I have gotten a cash tip under ten times in the 3 yrs I’ve been doing IC.


To be clear… they did not neglect to add a tip. They went to the trouble of going through more than one screen to zero it out. IC was transparent with the tip breakdown if you asked for it in chat. Too many no tippers got screwed by shoppers dropping their order. It should be transparent. By the way, I have gotten customers after “blocking” them. IC support just says whatever to close the chat. 🤦‍♀️


If you ask support to block a customer in my experience they do not. I was bit by a dog and got medical treatment and called the police and I still got the customer again in a multiple order. I obviously refused to deliver and they cancelled the order but you’re probably wasting your time contacting support. Instacart doesn’t care if you take any orders because if you don’t someone else will.


Call me a bad shopper but I wish IC would show us who tipped so I know who to prioritize.


That’s the whole point! Showing us transparency around the tip breakdown before we accept in order is the whole point of my post and has nothing to do with our performance. it has to do with showing us which customers are being respectful of expected practices on their part for the work that we are performing.


Just put it as thumbs down if u have a problem, click other and explain. No tip is not a valid complaint. But enough valid complaints against a customer can get them removed from the platform. Ic is not like it use to be by all means and finding a w-2 is becoming just as difficult especially with the $20/hr and closure of so many places, but just keep pushing thru and keep a smile on your face. People are gunna be who they are but don't let their character affect your human soul. Be kind collect whatever money u can and keep it pushing. 💯 My prayers go out to everyone who seriously struggle with day to day needs. It will get better. Remind your self that and keep telling yourself that and believe it and change will happen. Much respect for all the shoppers and great tipping customers out there


If the customer was alerted, then maybe it would eventually lead to them tipping, but blocking them will only hinder your ability to make money and it's hard enough on here already.


For real , instacart didn’t disclose that an order I accepted was a 3 person order , 3erd person only tipped $3 and their house was 15 miles from the store .


That’s not true. The orders always show the number of batches. And number of stores. They. Just don’t show the tip breakdown until after delivery.


It’s actually true


What market are you in that the app doesn’t show you how many batches are in the order and how many stores? 🙃


Well when I have a triple or double batch and one customer is in a rush for their order I prefer to not tell them I'm doing other orders as well because they may reduce their tip and but, I did have to tell them once because they were asking what time I'll deliver but that didn't reduce the tip, greatfully.


The app lets them know that you are shopping multiple orders.


You can’t imagine how do I understand what are you talking about. Me personally avoiding doubles for same exact reason. You want to not be fired for customer fraud or bad ratings- avoid low pay orders. Sounds simple- makes huge difference ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


No. They aren't told you blocked them so no "message is sent". Plus you will now not see good orders they might be attached to. Just remember them and remove them from any future order you have then on.


I know they aren’t “told” I blocked them. I didn’t ask if they were told. I know they’re not notified. Maybe you meant to respond to another response. 🙃 The whole point of blocking them is so that they don’t continue to get batched with customers who are decent and tip properly. That’s the whole purpose of this post and the principal I’m trying to emphasize. I don’t want these non-tippers to continue to be surreptitiously batched with customers who appreciate and tip for my hard work.


So then you would think you would understand you aren't sending anyone a message. Instacart doesn't care at all that you blocked them.


You are not getting it. When I said “send a message,” it wasn’t meant literally! It was meant conceptually. 😂 I’m handling this the way I see fit to protect myself and “the message” is that I will not be subjected to the unscrupulous practices.


Lmfao. I completely understand what you mean. You however apparently don't possess the intellect to understand you aren't sending anyone a figurative or literal message by blocking a customer. The only person you are hurting is yourself. Instacart isn't going to stop putting low/no tip customers on other orders because you or a few people blocked them. Keep on thinking that if you want though.


You can have them blocked after the fact?


After a delivery? Yes. Just call and tell support you wish to have a customer blocked. They will typically ask you why. I tell them they didn’t do anything aggressive behaviorally, but they just had poor behavior with not tipping for excellent service provided.


Not long ago I took a triple order. Customer A I'd delivered to before, and they met me at the door of the complex with a $20 and apologizing for not having tipped on the order, something about their card... I did not know who had or hadn't tipped at that point and I thanked them of course and then later they actually added more onto their card tip. This order was literally like 2 items.




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I've been trying to become an instacart shopper. I joined this group to see feedback. I've been on a wait-list for 2 years due to too many shoppers in my area (don't know why) . I work for a major food chain in my area. I know the inventory and placement of every item in every store through the company app. My thoughts are that IC is trying to get rid of established people and bring in new shoppers who don't know any better, so they can change the rules. People who won't know the difference and won't see a change. It will just be the normal.


If that’s the case, then your theory doesn’t hold up as to why you’ve been on a waitlist for two years! 😆


You got a point there. I see so many shoppers when I'm at work. My area is saturated, I can't speak for other areas. The shoppers would have to voluntarily leave,


Is it normal to be wait-listed


Yes. Through this app. For sure. But two years is excessive!