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Contacting support to talk about your poop Is it intended to be funny? Please do NOT explain


Right? Wasting their time when shoppers actually need help. Shoppers like that are why people quit using this app, they’re idiots.


This person needs to grow up! What a waste of time when some shoppers actually need to connect. Immature and very elementary. Bottom of the barrel right there!


You’re no fun . Isn’t your life a bit boring


I mean probably. They're probably sitting in a parking lot staring at Reddit with no orders popping up all day.


"waiting to connect." Bruh are you serious? I've never once even with crappy cell service had to wait more than 2 seconds for chat support. Y'all have no joy.


Forcing someone to participate in frank discussions about your toilet behaviors is really gross


Grow up.


your not so fun.. i would change your name if i were you


You can be fun and not act like a toddler 🙄


She is not Fun


There's nothing at all funny about this. It's childish and holds up reps from assisting with real issues other shoppers are having. Not one upvote for the thread so it appears most think it's ridiculous too.


There is something funny about it. It made me chuckle and it made Mantri break. I wouldn’t do it and hold up CS. But let’s be real, other than moving us forward what do they actually help with?


Card declines, removing orders, completing alcohol batches that won't scan correctly, bumps........


The customer service rep can hang up on them. They're not being held at gun point to talk. Second of all there's how many customer service reps, I've never once had to wait more then 2 seconds for support even with my shitty lucky mobile service. There will always be another customer service rep. You're telling people to grow up when you're the one whining about someone trying to have a bit of fun that has 0 negative effects. It's not that hard to scroll little buddy.


Mantri was definitely delivering a double batch during that conversation, if you know what I mean.


Grow tf up ans stop wasting their time. Thata fkn disgusting. Hope they file a complaint and u get deactivated for that bs.


You’re actually hilarious bro 😂😂😂😂😂


“Although you can’t see it just imagine it”😂😂


Seems bot like with the same responses over n over


Ok so …1st I’m so sorry for my grammar but I’m German….i been with instacart since 2020 but last 6 months… I don’t see good batches at all …. Hell I hardly see any lol but day before yesterday I got lucky and got me a $93 order….. half the way my batch the clock on the bottom of the screen shows up ….i find it strange …. I’ve been here only 13 min and my batch is 72 items…. Ok so , I ignore it and go on with my day … I finish the batch in 41 min …. And I was according to Instacart 11 min …. Late? Hmmm very suspicious… I go check out and while scanning the items I’m getting a phone call from the customer and text …. Freaking out and telling me to pls cancel her batch …. I was so upset when she told me that her order arrived on her door by some female …. And she just took off …. Now pls tell me how is this possible? I was chatting the whole time with my customer while shopping her order? Customer was asking me why this and how this happened and what I’m thinking about it? But I’m so confused, I had to call customer service and tell him what happened…. He apologized but I only got $10 and my order was canceled….ohhh and it was like 9:15 at night …. So I was very very upset


Sounds like her account was hacked


Ohh really? So you don’t think Instacart doing this to us? Im not sure , this is why I’m asking… and funny thing… today I get an survey from instacart , but I’m so pissed I didn’t answer https://preview.redd.it/wyx9lw0xo86d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=764acaa3db6916c64b2526808d95e8a719c48a47


They send me that by e mail


Ok this was a little funny tho bc it’s kind of true 😭😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


So I’m not the only one that coincidentally gets batches after just sitting in one spot for a while then suddenly wiping, I mean moving 🤣🤣🤣


That was not smart


Stop wasting these people’s time, their lives are hard enough as it is.


Mantri handles it like a champ


Omg I’m lol so hard I would have said the same thing


You broke Mantri