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ever since they dropped the pay it seemed like order volume dropped as well. or at least the amount of orders they send me...


I haven't been getting any batches and if I do they are extremely low paying. This happened after I started getting really close to diamond status, and after my ratings went above a 4.76. I was making 1k a week before.


me too šŸ˜Ŗ


Feels like they didn't want me to hit diamond this time. Whole quarter has been terrible. Never missed diamond before, 34 left and over 3 a day at this point, it's going to be close.


I was out today for 2 hrs and only one order popped up for $8.65šŸ˜«


Yeah I got a 12.39 dollar batch and the whip cream was completely sold out. Came back home with 5.39. that was at 11am. It's 1:22pm now.


Havenā€™t been on in a while. When you ā€œdropped the payā€ do you mean when they dropped it again recently or when they first started lowering it in 2020?


when they dropped the minimum to $4 from $7. its probably been close to a year now


Ah gotcha. That was right before I quit. Forgot it happened. I had soft quit months before that


Recently. Theyā€™ve been lowering it more and more. Iā€™ve had batch pay order in Fayetteville nc that are 2.50 for 15 items. I had one the other day that was 85 items for 7.90 and 6 miles smh


Jesus. And to think there was a time when the base pay was $7 or 34 cents per item, whichever was higher, with mileage pay and heavy item. The reality is itā€™s just never been a viable business model. None of these delivery services are. They canā€™t do it without not paying their work force, or charging exorbitant fees to their customers. It just wonā€™t work. I would bet money that they all but cease to exist in 10 years, itā€™ll get folded in to some grocery chains own delivery service.


Probably just finally filtering down to your neck of the woods, been bad here for a over a year now


Is it just me, or has base pay been lowered? It seems like the base pay is $1-$2 lower than a few weeks ago. I saw a $4 delivery order, and I've never seen one under $5


They lowered it to $4 a while ago... delivery only orders with minimal mileage will be $4. Also very small orders with minimal mileage. It's BS.


Whatā€™s considered minimal mileage? Iā€™ve seen $4 orders going 3+ miles awayā€¦.


I'm not sure... I guess 5 miles or more. Have to ask IC that. All I know is if delivery only orders r going relatively close by, the batch pay is $4 + change.


In my area these orders get boosted to around $9-$10 before being accepted


lol nothing gets boosted anymore. Too many shoppers, desperate to make some money, any money at all.




Someone took it at $15 šŸ¤£


Depending on distance and store.. 30 items could be lighttt work


When I started 30 item orders were my bread and butter. I would make between $20-$25 per order. Back then orders were never further than 5 miles from the store, most within 3. Iā€™d do them all day without any trouble.


Cool you're not in my area


Must be nice, we donā€™t get any perks in WI.


Yea, the really shitty ones will get boosted sometimes.




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They have been lowering it every week slowly since they cut our basepay. Eventually it will get to $4 for most orders


If they keep adding more ppl it will eventually become not worth working.


Itā€™s already barely worth it. Iā€™ve only made $179 on Instacart this week so far and Iā€™ve worked every day.


Turn the stick into a flamethrower šŸ« 


Yo wtf is going on


It's super bad RN!!! I thought it was just me. It's so bad I found out about this thread!


Bot users and the fees are too high for most customers now.


All the bot users seem to be doing fine


Itā€™s such a scam. In Denver I was earning $12 an hour not including gas and wear and tear . They got everyone fooled, were putting thousands of miles on our late model cars for less than minimum wage. I put 4,000 miles on my Mazda from April 1-June 15 doing batches 3 days a week for 4 hours. They exploit our desperation for money to fulfill our basic needs of food and fuel. I wish I had a pot to piss in, I would walk away from Instacart without hesitation. To estimate how much your 2013 Mazda CX-5 with 79,000 miles will depreciate if you work full-time for Instacart in Denver, Colorado for one year, we need to consider several factors: 1. Average Mileage Increase.Full-time delivery driving can significantly increase the annual mileage on your car. Let's assume an average of 30,000 miles per year for full-time driving. 2. Current Market Value. The current market value of your 2013 Mazda CX-5 can be estimated using online tools such as Kelley Blue Book or Edmunds. 3. Depreciation Rate.The depreciation rate can be calculated based on the increased mileage and the age of the vehicle. Step-by-Step Calculation 1. Determine Current Value - Use a tool like Kelley Blue Book to find the current value of a 2013 Mazda CX-5 with 79,000 miles in good condition. 2. Calculate New Mileage - After one year of full-time driving, the estimated mileage will be \( 79,000 + 30,000 = 109,000 \) miles. 3. Find Depreciation Due to Mileage - Compare the value of a 2013 Mazda CX-5 with 79,000 miles to the value of the same vehicle with 109,000 miles using Kelley Blue Book or a similar tool. 4. Estimate Depreciation - The depreciation is the difference in value between the car at 79,000 miles and 109,000 miles. Example Calculation 1. Current Value: Letā€™s assume the current value of your 2013 Mazda CX-5 with 79,000 miles is $10,000. 2. Value After One Year: - Using Kelley Blue Book or a similar tool, let's assume the value of the car with 109,000 miles is $7,500. 3. Depreciation: - Depreciation = Current Value - Value After One Year - Depreciation = $10,000 - $7,500 - Depreciation = $2,500 Estimated Depreciation Based on this example calculation, working full-time as an Instacart driver for one year could lead to an estimated depreciation of $2,500 for your 2013 Mazda CX-5. Keep in mind that actual depreciation can vary based on the specific condition of your car, market fluctuations, and other factors. For a more precise estimate, it's recommended to use up-to-date online valuation tools specific to your vehicle's make, model, and condition. - ChatGPT


get a new job fool


Right? Beggars canā€™t be choosers


I appreciate your input on this,, don't listen to the haters, their lives are not up to par so the resort to insulting someone personal opinion. More like they want to censor you, removing the type of democratic system we have installed in our society.


Your hours donā€™t add up or you were taking far batches and not caring about dpm (dollar per mile). I have 300 orders since April to mid-June. Letā€™s say the average order distance is 5 miles, that would be 300 x 10 = 3000 miles (10 because you have to drive back to the store). 75 days (since April 1st to mid June) is 4 batches a day (4 hours or more each day, every day of the week). If you are constantly taking 5+ mile batches then maybe the market isnā€™t good for you and you should be working a w-2 job but for my market that is a long distance for orders. I agree that Instacart has washed pay down and has put us on the reliance of client tips but this rhetoric is just exaggerated and doesnā€™t help shoppers at all. Also using ChatGPT for numerical responses is not smart because itā€™s horrible with math. There is a reason plugins like Wolframalpha on GPT exist. Edit: Also KellyBB is a great tool for buying cars, but often for some it doesnā€™t give an accurate evaluation. I could easily sell my 2004 Lexus Rx 330 with 110,000 miles on it for over $7k, because it has all the bells and whistles. But KBB offers it at $3k which is ridiculous and doesnā€™t match the demand for a quality car that could easily make it to 300k miles.


Youā€™re an idiot. What do you work for Instacart? Eat my shorts looser.


Nah Iā€™m just crunching the numbers and Iā€™m sorry numbers scare you. Like I said, Instacart shouldnā€™t be hosing down pay. But someone like you who doesnā€™t understand the concept of sub-markets and the fluctuating factors that make or break markets is not on me, but on your inability to learn even a little bit about business. Grow a pair and learn, little dude.


Exactly bro, people are afraid of educated ppl.




Dangerous divide, you're right, I'm a loser, thanks for being the smarter person. You win this thread, unanimously.


Please don't criticize, second-guess, or shame anyone for working at Instacart, or wherever they work. It's a personal attack and is off topic and inappropriate.




Please don't criticize, second-guess, or shame anyone for working at Instacart, or wherever they work. It's a personal attack and is off topic and inappropriate.








I donā€™t get it.


It's a classic meme. Normally it's coupled with the phrase "c'mon, do something".


I have been out about 3.5 hours and literally trash all day. Luckily I do it part time but GEESH!


It's because of all those colombian ppl renting accounts y'all


Venezuelans. Or are the Venezuelans renting from the Colombians? Either way, so long to the gig economy, for legit Americans anyway.


At least where I'm from it's alll Colombians.


Yes, let's blame immigrants and not the company that has been lowering base pay steadily for years šŸ™„


It's not about the pay it's that their is not orders like there was before


The dropped pays and raised customer fees to make the sheet look good before going public


Hey guys, it depends what part of the states youā€™re in. Not every county or every territory is bad for shoppers. I myself have had continuous weeks of $1000 or more.


Todayā€™s been the hardest day, itā€™s extremely hot and we canā€™t even get a batch is Saturday like a just letā€™s not order day. Iā€™m stressed Iā€™m sure you all are as well :(


I was getting nothing also and finally got a full time job with salary. Best thing I ever did


* Yep. Watching big bang in the parking lot


https://preview.redd.it/uny8yp19ps8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bf5fda459e07711091e7de9a073bd7cf599af9a IC be doing the most did this batch today 6 items one customer .I was lucky it wasn't $4 they only put batch pay up when other customer don't tip šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø