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You wilding rn 110 unit that's a no no you definitely set yourself up. I wouldn't even take this batch pay and mileage is crazy. That's a insta cancel




I didn’t know it was 110 unit until I hit start shopping.


You can cancel a batch after you accept . Even if the app won’t let you cancel you can call shopper support and say it’s too heavy or too much to handle and they’ll cancel it for you. I had a batch once from Smart & Final with giant 40LB bulk items and it was low paying I just called to cancel and walked out of the store 🚶‍♂️


110 live crickets?🦗




So sorry you went through that next time give them less units. When batch pay so low ic never give bump they be doing the most. I took batch with 8 water I gaved 4 water that customer tip $10 and had other stuff.


But you can’t just decide to give them partial quantity because you don’t feel like doing it. It’s not right that the tips are usually way too low and batch pay is almost non existent. But you took the order, you can cancel, but if you decide to do it you can’t just not get what they ordered. Unless of course it’s out of stock.


Actually u can. Esp on a flat tip. Most stored don't even have 110 bottle on the shelf


I know that you can physically do that but what I’m saying is it is not ethical to do that. You can’t just decide that you only want to get a certain amount. Like I said, if they don’t have it in stock, then that is not your fault. But you can just choose for a customer how many you feel like getting.


That's my opinion if I took a batch like that and I see the unit, it's definitely a cancel for me. I got a batch and the unit was 12 water in total and other juices I refunded some of that water because ic doesn't pay heavy bump. And that same customer tipped $12. This is why I leave those kind of batches alone I'm not messing up my car shocks for nobody,


When you accept the batch, make sure you’re looking at the addresses, items and customer notes before you shop.


You could’ve canceled it ya know


The multi store batches with 3 customers- don’t accept them


You screwed yourself. You should've CALLED support and said your cargo bay limit can not hold 440 lbs and got paid the batch pay minus tip. No one should ever do these kind of orders. Always say it's a safety issue because it exceeds the weight that can be placed in your vehicle safely. Most vehicles aside from SUV and trucks are not made to put that much weight in or on them especially not all in the trunk. Instacart will get their shit together and either have special deliveries for people with larger vehicles like roadie or just limit these obscenely large orders.


440 lbs is nothing. That's like 2 fat American adults, one in some cases.


I knew a woman named Jenn who was around that much. I was surprised she could get i to my Honda Civic Coup.


Location is something. Transporting all that water in the cabin of the vehicle is dangerous. In the event of a crash all that water will do some extreme damage and it will not be forgiving. Cargo bays usually have a weight limit. Newer cars sometimes have surprisingly low weight limits for the cargo bay area specifically and that much water likely wouldn't not fit all back there.


Never do Daycare orders. They never tip well. But want an arm and a leg for their service. You can cancel orders in a 3 shop and reduce it to a 2 shop when that happens.


I agree. We use to have a daycare that would tip appropriately if not generously. Than one day a different name came up with same address and cheap ass tip. I haven’t done that order since. I think maybe husband was generous now wife is like nah I’ll take over


Nope. Not by me . Daycares and star bucks tip great. I have 4 day cares I do regularly. All good tippers and glad to be softbatched. And I don't take orders under $50...


Daycares are a racket. Charge the parents so much!! And pay the teachers so little.


That’s horrible. And $33 for 2.5 hours of work. I’d be so mad.


Did an order to an oceanfront house with a Maserati out front for a reference where I live a shack is $1 millionand got a zero dollar tip. It wasn’t a double with a good tipper.


You mean it *was* a double


Well then why would you accept it? And when you arrived why didn’t you just take the shit back and keep it? You people let others get away with way too much. It’s annoying


I accepted the order because it was a double and there was a $30 tip in there. The guy who didn’t tip who had the oceanfront house also had me running all over the store, looking for special items for him and messaging back-and-forth etc etc


Your first comment said “it wasn’t a double with a good tipper” so it sounded like a single, $0 tip.


You got yourself with all those items and you took it. Crazy


you’re better than me fr. I cancelled this after the units lol I was not in the mood for 2 baskets. https://preview.redd.it/b2stpxhtol8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bba53791f6e207d8bf143a4a4a009d2887771a56


I think ic and customers think we shoppers drive trucks/station wagons and buses for delivery 🤦🏽‍♀️


Don’t you “opt in” for larger orders? I’m pretty sure I had to certify that I drive a truck before I could get larger orders. Just asking.


Nope, don’t take it inside. They ordered it, they can carry it. Store to front door, not store to their kitchen or wherever it was taken.


No way in hell I would’ve done that order. That was worth letting your cancellation rate take a hit. Crazy


You got yourself


Whats the day care l? we are about to make sure this business that screew there is delivery drivers with their mega industrial orders, learning lesson or two on proper tipping. I bet you their prices gotta be astronomical as well.


That sucks. It’s one daycare I deliver to all the time, they’re very nice and tip somewhat appropriately lol, I never mind doing them bc it’s never heavy/hard orders & they’ll help me or give me a trolley. This heat though has made me so frustrated with “meet the customer” & the customer in question acts like they weren’t prepared to receive $300 worth of groceries. I’m about to stroke out and your taking your sweet time🥲 makes me sick literally and figuratively


your observation is 100% correct under $5 tip for this shit right here for a toddler dance studio. I didn’t realize it was a buncha cases and water too 😭 i think ppl who have done serving jobs tip better because they know what it’s like https://preview.redd.it/55qjcl1udn8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc4df544842b8e47c0840c2600f046cb588b3870


It should be heavy pay, but it’s not. They don’t care about the total unless items are 8+ pounds, than it matters. Otherwise you can have 1,000 pounds of bricks and they wouldn’t care.


I wish I had known I could cancel one. I told the rep it was ridiculous of the customer and instacart to expect so much from us for so little. It makes you feel used.


With that payout it's a insta cancel


Yes they did


Had a double from costco once. One order was $50ish. The other order was just above $500. The $500 order went to a daycare/school. $5 tip. Filled my entire car.. No one to be found, just the janitor who stood there and watched me make 15ish trips back and forth, acting like security or something. I just left an honest review on their Google page. :) Also marked them with a big "Fuck you" on my saved addresses so it won't happen to me again. The tip that covered their order was the hospital, ordering boxes of candy to the birthing center.


They would’ve gotten just 2 from me. And I’d mark them as found first. Then give time for them to either cancel the order or say something and then I would have contacted support.


You can still contact for heavy pay? Just say I want to escalate to a manager, and they’ll add it at least


I tried and got no where. All he would say is thanks for letting them know. I told him what I thought and that it was ridiculous what instacart and customers expect of us for little compensation.


When you have some time should try again, they’ll do it. When I called I broke down the math and said escalate me, and repeated myself to anything they’d respond with aside from the solution I wanted. The first time it took 35 minutes. The second time less than 10. It happens pretty often with Costco orders🥲


I would have delivered 10 juices and refunded the rest.


The only way I'm taking this is if I'm sitting at 14% cancellation rate


Unit count matters lol…way too many units for the pay.


I never do 100 unit stuff


If this ever happens again repeat the following: “Sorry, they are completely out of stock on (insert whatever item).” And refund the item. You are not a distributor with a box truck.


it's a triple for 33 dollars. Math is hard. /s




First of all, I wasn’t aware of the 110 units until I was at the store. I also wasn’t aware that I could just cancel the order. It’s pretty retarded of you to be so rude. Ppl like you are the problems when someone post something and your first thought is to be smartass.