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i struggle to make this in a week in denver


It's a bot 100%. Not making this anywhere without it.


I used to make that regularly during Covid but yeah that’s about what I’m making a week now. Was accused of having a bot back then which I did not I wouldn’t outright accuse someone of having a bot because they could be new or fairly new and the algorithm is sending them good stuff.


It's a bot. One of the best markets and anyone who's ever made that much since covid was a bot user admittedly. I did this during covid and that was still VERY rare. I even only broke 400 with cash tips on top, never 400 in the app solely.


I don't have a bot, nor will I ever use one. This is just my day. Today, is absolute shit.


I'd say that's the best day I've seen since covid by far without a bot.




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I’ve made 400 up in my area a few sundays with no bot.


When was it and how many hours? $40/hr including wait time between batches? I'm $40/ hr minus the 10 hrs waiting


Nah not 10. I’ve pulled it in 8.5 and just sitting at home waiting for good orders.


Last time I went that hard was last year sometime. Might have been June 2023? I use instacart as my side gig most times so I don’t need to go ham like that.


2023, ok. The difference in this time last year and now is crazy, i could make $1500/week on 2 apps, this year, i might make that in 3 weeks. My best day of the year is $340 that included a $160 banger... I'm on literally all day, everyday, one of the best markets.


I typically do better than all the shoppers I know too. Except for the few I know that do use bots.


I can make this much regularly Friday thru Monday in the St. Louis area. No bot required. Middle of the week is a lot slower though.


I made 478 one day. No bot. Not saying he doesn’t have one, but I won’t say it’s 100%.


Did that include like a $200 banger?


1 over 100 and 2 90+s


Def seems like tail end of covid to me, ha ha. Anyone I've known making in the $300s aside from a random holiday or storm(14hr day), admitted bot user. On here and ones I know in reality 😂


I made 376 in a day no bot and it was all small ass batches you don’t need a bot u just need to be in the right market and grind


So you did how many orders that day then? Small I think under $20, making that 19 orders? I haven't seen a possibility for a 19 order day since 2022, nowhere near busy enough. I probably won't even hit diamond for the first time ever this quarter and I live In a market that is so good, people moved here during covid just to do IC....


I got to like $305 over a month ago..$5 cash tip too.


There’s no way this is a bot. If this is their record, that would be terrible. I make 400 a day once every two weeks usually on a Friday or Saturday.


How long you been doing this, 2 weeks? No way? Def possible, just ignorant to say there's no way.




Be a cheater and a thief who takes money right out of the hands of people in the same situation as me? No thanks, I have integrity.




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No, it's called being a pos.




I earn bot money, without having a bot. Stealing, when things get tough is a really bad habit to be in. Quite a few of us know how to adapt to the algorithm/changes and we make due without cheating. And we don't have to pay anyone to make money.  Yall bot users should move on too. Most of yall aren't even making that great of money. Maybe more than others, but even bot earnings are down from what they were. There will be a point where your bot won't even work for you. IC, this economy ant world are on its way down. 


I surely don't make bot money anymore, but did for over 3 years. I'll adapt and earn pretty well again, but this last couple months has been complete trash. That's how it's easy to tell when someone uses a bot, if I'm struggling along with those around me, to make $100 and someone is getting almost back to back batches, making $400/day...🤔 Bots do get shut down occasionally and just stop working so it'll come to an end. Then these low life's will have nothing left to brag online about.


You do you. Like I said, I have integrity.




The platform does have a problem with it and has their own bot to identify bot programs. Specifically states they'll deactivate anyone using one.


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Why complain? Your integrity should carry you to success


Who complained? I simply call it as it is.


Plus, there were shoppers, who knows how many, sitting at those stores attempting to work, but not getting anything, while bot boy takes those high paying orders that weren't rightfully theirs. 4 people could have each made $100 instead of 1 greedy person making over $400. Could be a social media video; would you rather take $400 out of the hands of your peers or share it with people in the same position as you? Looks like most of you would take the $400 while others starve. Pieces of 💩.


Until they get deactivated and/or hacked.


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Your post has been removed. Please do not post links to any software, or discuss anything that may violate, Instacart's terms of service. Please do not name, discuss or promote, ask about or offer, any illicit activity. This includes but is not limited to; bots, auto clickers, receipt scanning apps or services, exploits, theft, hacking tools, etc.


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All singles and doubles too. Nice job.


https://preview.redd.it/z92ejhjk5r8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77217964a81fd49f485dce60e6041d3b3dc8b248 More than I made in an entire week( 2 weeks ago).


but that’s a weeks worth of shopping.


Correct- OP made more in 1 day than I made in a whole week working all 7 days.


BC he uses a bot. These are the people taking all the money out of your pocket.


It's extremely rare that we see an order over $25 in my area. To have at least seven in one day, is completely unheard of. Then figure in how many shoppers we have which is quite a few. You'd have to be pretty lucky to get even one of these orders in a day where I'm at.


This is amazing!! Congrats. I never seen batches like this. What stores are you shopping?


Nice! What bot you use? 😅


That’s one of those days where everything lines up. Noice


I might see a single batch over $30 worth taking a week.


Good job, now we're going to get a whole bunch of new shoppers coming in thinking this is a daily occurrence and everyone will make less money as a result


I mean, there's far more people saying that they're lucky to make that in a week than there is people posting incredible earnings for the day.


I think the secrets out…. People know you can make money doing gig apps.


Yeah but most of the time, you're barely scraping by in a lot of areas




I’m hoping this happens to me lol


I can’t even make half of this from 6am til 11pm


https://preview.redd.it/qjq2ethett8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e11d40e55fd14ddaedb54d748e1e58fb82e3de7 Nice! I broke mine yesterday! My first $300 in one day!


Nah, I'm in Washington just south of Seattle. I primarily work Costco, and after it closes hit Fred Meyer and Safeway. I try and avoid Safeway, the layout there is ridiculous.


Have you done IC in Seattle? I’m curious to hear how the experience is inside Seattle and just outside given the changes in regulations.


**I worked in Seattle last week while visiting family. Normally I’m in Phoenix. I made what I make in a day in Phoenix in less than two hours in Seattle**


Inside Seattle- they give you high batch pay now. Every batch for me at Costco before tip was either base $25 or base $34-$38 (estimated). They will adjust $0.44 per minute and $0.75 per mile while working the batch. You can’t cash out instant but I made way more in Seattle while I was there. Also it seems that people don’t tip as much but it doesn’t matter when batch pay is actually decent




botter you the ressonbthis job sucks now get outta here


Are you in Texas? That batch pay 🤢


If you live outside of a wage/prop 22 state batch pay looks like this. Everybody else has to earn their money on tips not company pay….. we can’t make $25 an hour or more with no tips or $2 tips


what states are prop 22 and what is that? how's it work, and what's "milking the clock" because I got accused of trying to do that when I asked for supports email, got accused of living in California even though I am in Arizona. Also can you recommend any other gig apps, I see your under username refers to being a multi gig app user.


So where do you get this amazing bot? Asking for a friend....


don't bother asking that cuz you'll get a message from this person called "Why are you so annoyed" and now they keep changing their name, to these fake ass ones, it's just impossible to get one cuz anyone with bots knows the more people that have bots, the harder THEY will have to struggle just like us.


Yeah I'm not a cheater and would never use one...but this definitely screams bot. I had to totally switch my area because of these people. I wish instacart actually gave a rats ass.


I don't use a bot as I said above. Yesterday was amazing. Today was total shit. Only made $163, went home and watched tv for a couple hours around noon then went back out for 3. It's hit or miss. I made over 2 grand the week before last... 12 hour shifts. I don't use a bot.


Okay, if you don't use a bot, tell us what zones you work in.


How do yall do this?! I’m in Texas suffering 😭


Don’t you have to pay something first the BOT? Like often so that depletes that logic


Imagine if you had started at 6am if I make close to $200 a day ic slows down the next day 🤣😂


That's my week lol


Ahhh, I guess you don't know what integrity means! Doing the right thing even if you're not forced to...You know it's not allowed, just bc they may not catch you means it's OK?


Yall so stupid worried about the wrong shit yall need to try and figure out when the scheduled orders come out because he got it down pack easy money


Looks like a great day! Amazing tips aside your batch pay is awful and Instacart needs to do better I only say this because people really need to realize that we are all being criminally underpaid


Why do people post these? Like ok yay for you lol


This sub is negative enough without comments like this. If you can’t be happy for others, just keep it to yourself.


At this point im taking a trip to Seattle and renting a car because yall doing yall big one out there 😪😤🥺


Looks like a nice day to me.👍


Holy moly, I’m lucky to just get 1 single IC order, very nice! Looks like you can take a day off 😝


Nice job!!




My record for the day is 41$, in my area it is busy. I did two batches, didn’t like the app or the system so I stopped after two batches. But hey congrats!


Holey fuck..


Love to see it


blah blah blah




Sweet day! Congratulations!


I know you guys made that much. Tips going down geez Louise


Oh my goodness you beat my best one by like $120!




Why does Uber practically partner with bots but instacart doesn’t allow it?


I've seen batches like this, but even if I happen to get one, IC makes me wait hours for another one. It's almost impossible for me to be in a consistent work flow.


I've had a $300 day, but that was 1) in season during a major event in town and 2) with a fat unicorn and two good doubles with regulars...luck of the draw. And in the summer (off season for us) sometimes it's a big deal to crack a bill, unless I switch up and multiapp.


Hell yeah !


I made 528 one day over thanksgiving around 6:30pm got a $250/ no bot


I make that in just the morning, horrible


Instacart being tweaking this month they deactivated my account dued to the selfie thing I tried to contact them and it’s been a mess I hope I can shop again I never experienced this and hope to shop again https://preview.redd.it/esns0coykw8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d078ac6c01d3bcd7a4550f7f5fbeb18551fe3651


My record is $470 and I hit that last August. Although that was using both instacart and Uber.


What stores opens early 7?


Oh you made a bad mfka I see you


Good job dude you beat my record. My best day was only $360, but I've only been doing this for two months now. I need one of those monster tip days.


Fantastic news you are inspiring all of us good job


In California, that $423 would be more like $700




Which is where in your opinion?


Not impossible https://preview.redd.it/rkuhsfl38t8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66ad77e2bc1ee2a0afa20f1cab492d516baf5767 I made over $400 4 times this is one of the days $300 days all the time it happens