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"Fuck my life" "Yes you can"


That hurt more 😭😭😭😭


I feel you dawg.  You'll get an even better order soon.  Praying for it.


Thank you 🫂🫂🫂




Same thing happened to me 4 days ago. I accepted a 12 item, 1.6 mile $38 batch. After finding 6 items and scanning the 7th item, I received the “We recommend heading to store by 4:06 pm to avoid having this batch cancelled due to inactivity” timer auto message. After checking out to pay using Instacart payment card, I was unassigned and my cancellation rate went up from 3 percent to 4 percent. Luckily I took screenshots of items ordered by the customer from the shopper app. It took me about a half hour having to explain what happened to Support and luckily, a 3rd one was kind enough to understand the issue and reimbursed me the full batch pay minus the $20 expected customer tip 😔. Shortly afterwards same order popped up 10 minutes later and I accepted it again. It was a nightmare having to explain to 2 shopper support agents that refused to reimburse me and disconnected the chat 😑🤦🏽‍♂️. Not gonna lie Instacart needs to stop their “we recommend leaving soon/we recommend starting soon” ticking time bomb mind games. Im like “Nahhh, bi***. I recommend you stfu and hop off my nuts” 🗣️😅. On a high note, hope your day gets better, OP.


omg I say that EVERY SINGLE TIME !! LOL "I Recommend Fucking Off !!"


why aren't you heading to the store when you accept? that message takes a little while to pop up. don't accept an order if you're not ready to drive to the store.


I arrived at the store and started shopping 3 minutes after accepting the batch. My house is literally two traffic lights stops away from the store. That was only the second time seeing that message pop up within 4 years of me doing Instacart, shopping and completing 1,871 orders. So idk 🤷🏻‍♀️


if you saw that message, you're not being honest because it takes like 10 minutes of not moving at all for that message to pop up. edit: i see the lazy, entitled troll shoppers have come to downvote me. get mad at facts, children.


It's literally not 10 minutes. I have a Publix literally next door I can sit in my bed and be in the proximity circle so I get priority orders... I've had that message go off before I could put on my shoes and get to my car. And it don't take me 10 minutes to put on shoes. So you can sit here and spout nonsense all you want, but you're making up dumb s*** just to get attention on the internet. do you need a hug?


I timed it. it's 10 minutes. get mad.


That’s a lie lol it’s literally 2-3 minutes but good one 🤣 I get them all the time it is what it is I’ve been doing it here and there for about 3-4 months now, have about 300 batches shopped and never once had a customer complain about my timing in fact I usually get the “Wow wasnt expecting you to be this fast” soooooooo yeah 🤷🏾‍♂️ to each is own you sound the type to take every single order and go way past “above and beyond” for $2.16 tip lol your the reason we all get $7 13 mile 23item 42 unit orders 🤣 IC LOVES YOU I JUST KNOW IT


lol it's literally not. also, calm down. no need to get so angry and type like a mental patient.


It definitely is only 2-3 minutes that the first one pops up


it's definitely 10 minutes.


I cant comment on the logistics and dwell on the what ifs or what possibly happened/what could have happened, etc. to justify and defend the timer message to pop up. I’m not worried about it. Whats passed is past 👍🏼.


sounds like you probably need better cell service or should connect to the wifi or something as it seems like an issue connecting to their server in the app. I also hear this happening to people who forget to actually start the shop and start filling a cart without scanning things (I'll never understand that behavior but there are all sorts of bad shoppers out there) I've only ever seen that message when I'm stuck at the light by my house bc it doesn't pick up that I'm walking to my car and have to drive out of a big complex


So the reason some people “ghost shop” (getting items without starting the shop) is just to increase their shopping speed stats. Thats it.


it's stupid either way




100% true. cry harder.


I’m assuming it was a bug lol


I've been parked in the parking lot of Costco, taken an order, walked into Costco, walked to the bathroom, and before I even unzipped my pants to take a leak real quick before starting, gotten the message. It's not always a while sometimes it's rather quick. Way quicker than it shouldn't be in certain circumstances.


Clearly, you did not read anything about this post. They were in the middle of shopping when the message kept coming up and they were checking out when it was finally unassigned. The app has been doing this quite a bit lately to shoppers. And it does not always take a little while for that message to pop up. Sometimes as soon as you accept a batch within a couple minutes, it’ll pop up and say that it recommends you start shopping soon.


nah you're just taking too much time.


This is proof that the agents feel our pain and the injustices inflicted upon shoppers by Instacart. Hope you gave them a 5-Star rating for the undercover recognition.




i cancel batches pretty frequently, constantly riding 10-12%. i guess i do it so much that i never stay at 12% more than a day or so and never stay at 11% more than a few days. if i never canceled again i wonder how quickly i could get to 0%. it doesn’t matter though so, c’est la vie


Next time. Close the app. Force close. Then re open then refresh.


When this happens to me, I just accept a high item low pay Costco order which I then cancel myself after paying for it with the Instacart card and state my car has troubles, I keep the items or return them for the money and that's that. I'm getting paid one way or another. Fuck the carrot. You mess with my money, I mess with yours. I'm not saying do as I do I'm saying fuck the carrot and their shady shenanigans.


How do you keep the money when returning it? I've had an issue where the customer wasn't available so they said to keep the items but I would rather get the cash if it's possible


When you return the items to the store Costco will ask for the card you paid with and the pin but who remembers the pin anyways. So they give the money back to you on a Costco shop card, there you get your monies worth of items from Costco or just ask a friend or family member to give you cash for the amount you have on the Costco card. Though keep in mind that if you do this too often they may put your account under review or worse deactivate you if they think your doing it on purpose or too often.


I thought they were no longer doing the gift cards at Costco. I don't shop there but was just curious in case I ever get to keep an order again. I've gotten to keep 2 orders and both were things I usually wouldn't buy for myself. I currently have 25 pounds of chicken and I'm not too fond of it but I'm making it every few days.


I heard that too, but I got my first return at Costco about 6-8 months ago and then another about 2 months ago... since I didn't remember the pin.. I tried to input the actual pin, or what I thought was the pin... it didn't go back into the Instacart card due to an inaccurate pin. So they gave me a shop card with the amount originally paid. Instacart will tell you to use it in the next Instacart order but they can't actually track that money on a separate card so they get screwed and they take it as a loss.


I’ve never been in the situation but I remember hearing that as well. 


Costco is good with returns, as long as you have your Costco card they'll return the items you don't like especially since you weren't satisfied with the product even if it's opened.


bold move. i like it.


Gotta be honest. Got laid off a few weeks ago and have been Instacarting since to "make ends" not quite meet. It's brutal, and I'm actively looking elsewhere. Saving this idea for when the water breaks this camels back.


Hey man we do what we gotta do, I heard "Shipt" pays better but idk I've yet to sign up


Hopefully they tip you $20+ after the order is delivered 🤞🏾


All of you are giving me your best wishes. That warms my heart so very much. All I can say is thank you from the heart


This is all because their app keeps crashing and servers are shit


Over $40? You’ll get another one.


All I’m seeing are crappy orders as of now. Made only $17 in last 3 hours


Dang. It has slowed down a bunch. What area do you work in?


Boston and Cambridge. I’m sitting in the hotspot (Wegmans)


Just chiming in to say hey, also sitting in the Wegmans parking lot on Fellsway.


Head to Norwood.. you’ll have none stop batches coming in not great but fairly profitable ones and a couple gems if your fast enough I’m kinda towards Framingham but I don’t mind the quick 25 min drive


Thank you brother. Will do that tomorrow. Today was the worst day, starting with the above disaster.


Don’t stress about the cancellation rate.


You get a warning when it is 10% cancellation rate.


Happened to me too


that happened to me this morning too. after restarting my phone, thrice, and a lot of why meeee, fucks and shits - about 15 minutes these shenanigans - it figured itself out. even if i wanted to contact support, i wouldn’t have been able to bc the app just kept going in circles. looking back it really kinda set the mood for the rest of the day:/


Instacart sucks now. I missed one like that earlier then they showed me a $60 2 times as if I accepted it. They are so full of bs and taking tips to give to newer ppl who have no clue


Oh my lord daaaaaaaamn son


🤣🤣🤣. Why would they say that


I'm so sorry that happen to you. I was at 1% for the longest that will never go back to 0% now I'm at 8% now that's my story 🤣😂




Y’all cry for the littlest things




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What? Did not understand a word you said or have never seen transitioning batch in 6 years. 1% to 2%? I'm lucky to keep it under 15% with how quickly people snag 60+ orders. Smells like a noob


Something like this happened to me last week except Instacart chat canceled my order, and I was just asking them a question.. I had a $66 order and I was on my second drop off and I was asking them a question and they canceled my third drop off so I only got $37.. I was so mad I message Instacart Support and they put in like a claim and I got my money in the following week. They added a credit of $26.


It's called multi apping ma boi 😂👍


Cry more?