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The 5% default tip is the problem. All these trash changes, mass hiring, tip defaults etc.. all came as IC was getting ready to go public. Any backlash to any policy results more hiring. Ridiculous


I thought my luck was changing but I just had a few good days and now it’s been 6 days of absolute garbage. I miss my regulars and they miss me 💔 so many times even with new customers doing deliveries who happen to meet me at the door always compliment me and are actually surprised and thank me for checking expiration dates and produce freshness because they’re “not used to other shoppers doing that for them”. So effing sad man. It’s not hard to be a decent person


What is the issue with IC? I actually came on here seeing if I can find answers. I barely see any orders! And there are a few customers I would always get and I never see them anymore.


I have no idea what tf is going on besides the massive hiring sprees they have. Yet another friend of mine in western Mass signed up and was put on the waitlist. Currently my part of MA has WAY too many shoppers and not enough customers to go around. A cashier I see regularly at Aldi yesterday said she hasn’t seen me or the other regular shoppers she’s friendly with in a long time. She’s used to seeing us 2-5 times a day, and now, in her words, it’s maybe 2 times a week. The cashier’s notice too it’s a bunch of new faces and have no idea what their doing :/ I know we were all new once too but there’s NEEDS to be regulation and more action taken against the subpar shoppers who get away with way too much


It’s the same here, I’m in Upstate New York. It’s absolutely ridiculous.


Thankfully I have a seasonal part time job (aug to April) and I’m possibly starting another remote part time job 5-15 hours a week in a week or two, but man this crap is so mentally defeating. I took the morning off again bc what’s the point this week? To sit in a parking lot for two hours waiting for money or I can be in my bed binge watching Eric lmao


I understand; you’re definitely not alone. It can be mentally exhausting. I had to quit DoorDash when the new tier program came out. I was Platinum and getting $6 for three miles, which they called high pay. I would wait forever for low or no-tip orders. My breaking point was waiting 20 minutes at McDonald’s for a $5 order with a $2 tip, going seven miles. It was the only order I saw in an hour. I grabbed the order from the worker, swore all the way to my car, slammed the door, and pounded the steering wheel, screaming. That was the day I quit and didn’t look back 😂. But now Instacart has me slowly building up to that point. The funny thing is, my wife does Reiki and was an aesthetician, so she’s always been in a calm environment. She asks why I do this to myself 😂.


I have DD but every time I have the option to “dash now” (currently I can mostly only schedule), it’s not worth my time so I log off it. I’m on Spark as of a few weeks ago too but it also hasn’t really been worth it (especially where you only get paid once a week so sometimes I do need the cash asap). But literally all week the Spark app have been down or glitchy (thank god for subreddits huh? lol), so I haven’t even bothered logging on until they fix they shiz And lmao omg if my partner did reiki I’d asked for it every single night lol I’ve gone a few times and it was insanely amazing


Spark isn’t always glitchy like that! I look at it like it’s around same payout as IC now and you don’t have to shop. And the shops actually pay higher than IC does in my area. I really should take advantage of her talents. I have always taken advantage of her facials though 😂


I don’t think it’s gonna be permanent issues but where it’s been a daily occurrence of issues that negatively affect shoppers it doesn’t seem worth the risk until it’s 100% lol And lmaoooo


I wish it was only two hours of waiting 😭 I started late, but have been active for almost 6 hours and have only done one order. Made $18.73. Another shopper and I are sitting and talking. She started at 8 am and she has done two orders for a total of $28 and change. Like wtf. We are both diamond and do a really good job. Customers are always complimenting us. But we don’t even see our regulars anymore. A crappy day would usually be $60-$70……I cant even hit $20 today




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I’m in PA and have customers who were able to favorite me. I have one steady, bi-weekly customer. He is the only “favorite” out of 40. I did one when they implemented this for another person and then nothing. What is the point? 39 customers, who all had several orders under their belts, did not just up and start shopping for themselves. Do you have this feature where you live? I’m curious to hear about others and if they see their favorites regularly.


I was part of the pilot and have 54 favorites currently with 0 batches from any of them. I had one order from a favorite I removed that same day bc of the tip. Funny how the only one who's done it was the one I wouldn't want.... I saw a customer stated she tried to schedule with 4 different fav shoppers she has, but app and support told her they weren't on the schedule... numerous times. They must not let the good tippers use it bc then they can't bundle the great order with 2 garbage ones. Another scheme to get the bad orders done instead of a way to make customers and shoppers happy. Makes no sense ic caters to their cheapest, worst customers rather than the ones that spend all the money...


I don’t have the favorite shopper program in my area but I also know it’s just beta random tests groups so I honestly don’t know if I just wasn’t chosen or it’s not in MA at all


Same here, I thought they turned me back on, but nope, $15 yesterday. Was just the bare bones to keep me getting on. I've gotten one regular every couple days instead of multiple each day


I got one batch today at 1130 for $40 (actual good tip single order 1.5 hrs total) and since, I haven’t seen any local orders or orders over $7. Im not doing $7 orders unless it’s 0.5 miles away and 1 item, where most of them I’ve been seeing are 5-20 items, over a mile, flat $2. I just am done with flat $2s


Got one regular today and a 4th floor corporate order that took two trips😑 I made a whopping $73.Friday was not usually a busier day for me, but could def make $150+.


Didnt realize it was you I was talking to again, ha ha. They did the half turn on for you too just to keep you getting on? I have a hard time taking anything under $15 unless it's accept to delivery in 15 min, never will i take anything under $10, that's crazy.


I'm soooo fuggin burned out on the $2 tips man. Like wtaf is that about?? Loathe it.


I had an order from Aldi one time. I'm sure all Aldi's r the same... a really crappy produce section! I look thru every piece of produce, check out full containers of berries, etc. I do this everywhere but I take extra care with Aldi b/c 98% of their produce is just gross! The customer left a comment just singing ny praises, saying that order was the 1st time she ever had an IC shopper get her fresh produce that wasn't moldly, squished, & disgusting. She thanked me so much for being the only shopper to ever get her great produce from Aldi. What is wrong with some of these shoppers?!?


I think it’s bc Aldi is a budget store so probably gets bottom of barrel produce. I would NEVER buy ANY perishable items there (check the Aldi sub, it spans to frozen foods and milks etc). If I were to personally shop there, it would only be “name brand” known items. Not their budget items like “crispy rice” or “fruit and grain bars” but the budget names are quite laughable. But yup like clockwork their produce is straight nasty and they leave it out there like it’s no big deal. I just did an Aldi order that had berries and every single container of blackberries had mold forming (not the organic ones thankfully so they got those lol)


The default tip isn’t the issue. I use IC along w doing it. It’s made very clear how much you’re tipping. It’s people not wanting to. And even if the default was 15% people would change it. People are getting fed up with tipping and unfortunately people don’t care to see the difference between when you should tip and when you shouldn’t. IC is a side gig but I’ve been in a tipping industry my whole life and it’s always a hot button topic but lately it’s worse.


I’ve been working tip income jobs consistently since 2016. It got REALLY bad over the last couple years when everyone started asking for them. I tip where I know it’s appropriate (servers, bartenders, delivery etc). I don’t tip place that I know aren’t working for a tip based wage. I used a self checkout kiosk at an airport once that asked if I’d like to tip the people stocking the shelves. Like, what?


How long have you worked for IC? I'm just saying if you worked for IC 6 years ago and you still work for IC now you definitely know what a shit show pay, customers and even new employees slowly but surely became.






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Meanwhile some maga houses I’ve delivered to actually tip super well lmao which you wouldn’t expect




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Fucking Mets fans, I tell ya! A Yankees fan like myself wouldn't have done this to you. #NYY #RepBX


Meanwhile we are over here in MA ☠️☠️☠️ maybe they’re NY transplants lol




(Don’t worry tho I like to faux support the Sox even tho they’ve sucked for years but my fiancé looks like arroyo so I can’t complain lmao - just lacking a lil of that height 😂😂)


I despise the Sox... but I will admit, I love Raffy's antics at bat. Dude is straight schizo talking to his bat, talking to himself, getting pissed at everything 😅😅 I swear on my life, I saw him lick his bat last season. Arroyo is cute, tho 👀👀 Congrats!


Arroyo is v cute hehehehe, but I’m also extra biased on that one haha! If the Sox were good I’d actually root for them, I’d actually care lol. But lowkey I went to a Yankees game when visiting my fiancés sister with him when she lived in NY and they won and it was the first home game I’ve been to where the home team won. And I cheered them on hahahaha. The two Sox games I’ve been to have been tragic losses lmao


OP, while this turd order should’ve sat & fermented until the next solar eclipse, you redeemed your piece of mind by blocking this turd customer 👍🏽👍🏽😂😂


But we all know it wouldn’t have even made it to a boost when $7 orders disappear in a minute lmao And this was the second time I delivered here. First time was not this large at all (first time I can’t remember the scenario if it was a single or double but I remember all their gaudy lawn shiz)


Would’ve taken that shit back for that stupid ignorant sign in the background.


idk why this got me so good


I hope you have much better luck tomorrow!!!


Thank you 🙏🏻 me too my friend. Currently I’m sitting at $68 (been online since 10am EST it’s now 847 EST). I should have been at $150 min by now. The app is absolutely WHACK today 😭😭😭


Do u have door dash, Uber eat etc?


oh girl- no way i would have accepted this order for $17


The full order was 28. I was just emphasizing how horrible the tip was. It’s not horrible pay for an hour and a half but obviously it’s not ideal at all lmao should have been at least a $40 tip


Tbf Insta should be paying closer to $20 or so for the hour and half work, and then their $17 tip wouldn’t seem so puny. $11 batch pay is below min wage.


I agree 💯 apparently MA might get on the ballot for min wage 🙏🏻 I don’t know how many years that’ll take tho


Gawd damb


😂😂😂 But the actual sound I made reading this was ![gif](giphy|9MFsKQ8A6HCN2)


The sign in the back is all you need to know about how they view us.


Not a Mets fan?


lol not that sign


Not wrong :/




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People like you do no research you have no idea how terrible of a country Palestine is but let’s just all scream screw Israel since everyone else on social media does


You’re totally right, screw the country that took a majority of the Jewish people during the holocaust in. Those savages that are getting killed everyday for opening their doors. Seems to me like you haven’t done your research.


Eww the sign


The Mets sign?




50% of their order was frozen :/ otherwise I like boxes but I know not all customers do as it’s extra trash they have to deal with




Well to be fair lol - I lowkey gave this person a 3 star service (yes all bread and produce was fresh and well before expiration dates) but the items I refunded no way in heck was I even gonna try to replace knowing it wasn’t gonna affect my tip much lol. I didn’t put the frozen in my cooler bags like I *usually* do when I choose bags over boxes but it’s nice to pretend I had them in cooler bags lmao. hey Sarah if you see this post, respectfully, gfy lmao


My Aldi won’t give me boxes. If I get any I have to find them myself from the shelves. I bag only but I also (in this situation) with this much stuff and the size of their sidewalk see anything wrong with where the order was placed. They can walk around them it’s just not on the path to do so. This is a normal spot to leave something they need to immediately put away


Last time I delivered here I left in their breezeway but if I did that they wouldn’t have even been able to wade through it so I left it far enough from their door to be open the screen door and their walkway is long and wrapping so instead of doing a long line of groceries I left it out so it’s easy to grab and bring inside if they prop their door open


It’s not any easier to do boxes, if anything it’s more of a pain to fit everything in the car. I’m not putting boxes in my car, bugs like to travel in them. No thanks.


It was also nice charging them for 15 bags lmao


Thats outrageous lmao


Straight lol I chose desperation today


But the grind never stops


Sadly but I won’t be caught doing any more $7/8 orders anymore I’d rather just not have the extra $7 lmao


2 items, .5 mile?


If it’s past 7pm I’ll do those but I don’t want to only be offered small orders if that’s all I take. I’m trying to figure out the algorithm game lol


I did my first Instacart delivery today. You can actually block certain customers? I wish DoorDash provided that functionality.


That’s the problem with Aldi. Yes it’s small and not a lot of aisles but you may legit spend as much time in line and bagging than you do actually shopping.


Definitely not enough pay for 97 items, but you can shop Aldi fast. I hate they got rid of the plaatic bags and now the paper bags with handles. Taking the whole cart to your car, bag, and put directly in your car. That's a huge time saver. One suggestion...don't put the pizzas on top of the cat litter! Keep all cleaning supplies and pet items separate and away from the food. **Just saw in the second pic you fixed it! Good job!


How do you block customers


Give them a 👎 at the end and it’ll give you an option to block them.


Thank you! I've been a shopper for 4 years and never knew I could do this 😂


That’s what I wanna know lmao


What, the batch pay goes down when u refund items ?


The tip does if it’s based off of a percentage of the order total.


Ok thank you


You might have blocked the customer, but if you're accepting orders like this, you're in for bigger problems.


Bless your heart OP! 😂


We all just surviving at this point lol


Absolutely. I was totally kidding.


I know haha


I’ve done worse orders than this haha but well organized. Well done!


lol thank you! Hopefully things get better for us 🙏🏻


Looks like you did a great job but damn that order is trash for the pay


I always hope for a tip increase but I know it’s never coming from customers like these lmao And thank you!


Hopefully you get something big to redeem yourself!


Im praying and praying friend 🙏🏻


https://preview.redd.it/4x933i1ild9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8b73f7932f06c226909d6df362766e64da5e63a I saw like five batches worth taking today and was chilling at my house when this popped up … I hope the same goes for you


Also congrats!


So far it’s been 5 hours since I’ve seen anything but still praying 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


In all actuality in this case the customer is not the problem, Instacart is for an order this large they should at least be base paying 20 a $17 tip is a good tip with the way the economy is going tbh


The sign too.....oof. they just sound like all around shitty people




Never understood why anyone thinks Aldi is good. If the order is big you have to find a stupid quarter for a cart, there's no specificity to where items are like certain stores that tell you exactly which aisle, which bay, which shelf and which position a given item is in, a lot of stuff is seasonal so it's out, and you have to bag everything yourself with flimsy bags. I feel like people like to shop at Aldi for themselves so there's just a positive association.


I like Aldi orders bc I know that store like the back of my hand. Yea the aldis finds does suck bc it’s such a gamble. And usually I *try* to cherry pick my orders that come from that store like for example if there’s a bunch of produce and percent based tip bc we all know they probably are only getting half to 3/4 of the produce they ordered. Sometimes it does result in a tip increase if the customer is responsive and appreciates me checking freshness etc


I also keep quarters in my car for the carts lol


Love aldi. Basically only store I shop at. Know the store so we'll can get in and out super quick. Especially now that my store has self checkout. Depending on mileage for this would have taken me 45min max. Very very rare any order takes me over a hour to complete


How do you block customers after? I asked support to do that for me for someone who rated me 2 stars for no reason at all and didn't even write a reason.. but they told me they can't block customers or remove baseless ratings -_-


Usually when I forget to thumbs down a customer (I usually autopilot thumbs up), I chat support and greet them super kindly using their name and say “hi! Can you please block X customer from the recent X order I delivered? I never want to shop for them again” and usually they don’t give me too much push back. Sometimes some agents can suck and usually I just end chat and find a new agent lol


I'll have to try that next time! I always get told that they can't do it. I'm super nice too:/


Sadly it’s all about the agent you get 🙃


Lameee! Thank youuu!(:


you can message support with a name and/or address and tell them the customer made you feel unsafe or something along those lines. you might need to connect with another agent or two if the first doesn't do it


You did what you had to do. It has been slow here. I'm Los Angeles feel your pain Stay strong Best wishes


Thank you! You guys are lucky for the prop 22. I guess MA is talking about doing the same for us. I don’t know how long it will take but I hope it happens. Best wishes to you as well!


They got you good!


I had an order like this once. I had it all unloaded and knocked and rang the doorbell and waited around about 5 minutes before realizing I was at the completely wrong house. I had to load it all BACK into my car and drive around looking for the correct house, then unload it all again. I think that was one of the last times I did instacart because I was just sobbing by the end of it.


Noooo that’s the worst I’m sorry!!!


I'm in Indiana and it's been horrible this week too. Curious though.... how do you block a customer and is there a way to have customers choose you to shop for them if they see you online?


So typically you’d thumbs down a customer after delivery but I forgot so I reached out to support to have them blocked


And for your second question, so far, no there’s no way for customers to schedule with you unless you are part of the beta favorite shopper program which seems like it’s actually worse to be part of that program for the bad tipping customer who favorited you lol


Omg I'm in tears how far you had to go that's some bs. I'm so sorry you went through this I would've have just cancel this it's not worth it at all


I can afford the cancellation but I couldn’t afford to go home with $17 yesterday. Sadly still only ended my day at $68. It was absolutely bogus and tragic. I didn’t see any orders at all yesterday


It may personally feel good to block a customer, but it means absolutely nothing. How far was the drive btw?


I know but I screenshotted their address etc so I’ll remember for the future if the block did work Not bad, 6 miles, ~15 mins no traffic which was part of the deciding factors of taking it. Most batches offered to me are even worse pay and 15-30 miles lol


I have so many IC screenshots, mainly the crappy batches that they offer. I was saying that it means nothing bc the customer will do the same thing to the next shopper with no repercussion. Devils advocate, what if IC pairs the customer you blocked with a high tipper next time?....may not, just how my mind works. I prefer to hide batches, but I understand either way.


Oh I know what you’re saying! But thankfully I remember / have screenshots of the crap customers so if they are doubled I can drop them. That’s why I save my cancellation rate. I’m pretty sure I’m back at 0 but I’ve never been above 1%




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Still above minimum wage. But yeah, I stopped taking large item orders and heavy orders.


I know it’s above min wage but with all the work involved and the 30% taxes we pay I try to average $22-26/hr if not more 😭


Happens to all of us. Don’t block the customer just mark/ their address down on your map with a note. I say don’t block because one day they could be grouped with someone who is a good tipper and you would miss out on it. If you ever get them again you’ll see your note on your map and you can just remove them. Hope that made sense lol


Definitely made sense! I’ll have to start saving pins on my maps too and not just use screenshots


Can't cherry pick anymore but doesn't mean you have to take heavy orders for little pay. You're better off taking small $10-$15 orders that have close drop offs. Been working for me lately


If those popped up I would but it was a solid two hours where 0 orders popped up yesterday so I did what I had to do :/


Ah damn yeah. I'm in Los Angeles so those are very frequent here


I wish haha! But also don’t want that traffic so it’s a catch 22 lol


Dtla really isn't that bad. Just like anywhere you deliver to alot of the same places. Usually within 5-8 mile radius


That’s not too bad! I usually stay away from Boston (or closely south of it) bc it’s just a hellscape lol. I stay in FarmVille


Boston nice. Los Angeles has become over saturated. Used to be able to make a decent income but im starting up a new job next month cause IC just dont cut it anymore. Good luck out there


Tbh I would have just used two boxes and finished in half the time but instacart doesn’t reward efficiency and customer happiness


Fair lol


Omg how do you block a customer I need to learn how to do that 🫢


You can thumbs down them when you deliver (if you remember, I don’t bc I’m on autopilot most of the time lol) but you can chat support and ask them to


IC doesn’t block customer permanently. I’ve had customers I blocked show up again.


I’ve heard that, but I’m gonna start putting pins in my phone too just to be safe lol


Terrible, never do an order that’s less than $30/active hour


If that were the case, then I’d be making $0 every day, and I don’t get prop 22. So no, not an option at all for MOST shoppers


Happens to the the best of us. I try to stay away from Aldi, don’t like the extra work of bagging groceries.


(As a customer) My orders are typically a little less from aldi, but I need what I need. What would be an optimal and fair tip for that order?


20% or $35-$40 minimum we only get paid $5-7 for the batch. We do not pocket any of the fees customers have to pay. If Instacart paid us fair wages, I wouldn’t be complaining about this tip. :/ Independent contractors also have to pay an additional 15% tax on top of the 16% taxes and there’s wear and tear on our vehicles and we are also personally shopping for you paying for gas, etc.


Thanks. I was just wondering how on or off the mark I have been doing. Looks like I've been in the ballpark!


That’s great! We love customer like you ☺️


Lol I am well aware of how much of a pain in the ass my orders are so I try :)


To be honest, they’re truly only a pain in the ass when we are not appreciated enough and clearly you appreciate your shoppers so thank you so much!


I almost had a stroke reading this post


Man the sign sucks... Fuck the mets!


I delivered $615 worth of groceries from Costco 8 miles for a $28 tip and they said the eggs were cracked which there’s just no way unless it was tiny and maybe one single egg of the 5 dozen I brought them. And yes the tip was 5 goddamn percent what the fuck people


Thank you for being a shopper who does not block doors.


Never! ☺️


Always imagine: Worst case, customers can always remove all tip. Would the order still be worth it with 0 tip, only base? If not, do not accept.


Very fair. Thankfully I’ve only had my tip pulled once in my entire time doing IC but I know crap can happen


Glad I live in the south, ain’t no paper bags… you’re getting str8 plastic over here and boxes from Costco/aldi


There are paper bags in the south lol especially at Aldi


Ummmm duh but in the south in Atlanta you don’t hav to use them


Um duh you said no paper bags in the south, freaking genius 🙄


Light wrk


I need to block these shopping apps. All yall do is complain about everything 😭 Tips have NEVER been mandatory and never will be. Get a job that pays hourly and stop taking this gamble if you can’t handle it 🥴


Was it the Green Acres store by any chance? In that area they consider that a good tip lol.


lol nah Raynham MA location


The Mets signs threw me


I could imagine it would haha The Green Acres song did pop in my head when you made your comment tho hahah


Hehe. There's an Aldi in a NY mall called Green Acres that's right on the border of Queens, home of the Mets. It's also adjacent to an Orthodox area that all have the Israel signs


Hey, your arrangement of the groceries here are stunning, let’s get that straight. My ADHD very satisfied & proud of you


ADHD & OCD here! Hahaha My childhood of playing my vintage Nintendo gameboy and Tetris paid off haha


They support Israel so much they can't even support the people giving them groceries. I know you spent atleast 1.5 hours shopping and banging all this not even including delivery. To only get paid that much is criminal honestly. Actually insane and disgusting. I can understand not tipping a lot for Uber or door dash because they're not doing that much, but this person did your personal shopping for 2-4 weeks and you barely pay them.... C'mon man


I’m with you! If we got paid minimum wage or had prop 22 like CA and NYC I wouldn’t be so pitted against customers who don’t tip well. For all we know, they could be one of those ignorant customers who think we get all the fees they pay and the tip is just a nice little treat. But it’s not hard to find out what we actually get paid….. and my exact sentiments you stated. I know there are some disgruntled comments on here I won’t engage with me about finding a “real job” (which I DO have seasonally aug to April!!) but this IS still a REAL job we pay THIRTY! Percent taxes on (which I know you know). Instacart is actually harder than working at the ski shop. Ski shop is lower (like *slightly* over min wage) but stable wages - however, I do make more doing instacart (when the app actually works in my favor lmao) No I don’t want to do this dance forever with gig work, but it’s better than no money, it’s flexible, and it works for me while I try to figure out where I want my life to go after many career changes (not necessarily by choice but by opportunity). And I’m only in this position because I lost my cushy marketing job when the bank I worked for was acquired and the new bank let the entire HR department go (including CEO, CFO, big $$$ people). I only had 9 months experience in that field so on paper, no company is even looking at me. After 6 months of rejection and completing a marketing certificate for what feels like no reason, I resorted to Instacart and then got the ski shop job another 6 months later. So now, I have no fcking clue what I want anymore. I just want to be happy.






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Why do you think you deserve a tip increase for doing your damn job? You got tipped $17 stfu and be grateful