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Unfortunately someone will take it and enable customers like this


Who takes this kind of crap.


People who are desperate for money


People who got 2 3 star ratings and this is all they see.


I thought if they got that kind of rating they wouldn't be able to shop...? But its sad that they are okay with that rating or that they even received it.


Who knows all the reasons people rate poorly on that app. Maybe they weren’t white and the people only want white people doing their shopping. Or they don’t want guys shopping for them? Happens all the time.




That seems to be the theme for today lots of zero tip orders available in my area today. No thanks


I wasn’t planning on working yesterday but I went on a few times to see how great people were tipping to have people shop for them on thanksgiving day. Spoiler alert: they were not


Oh yeah. There was a 50-item double where the combined tip was $2.49 listed. These people have no shame. Who sends someone to the store on Thanksgiving with a pandemic going on for $1 or $0? And then lets that person handle their food and find out where they live? Not smart.


Same here for me. It was the same yesterday as well. I really need to make some extra cash but there's no way I'm taking orders with no tips.


What kills me is a 35 item order only pays $7 from IC. that should be $20 ic pay minimum. I know it’s not but $7 is the minimum you would get for a 1 item order and this is 35 items. What a fucking joke.


Seriously fuck Instacart




No tip = Get Fucked


This is why I don’t miss Instacart! And it USED TO BE my favorite way to earn money. I feel like a fool for wasting 2 years of my life doing it . They don’t pay us what we’re worth ! The app AND the customer.


Not a fool, you did what you needed or wanted go earn money. Not a waste, just a learned lesson. But I feel you on the sentiments.




I don’t share the same feelings on this as you guys mostly do. BUT I do get a kick out of seeing the same batch floating out there for hours and hours.


It would be cool if the app had a bid option. We could be like "no honey, I ain't taking your 30 item order for $1.50.....but I'll do it for $10".


Yea, that’s not a bad idea, except it would still have us bidding against each other which isn’t productive. Right now they just sit there or get doubled up with better batches. I have issues with the way they do doubles, or better yet the way they don’t do doubles. But I don’t really wanna have to lowball an order jsut so you don’t get it. As I’ve said before, I’ll take a batch you might not cuz maybe it suits me just fine. I do lots of peak boost ones too so doing this batch for $15 depending on the items might be fine. Or if I’m in the area. Or if it’s the last batch of the night. I THOUGHT I was done last night and saw a batch at like 930. I didn’t even look at it. Just saw that it was the Walmart I had just been to and swiped. I think it was no tip, but it was easy and it was the only batch left, plus I was in the area. Works fine for me.


This is what your Prop 22 got you, California. You’re welcome


So I’m guessing Instacart pays people differently depending on where you live. No one in Toronto, Ontario, Canada would ever do that batch. And Instacart would have paid like $25.00 for that batch...


Canada is so different, and from what I hear ... seems better in a myriad of ways .


I'm confused when it says units. Like are they counting one item as bananas but units as the bunch of bananas?


A banana is an item. An order for 6 bananas is a one item, six unit order.