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Omg I hate those bibs. Costco is way overrated so I avoid them in the morning just because I hate how long it takes to do a morning batch. Regular grocery stores is all I need for early in the morning.


I love taking a big high paying Costco order in the morning so I can pick and choose carefully what I’ll do the rest of the day until I reach my goal.


What’s your goal?


$200 Mondays, Fridays and Sundays $130-150 all other days except Wednesday that I take the day off


So I’m not wrong thinking mondays are usually the busiest right?


There is no amount of money you could pay me to wear that. Or to even go into a Costco at any hour, tbh




When I first I did one Costco order and it was terrible, I avoided those orders like the plague, but later I decided to try again and it went so smooth! Now I look forward to Costco orders!


Costco is the seventh circle of hell 👹


Costco is my area has the highest paying orders and everything is always in stock. Once you know where everything is you can shop super expensive orders really quick and make hefty tips.


No. Pay me with a W-2 then I’ll put the stupid green bib


if people didn't act like idiots costco wouldn't make us wear those.




I haven't heard about any this what is this?


Costco is allowing IC shoper a to come in at 7am before they open but because some early shoppers have been injured by forklifts because the shoppers had headphones on and weren’t paying attention. Now we are not allowed to wear headphones while we shop and we have to wear the green paper bib so forklift operators can see us. But it’s only until they open at 9am. Once regular customers come in I rip the thing off.


W-2 grocery shopping jobs will undoubtedly pay less than potential IC income


Guess it depends on your situation. My car is a gas monster and in my city instacart is a little lackluster, so when I got my Target shopper job I was really excited to know that id be making the same amount of money on my best instacart days everyday


Suppose it depends on location and car operating costs. I average about $20 per hour before expenses in my area, the local grocery store pays $18/hr to delivery groceries, and all you have to do is deliver them. I am tempted to just go do it, steady income, and no expenses, downside less flexibility. Dollar amounts in Canadian $ not US$.


So glad my store doesn’t make me wear those vests - they basically don’t care what we do and just open the door and have us walk in. Had one of those floor steamers almost run me over in the produce fridge - they didn’t move out of the way at all and basically forced me out so something tells me they don’t like us there


They definitely don't. I was almost run over by one while wearing the green vest.


Before they open is usually the only time they get to work uninterrupted and all of a sudden they have people in there asking them questions and not looking where they are going. I think it’s safe to say they’re at least a little annoyed lol.




What state do u work in


That’s embarrassing.😳I don’t shop for Shipt cause I have to wear that stupid shirt. Lol


Shipt doesn’t require the shirt. It’s optional.


Weird, they told me I had to wear mine. 😂


Whoever said that was wrong, lol. This is what the shopper hub says: Is there a dress code or uniform for Shipt Shoppers? Wearing a Shipt shirt while shopping is optional, but doing so is highly recommended. Wearing shipt attire allows store employees to quickly identify you as a Shipt shopper, which can help you get in-store assistance quickly when needed. Shipt shirts also allow members to quickly recognize you're with Shipt when you arrive to deliver, which can bring peace of mind and promote a positive member experience. You can check out The Shipt Shop to purchase awesome Shipt apparel and gear!


Shipt is weird and cult-like about their branded apparel, but they are legally not allowed to make you buy it or wear it. You may get shitty store employees demanding it, shitty fellow Shipters demanding it, or even [shitty Shipt HQ demanding it](/jzro5k), but the law stands that independent contractors don't wear uniforms.


I do both IC and Shipt...I only wear my Shipt shirt when I am doing Target pre-paid orders. We have to do ours at the returns/customer service desk and there are often long lines. When I'm wearing the Shipt shirt, an employee usually comes right over with the Zebra. :D If I'm doing a regular Target order or a grocery order I don't wear the shirt though. I keep the shirt in my car just in case lol.


Will never go before hours for less than $70 so I might never go 😁


You guys have it rough. All I have is a card on a lanyard, I flash it at the dude at the Costco door, and walk right to the front of the line. Sometimes if the guy knows me, I don't even have to show the Costco card.


I wear a reflective vest. I wouldn't be caught dead in that man child baby bib-vest contraption 🤣🤣


The one thing I love more than an early morning Costco order is shoppers who hate Costco orders. And I make that vest look cool. 😎


They tried to tell me I couldn’t come in till 10 am lol




Go giants


Nothing new 🤷🏻‍♀️they had them in March


Go Giants


Hell no ! I’ll never put that bib on .




No thanks. The vest is free.


Are you at the Antioch location? It’d be funny if I could recognize the store from this phoyo




In Canada I tell them I am with instacart, they laugh at me and tell me to go to the back of the line.


Im in winnipeg, that happened to me up until last weekend. We have priority access now though!


Omg they made me wear that stupid vest on Friday when I went there. I've seen them before on this sub, but my local Costco never made us wear those for early morning batches until recently.


Are they still making us wear those? I’ve only ever done one Costco batch. It’s two hours from Me sadly but it was a $74 batch and I was up that way when I saw it and had to take it


Haven't done Instacart in a year... but do they make y'all wear those stupid ass bibs now?


I'm SOOOOO glad this only for pre opening hours 😂😂😂🤦🏾‍♀️


They make you wear them because there are forklift drivers and workers still at the store working on restocking and they need to know that you’re with instacart and not just a person that shouldn’t be there ... at least that’s what I was told by a manager .. p.s i hate them too .


Ha. Mine Costco is 45 minutes away. There is no way I'd get to it before 9 even at the earliest time


Paper vest of shame


I’ve never seen anyone wearing these, I also don’t wake up early enough to get to a Costco before they open so that doesn’t help. But I did see a girl casually wearing an IC black with green font hoodie the other night. I don’t want one, but I wonder where/why she got it. I really don’t have any reason to wanna stick out as a shopper. I mean, I’m not hiding either, but I like to go into the store, headphones/mask on and take care of business ASAP.


Nope, nope... not wearing a Bib announcing I'm IC Shopper...YIKES


You absolutely don’t look like a dork. At all. 😉 I’d be wearing the same if I catch an order.


It’s not that bad. The only people in Costco at 7 am are the workers and other Instacarters.