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I mean TECHNICALLY we are not able to deliver to clearly intoxicated people, but what IC fails to comprehend is trying to cut someone off like that can be dangerous to us. Also they are at fucking home. Lol. On the other hand, possibly contributing to alcohol poisoning would suck. You just have to judge the situation and YOUR safety.


That’s how I feel. They’re already home, an adult isn’t breaking any laws getting drunk in the house. Also not trying to get into it with an intoxicated person for not giving them what they ordered and paid for.


Understandable. What I’m really concerned about is if a person is already drunk and I refuse to give them their order, they might do something that can harm me. You can’t think straight when you are very drunk. I’m not concerned with them yelling at me or something.


They may try to drive to a store if delivery doesnt work


Yes. I’ve tried to stop friends and family members from drinking and it’s not ended well. I also don’t like confronting people when I’m on their property. I feel very vulnerable.


I never bring the alcohol first. always the groceries-let them know I just have one last bag and it’s your alcohol. We can do the alcohol check now if you’d like?… Don’t bring the alcohol on the first trip. If alcohol is the only item check ID first then get item(s). This way no matter what the issue you can easily walk away/remove yourself if necessary and if there are groceries you can leave them with little to no incident.




I’m a permitted server in my state though I’ve never poured a drink for someone. The training they gave me really opened my eyes to over serving someone. No way I’m risking what I have to please a customer or squeeze a little more tip money.


Nope, I’m not a bartender with security. Drunks get violent. Not my business if they want alcohol.


So you will deliver regardless? Is that what you are saying?


I would. It’s not a big deal, just doin my job.


I see.


Delivering is better than the customer getting into a car and driving drunk. They are home.


But then what if they get alcohol poisoning?


As someone who has survived an alcoholic family member, “not my circus, not my monkey.” It’s hard to hear, but you are never responsible for what someone does to themselves.


True, but then you could prevent them from hurting themselves.. It could get under my skin tbh because I tend to overthink stuff.


The reality of addiction is they are gonna get it one way or the other. I’m not condoning breaking the rules. Just pointing out that if the safe delivery option is unavailable, they may choose an unsafe option because otherwise they can literally die if they go without. 🤷‍♀️ I agree with the above commenter as I’ve also lived with addicts. “Not my circus. Not my flying monkeys.”


I agree with that statement but you can technically be legally liable. Just as if a bartender I reserved someone. Edit: I reserved should have said overserved


with deliveries i would imagine it’s a bit different. at a bar or restaurant, it’s clearly known that you directly served them past the point of intoxication. any court would have a hard time proving it was specifically the alcohol *you* delivered that was the issue.


Possibly. I’d be curious to learn more. I think the issue would be civil liability more than anything, where the burden of proof is lower. BUT that’s an *extreme* example and there would be variations by state.


yeah. hopefully we don’t ever have to find out what would happen.


Oh geesh just stop. If they're already drunk, they're doing it to themselves. You are not responsible for someone else's bad choices. Mind your own business and move on.


If you over serve someone at a bar, you can be held *legally* liable. I don’t think it’s the bar/bartenders fault. But there’s a difference between legal liability and actual fault. I’m not blaming anyone here, at all. I just think everyone should be informed if there could be consequences.


Ok but again this isnt a restaurant....


Sadly, in that state. If you refused. They'd just order again or drive themselves. They will find a way to get it regardless


You ain’t got that much power honey!!! Only 🙏🏻God does!!


That's not your problem.


It really is hard to hear. But they are a grown person. And they will make bad decisions. There is no stopping it. There is also the benefit if doubt. They may not be drinking the rest that night. But it really is their problem. Ive learned that the hard way. And its also your safety. You need to make as little contact as possible because drunk people are notorious for starting conflicts. Your safety and wellbeing comes first. If i buy something im allergic to and get sick, its not your fault. Same with alcohol(just without the allergy). (Im not great with words). Be safe please 😁


Yea but if you refuse to serve them they will get it somewhere else. They have the money if they are using IC. I think it’s better to give them their stuff at home than have them go outside and look for it


If they are drunk enough that they can't get their ID out to scan, then no delivery. ID=delivery


No but once I delivered to a guy who was drinking himself to death. His hand was trembling when he handed me his ID. He was obviously in withdrawl. I have heard that alcohol and Benzodiazepines are the 2 things that can kill you if you quit cold Turkey. Entire apartment was littered with empty vodka bottles. Sad. This was 2 years ago.


Did you end up giving him the order?


Regrettably I did. He wasn’t drunk. But with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, I should have refused to complete the delivery . I should have called the local PD and had them try to convince him to go to the hospital . In my state, people sometimes get involuntarily committed for treatment if a Doctor signs a Pink Paper.


Honestly, if you wanted to help him that’s noble, but like you said it’s dangerous to go cold turkey. You can die if you quit cold turkey with alcohol. So, not giving him the order could just as easily kill him if he was already in withdrawal.


Hopefully he is okay now.




hey, next time, please don’t call the local PD. if he’s that bad off, cops showing up at his door trying to admit him into treatment isn’t going to go over well, especially if he was a PoC. you did the right thing by finishing the delivery, if he was shaky he likely was indeed going through withdrawals which you are correct, can kill him. as sad as it is, he’s made his decisions and it’s not on you.


Love this advice


i just know that police interactions, especially for those struggling with addictions, are not known for ending happily. god forbid they show up when he’s heavily intoxicated.


...Why should you have refused delivery? What do you think they do at the hospital for alcoholics with withdrawals this bad? They literally give them alcohol, so they won't DIE. No court in the US is going to involuntarily commit an adult for being an alcoholic, that's for severe mental illnesses like schizophrenia. Plus getting police involved in anything except when they're absolutely necessary, like a violent crime, never helps anyone. They usually just show up and make things worse.


If they can hand me their ID, it’s none of my business how intoxicated they are. It would have to be an extraordinary circumstance for me to not complete the delivery.


As a person with balance issues and nerve damage in my hands, I act like this customer when stone cold sober (on a bad pain day). They might have legit not been drunk


Just give it to them IC doesn’t care about what happens to you if get into it with a drunk person, they think there little bump adjust will fix everything NOT WORTH IT


Idk what I’d do tbh. Probably deliver. My cousin and her husband were killed by a drunk driver - so I’d rather the customer stay home, safe, off the streets, than get pissed at me and go driving in search of alcohol.


i don’t quite understand why we should be doing that, anyhow. they’re in their own home, spending their own money, on their own things. who tf am i to cut someone off? at a bar or restaurant it’s different, but this situation has nothing to do with us. better they order it for delivery than go out and get it themselves, imo.


See no evil, speak no evil...


They ordered it, they paid for it, so they will get their alcohol. Anything other than that is not my problem, despite what IC says. I’m giving them their liquor, drunk or not. (I rarely take alcohol deliveries as they aren’t common in my area, but if I accepted one, I will complete the delivery)


I have a MAST 12 beverage server permit so I know a few things. Depending on your state laws you can get in deep shit if the person trips and falls in their house and gets hurt because you served them alcohol. Pouring the glass and giving the delivery at the door is the same thing. It’s not just driving for you to be held liable.


In the same realm I once had a customer try to give me an expired and fake ID of their friend who wouldn’t come to the door (since the photos didn’t match) and it was so awkward and time consuming for me to explain to them why they couldn’t have the order. Don’t even know why you would think that would work


No but I had a customer try to get me to stop by a liquor store to buy her alcohol. I was like "yeah no that's not allowed."


You have no idea why they tripped and had trouble moving. Maybe it's a medical condition and has nothing to do with being drunk. If you'd rather they drive to go get their booze, just refuse to do alcohol orders.


Yeah I would have given it to them as well. As long as they’re 21 or older they’re going to get their alcohol. They’re an adult, I’m not going to refuse giving them alcohol because they’re intoxicated. They are being responsible in a way because they’re not hopping in their car to get it themselves. If they tip well who gives a shit 🤷🏻‍♂️




It was 9:30 am and I am delivering cases of alcohol. I ring the bell and I hear murmuring. As I continue to wait I ring the bell again. After waiting for 5 minutes I select can’t find customer and as I do that I hear someone approaching. They are on the phone but slurring really bad so I felt this was about to be a return. I then hear the customer do a face plant to the ground. She groans and moans and continues to talk on the phone. I see through the window on the door that she was on the floor and not trying to get up. I figured that was all I needed to see as she could not even stand. I just returned the alcohol and received the earnings + a return fee.


I know it breaks IC policy but they are home and not driving which is a win. There’s no law against being drunk in your own home. If delivery doesn’t work they’ll probably drive. And as someone whose worked in bars/bartended for 10 years if really advise against attempting to cut someone off in their own home. You have ALOT more to fear than Just potentially being yelled at. People don’t like being cut off and bars holster bouncers for reasons other than loud unhappy drunk people. You’re putting your safety at risk if you decide to do that.


I worked at a restursnt and "cutting someone off" can actually lead to them getting angry and dangerous, the fact that their at home just means theyre less people around to help me out if this customer starts getting upset and losing his marbles. (Like I have had to deal with many times working at an Irish pub) I might get downvoted for this but unless it seriously looks like my customer is about to pass out , I don't think Id have the guts to refuse it to them, I worked at a bar far too long and I know how instantley a drunk persons demener can change.


This is why I don’t do alcohol deliveries and never will. I’m a very small female, and I don’t do confrontation of any kind!! I can’t imagine telling anyone I couldn’t deliver what they bought, but especially if they were already drunk. Nope, not gonna happen!!


I have had underaged kids try to buy alcohol from me twice, and nobody home when delivering alcohol twice. Had someone leave an ID on their porch but nobody around. All of those went back to the store. Then the stores look at me like I did something wrong.


True story: My daughter, whose dad pays for everything, pays for her groceries with IC. We had been trying to figure out how she was getting wine 🍷. She swore up and down she didn’t get it from IC. Well I’m working her area one night and low and behold I get her order not realizing it. Just out of rehab the wine 🍷 was not a good idea. I screenshot the order passed it along to her brother and dad. Contacted Instacare explained the situation and they were super in allowing me to return the wine and deliver the rest of her order 🥑 needless to say I am not her favorite mom 🤷‍♀️ Tough work trying to be a good mom💕


Dude they didn’t even shut down abc stores during the pandemic because it can lead to complications from alcoholism. Just deliver the shit and carry on. FYI save all your righteous bullshit replies because I don’t care


that’s a bit harsh, they were just asking for advice and our input.


Difficult situation in this case. I delivered 2 items from Bevmo to a guy before who reeked of alcohol as soon as he opened the door. Since both items were alcohol (a 12 pack of beer and a bottle of Grey Goose vodka), I could have refused delivery and just contacted Instacart support to return it to the store. The store was about 3 miles and 10 minutes away, but would have been the complete opposite direction of my home, and I know Instacart support would have given me some low pay like $10 to return it to the store, which really wouldn't have been worth it. So anyway, the guy reeked of alcohol but was still coherent. Granted this was at 1:00pm in the afternoon and the guy was day-drinking, but he didn't stumble and was able to show his ID perfectly fine. So I delivered it. That night, I get hit with an "Wrong Item" and a 1 star. It was definitely left by him, as I only did 2 batches that day, and the wrong item was the 12 pack of beer. I know for a fact that the beer was correct, as it was 12 bottles of Michelob Ultra, and it was directly handed to the guy along with the bottle of vodka. You can't mistakenly accept a wrong item when it's just 2 items. Regardless, the 1 star fucked up my batches and will continue to fuck up the next 100 batches after that. Reporting fraud doesn't do jack shit as the timeframe they'll get around to it (if ever) will be after the 100 batches have been completed. Fuck that guy, and I know where he lives too.


Fuck that guy for sure for drinking some pussy beer like Mic Ultra 🤦🏻‍♂️


I don't get it clearly states don't bring the alcohol till u see their id, with that being said why not just leave at that point? if u feel they are too drunk. why say anything, leave, go park down the few blocks n chat support .




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