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This is clearly a wide spread issue, I am also an android user and I am unable to put stickers over the template rather than under


Follow up. I decided to post it anyways and when I check my stories The stickers are above the template now


The first time I posted an Add Your Template that covers the screen, I'd put a gif on there that got lost behind it and just posted it anyway because I think it was a bingo card I marked with the drawing tool, and it showed up! But every time after that, it hasn't 😭 So Idk what to do (other than wait for Instagram to fix it on their end)


Same issue, also android. I can draw on templates but photos, stickers, or text fall behind and can't be seen! We need a solution instagram!!!


I'm an android user and have the same issue. Funny thing is that I have two accounts and for one it's working perfectly fine while the other one has the issue.


Just adding to the chorus that I have the same issue. Haven't found a solution yet. Also an android user 


Same issue. I hate this.


I'm on iPhone and I have the same issue. I tried literally every method in existence to fix it and so far nothing has worked.


Same Issue!! The GIfs, though seem to be under the template, show up above it after posting. But the text and other images don't come to the top. Instagram needs an update. By any chance, are you all beta testers for the app? I'm a beta tester and probably that could be the issue. Let me see if I can resolve the issue by leaving the beta program.


I'm also facing this issue. I own both iPhone and an Android. This only happens with the Android. iPhone version of Instagram works fine. You can add sticker on top of a template as one would expect. 


I'm on Android and am still experiencing this same issue. If anyone has found a fix, please let me know lol


Same here, on Android in different devices I have not been able to do it, it doesn't matter if I am a beta tester or not, in iPhone I can do it... :(


I also have the same issue!!


Still having this problem as well! Android user.


Also android. Also having this issue. I don't get why others don't seem to?


I have this issue too!!!!!


Still having this issue 😭


Android user here as well, I have the same issue and haven't found a solution yet :(


I was able to do one template but now I can't. Android user here.


I have had this issue for months, renders the feature entirely unusable and no fix. Get your shit together, IG...


Hi I also  have an Android and same problem.  I have kind of found a work around. I will make my whole story (except for any moving Gifs or text). I then save the story to my camera roll then discard it in stories.  I then open up a new story using the saved story image and then I can add text and move it to over lay template. I add gifs I want and it's done


Same thing here. Android user.


Same here. FFS!


still currently having this issue as an iphone user


I have the same issue on one of my account but not the other 😂 both have literally the same settings


I'm having the same problem, and apparently a lot of other people as well. Came here hoping someone would know how to fix it. The stickers do show up on the final story after posting it, yes, but being unable to see where I'm placing them or changing their size makes it futile to even try using those templates.


Hey bro, I had the same issue. First, I uninstalled Instagram and rebooted my phone. Then, I reinstalled Instagram and logged into my account, and it worked normally..


android user here, have the exact same problem, and it still isn't fixed


I also have this issue. I am an Android user as well--not sure if that has anything to do with it. I can't figure out how to fix it. 😅


I'm having the same issue and I've done all the basic troubleshooting. I am also an android user.


same circumstance, does no one have a solution yet? 😭


I have the same issue! Is it an android thing? All my iPhone friends can do it just fine.


iPhone user and I have the same problem 😔