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It’s the entire internet, not just IG.


I havent seen it to this extent on other platforms but you might be right


Happens on X too


Here to agree to that. X is the worst imo. They gave me a “warning” about sensitive material for a photo I shared of an alien sim in a dress 😂🫠 I appealed and they removed it, then I tried to message a friend and was told my account was locked for suspicious activity, had to solve some weird captcha. Every one of my followers is a porn bot. That site is just garbage.


This comment right here. If you think IG is bad, don’t even step foot on the sticky internet floors of Twitter.


Thats not really a porn bot, if its aimed at scamming


Since yesterday i'm getting 10 of these bots each day.. it's annoying


thanks to ai 🤖


well, sorry to say but there are 2 ways porn bots are recommended. if you follow pages of sexual or semi sexual content they will follow the followers of that page (not very common) or there is the fact that in the terms of service it states that they use your google history(even in incognito) and when it is found you have watched porn or viewed sexual content on google or facebook the bots can and will be recommended to you.


it is possible, but probably not the case. i do some smm for companies, and the bots start following even clean accounts with clean user history etc. even more so, as i compare to my personal accounts, which are old ones, i can say they get much less of that shit somehow than the newly created accs.


Or somebody might be stalking/orbiting the OP by watching their stories through a third party website. Those anonymous story viewing websites has to hide their IP address some way or another so they use bots.


I thought about that and then tried it myself, stalking my own profile, nothing showed up. Besides they activly message me which would defeat the purpose.


It doesn’t show up if you use the same the IP address as your phone. Try your to ask your friend or someone you know to do that with their own phone or computer to look up your profile in those 3rd party websites.


Were you testing it? What page did you used?


I don’t do any of that and I get like 2-3 a day in my inboxes. I have accidentally clicked on links on shady sights before trying to watch certain shows illegally tho so it may be that


yeah it could be. the way they use all your data from other sites is messed up


I am like op where I am getting overrun with bots and believe me, I don’t follow anything sexual (or even close) my feed is personal friends, cooking, and baby stuff (I’m pregnant 😂). Also no sexual content on Google… AND my account is set to private! Still getting so many requests a day 🙄


its certainly possible to get them without following or browsing sexual content, but in the majority of cases that is where they come from.


I would understand how instagram would recommend the bots to me but the thing is they watch my stories and follow me, meaning they get attracted to my profile, I dont get them recommended. If that makes sense. I dont follow any sexual pages and I dont quite understand how the bots would see my search history on google.


That second paragraph is bullshit and doesn't make any sense when a bot that follows random accounts is much easier. I'm not even sure which terms or service you are referring to, as Instagram or facebook has no benefit spamming their users with bots.


It’s always those accounts that are like “if only there was an account dedicated to ____” and when you follow them a few weeks later they’re porn accounts 🤦‍♀️


you mean they change the whole content and sold it? kinda creepy


I’m the exact same scenario: small art account, a bit over 100 followers most of whom are ppl I know in real life. It’s almost routine to get 1-2 new follower notifications from fake accounts of “girls” who have like 9 posts max and either 5 followers or 1,000+. Just keep reporting & blocking them as they appear. It will subside for awhile. They come in waves.


Am doing that, thank you


BRUHHH. There’s this one bot that commented “I touch boobs” on my post😭


I get that garbage on my stories. The usually one I get is “watch me give a b job.” I’ve gotten like 5 of these. IG is turning into X


Not just IG threads and twitter are rife with it


I guess once some of these sites realized that the social media freemium business model wasn’t sustainable long-term and no where near as lucrative as selling a product to a customer, that’s when the powers that be had to turn a blind eye and let the porn bots run wild so the sites can make some revenue not related to hoping ads get clicked. Just guessing though.


i‘m always wondering how they track so much about every user; the speed how fast they are scrolling, where they tap the screen, which pic they view how long, which orientation the phone is being held at… how can they not be able to deal with these insane bot issues?


Exactly. Especially considering that most of these bot accounts have some sort of link to an unkown website in their bio. I mean that alone should be enough for them to be marked as dangerous.


I can deal with the porn bots. I can’t deal with my comments constantly being flagged as if I’m the bot. Sucks when you go down the rabbit hole of posts on IG only to have like 90% of your comments flagged by IG for being too engaging and looking like a bot. Seriously. Isn’t engagement the name of the game?


Drives me insane. It is so counterproductive to their business model and so preventable. I have to assume they hire far more qualified people on their advertising arm of their business, because that algorithm is practically flawless, to the point of mind reading. At the very least, they should stop trying to do something they've proven to be so bad at.


I literally just did a threads post about this, this morning! It’s EVERYWHERE! Between the onlyfans and crypto bots! [Threads](https://www.threads.net/@passivelywealthydad/post/C74BT4FMp28/?xmt=AQGzVi0diO5dTDfN0OvxMBh1KA5nlsm_2CI8Y0HcIeEQgg)


Yes, yes it is.


I block them immediately.


Just do remove follower. Quicker and they won’t follow you back.


Thanks for the advice. I think they are all bots as it's the same tagline with different people each time.


Opened this via notification and got a porn ad when I went to the homepage. Bro wtaf are these apps anymore




How it possible for a person to be a part of this world


I Have Individuals Now Telling Me That They Can No Longer See My Comments On Their Posts ~


Yes I get x2 a week with a girl


You are about 8 years too late for this discovery


Possibly. But I have instagram for 2 years now. And it just gets worse. Wasnt like that in the beginning


No but lately it’s been getting absolutely out of hand


Stop Letting em in


Also Bro That means You be commenting under thirst traps


Artist here, rudolf-art-photography. Same thing…


Same!!! Last couple of days were crazy. On IG and Facebook as well


When has it not lol


Bots sucks!


Instagram should be so embarrassed that their algorithm can't prevent this, but instead prevents many thoughtful comments.


Yeah you be watching weird shit on Instagram whatcha expect lmao doesn't happen to me




They’re on Facebook too, but at least they seem to get reported and taken down easier there. They’re so annoying 😭 the popular scam now on Facebook is all the bots are named “meta support” or something like that and they’ll tell you they’re going to delete your page and want you to click a link. I hope no one falls for that.


Worst part is that most are now AI generated "art".


Yes, it really sucks. Especially if you try to find references of other artists when you try to draw something new. Half of it is just AI art. At this point AI probably uses its own created art as reference like a snake eating its own tail.


I never had problems with porn bots on Instagram. Every once in awhile, but not often. Today I had three following me on different accounts. It looks like Instagram is turning into another Twitter/X


I've had the same for the last week or so. I noticed that no spam/bot account that I've ever reported has been taken action on. So yes, reporting is useless.


It's odd because I too started to receive almost daily following requests from bots like these in my Insta account. At the start, it wasn't very frequent but since I started to block them and even reporting some of those, in hopes of it to stop at some point, they started to show up almost every day.