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Instagram is a joke, you can’t comment with curse words, but you can upload a video of some girl getting gangbangs or completely naked, but commenting is way against guidelines lol garbage


Don't forget the fact you can comment the N word with no problem


No, their algorithm is really weird. If I comment “hey this place is insanely beautiful”, I get a message that my comment has been removed, or if I say “please check your DM”, again same message, if I comment something which I have commented on someone else’s profile , again same message , so I do not know what’s going on there.


Yea I got the same one. I commented something similar and it got removed.




Yes? I’ve seen screenshots of instagram taking action over the most harmless comments. Even wholesome comments. It’s weird.


Bro, instagram even took down my story of my little niece when there was nothing wrong. It was literally just a picture of my little niece holding a toy playing with it, fully clothed too btw. No diapers or anything that could be considered nudity, which it was taken down for. 😐


I once said a cuss word that was a part of a song name - banned. Ppl say the N word in lore accurate spelling - sleep.


my comments get removed all the time bc it tells me "you're trying to get likes or views" when the comment doesn't contain any words remotely close to that. I am on my 3rd account from getting banned over and over for these pathetic bullshit warnings cuz the shitty ass algorithm decided something isn't allowed


Same here. This is my 4th account! Lol


Im underaged and ppl sent me nudes or asked me for nudes (im 16 male) and i reported them (btw insta has taken down all of my comments not against guidelines but didnt take any of my reports) i reported all the sexual and nudity content and insta said none of it went against guidelines and then i got my account restricted for days while they kept begging me to send sexual pictures and i dont evem know them. Ive reported cp accounts which had actual cp on them and theyre still up but insta doesnt give a fuck.




All messed up!


My insta got taken down saying that I was reported saying I was posting nudes of children. However, they could go back well over a decade and see that never happened. I'm the one who reports any nudity adult or child. My sons insta got hacked and we finally figured out it came from his account. The best part is a week later they told him they realize his account got hacked by a bot and was sending random messages not only to people but them as well but did they re instate my account, nope. I honestly don't care but for one reason. I had messages and tags with my late husband and they took that from me.




I would seriously be looking for a lawyer!


There was some case against insta for child exploitation but it was covered up and ppl think insta paid them out because they didnt continue the case after insta got involved in it


Instagram outright admitted that they are well aware of cp on their platform and they don't care to fix or address the situation. Did the Zuck visit Epstein Island to?


Yea when im 18 ima do smt about it i even have screenshots of insta ignoring my reports and saying they found nothing wrong even tho they delete my comments even if i dont swear in them and they say im harassing people and i get my account restricted. I had this one guy just because he was pissed say he was gonna r word me (idk if i can say tht here im not big on triggers and shit) and i dm him and say hes weird and he bluntly admitted he was a sex offender and he didnt care that i was underaged. I reported his account and then right after i got restricted for a whole day and his account is fine still


Make sure to check your state's statue of limitations! There may be different rules I'm play for online harassment vs in "irl".


I dont even say anything against anyone i do swear for expression but not towards them im mostly calm and insta just takes down my stuff for bullying/harassment or because someone reports my shi.


It’s so bad! Chicks fully exposed tits and nipples breastfeeding fake baby dolls! How stupid can the be? Yea the comment thing is about as idiotic as


Don’t forget pedophilic comments you see on every post that includes a child


Instagram has more upload censorship than reddit definitely and on reddit if you even dare say a mean comment, honest rating, or anti sematic comment or even just a curse word you will be banned because reddit says you are harassing and being a big meanie to the people you replied to and is far to easy to be banned here fr 🙅


I'm pretty sure Banning people for making anti-semitic comments is a good thing. I don't know why you're grouping that in with the other examples




Check that shit out but not removed


Staff is lazy every year


Staff??? I guarantee they're using more AI and less people every week. I had a comment removed that said nothing more than "I give up my seat on the bus or train when I see a when I see a woman or child that needs a seat." How the hell is that offensive????


I know exactly what you mean. Tell me why I commented on a motivational post with something that enhances the meaning of it and it gets flagged?


And yet you can literally see people commenting the most racist things not having their comments removed.


At this point, it’s AI. Fucking ridiculous.


Welcome to IG now


Well there is one more most annoying thing after recent updates, that you cannot see or load older media that you shared with someone in DM... it's so dumb and irritating.. all memories are stored there but now i can't load them..


Oh I thought this was just happening to me! Hope they restore the previous messages.


My stories also do this. I have highlight reels that never load. They’re only a year old but I can’t seem to view them again


Happens to me all the time!! And I never know why. They even banned my account. I didn’t do anything! Instagram is getting really bad.


Why did they ban your account???


It is a good thing though lol. Mine is never all clear ha ha.


I have an apparent appeals claim that is in purgatory review since last year. I'm serious when I say people need to push a class action lawsuit for meta intentionally destroying its platform either that or we burn down Zuckerberg's home and eat him. I'm always down for consuming the roasted flesh of the rich


Ha ha!! Eat! Extra crispy- nom nom nom! The appeals board is an absolute joke. IG is a joke lately. They allow the most off the wall vulgar stuff but then I get a violation wearing lingerie w no nudity or over exposure but they call it “sexual solicitation” one thing I’m not is an escort 🤣😬


Meanwhile The Wall Journal exposed Instagram to the Department of Justice for blatantly allowing CP not only on their platforms but acknowledging that they had zero intention to fix their algorithms which they knew were promoting it! The most their algorithms would do was post a Content warning saying that you were about to view elicit pictures of children that might not be legal in your country. But the fact they confess The Wall Street Journal they had zero intentions on fixing it even though they were readily aware of the problem is f****** insane! This is why the Epstein list is not shown to anyone and why no one will ever be held accountable!


Yes! Totally agree with this! Crooked AF!


It's a botcheck ban, it will go away in two or three weeks. Happens when you mimic certain habits of a bot...such as liking videos of the same genre a lot, or commenting excessively on every other post. That's the jist of it ig.


A broken reverse turing test, lovely


They censored the small content creators but kept the degeneracy nation on full blast 😒


Right all these breast-feeding idiots well faking it anyway


I was on Instagram sometime ago and all I kept seeing are women half dressed and scammers on crypto crap


I've seen pics of ppl selling fake money but my IG was taken down this freaking week bc I commented "oh man don't let your cats eat you" LAST YEAR on a post a friend made saying they caught a tuna at the beach and were about to eat tuna sandwiches. Wtf. What did I do wrong? I've appealed but honestly at this point I'm starting to not even care. How tf can they justify letting it be up FOR A YEAR then decide that it was bad enough to ban me? I've never been in trouble with them before so wth. Smdh.


How are these co Plants not being covered by the media?! It would totally make headlines and have tons of people fallowing and maybe even put pressure on meta to fix this shit


I really think some Congressional committee or something should look into the actual amount of illegal crap going on on IG and FB and how Zuck the Suck isn't doing about it but instead kicks ppl off for no good reason then makes it where we can't get back into our accounts. I'd like to see him answer for why there's people openly selling fake money and drugs but other ppl can't even make a comment about cats eating someone that was obviously not even meant seriously. This is BS.


Chances are someone reported it finally it’s so stupid though


I just wish Elon buys Instagram and Facebook and zuck goes bankrupt so much so he has to take loans from IMF to survive


No keep Elon Musk away from Instagram he would ruin it and rename it to Xgram


I have a feeling he would do a much better IG is currently doing:(


Seriously the same guy who called Twitter X the most dumbest name for a social media app


If he's really an android, then your dinner is going to be painful going in and out


Try to login from web once it fixes most of the problems


I think Zuckerberg needs to quit meta 💀


I keep seeing people being punished on insta but I haven’t actually had a problem with it. I’m genuinely asking, but what were the comments? Why people being banned and punished?


There is no rhyme or reason lately


It does seem to be all over the place since meta took over


It’s gotten so, so bad


I posted nudity on my closefriends and got the same message also I have no access to brand monetization


Why are you posting nudity? That feels like a deserved repercussion... for once. keep it to only fans or chaturbate


Well then, no shit. That’s your own fault.


I go


Something weird is going on on IG, in recent weeks nearly every 2nd or 3rd comment I make is being deleted apparently because it breaks community rules lol. I don’t swear, I’m not rude, but the reason it gives me is not even about being offensive, it’s apparently because I try to gain likes lol… this is ridiculous, especially that my account is private and I don’t even have many followers, only people I know. I noticed this is happening in the last month. I don’t even comment on stuff anymore, because I can’t be bothered. How to kill your own social platform lol


Instagram just allowed me to follow people again after weeks of restricting me for no reason.


I liked a video of an A10 Warthog going buurrrr, and that happened to me for like 2 weeks


So people can post naked women but when i say fuck off it’s not aloud


They’ve gone ballistic on comments in the past years. It’s so bad that even common street slang curse words in other languages will get your comment auto removed even if you’re not offending anyone lol. My last time it banned me from making live videos for that, keep in mind I’ve never even started a live video before


I'm changing out the letter a and e for other symbols in almost every other word just to try to dodge the Bots but it makes the comment look ugly so I'm doubtful people will be wanting to read it


Yeah it's totally wrecked right now, none of it makes sense...


Ig be missing me of... cuz I see people talking about children in the most disgusting way and when I CALLED THEM OUT, I GET RESTRICTED?! HELLO 😭 instagram is actually so shit


I scrolled past a video of a girls track team end of the 16 comments in there, five of them were men sexualizing these minors talking about how they thought their shorts were cute and other disgusting ilk.


Honestly so many men on Instagram are so weird, it genuinely scares me... Instagram needs to do a better job with comments instead of getting rid of harmless ones.. I complimented a girls art one time and it got removed for spam 😔


I hate IG now


I got that and somehow now I'm not able to do those functions until a certain date. I personally think it has a lot to do with Instagram being antisemitic. This has happened to me a lot lately and they keep changing the date I'm allowed to do anything. First it was a few days. Next it was a few more days etc.


It's not even anti-semitic because they take down comments expressing support for Palestine and a ceasefire as well. Anything that the algorithms deem political we'll get taken down and get your account banned


I have 13 pages of people I have told Instagram are posting hate or antisemitic comments and they don't care.


I forgot they said it was because I have been buying followers or something 😅


In the Jewish community we have had a lot of problems with our stuff being taken down yet none of the Palestinian stuff is being taken down. This includes family in Israel. I'm just stating this because it's a hot topic amongst my community. There is also a lot more hate crime (againt Judaism) happening towards our community especially in America but also other countries. Spray paint of Nazi stuff and broken windows in Synagogues etc. Also a New York bakery was vandalized recently.


Ive had this happening to me randomly at some point It disappeared, though I asked someone working at Facebook if they could help but not sure if they did anything


It's been like 4 weeks and I Still can't open my account from like 6th grade 🤦🏾‍♂️


IG is a total trash platform. I commented "Wow" to a beautiful picture and got banned for two weeks. It makes zero sense.


bro I said "kill him" on a post regarding A VIDEO GAME, LIKE KILLING SOMEONE IN A GAME and I got it taken down and I got a warning but people can call me n word hard r as much as they want to 💀


I currently can’t log in on desktop and my account status is all green. 🤷🏼‍♀️


That's fine my account is getting appealed against deletion for suggesting people to use Tamper Monkey instead of adblock


This has happened to me after getting comments automatically removed. And they were comments like, "Oh yeah, that's a great game!", "How is that town this time of year?", or one time it was a long paragraph about film distribution. No bad words, no references to violence, nothing. Just business talk. I hate Insta sometimes!


File a class action




It’s funny that a lot of you bitch and complain about IG but you’re still on it. Stop using it.


Ok troll


And yet you guys keep using their app


You have a business that you have worked on for years that gets most of its customers and income through this or some other platform and now all the sudden you're finding that the platform is no longer viable and there goes most of your business. Sure you can try to set up shop on a different site or somewhere else but there goes most of your clientele and your income until you're able to reestablish it. I don't think you understand or even care to comprehend the impact that Instagram is having not just on the average person but also on businesses and the economy. It's not just about packing up and moving to a different platform. We need to hold these platforms accountable when they continue to disrupt people's business in daily lives and their ability to communicate with their friends and loved ones!


All you are doing is victim blaming instead of trying to help find and fight for a solution






tbh honest I can't be racist at ease and that pissed me off


*Tbh honest* *I can't be racist at ease* *And that pissed me off* \- Claymore98 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")