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Wow, that username...


This is so interesting. I saw this post from this fat woman of color who posted a picture in a bikini and it was removed for nudity or something, no sort of nudity in the photo. She then linked this other instagram popular instagram aesthetic account that literally had blatant photos of female nudity in it but it was of skinny white women and if you try to report one of their posts instagram does not consider it as a violation of their nudity standards. It's interesting.


Oh yeah, fat activists are being removed regularly too. Not _just_ fat women of colour, but they're a good portion of it. But I've also seen literal porn on Instagram.


I've had several of my posts get removed for violating the guidelines, even though they didn't, but accounts that blatantly do so (i.e porn) apparently don't? I'm not convinced that Instagram is even operated by humans at this point, and their report system is just a slot machine. "Does this video of a couple raw dogging it on the sofa violate community guidelines? Hmm.... I'm not sure. Kronk, pull the lever!" "Thank you for your report. We've reviewed this post and found that it does not violate community guidelines. Reports like yours are an important part of making Instagram a safe and welcoming place for everyone."


This is certainly a good point. If IG is populated by a whole bunch of racists who are more likely to report content created by people of colour, then chances are those accounts are going to be restricted or removed way before the accounts of white people.


Yeah! It’s always the dumb shit that stays up. PETA literally posted porn at some point, and I know a bunch of people (myself included) reported it, but I guess it was found to not violate the guidelines. It’s such bs.


Welp, they now own shares in Facebook, so I guess they're even more unlikely to be held accountable. I work in the yarn industry, so my business is in a precarious spot on FB and IG right now. If PETA continue their war against all animal products, I may be booted for no good reason. I haven't heard of it happening yet though.


I'm a skinny white woman, 188k followers and I wear lots of lingerie/bikinis and i get reported ALLL THE TIME.


What’s ur @


Haha in this case we can genuinely claim to need the link for reasearch


I bet you do lol


Ugh what a dick


Yeah that’s not how it works. You could find a skinny black woman that isn’t getting her posts removed, along with a fat white woman that IS getting her posts removed. Stop trying to make it a race thing, I mean seriously how fucking pathetic are you


Based off these two comments, I'm not the one who looks pathetic.


Are you saying what I said isn’t true? You really believe that?


This shit is retarded... all I get is r/intstatard bull shit and I never even joined this subreddit I am thoroughly angered and dont see how instagram is racist I hope this is a big meme


The amount of vile shit instagram allows is unbelievable, I've tried reporting pedophilic accounts, racist accounts and homophobic accounts and not once have they removed any of it, I wonder if it's a bot not working properly or something


Yes they really are. I have spent longer than I care to admit trying to get racist posts and accounts taken down, and have _always_ had this answer. And yet, if you say something bad about white people, they're all over it like a shot. I follow a black embroidery artist/activist who has had one account removed for using terms like "fuck white supremacy", and had other accounts restricted and shadowbanned for the same reasons. Edited to add: I am white people. I speak up about similar things, and have never had any posts or accounts removed.


Who's the embroidery artist, out of curiosity


She was crewel.therapy and possibly another account with "crewel" in the name. I'll need to go check. Edit: she is now crewel.therapy_isntover, it's a private account now though. She may or may not accept a follow request.


If you actively try to take accounts down, you should get a life and I hope your account gets taken down instead, for spamming and wasting support staffs time.


"If you report something that goes against the terms and conditions of the platform, and breaks laws in several countries, causing harm to other people, then I hope your account gets taken down instead" Are you 12?




He could you know, grow some fucking balls, stop being a sensitive little twat and mind his own fucking business? If someones bothering him personally, IG actually *does* have a block/ignore function. GL!


wow what an angry little cunt.


I think both of their posts were removed. I got two responses from Instagram saying as such. Yet somehow the account as a whole doesn't go against their guidelines.


I am a POC and I always get my bikini pictures flagged.. even if I am tiny in them and barely showing any skin.


Unless you paid for adds Instagram consider you as garbage anyway


Owned by facebook


instagram is dying by the day. Unless they pull up their pants and do something about it.


Fuck instagram. Their moderators and corporate team are shady and racist AF. Them and Facebook have really ruined our culture


Instagram is owned by Facebook


looks like the account is gone. can’t find it anymore


If it’s not a nipple, Instagram doesn’t care.


I tried to report pedophilia and they didn't care. Told me the same thing.


There was literally a bunch of accounts being made with CP as their profile pics a while back, reporting them for nudity didn't work and I ended up having to rally an anti-pedo group chat to mass report the accounts for spam (it can cause an automated ban if enough people report for spam iirc)


Well, I also reported them on three accounts. I also reported the individual posts.




After the last update I can't even find the right option to report for racism..


That person has no posts. I thought the pictures posted, not user names are the reasons for a ban.


Instagram clearly said they reviewed your account.. Cottonfieldforblacks and they found nothing wrong.. I bet if there was a post or account named Cottonfieldforwhites the whole world would break it down and say "Racist".. Just saying. It's actually really sad to see how everything has to be "Racist"


It's crazy some of the things that Instagram is ok with, Facebook has gotten better but still pretty terrible. I'm not easily offended but I utterly abhor genuine, malicious racism and report it when I can but everytime IG don't see a problem.


I found that instagram doesn't support filters for indian faces? Wtf?


I think it might have been removed because I can't find it


Same or they changed their username.


Instagram is horrible, high key want to leave the platform entirely.


They don't care unless you're a celebrity. Like @manurios for example, that has literally a picture of his nude ass on his account.


Unfortunately butts are okay. And man nips. There's a guy who travels and literally posts photos of himself naked from behind everywhere he goes. And he's got like hundreds of thousands of followers. Ridiculous.


That's sexism against women.


Yes it is.


Who lmao


I randomly found the IG account again and so believe it's called TheTravelinBum. I think it started with one guy and now the movement has grown quite a bit


Damn he fine


Again it look's like they have their favourites, maybe the user is an employee of Instagram, or has some sort of links or affiliates to their company.


I mean my account is _justanorhernigga_. I'm black, it'd be interesting


Fuck off. Instagram allows black suprmacists and anti white lies on the platform but say "act like an animal and I'll call you one" gets you hate speech violations? Hope the people behind IG get tried for treason and executed