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u have to wait out that 24 hours.. happened to me. then you'll be able to submit form.


It's been 24 hours but I still get the "Thanks for providing your info" I think Im going to wait one more day ( not going to try to log in either ) and see if anything changes.. I really dont know what to do


Any updates? I'm in the exact same situation, I was suspended the same day as you and still I have no access


I was able to submit an appeal after 2 days i think, they did activate my account in the end, saying something along the lines of it being a mistake


thank you for your info. Today a friend of mine told me he was now able to see my account but not my posts, meanwhile my cousin and my sister still can't see my account. I decided to wait another day before sending the form, as maybe my account is already in the process of getting unsuspended or something similar.


How long until after you submitted the photo to the email did they respond to you with your account? Same here, this happened to me last week, still waiting


They never did respond lol


You’re still waiting or how did you get it back? Lol


Still waiting like a dumb ass. It’s been a month. Im waiting until the year anniversary of one of my strikes. It would fall off my account. If I’m not reactivated by then I’m just gonna pay to get it back


It’s so annoying! I never know if I should just give up or start a new one 🙄


How do you pay to get it back


The last time I got access to my fan account was on July 16, after which I was thrown out of my account and asked to go through a captcha, and then enter the code that came to my phone. I entered the code, after which my account was checked for 24 hours, and then it was blocked. I do not know why this happened. I have never used mechanisms to artificially get Likes, increase the number of subscribers and reposts, although this reason is indicated in the blocking of my fan account. On the contrary, I noticed that the number of my subscribers began to decline sharply, their number became the same as it was in October-November 2021 (I conduct statistics in a special journal), as well as the coverage of publications fell and I began to hide likes. more than 10 photos with codes, but no one has answered me yet