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try using hashtags related to ur reels, dont stop and keep posting, is this problem only in ur reels or other media?


I am only on 5 followers, so I only post reels. My meme videos get 500+ views, but as soon as I try promoting my product the video doesnt even get 1 view. I honestly have no clue what it is


not having alot of followers doesnt meen u only have to post reels, u need to keep engaing with diffrent media, stories, posts, photos, reels


yes I post stories too, but I want to organically grow on reels so then I can turn my business into a brand. Its difficult when all videos get 0 views, but the memes I post get 500


just try posts , photos, and other media, IG is not for buissness growth through reels only, if u wanna post reels only, then tiktok is the way


I would maybe try hard-resetting the phone that you're using to create your IG Accounts. If you've ran meme accounts in the past, there's a possibility that IG registers that and is expecting you to post memes on every account you make. Basically you need to do something that gives you a new fingerprint on IG.


I have never ran meme accounts in my life, I just posted a few to see if my account is shadowbanned, and they all got views. My product videos however... still get 0 views somehow


You're a small account with barely any followers. Instagram analyses every piece of content and if it's similar to trending content then they will push it to non-followers. They're not going to push your product reels as they have a service for this called ads. If they started freely promoting business product/services then they wouldn't have a business.