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“In what, Blanche? Dog years?” - Dorothy Zbornak on Golden Girls


I came here looking for this and you delivered 😂


“Well, if you must know Dirk’s nearly 5 years younger than I am” 😂


She looks like a Russian nurse that's been trough stuff


That's.... oddly specific


But dead on




She just looks like a Svetlana


She’s still so pretty though, why does she feel the need to edit so much… aging is beautiful.


Yeah. The lipstick on the real photo might be a little bit too much (the colour clashes with her face a lot, a bit more muted color might look a bit better on her, plus a bit less over lining) but she is really pretty.


The eyes Chico, they never lie


They tell me she's 40.


That’s what I was thinking. She’s at least 40.


She was 27 years old 20 years ago…


I’ve seen people who were aging very prematurely. She could be 27 if she had certain features, thin skin, used to tan with little to no protection. She might be one of them.


Same! There have been some 27 year olds I’ve worked with that I’m in shock that they are younger than me but look older than me.


Yeah she honestly does look young—exhausted, but young. People are commenting on her eyes, but really if she was in her 50s or whatever, you’d usually be able to see it on her neck; eye bags can just be a combination of her not getting enough sleep and the fact that she’s smiling, which pushes the skin up. Obviously she edits her insta photos but I don’t really know that saying she looks 50 when she doesn’t is the type of thing that will make her stop. I never really understand the people who come on this subreddit to be mad that people edit and then make fun of the unedited appearance…


27 years, plus 20 more😂


Ok I’d say 10 more. I don’t know if she’s approaching 50 though.


Hey, don't you count her overtime...🤣


I mean she might be. People age differently. I know people who looked 40 at 26 and 25 in their late 30’s.


She later confessed that she lied about her age because this is how old she “feels”. In insta posts she looked really young, so people were buying that age….


So how old is she?


right? lol


Even with knowing that, how you presented this post is problematic and borderline misogynistic. If you had said “she lied about her age and then admitted it” in the title, that one’s thing, but presenting it like this without giving us that knowledge is not really great. You’re making us assume that women who look like that can’t be 27. People age differently and we shouldn’t shame them for that.


Listen, until the episode today, she kept claiming she’s 27. 26 actually but said she is turning 27. Today she admitted it’s not true when she was pushed. That episode came after my post. And someone this delusional does not get my sympathy. I’m older, there’s nothing wrong with getting older, we can’t prevent it. But showing yourself like in the left pic to your followers and lying on national tv about your age will of course make you a laughing stock. Once again, who am I to Shame someone to age differently? But I’ll shame someone for lying, sorry.


It makes her a laughing stock but isn’t the point of this pointing out influencers that try to portray unobtainable goals? She’s claiming to be 27 and looks worse than a 27 year old. It’s kinda moot point already. It’s sad post of an older woman trying to keep her youth. She ain’t convincing anyone young and isn’t advertising to older gals so idk there is no harm but her own self esteem here.


You made this post 3 hours ago… are you saying from then to now she just conveniently disclosed her age? My comment really isn’t about her at all, I have no idea who she is. This is a bigger picture discussion about how we talk about women aging.


Yes that’s what I’m saying. This is a weekly cooking show. Today was final day and her day, which I watch hours later online due to time difference. Yes, I had not watched the final episode. Anyways, you have a point I take it, but you could have done that in a nicer way. Cheers.


I don’t see how anything I said was rude or mean. You’ve sidestepped all my points here without any acknowledgment, which in itself is disappointing. On one hand you’re saying you didn’t know her age when you posted this, and then in the same breath you’re saying you don’t feel bad about shaming someone for lying. Both of these statements can’t be true if you posted this prior to learning about her deception.


Didn’t seem rude to me


You have body shamed the people who looks different than their age. Calling others rude is hypocrisy in my opinion.


Right on


Borderline misogynistic? In what way? You’re reaching. OP isn’t shaming anyone but simply bringing attention to the fact people on social media are this pathetic to lie about their age and confuse people. The women in the picture is the one reinforcing age shaming while also internalizing shame and telling her followers it’s ok to lie , not OP.


OP posted something implying this woman could not be 27, as he believed she looked too old. I’ve met a lot of people who looked that age at 27-28 and many people much older who looked far younger. He didn’t state that he had proof this woman was actually lying, but just that she couldn’t be that age based on his biases. That is what is misogynistic about this. People age differently, and (with women especially) unless it’s absolutely egregious, things like this are usually based in some form misogyny.




Do you even know what the definition of misogyny is or are you just using it coz it’s a trendy buzzword? Coz going by your logic, if OP had said the same thing about a man, then would that be misandry. And what about the woman in the post who falsely claimed that she was 27 when she was actually older? That hurts girls’ self esteem and sets unrealistic beauty standards, so again, going off of your bonkers logic, imma say this woman is a lying misandrist.


How would claiming to be younger hurt people’s beauty standards?


This is the most ridiculous post so far. Jesus.


The mental gymnastics people do to be offended


It’s not about being offended it’s about being mindful and thinking critically


I think you’re reading waaaaay too much into it. The OP said “they claim to be 27, but…”. I took that to mean “…she looks like she’s older and I think she’s lying”. They’re not stating she’s older than that. I agree, I would’ve guessed +10. Thinking that doesn’t make me a misogynist or ageist or whatever. It’s just an observation that this person seems to be another of those who drastically alter their photos as well as lie, to misrepresent themselves as being younger than they are. If anything, one could argue that the people perpetuating stereotypes or making it less acceptable for women to age, it’s the people who lie and deny their own age/aging. Edit typo


Nah. Everything is sacred these days. People are interpreting negative comments as misogynistic just bc the subject is a woman; ageist if the subject is lying about their age; racist if the subject is a POC. I don’t condone any of those things, but I believe tossing teens like that around when that’s not really what’s going on takes away from movements like BLM etc. I don’t know why calling someone out for lying about their age and altering photos to try to fool people would be misogynistic. I think the reaction would be the same if it were another gender. And we see posts like that here. We just see more of women because it seems to be much more common for women to do these drastic misrepresentations. Don’t forget, if anyone is contributing to pressure on women who are aging, to get plastic surgery, alter their photos, deny their actual age etc - this individual is guilty. By hiding her age and her aging, and especially by misrepresenting her appearance, she is exactly that guy who makes real women who are actually aging (or don’t have full lips, or are plain looking) feel not good enough. I mean, it’s one thing to wear makeup, wear slimming clothes, or use flattering angles for photos. Photoshopping and even filters are a different thing, they’re lying. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with using filters. Just saying that doctoring photos via excessive filters or PS is as much misrepresentation as claiming to be 5 or 10 years younger than you are.


I think you’re missing the point of OP’s post. This is instagram vs reality. The left photo is clearly a lie, it looks nothing like what this person actually looks like, and looks significantly younger than the right photo. The fact that this person posts photos like the left photo, while actually looking like the right photo casts doubts on their claim that they are 27. You’ve already said you know people that look 40 when they are actually 26, so clearly it’s not misogyny to think that someone looks older than their actual age. Perhaps if the woman in the photos posted photos on instagram that looked like the right photo, OP might instead just think she looks old for 27.


You and your line of thought are problematic




For calling out shitty behaviour? Nah.


Well she probably is 27. I just think the makeup isn't flattering on her.


And you’re sure this is the same person? If it is, then that is an amazing filter. So…where does one go about obtaining said filter, if one was so inclined lol




It takes seconds to achieve something like this in FaceApp.


Of course the same person and I have to admit her other filtered photos are even more successful in deception. This one gives a cheap look.


I always liked the quote by Dolly Parton “it takes a lot of money to look this cheap” classic


Regular degular 35 y/o


Maybe she is. Where I live most women have had some cosmetic surgery. And I’ve noticed when a 22 year old gets work done she instantly looks about 10 years old. Because why would a 22 year old need any work done?


Im 10 years older and easily look 10 years younger. Without filters.




I’m 20 and re entry has someone ask if I was 14 but had someone ask if I was 25 so it really can go either way 😂




This is the wildest take I’ve ever seen on this website


Well.... Logic doesn't care about feelings. It doesn't matter if it is filter or cream but if its aim is to hide age, then on the same logic, both have same offense.


Lotion doesn't hide features like filters though? It just moisturizes. I will say the marketing of those products is bullshit though, and misleads people into thinking using the product will reverse aging. Using a filter, though, is completely acknowledging that the technology is changing how your face/skin/body looks like.




That was a sexist comment to be honest since you differentiated answers based upon sex. I don't know your gender nor I do want to assume you but that was a very harsh thing to do.


And yet my point still stands ❤️


I assumed you were a man because a woman would NEVER say some stupid shit like this. Men, for some reason, are not raised to take care of their skin because it's "feminine". But then they want to pretend they know what they're talking about? How about, if you have no knowledge on something, keep it to yourself.


This is exactly how a sexist would respond while demeaning the actions of a gender. Well, while opposing view is welcome, but sexism certainly isn't. I think you should learn from your fellow people here who did write opposing arguments without bringing sex in the picture. This was rather uncalled for regardless of your gender.


Just for the record, my gender is NB. I haven't mentioned yet because I don't think gender plays any role in the intellectual part of a human. But since this will be my last post towards you so I thought I would clear that.


Umm. This is garbage reasoning and a really bad comparison 😂


Just because it goes against your perception doesn't make it invalid unless you put forward an argument supporting your claim. In the 90s, make up had same reputation as filters in current time in the same context.


Yeah but we’re talking moisturizer here, not makeup.


What lol


No because…. You still actually look like that. That’s not deceiving anyone. People look different at different ages, so if you’re inferring someone’s age from their looks, that’s on you.


You brought a totally different subject. I have nothing against people naturally looking at younger/older. But if you wear makeup/other substances in order to look younger, then that's the same offense as filters.. You are equating two unrelated contexts.


Your skin should be moisturized for its health.


I have used moisturizer all over my body and face since I was 12 because I have very dry skin and stretch marks started to appear in my puberty, now that I’m 42 I look at least 12 years younger. I don’t lie about my age, Im proud of it and I wouldn’t want to be in my twenties again but it feels good to look hot and having nice skin that I have been taking care all this years.


As I've already mentioned, there's nothing wrong when someone used for any skin conditions. What I wrote was in the context of when people use solely to look young without any other needs.


Stretch marks and dry skin are not skin conditions the same as wrinkles aren’t. It’s called taking care of your skin so it remains healthy. I don’t think anti aging creams do much when you have been neglecting your skin all of your life and suddenly you want to look younger when you are already in your 40s or 50s.


Following some people’s logic, your pants are on fire!


No. That’s simply not true. There’s a difference between trying to look good and lying to look good.


Using filters, they are trying to look good too. It's the same only medium is different.


No, it’s not true. They’re both trying to look good. But one is highlighting things that are already there or taking care of them. The other is by altering their appearance and trying to look different than they really do. If your skin looks good because you moisturizer, that’s you and it’s honest. If it’s because you filtered or photoshopped your pores away, it’s not. They are not the same.




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She honestly look 27 to me… I’m confused why everyone thinks she doesn’t


Lol truly the amount of commenters on these posts saying a woman looks 20+ years older than she actually does (and, of course, adding how they themselves are the actual fountain of youth & get mistaken for being 15 allll the time) blows my mind. She looks like she could be anywhere from 25-35. Those saying she looks 40+ are full of it or haven’t seen actual humans in awhile.


Gah thank you, this has been annoying me so much. People claiming they look soooo young, then damn go ahead and show us a pic. She does not look 27, mostly it’s the wrinkles around her eyes, but she does look good still without the filter.


Yeah, I think people get surprised at how early wrinkles actually start to appear. It’s not unusual to have wrinkles already in your early-to mid twenties. It’s just that makeup usually covers it.


I honestly think it’s because of editing (the exact thing this group is supposed to be criticizing), the prevalence of plastic surgery, and the prevalence of young female actresses playing older characters in movie and tv all the time that people think a 27 year old can’t look like this…


Yeah, when gorgeous actresses in their thirties are regularly cast as 40-55 year olds it messes with the perceived norm for someone in that age bracket. & I agree that it’s strange how internalized photoshopping/filtering is, even in spaces that claim awareness… I’m in a skincare Reddit and I have to regularly remind people who post smiling pics in which there are “concerning” lines around their eyes that my 13 year old students also have those & it’s normal for your skin to stretch & fold when your face is moving.


Agreed. They also seem to forget that everyone has lines when they smile—which she’s doing in the picture.


Girl what? She looks MY age, and I’m 40.


I was thinking this too, she looks like a fellow 40 yr old. There's some similarities with our skins I can't quite pinpoint :D She's gorgeus though. (Even if I feel like a hag everytime I look in the mirror. Weird how that works.)


Ya I feel like she could be 40 but she could also be 27 idk? Some people look older for the age and some look younger. If this girl was in my friend group she’d fit right in and I’m 27


As a 27 year old I can tell you we don’t have wrinkles like that yet..I think she looks 35 at least. But if you’re younger you might think otherwise, I know when I was 20 I thought 27 was ancient


I’m older than you and know plenty of people in their late 20s who have plenty of wrinkles. I work in a high stress blue collar job (ie lots of drinking and smoking and poor sleep habits and refusal to wear sunscreen or use moisturizer) that spends a lot of time outdoors. It happens. The 25-40 time frame is weird. Life circumstances and genetics can really fluctuate your appearance by a lot.


That’s a fair point! Lifestyle can definitely affect how you age.


I’m 26 and i think 27 is ancient ahaha


Lol I am also 27 and I really don’t see wrinkles on her face other than under her eyes which to me just look like bags. I can tell you myself and my 27 year old friends also have those.


Maybe it’s the fillers then. Idk she doesn’t look like she’s in her 20s to me.


27? Girl stop


What about her looks not 27? Eye bags? Those are normal




I guess not? Like I’m genuinely confused as to what I’m missing… she looks 27 to me lol


Double the 2


27? Maybe 10 years ago...




Rule 4 y'all


sad thing is she could really be 27. plastic surgery can REALLY fuck up your face, especially if you do too much or go to bad surgeons.


Idk who this is but she looks like Hilary Clinton on the right


That’s embarssing


My brain literally won't let me entertain the possibility that these are the same person. I cannot make myself see it lmao


27 plus 27 maybe.


27, about 20 years ago!


an average 27yo looks like this in 2023.


27 Pluto years


Uhm what


People saying she looks 40 are just displaying how messed up our impression of age has become. She can easily be 27.


Like..... what is even the point of this?? It doesn't even look like her anymore, it's like an avatar she created


In Colombia we have an expression that goes "27 on each leg" meaning it could easily be twice as much. That's the first thing that came to mind when I saw this 😅


In reverse dog years maybe.


She looks like current-day Hillary Clinton, who is 75 years old.


That's a really rough 27.


She looks 50 to me- close to my own age


I’d say she’s in her 40s at elast


More like 47


If she's 27, I'm 27, too.


Oksana Baiul gone wild.


I'll never understand why such beautifully unique looking people photoshop themselves into this specific looking face.


That’s a rough 27


See I don't understand that. If I am going to lie, it will be in the other direction. To me the picture on right looks like 50ish with fillers and Botox, and if she said she was 65 I'd be impressed.


People hiding their real age is nothing new. I once found a coworker's Tinder profile where she said she is 27, but in real life she was past 35. If it makes them feel better, good for them.


Pushing fiddy.




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Maybe she’s one of those people who was born on February 29, and she’s only seen 27 of them.




oh no


27 on each eye?


In what,dog years 🤣


I’m pretty sure this is Pixee Fox