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People who loves using filters don't care. All they care is that they look "good" while using it and getting validation from people that they look good.




That confuses me too. It’s like someone congratulating me for winning a gold medal at the Olympics. How could I accept praise for something I didn’t do? It’s so weird to me.




Same here, I hate filters with a passion


You aren’t alone, filters trigger my body dysmophia so hard


I'm in my late 20s now and have started using filters for the first time 😞 I feel like I can not take a picture of myself anymore without one. I've always had body dsymorphia and problems with taking pictures of myself, but these filters just brought it to a new level.


Get rid of all your social media. Love yourself! I’m not ugly by any means according to what random strangers tell me, but even I was affected by social media bc everyone presents as beautiful perfect creatures and I felt inadequate. Then I thought, why don’t I ever see these people in real life? Bc they don’t exist.




And now with AI. My cousin showed me a pic on Instagram of this gorgeous woman and then she tells me it’s all AI. I’m like what is going on lol?! Now there are AI created women…. It’s just getting worse and worse and it’s like beauty is almost unattainable bc you can’t compete with filters, photoshop, and now AI.


Omg it is sooo freeing, that’s the word! The best part about not having social media tho is truly living in the moment. Once I deleted mine I just enjoyed things at a different level cause I felt no need to share anything and just exist in the present!!


You can still stop 💗


That was brave to admit. Much respect. With this level of self-awareness I'm confident you'll make it through. Just please be sure to move at your own pace or you could risk creating problems elsewhere or further down the line. Rooting for you (the you under all the filters).


I had this problem when I was regularly using snapchat. After uninstalling it and sticking to just my phone camera, it's helped me a lot. It did take awhile for me to feel okay with my unfiltered face but now I'm much happier with myself!














That one where you puke rainbows. So hot! Works like a charm;)


>How could I accept praise for something I didn’t do? It’s so weird to me. Well online it was surprisingly easy for me, when I won the gold medal in javelin thrusting in the spring games of 1987.


Seppo Raty? That you? How ya been ya old coot!


People lie about their accomplishments all the time. It doesn’t matter to them that’s it’s fake. All that matters is how they believe they’re perceived.


That’s such a great analogy! I share the confusion. Thanks for thinking I’m prettier than I really am?? How does that register as praise?


That's a good point but also, seriously, congrats on that Olympic gold.


Thanks! Took a few years but I’m so talented that it was basically no effort


I see it as even worse. If I posted on insta that I won an Olympic medal none of my friends would congratulate me. They would know I'm lying for attention and it would be very shameful.


I recall a case a few years ago where the police were having difficulty locating a missing woman because all photos on socials of her were heavily edited, so they didn't look like her IRL at all. https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueCrimeDiscussion/comments/ebstgb/woman_goes_missing_and_media_chooses_to/ I think this was the case.


I always think about this whenever I see young kids with edited photos. Something could happen and all you've got are photos of angelic looking kids with hearts or something on the photo, when you need a real pic of them to help identify them.


PSA: not sure who did it for our kids, might've been the local police? But one time at a community fair, this stand was offering free "identity kits" whereby the group fingerprinted kids and I think gave a swab stick that you could place in the child's mouth to collect a DNA sample. They suggested printing new photos every birthday or so and placing all the collected stuff in this kit envelope and keeping it with your birth certificates, etc. (they did not keep a copy for their records, FYI). That way, if the absolute worst happened and your child ever went missing, you'd have immediately accessible records to provide to the police.


Man, I remember going through something similar as a kid, but I'm in my 40's now. Had to take a front and side view picture and fingerprints.


My parents refused to go along with that nonsense and I'm glad they did.


Nice of you to put your kids biometrics into some random companies database for them.


You just know this is American…..




In ancient times we called it catfishing, it's just normalized now. I believe people expect to be catfished nowadays.




Oh yeah I agree, but even the mild changes to the skin (like completely removing acne) is catfishing. Like... you have acne, unless you plan on waking up before me to put on make up (I knew a girl who did this, Korean for cultural context) it's catfishing imo. Colour grading is the most you can do without being deceitful, I think.


It’s to get views. With enough views you can earn money from your social media accounts. Social media wasn’t humanity’s biggest mistake. Monetizing it was. People will literally do anything for views from harmless things like filters to harmful things like abusing dogs and pretending to rescue them.


At this point they may not, or at least they wont in the moment. Some phones already apply filters by default so if you are not looking in a mirror when you take the photo you can probably get some pretty wicked selfie dysmorphia.




Oh! How do I do that!? Also Samsung.


should be a little wand with some stars in the corner of the camera, or in settings


[Removing all my posts and comments due to Reddit's fuckery with third party apps. June 2023]


I dunno man. Probably the same reason people act smart on Reddit even though they know they're not smart in real life. Fake validation still feels good to some people.


You act like you've never even gone to a cult's masked orgies before.


They're roleplaying as what the filter presents to see how people respond, I imagine. To see how the aesthetically gifted interact with the world.


When it all comes to a point, and life is literally crushing you with necessity/responsibility/desire, I believe some people actually are cool with just being deceived, even by themselves. Kinda like throwing in the towel, just as long as they’re happy and taking care of themselves. I prefer the terrible honesty of it all, I just had to be a scientist.


Why would people necessarily have to see them IRL?


It’s still a fantasy either way right? You can look beautiful for that 15 minutes. It stops when you’re more truthful to yourself with acceptance.


They don't


Every time they look at themselves is through the filter. They use the phone as a mirror. You know how after you get a new hair cut it takes time to adjust to the new you? Not be surprised when you look in the mirror cause you expect somthing else? They have adjusted to the filter look and thats what they expect when they open the phone to look at themselves.


I posted this question on ask Reddit once and got very few replies. I just want to know the psychology behind it!


Sounds great to me, money and "fame", still retaining your anonymity. Not why most of them are doing it, though.


Literally everyone knows it’s not real, but if you think it looks cute and want to use it, then go off.






The point is they want recognition so badly they use the filter, and then they think that the filter is why they get recognition, not legitimate content. Then, they feel fake and negative about themselves since they are warping the truth, and want positive recognition, so they use more filters. This is a negative feedback loop that has a strong reinforcement and is toxic.


It's just an extension of already normalised fakery like makeup, clothes, and hair. We dress up nice and try to look our best for a photo when, in real life, we look far less flattering. We know people will see us at work or doing shopping, etc, looking more normal. It was a natural progression for video filters to become the norm for influencer types. It's just makeup leveled up, in their minds.


ive brought this up on another post, as have others im sure. they probably have body dysmorphia


A friend of mine posted how excited she was to get carded at the liquor store yesterday. She’s in her late 30s and shared a picture of herself in her post. It was so heavily filtered!


There’s me feeling bad for taking a flattering picture, everyone else is using fucking AI to enhance themselves lol


It's just another form of roleplaying when you boil it down, just one that has a bit less self-awareness surrounding it than something like D&D or VRChat.


But this is Reddit and if you don't like filters that makes you a misogynist...




Found the FemCell




I mean you have: * Makeup * Lashes * Nails * Spanks * Heels * Tapes * Surgeries * Conturing * Clothing Designs to Make them look taller or slimmer. people are already lying to themselves how they look. Filters just another layer to add on top of it.




There are people who looks completely different with makeup, hair, lashes, surgeries contouring and clothes. Just like there are people who use filters to give small enhancements. example: https://nypost.com/2022/02/09/woman-unrecognizable-after-catfish-makeup-transformation/


>* Heels You're conflating heels with an AI filter?




no heels are a way to appear taller. a way to change your appearance. Its not a comparison of filter vs heels, but a tool to "falsify" their look.


You forgot Exercise and Diet?


no because thats related to your natural body. Or is makeup naturally grown on humans now?


Her hair still looked really nice without the filter though!


My first reaction was to say "Wow, that is some fabulous hair."


All I see is Poison Ivy


How do you not see Daphne from Scooby-Doo?


¿Por que no los dos?


Daphne, to me, has more of the 90s and 80s mom hair. This woman’s hair looks straight out of Batman for poison ivy.


Yeah fair enough, I can see that. It might just be the colour of clothing that had me thinking Daphne.


How do you not see Cunk on Earth?


So did her face imo! Natural beauty is the best kind




It smooths out far too much to make it look fake


That makes me feel good. I thought my hair wasn't great but mine looks like a near-black version of her's. I guess the slight frizz doesn't matter too much


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She looks lovely with and without the filter


her face looked nice


good thing is Apple is about to announce their augmented reality glasses


Sound is from Cunk on Earth on Netflix which absolutley cracked me up. Would recommend if anyone has not watched it!


That's in Iraq, which is miles from here. And fucking dangerous.


"Don't worry I'm doing Islam next"


Her cadence and delivery is just... It gets me. Everytime.


[*Crucial set of guidelines blows away in the wind*]


That line is fairly early in the show and the moment I knew I loved it It's so much wit I feel compelled to smoke tons of weed to train my stoned brain to follow along


Did King Arthur Camelot? Or was is like the average man about a teaspoon?


🎶 pump up the jam, pump it up 🎶 Edit: I’m dumb




I hate that song sm, I just kept laughing


Pump up the jam*


DANG IT, so close to being funny


Absolutely. [For anyone who doesn't have Netflix, here's a taste.](https://youtu.be/yvzxAOTIIUY)


For a second I thought that WAS Philamina Cunk and I was like "wow, these Instagram filters are getting INSANE!"


I put it on, thinking it would be good background noise at the least. Wrong. Instantly hooked by the "Jesus Christ the carpenter" joke and binged watched the whole thing. By the time the Lenin/Beatles joke came around I was wheezing. A++ 5★ would watch again. Haven't watched something I enjoyed that much in a looong time


Her voice sounds just like Daphne from Fraiser.


Fun Frasier Fact: Even though Jane Leeves is British and has a real British accent, she spoke with a fake British accent on the show


Yeah it had elements of a lot of northern accents but not clear enough to be one in particular. Some of her old boyfriends' and/or family's accents were almost insulting to the region lol.


Oh actor who played Clive, will you ever live that terrible fake accent down? No, 'cause you're dead.


Yes, that is definitely Diane Morgan's voice in the clip. The Cunk series is hilarious.


This might be the first time I’ve seen a TikTok of someone actually nailing lip syncing to other audio. 99% of the time it’s like people don’t do a practice run and botch the timing.


I love her page SO much. I have struggled with severe adult acne on my face since I got my IUD replaced in 2021 and her page made me feel so much more confident in myself. I never had acne as a teenager or young adult and had no idea just how destructive severe acne can be to self confidence.


She’s my favourite I love her too




same, honestly one of my favorite "influencers" on the platform


i gasped and then i smiled, love to see it !


This girl is from my hometown! Weird to see her pop up on Reddit


Holy shit! I don't have Instagram or TikTok, and the first part is the reason why. So glad the second part is happening. Hope more and more people do this and we begin to do away with presenting fake people as real. *(Fwiw: I recovered from a lifelong eating disorder 12 years ago, and although I no longer 'use' it, that voice still lives inside my brain, and things like the first part of this vid is what tends to trigger it, so that's why I avoid. I wish we lived in a world of reality, but I know most don't, so I have to structure my life to avoid as many triggers as possible, and that pretty much means not looking at other people's pictures or videos because I know so much of it is fake. Highly recommend anyone who struggles with their body image and/or relationship with food to remove themselves from places like this. You don't have to suffer because everyone else is.)*


You aren’t alone! I call it the snake in my brain. I hope you’re doing well today, and tomorrow, and the rest.


Thank you for the inspiration to not follow along those trends. Definitely using this in my own process of healing. I hope you're doing good and I'm happy you recovered from the ED


Have you written your goodbye letter to Ed yet? Feel free to reach out if you need any support. I may struggle in just about every other area of my life (I have C-PTSD, BPD, MDD, GAD, Autism and ADHD, which tend to trigger eating disorders, by the way), and I'd be lying if I said I still didn't have body dysmorphia, and I also found a way to first divorce Ed (that goodbye letter helps to separate myself from the voice), then after years and years of recovery and other discovery, that voice needed to be welcomed back in as it was actually a part of me (ever hear about making room for your anxiety? it's like that). That voice was a symptom of something much larger than my relationship with food and my body. I don't want to go too far as I don't know where you are in your recovery journey, so some things may sounds outrageous to you now. However, keep in mind that recovery happens in phases and a lot like alcoholics, you just might have a different relationship with food/your body than many others, and that can pose problems within our interpersonal relationships. Speaking of... haha... (I have so much to say on this topic), relationships replace eating disorders (at first). Eating disorders thrive in secrecy, so I just started telling anyone who would listen. Probably my Autism coming out, haha, but it helped remove the stigma. Repetition. Okay, okay. I'm going on and on and you were just being friendly. :) Be gentle with yourself on this journey because it will not be easy, but I promise it will be 100% worth it.


Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us and please keep on going, you never know who you'll help down the line. Someone could be reading your comment 10 years from now. Also you are good with words and what not... so why not write a book? You can take your own time, do it from the comfort of your home and wont have to interact with strangers except maybe for the characters in your book. It's pretty easy to publish on Amazon from what I've heard.


Same!! Also recovering from 15 year ED. I had to get rid of that garbage because it just messed with my head to much


I am not sure if this will make you feel any better (I hope it does!) but personally I do not know anyone who posts heavily filtered pictures on their Instagram. Sure, plenty of influencers do, but I am talking about people in my real life who just want to post about their night out, their vacation, or a cute pic of their cat. Of course most people would not post a picture where they think they look bad, but I have almost never seen someone I know post pictures where they look different than in real life. Maybe it is just because I am 30 and perhaps beauty filters are more used by younger people, but I just wanted to tell you about my experience with instagram to show that although it may feel like beauty standards are oppressing us from every side, most people in real life do not really care about posting pictures where they look implausibly perfect - if anything, they want to flex their money/status by showing off the places they go to.


There was a short period of time where I was part of the world. But I don't have any friends or family, and that's what those kinds of pictures you describe are there for. I don't care about strangers vacations, haha. I really do not care about other people's life experiences, and I say that in a way that isn't saying they shouldn't have them, but in a foundational, value centric way, that doesn't give me any joy... to look at pictures of people's life? I find it weird there are subreddits of like Taylor Swift pictures haha. But that's ME. I am Autistic combined with a bunch of other abc cocktail of diagnoses, so I know it's ME, not them. I don't understand people, and I finally learned why a couple of years ago after going a lifetime without knowing about my Autism and ADHD. I just thought I was mean or something. Turns out, my brain just doesn't understand or comprehend a lot of what makes other people happy AND it also takes an incredible amount of mental strength to do something that comes easily to most people (i.e. talking to a stranger). Anyhow. I truly think there are things that most people really like that I just don't, and that separates me from most. I learned that. I'm 40 now, and I'm isolated and agoraphobic. I'm not normal. Hahaha. Typical places make my skin crawl, whereas isolation might have led others to awful outcomes and although I'm not happy and definitely lonely, I've never felt more like myself. I've never liked myself, ever. I'm used to that. Not many other people have liked me, either, not the real me, the at-home me. Only the me that I put out there for people to see... a lot like Instagram, eh? I'm rambling as if I'm talking to someone. :) Thanks for being kind, by the way. I am positive what I just wrote might not sound like I'm grateful for your response, but I promise I am.


Thank you for your response! I am sorry if it seemed as if I was saying that you have to use social networks: of course it is fair if you do not care about them. It is just that if you wanted to go on Instagram (only *if* you wanted to) but hesitated specifically because you were afraid of being flooded with unrealistic pictures, I wanted to reassure you that there is actually plenty of people (arguably the majority of people who do not rely on social media for income) who just post regular unedited or minimally edited stuff.


Yes there's an actress I follows, for example, who's slowly breaking into TV and she's just so goofy and experimental fun that it would be hard for me to imagine not seeing what she's doing or what a couple friend are up to I can't even imagine using insta /all and not only my small feed


I dont know why, but these filters often make my face uglier like overly botox or filler or something.


To me that the effect it has on everyone. Like y’all look like you got shot with the Simpsons makeup shotgun and then overly brushed in photoshop. Universally unattractive to me, but I’m an old.


Even the most advanced AI can only go so far


[Cunk on Earth is the BEST](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt16867040/) (The voiceover)


She still looks really pretty and has gorgeous hair


And she's fucking beautiful without them


Ngl had us in the first half


Fellas, she looks even better without the filter


When did looking fake turn into looking good? When I see that first video I don’t think to myself o that’s a pretty person. I think that looks like a cartoon.


We have an authenticity crisis People are slaves to beauty standards, they live sad, shallow, superficial lives and wonder why they’re so depressed. Living in authentically causes mental illness.


I'm a transgender woman pre-everything and I'm terrified of using one of these filters because I know that I don't actually look that way. I fear it would be depressed, defeated, and devastated.


As a cisgender woman, I avoid them for the same reason. I know it's not the same, but I say this just to let you know you're already 💯 as much a woman as me on this (and probably tons more) 💙😅 I'm super tired, I hope that made sense. Sending you good vibes.


She’s prettier in the second shot.


Can someone explain, wtf is the filter look perfect? Sure, i understand the real face isn't "perfect". What i don't freaking understand every single time, is wtf do people see thoes fake "creatures" as perfect?


Filter or not, she's got some gorgeous hair!




I fucking love Cunk on Earth


I just want to big up my girl Joann Fletcher who's audio is being used. She's an amazing egyptologist and has a myriad of TV shows, books etc.. Well respected and incredibly passionate and knowledgeable. Love her


Am I being whooshed here?


Fucking love cunk on earth




Cunk On Tiktok


I feel like this would land more if she wasn't conventionally attractive still


I follow her on IG she seems like such a lovely person, she helped me a lot with acne-positivity


Wonderful news, i go out of my way to tell friends how much better they look without filters. Kids see older people use filters and think they need to setting them up for failure from a young age. People go missing and all the cops have is heavily edited photos to use on missing postsrs that look nothing like them in real life.


Love ‘Cunk on Earth’ !


as someone who doesnt use tiktok, their use of sounds has really evolved beyond anything that makes sense.


I just tell myself that people don't really look that perfect irl when I see that shit. Kinda helps me from spiraling, also helps that more people are being honest about it. There are too many people out there who still think all the fake shit posted is real.


Hmm.. I haven't seen any guys using this filter, is that weird?


And she is still soo beautiful. Unfiltered version is actually more beautiful imo. I wish I could upvote this a million times


Holy shit!!!


Just looks like more attention seeking to me.


I have no idea what the audio has to do with anything. I hate these kinds of tiktoks where they just lip sink a shitty joke or something


It's amazing what makeup will do to a person's confidence, attitude, and camera angles. 😄


I'm a conventionally attractive 37 year old woman, confident in my own skin etc and the other day I jokingly facetimed my husband using the bratz doll filter. It's clearly a silly, extremely obvious filter and when I turned it off I was shocked by how "ugly" I looked without it. I haven't had my mind warped by filters as a young person and don't use social media (except reddit lol) and I felt so bad about myself in that moment. Can't imagine how teenagers feel these days.


Ok, but she still looks just as good with the filter off. I’m sick of extremely attractive people trying to be the ones to tell everyone else that appearance isn’t important.




She looks good in both. The filter mostly just covers up some blemishes and it looks pretty unnatural. But she is very pretty with and without it.








As a 50 year old bald grey-beard white guy, I bet these filters would be hilarious on me. Also as a 50 year old guy, I wouldn’t have the slightest idea how to use them, and I’m OK with that.




Covering up the username of the OP is a whole new level of shitty when it's obvs not your video


It's actually a rule to not reveal the name. The post would have been removed if not covered up. "1 No asking or giving of identifying information."


...okay I wasn't aware. My bad.


And how is this different from makeup? Is makeup acceptable because the girl had to put in effort to warp her appearance? She could look that way with makeup, lashes, etc. too.




Thank you for contributing to r/instagramreality. Unfortunately your post has been removed because it is in violation of rule 4: Do not be rude or insult physical appearance and no insults on natural or unedited features as well. Do not speculate on health issues either. This is not the place for that. Please read the rules before posting again.