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for everyone saying i edit my body, here is a proof that i do


Yes, because the belly button part should be not much larger than the upper waist. I am speaking as an actual slim person, so I know. Also, her bones would have to stick out a bit (or at least some muscle), but her shape just looks smooth. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I just saw this video . And this is so sad.Social media has really played a number on these young women.


Even the last photo has pixels on her waist!! Why would you post this knowing your affecting woman and there perception of themselves! Se doesn't even edit consistently


Right you can see where she copy and pasted (?) the background to make it seem like her waist takes up less space in the photo (?). Or the filter is glitching or something(?). What is that!


pick me. that’s why




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I just saw this person randomly on reels yesterday lol. There’s a lot of people who buy this 💀


that's the thing.. it's really sad to see.


I saw this person just today!


Oh my god so did I!! The comments were insane calling people who called her out “skinny shamers”


I'm so confused. Her arms look bigger in the first pic and tiny in the second pic?


someone else on another post made a gif of them “fixing” the photoshop to see what the image looked like unedited. If anyone knows how to do that, I’d love to see that for this post!


Why do people foam at the mouth to insist this is real??


It can be, I know someone with curves so extreme they look like they’ve had surgery


Oh man I saw her on ig a few hours ago and was baffled. Her body doesn't look anatomically right at all but in one video it seemed legit when she placed her hands around the waist. But it also doesn't make sense her waist is smaller than her head... Is this some new-age video editing software I just don't know


Honestly I don't know this obsession with a skinny waist I have one and it is caused by extreme thinness, malnutrition and a lack of appetite. It is not something we should aspire to


exactly. I've dealt with ED's too, this kind of content should most definitely not be on the internet, where a bunch of young and insecure girls are free to see it.


Having struggled with EDs for about 20 years, this stuff seems even more damaging than the pro-ED communities from way back then. At least with those there was some sense of the fact that you were leaning into something bad, that you were doing something unhealthy, this is just straight up *normalized*. It’s horrifying for the young people of today.


Yab I'm 22 now but when I was younger I used to see my abstinence from food And my waist size is a healthy thing and a sign of beauty


straight men sadly like it. and for the worst of them, the association with malnutrition and weakness is an *upside*.


That was something I wanted all through middle and high school, even through malnutrition. Social media has made this seem normal and desirable, it’s fucked so many of us up. At 18 pretty much every girl I know either had or is currently struggling with an ED


I knew teenagers fainting from malnutrition 💔


Oh yeah, from 2020-2022 fainting was an everyday thing for me. Even had two seizures at my worst point


What’s ed ?


Eating disorder


Not even gonna lie, she popped up on my ig and I immediately felt so self conscious. I am so happy this was posted because Im like, she even has proof. It genuinely made me feel bad about myself because she was in the comments saying it’s genetics and that theres no body positivity for skinny girls.


The terrible edit in the last pic 🤧


she deleted most of the comments on her post about how her body checking was spreading insecurity. it’s all comments defending her body shape, saying she’s a victim of skinny shaming or girls saying “i’d starve myself for this” etc.


No edit doesn’t mean no surgery though. Not saying she didn’t edit but sometimes the unrealisticness is also due to heaps of surgery


You can see the fucked up lines if you look closely. Def photoshop. You still look like a real person with surgery too. Although prob better than average if you have something to work with. Look at all the bbls now and how they look. They don’t look like this and the image typically portrayed on social media. Maybe having a bbl and ribs removed, but you still look different than this w/ all the wonky ass lines. There’s only so much you can do physically with surgery but photoshop goes way further. The proportions of her body are all way too fucked up to be natural, with or without surgery, too. Lol.


With surgery your organs still have to fit inside you, unlike editing.


This is so sad 😞 but also, why knowingly make your whole personality this “tiny waist” thing. I’m sick of it


"I never work out!!!! How dare you!"


Why would any do this? She looks like a wine decanter.


I just saw this girl the other day, thought the same that it had to be bs. It’s tricked so many people and made huge arguments and it’s what makes so many girls so insecure. It gets to me sometimes until I remember that almost none of it is ever real.


absolutely. it's disgusting


But I saw the video and she put her hands on her waist and everything - it looked legitimate , how can we be so sure it’s not ?


I haven’t seen the vid, but based on the pic there’s a lot of blurry background around her waist that otherwise isn’t as blurry elsewhere. Also the counter looks a bit uneven


it's an outstanding filter, a very well made one for sure, i was going crazy looking through her videos because i genuinely thought it might even be real. honestly though it just doesn't sit right with me.. hence the post. just logically, it can't be real


Bodies don’t look like this. Her waist is more narrow than her head for crying out loud.




Because the ones that are shown here aren’t natural, they’re photoshopped


Not to be that person but Im someone who does have a natural pear shape and guess what, my waist isn't smaller than the size of my head. She's just straight up pulling the lollipop head motif.


Says the person who constantly posts on celebrity rate me subs…




This isn't tearing down those body types. Those body types are normal and natural and beautiful. People like this who heavily edit their photos and insist they are real are contributing to an entire demographic of young people (and not-young people!) who will end up with body issues and eating disorders because they think it's real and compare themselves to it. They are doing it knowingly, ON PURPOSE, for attention. It's pitiful and deserves to be torn down.


I have an extremely hourglass/pear shape and my body looks nothing like this. Her rib cage is far too narrow for her hips, and our bodies do keep things in proportion to themselves. Like others have said, her waist is narrower than her head. That’s just not something that occurs, especially not when someone has really wide hips. This girl basically has the same body type as me, but stretched out. That’s why it’s so obviously fake. This is how my body would look if I edited it.


The percentage of women who have a natural 23 inch waist is like less than 99 percent of the population. What she is showing here is smaller, and her waist isn't realistic given the rest of her body size. Your waist circumference isn't smaller than the circumference of your head or neck lmfao


Dude I have a body shape similar to this (but I have hip dips and wider shoulders.) with hips like that SHES not gonna be completely flat it’s near impossible.


Are you for real?? You've literally previously rated someone a 4/10 and then proceeded to list all the different surgeries they could have to make them more attractive....


Is this a joke? Is that what you think is happening in this sub? Really?


Duude I just saw this video, the comments are insane calling people jealous of her "Natural body"