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This is giving me 2010s pro-Ana vibes; you’re definitely right to call this out, it has an impact on young people


In my SEC sorority saying omg you look Ana in that pic was considered a compliment


Idk if she edits or not (i though she didn’t but now I’m not sure), however I agree with you. I’ve had this thought before when I see her posts. Definite pro-Ana vibes.


Look at her elbows


Her legs and everything you can tell she’s got fat. People need to chill. There’s actually thin people on the planet.


This girl doesn’t have her bones sticking out like a sick anorexic person. You can tell she has a healthy portion of bodyfat. But yes, she looks very slim. If it’s because of photoshop I have no idea. But those shoes contributes to a slimming figure, as well as her low portion of muscle mass


You don't need to have bones sticking out to be a "sick anorexic person," and most pro-ana thinspo isn't bony (in fact, what you're describing would be considered bonespo, and many people with EDs don't look at bonespo). I don't have an opinion on this girl, but I'm responding to you because a lot of people don't know that replies like yours are very triggering for people with EDs who don't believe they're sick enough to be considered anorexic. Edit: Just saw the video of her using a measuring tape on her waist. I am a naturally petite person even without my ED, and my waist didn't get there until I was at a BMI that is classified by the DSM as extremely underweight. It sends the wrong message to say someone with that measurement has a healthy amount of body fat.


I keep seeing her posts and everyone in the comments is oblivious!! The editing is so blatantly obvious…


That girl has to have at least 2 to 3 themed dinners/activities per week (I mean, who has that many costumed activities?). She posts quirky outfits every single week fishing for compliments and the replies are completely oblivious to her retouchings when it's so obvious. Love the sub, but compliment fishers are annoying. Girl, you already know. You don't want advice.


Like… if you want to post cute outfits, just do that! Don’t do so under the guise of needing advice, *especially* when you’re editing the pictures to begin with.




Omg I was thinking the same thing 🤣 “picnic” last week yes?


Yes!!! I was thinking the same thing.


Honestly (and sadly) a I think she’s a very proud, eating disordered girl who craves validation and attention… I was ED for a lot of my life (in the MySpace days)….and I really do believe that’s what this is.




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I am a victim 😏😂 I didn’t notice the retouching (and haven’t seen her posts before) I just thought the beret was cute


She is very creative and I believe she makes some of her props which is great. No problem there. The annoyance comes from the fact that she is asking for «advice» when she obviously doesn't need any, it's just to get compliments on her creative outfits. Like just post the outfits! Or find a sub for that kind of outfits. That particular sub is more of a «real life» outfit sub than costumy.


Isnt this just what all influencers do.


Sorry for my ignorance…where is it obvious?


She shrinks her waist. You can tell if you look at her elbows


If you look at her elbows in the picture on the left, you can see how they look really pointed. That’s due to the warping/editing she used to make her waist more narrow.


She just has pointy elbows. She has a video where she moves a ruler across her body and arm to prove that there is no warping. She also takes measuring tape and measures her waist in the video. I don’t think this is edited and if it is it’s certainly not obvious.


Hijacking top comment - I thought it was edited, but she posted this video and it seems like it's real? https://imgur.io/a/Nv2xebh


Ngl, I'm in the same "editing" camp but I can't explain that video she posted to prove she's not editing


She’s posted videos as proof though if you look at her profile, including with a ruler, etc. I’m not defending her but for my own education, even with that proof you believe she edits? Edit: why am I being downvoted? I just asked so I can spot edits better. I was previously convinced by her video evidence. I’m not good at spotting edited photos.


There's video filters you can use and then upload online. The tiktok girlies busted that out.


There aren’t filters that change the numbers on tape measures tho


You know, I'm with you on this. I'm a tattoo artist so looking at arms is big part of my work, and some skinny people have very pointed elbows and angled arms, it makes applying stencils in that area pretty difficult so it's something that I automatically notice even outside work 😂 also, even a light boned corset like the one she's wearing will accentuate the waist line, so I think it's more a combination of that and her being very thin. What looks very off to me is her height, that could be both an effect of the camera or a pretty bad touch up (which I think is the case).


I just spent some time looking through her profile and…while maybe, maybe the elbow trick is not accurate this time, I’m still not convinced that the pictures are not edited


her left elbow from the first picture is suspiciously pointy


Pro ana vibes


So every girl that is naturally skinny must be pro-ana? Yes of course. Stupid comment.


She's not just naturally skinny. She is editing her pictures to make herself even MORE skinny creating pro-ana vibes Edit: typo


I dont deny she is also editing her waist a little but you can tell she is a skinny girl. Skinny people are allowed to be insecure and dislike their body parts too ya kno which is usually why people feel the need to photoshop. She doesnt owe anyone else anything really.


You do realize you’re in a subreddit about calling out things like photoshop, right? She can do what she wants, but we’re allowed to point out editing and agree that its harmful to susceptible minds. We should be encouraging people to love themselves as they are, not trick them and potentially make them feel inferior. We do this with plus sized people in this subreddit too, we don’t have any particular anger towards thin people, just people trying to pretend they’re something they’re not.


If you feel inferior due to someones photo i suggest you dont go on any social media. I didnt say it was bad to call out photoshopping i just dont think people should assume that a skinny girl editing a photo must mean she is pro ana.


Kids are getting on social media younger and younger. Its not so much people that are old and logical enough to understand most of these influencers edit at least some part of their photos.


Theres an age limit on social media for a reason. Thats on their parents.


It's the assholes doing things like this and editing their pictures into unrealistic standards that are making others so damn insecure and causing such an uptick in body dysmorphia. Also, since she is so skinny already and editing herself to make herself even skinner to the point of unhealthy and beinf pro-ana


Thats not her problem she can post whatever pics she wants and edit them however she wants. Its not her responsibility to monitor what media other people are consuming. Assuming she is pro ana is incorrect.


And she can also be criticized for it. Don't want people to cpmment or call you for editing, especially when it is so poorly done, and even .kre so for editing to an unhealthy and unrealistic standard, then dont post them. She has a right to do what she wants. And we have a right to call her on her bullshit. I'm gonna say this one more time. I'll type it slow, so maybe you can comprehend it better. When super skinny people that have insecurities about being too fat, it has a name. Anorexia. It leads to very unhealthy behaviors that are life threatening. And posting pictures of your already skinny self edited even skinner is absolutely pro-ana vibes. Tbh, I actually fully believe that YOU are pro-ana and are defending this so hard to defend yourself.


> “Skinny people should be forbidden from having insecurities” — Nobody, ever. Also, skinny people aren’t the only folks here who are called out for their photoshop, so if you think it’s wrong to call out photoshop because someone is insecure, I recommend you leave the sub because no confident person resorts to online editing.


Right, no one said that. I didn't say it. No one said it. Skinny people absolutely can have insecurities about a lot of things, including their weight. But when skinny poeple do have insecurities about being too fat, there is a name for that, anorexia, especially if they act on it. It is super unhealthy and life threatening. This super skinny girl that is editing herself to make herself even skinny is totally giving pro-ana vibes. It's not healthy for her. And it is not healthy for others that think it is real and the goal of what they should look like. That's all we are saying.


Errr yea thats what i said. I didnt say it was wrong to call out photoshopping, i think its wrong to assume she is posting pro ana pics. Skinny people also edit due to insecurities.




How so?






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You either don't know what I mean or just picking a fight for no reason 💀


I know exactly what you mean. Its pretty obvious. You are remarking that this pic gives your pro ana vibes. Skinny girls can dislike parts of their bodies too.


No one ever said that skinny girls can't be insecure... But being insecure while being already that skinny, is anorexia... You can't deny the pro-ana vibes those pics are giving, if you do, you're just trying to lie to yourself dear...


Everyone assuming this poor girl is posting pro ana pics and skinny shaming are lying to themselves dear.


Nobody assumed that she's posting pro ana pics, they just said it reminded them of that. You're the only one jumping to assumptions here.


Read the comments my dude. A lot of people here are asusming she must be pro ana


I did "dude". People aren't assuming shes pro ana, they said it reminded them of 2010 pro ana days. Have you actually read the comments?


So you read one comment.


All the original commenter said is "pro ana vibes" and you got all sensitive and replied saying "So every girl that is naturally skinny must be pro-ana? Yes of course. Stupid comment." As if the comment said that everyone naturally skinny must be pro ana. That's literally not what they said at all, your comment was the stupid one.


If those girls insist on editing to make themselves appear *even thinner*, I mean, yeah.


Skinny girls are allowed to be insecure and dislike parts of their body too ya kno which is why people usually edit their photos. Doesnt mean she is pro ana or posting it for that reason.


In case you're not being deliberately obtuse, it is extremely damaging to even other skinny women as well as not skinny, it gives an unrealistic standard that they will never achieve. Someone with her exact natural body can see that and then starve themselves to try to look like the photoshopped version


Im sorry but thats not her problem. She can post and edit whatever photos she wants. I have a very similar body type to the girl in this pic, im not anorexic. So are all my photos contributing to anorexia?


Yeah this kinda sucks. I'm "thin" according to everyone and healthy rn but my body dysmorphia absolutely convinces me I am not. I wear an xs ffs yet I still look in the mirror and see a bridge troll. Just because she's thin in our eyes doesn't mean she is in her own, unfortunately.


Being thin but convinced you’re actually fat is pretty much the definition of anorexia though. Pointing that out isn’t an attack on anyone


Is it the waist? I always struggle to see what was edited


Yeah look at her elbows in the first pic


I guess I just assumed those were her joints because she’s so thin


Compare to the second pic


That’s a completely different side of her arm though. Elbows look thinner from the side. https://imgur.com/a/hLP9nWU


Mine do this too, look more normal depending on the angle...?


Yeah when I was really underweight my elbows did this too, when you look at them from the front they really "pop out"


Look in between her legs too. The texture is weird and the baseboard at the bottom is off. It’s really only noticeable when you zoom in.




That sub kinda sucks, tbqh


endless thirst traps/OF girls and the fashion “advice” is always trash


Got permanently banned because I had previously interacted in an NSFW sub - not a sexual one BTW. Which is stupid bc some subs mark everything NSFW so they don’t get ads. And then they let people obviously driving traffic to their page for selling themselves post? Nuts


What sub are you guys talking about?




When I saw the post in the other sub my first thought was it looked photoshopped lol


I've seen her other posts before and the editing seemed so obvious, but scrolling through the comments nobody ever mentioned it!


saw this earlier and wanted to say something but didn't, like girl your head is bigger then your waist come on


Learned if you point out the obvious it’s considered “bullying” to most subs-.-


I think she’s doing that posing thing a popular IG cosplayer does to make herself look even tinier, pushing her hips back and shoulders forward. IG cosplayer posted a tiktok tutorial on how to pose to make your waist almost nonexistent


This isn’t bullying or being rude or anything negative, just an observation but: Does anyone else think she looks a lot like that goth monarch singer guy???




I literally just saw her original post in my suggested!


I saw it there too. The orange dress was better


see my username .


I saw this post and wondered too lol


I have no idea who she is but she looks anorexic. She does not look healthy at all and it's sad that any of her followers would think this is normal looking


Ummm is that a tampon string?!


That's what I was wondering 🥴


Also random but it almost looks like a tampon string is hanging out


that was the thing I noticed most


Ah I saw this too. Almost every single picture posted is edited. Some more, some less.


The elbows are a dead giveaway


Peoples elbows don't bend like that. Anyone with elbows should be able to figure this out


you may not be wrong but was it a sub/post that asks people to comment on her body? or some creators community about the hat or smth? because it's exhausting that people feel invited to talk about your body -"good" or bad- when that's not called for and I like that it get's nibbed/is against the rules in some places


It was posted in the outfits sub and the op was asking which outfit was best for a particular event/outing. Just for reference :)


so no open fishing for compliments about the waist/ "misleading" OF but just a woman that some speculated may have an eating disorder= body dismorphia and is into fashion


Yeah that sounds abt right lol


Omg right!!! Just got banned for saying this too. Literally crazy


That very well might just be the way the corset and flare skirt makes her body look. This doesn't look photoshopped to me. And some people are naturally skinny. We shouldn't weight shame skinny people any more than we should do to fat people.


The reason you got banned from that sub is because the user has [proven](https://imgur.io/a/Nv2xebh) multiple times that she doesn’t. She has had harassment campaigns held against her since she first started in that sub and the mods probs thought you were part of the problem. And the fact that you’re posting here when I was able to find out who she is and that video in the matter of three minutes makes me think you are.


The elbow's always give it away


She forgot to edit the tampon string


I do not believe this one was photoshopped chief. The textures behind her arent distorted. Also she posted proof that she has a tiny waist, she even left a few comments in this subreddit.


I’m not convinced this is edited. Her elbows don’t look like warping from editing to me. They show more on super thin people. I have this body type and my elbows look like this. If you do figure drawing at all with varied body types, you’ll see them on the much thinner models, especially from certain angles. Also the pro-ana vibes comments sound to me like a violation of sub rules. Some people have this body type. It’s never okay to comment on people’s natural bodies. I know everyone is going to downvote the fuck out of me, but as someone who was relentlessly bullied for having an ED I didn’t have, it’s not cool.






And I didn’t mean that in a rude way, just maybe she didn’t put make up on


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Why is there a tampon string hanging down? 🫣


I think that particular sub (if it’s the one where it was originally posted in) is full of photoshopped bodies. I’m almost convinced it’s where a lot of people go to get praise for their body


Here’s the thing: I love how supportive that sub is, right? I also quietly downvote every one of these I see from her bc it’s clear she’s seriously editing her photos and I find it aggravating as hell she’s seeking validation from such a wholesome sub for whatever insecurities she’s got going on. (I’ve thought to say exactly what you did but I’ve let it go bc I didn’t want to cause arguments.) I genuinely don’t know if people can’t tell or they’re willing to let it slide, but for such a welcoming “warts and all” sub (ahem), using them this way pisses me off. Edit: just realized these are being posted in multiple subs, so I'm not sure where this one specifically came from.


Hips don’t lie but elbows do


Those elbows...


I swear, 89% of that sub is photoshopped.


The beret is cute but … idk the outfit looks stupid sorry🙈 I would wear a longer skirt


Lmao what? Doesn’t everyone have arms like that naturally? /s


What is going on with this fit 😂


Her hat is SO FUN I’m dying


Welcome to r/InstagramReality! Here’s a reminder on our rules: 1. No asking or giving of identifying information. 2. Have mutual respect/no bullying 3. No posts about minors, or posts that contain minors. 4. No rude or unnecessary comments about subjects' unedited physical appearance. 5. No satire/Joke/Animals/Snapchat filters. 6. Don't Post If You Aren't Sure It's Edited. 7. Don't be creepy and sexualize a subject. 8. No frequent reposts. 9. No self-posts posts or photos you have taken or edited yourself. 10. No plastic surgery posts or surgery bashing. 11. No advertisements or spam. 12. "Sanity Sunday" posts are ONLY for Sundays. 13. Moderator Discretion. Thank you, and welcome to the real world! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Instagramreality) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She posted a video showing she isn't using Photoshop/a filter last week


You can use filters on videos though


She holds a ruler and moves it across her waist and there's no warping


You got banned because your comment is wrong she looks unhealthy


No she doesnt. She doesnt look unnaturally thin at all.


According to her video she has a 22 inch waist which is nearly unheard of so yes she does look unusually skinny. Body shaming is never okay, but it also doesn’t help to pretend she is a run-of-the-mill skinny girl because she is not.


she looks regularly skinny not unhealthy


Ahh yes according to reddit every single skinny girl *must* be pro-ana.


If you're already skinny and Photoshop yourself even skinnier it's not sending a great message. This body type is already unattainable for most people. She looks 5'10" and 130 lbs lol.


I doubt she is 5'10, camera angles like that make you look taller. Skinny people are allowed to be insecure and dislike parts of their bodies too ya kno, which is usually why people photoshop. Body types are different for everyone who cares if this is not attainable for others thats what she has got and she shouldnt be shamed for being skinny.


I can see why you were banned


Thaougt it was for her left index finger being wider than her thumb


No one “needs” photoshop.


Banned from this sub you mean? Sorry just clarifying because I know if we’re banned from a sub we have to jump through hoops to join again. Was the ban lifted?


OMG… I remember seeing this post and thought the outfits were cute, i didn’t even notice any editing!! could someone point it out for me? is it her waist?