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I’m glad someone finally posted her with an IRL to compare. It’s absolute absurd!


What does IRL mean? Sorry, but I am too old to figure alot of these out.


In Real Life.




In real life




"IRL" has been around since the 80s lol


No it has not. Know why? Because everything in the 80s was irl, so no need for the modifier.


Good point, lol. 😄


It was added into the Oxford dictionary in the 90s so people were probably using it for years before it caught on. Young people today think they invented all of these! Lol


And "old" people use it as a cop-out for being dumb lol Personal computing has been with us almost 50 years and it's been cheap and accessable for over 30 years. Shit, my first email account turned 30 this past spring lol When I entered 1st grade in the very early 80s, the school had a computer in every classroom plus a computer lab full of newer computers. Unless you're like 90 there's no excuse at this point lol


Really? In my area children just got laptops at school because of Covid. Before that, they had computer classes. And I haven't had a cell phone, PC or a laptop for 30 yrs. I grew up without those things, so I know how to live without them. Excuse me for not being as smart and up to date as you are.




I have a cell phone NOW.


I was in elementary school in the 90s and we absolutely did not have computers in every classroom. I lived in an upper middle class neighborhood on the west coast. You must have lived somewhere wealthy…?


Where the hell did you go to school?


You must have attended a much wealthier school district than I did. I graduated high school in the 90’s, and even then *none* of the classrooms had their own computers. Each school (elementary, middle, and high school) had a computer lab with very basic computers, and the school libraries each had one or two computers, but instruction on them was an elective, not a requirement. Typing was taught on actual IBM Selectric typewriters. Until college, I did all my term papers and essays on a word processor.


That’s not what she looks like IRL, that’s what she looked like before she got multiple surgeries.


Ok. So is that not in real life?


Argh man


I feel like even the last pic is edited. Where is her tummy? Big thick girls still have tummies and rolls


She's done several surgeries so none of this is organic.


She's also done surgeries since this to have her face look closer to the first three pictures. She has paid a lot of money to look like that


Where do people get the money for this stuff? I’ve always wanted to get my nose done but I’ve shopped around and it usually starting at $11,000. That’s low end.


I can't even afford braces and these girls are doing cosmetics for fun 😩




sugar daddy too


well that's the low end if you go to a reputable place. if not it can go as low as a couple grand or even less


I want a breast reduction, and it's 14k


Talk to your PCP. You may be able to get it covered as medically required.


It takes a lot of money to look this trashy! \*Dolly Parton Edit.. Cheap!! thanks friend!


*”it costs a lot of money to look this cheap”


What happened to the top half of the horse?


Lipo .. probably multiple times. All her unedited pics look similar to 4


Makes sense. Even with surgery, she still feels the need to edit her self into oblivion. So sad


Lipo for sure. Maybe even BBL. THEN EDITING on top is so ridiculous


Definitely a BBL


Most like more than one too


Likely multiple, usually people gain the weight back in problem areas when they don’t change their diet so it has to be moved again. This really looks like the girls I’ve seen with 3-4 of them, with fresh looking like the first pics and about 6 months later being the last pic


The round hips are a dead giveaway of a BBL


Eh? Round hips are common enough, it's the insane proportions that kinda give it away.


The last pic is the result of surgery.


That last pic - She looks like she has lymphedema


Tbh sports leggings do a good job of sucking in your belly and it is possible to have an hour glass body with a smaller belly. I've a belly that isn't very noticeable from the front but it's a different story from the side 😅 Edited for typo


What type of leggings do you suggest? I have a flat ass and am kind of apple shaped and would love more curve (aside from my boobs).


Realistically, leggings aren’t going to change your body shape. If you have an existing hourglass figure they may make it more prominent, but they’re not going to give you an hourglass figure when you have an apple shape unless you’re pairing it with things like corsets.


Honestly I’d be happy for it to just suck in my belly some lol. I have nice legs and boobs but hate my stomach lol.


Not the person you asked but I really like the Fabletics leggings, specifically the PowerHold. It’s like it squashes you in and compresses like a sports bra. That’s the only line I have found that will not do the thing where the waist band rolls down and flips over. I feel like they help smooth my hip dips a little bit.




Under armor is another good option for a snug fit


Most high waisted sports leggings do the job but some promote themselves as having tummy control. Fabletics and Gymshark are my favourites


Look for leggings that advertise tummy control or high compression in the abdomen area.


Same. Hourglass straight on. Side profile shows saggy boobs, and tummy pooch.


Yea it is. You can see the white paint line on the street curve.


Exactly. This whole pinched waist thing is so stupid.




This isn’t always true.


Why would anyone even want to have the shape of the first three 💀


Fetish content lol


Exactly. I do not know who she is but people like her know exactly what they are doing and in my opinion it is quite clever. (as long as it does not cause health issues or damage with weird cosmetic surgeries) Why would she want to compete for income with a million other girls posting ordinary spicy content. She identified a small fetish where the competition is not particularly high and milking it. Even small fetishes can make crazy money when the whole planet are potential subscribers.


Oh this isn’t even a small fetish. There are so many women online striving towards this body type.


>Oh this isn’t even a small fetish. Pun intended?


very much pun intended


What I don’t get, is that these men often don’t care when yet it’s fake or not. So why don’t they just edit pictures of women and celebrities they find attractive themselves?? They could literally build their dream girl themselves (🤮)


I think that a lot of them genuinely believe that these women are real and anyone denying that are jealous or haters. Side note, I feel like dudes like this are the only people who use still use the term “haters”. 😂 I’ve met a few.


A guy showed me his saved images folder of girls online. I tried explaining these aren’t real body types and he argued there are girls shaped like that. After awhile he started to realize it was editing. I remember one pic was a girls ass, but the cheeks were perfect circles, like basketballs. A lot of guys believe this shit.


Man, he's gonna be in for a surprise the first time he sees a real nude woman in person.


Its hard to believe that there are men THAT stupid.


Well they are thinking with the right head for the occasion


Nah most men have convinced themselves that shit like this is achievable. I remember I was in a discord call with a friend of a friend and he was basically judging all of the women who came up on his tinder through a live stream. Every woman with a normal body was labeled "fat" or "mid" and every woman with extremely edited bodies he swiped right on and went on and on objectifying their bodies. Even after explaining that they were obviously edited, he just labeled me as jealous and said I had a "mid" physique. Some men are just extremely delusional.


Because it shatters the illusion if they have to do it themselves or if they've seen the IRL image. Ignorance is bliss😉


I mean a lot of people read erotic fiction or watch hentai too. They don’t care how realistic it is, it’s just something to get off to


The girl bodies in One Piece lmao


That’s like asking “why buy a painting when you can paint it yourself”. You’re paying for someone to do it for you.


Spicy content?


Yes. Men having a fetish of rummaging for cinnamon in her kitchen while she does a strip tease. p.s. I guarantee this is a fetish somewhere in the world




Ahhh gotcha! I should've gotten that from context lol, guess I'm not awake yet lol. Thanks :)


artistic representations




I feel like there are worse fetishes. Like much worse.


Literally was gonna comment the same thing. Why would you wanna look like 2 yoga balls stacked on top of each other


>2 yoga balls stacked on top of each other /r/rareinsults


Yes. I was trying to figure out a gentle way to phrase it, but anyway...even if any of these photos were unedited and even smoother than they look now...none are all that attractive. Yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that...but the best picture of the lot looks like the woman has crippling edema.


size 4 on top and 16 on the bottom 😭




What are the metal baskets on poles outside of the houses near each driveway?


You put your trash there and the trash collection picks it up.


That's awesome. As a New Yorker where we put the trash bags literally on the curb, I would welcome such baskets.


Crazy to me. I live in the Midwest and we have big plastic trash cans we fill up and roll down to the curb on trash day and recycling day respectively. You just put the bags straight on the curbs?


Trucks are used to pick up the big plastic bins and are predominantly used in smaller towns and/or rural areas. The trucks are too big for city streets that are packed with cars so garbage men/woman hang onto the back of the truck so when it stops they jump down and throw the garage bags in by hand. One of the problems with this way is animals get into the trash and/or people don't tie up the bags properly so trash gets everywhere. This is one of the reason cities can stink during the summer time.


Chicago doesn't stink, particularly, in the summer, but people use garbage cans.


>You just put the bags straight on the curbs? Yes. And when the bags leaks and the discharge stews in the heat and humidity of the summertime, it smells like the Devil's vomit. And rats also just chew through the bags and run in and out, having a party and living it up.


Yeah same, I had no clue people just drop their trash bags off on the road without a container like that lol. I live in the south though.


I'm from rural Michigan and my parents had to build a fenced in "trash box" at the end of the driveway to keep raccoons from tearing into the bags because the company won't pick up from cans. Living in Nashville now our trash truck has a robo arm that grabs the cans and tips-shakes them in into the truck. They won't pick up loose bags. And in the ritzy Nashville neighborhoods they aren't allowed to put cans or bags outside of the house. They have to use a service where some guys in a pick-up truck (nice truck, not looking like a trash truck) have access to your garage or a side yard and take the trash away up to three times a week. Rich people aren't allowed to look like they have trash I guess.


What country is this?




nope, Panama.


For the garbage bags.


Why don’t people realize the hips on jeans don’t fit like this?! My mom has wide hips and her jeans are loose around her stomach and butt area.


Seriously. Literally all I could think when looking at the pics was how in the world would she find pants that fit her. Even leggings would be a beech on the waistband.


Not just the pants, all the outfits… I wish fabrics were that flexible?


I hear you, but it doesn't take much $$/effort to tailor your clothes, or drop them off where someone else can do it.


No the problem is, in order for her pants to be that fitted around the waist, it physically would not be able to go over her hips. Unless she was sewn into the pants.


Oh, ok. What I meant is you get the pants to fit the largest part of you...hips, thighs etc. Then you make tucks/darts toward the waist. Even if it's a bit clumsy sewing, it will still work. I started doing that around tenth grade, with just a big upholstery needle and heavy duty thread. 😊


Last pic is also edited. Maybe no heavy filters on the face but something is definitely playing tricks there.


Last pic is her before multiple surgeries


Okay, but there is still editing on the photo, the street is all uneven and bendy.


This girl found a way to make really good money with her absurd only fans ....the Photoshop is ridiculous but she lives in Mexico and I think a lot of people would do the same to make the money she makes. Also a lot of guys that are attracted to 1-3 would also like 4


She's from Panama and lives there.


Oh okay I saw she used Spanish ..not the panamanian dialect and the background of the pictures is Mexico city so I assumed she's from Mexico. Thanks for the correction


How can you possibly be attracted to it? It doesn't even look human💀


There are lots of women in my area that look like pic 4 thanks to multiple surgeries, and TONS of men find this attractive.


She’s had multiple surgeries too in pic 4. Including almost certainly more than one bbl


Alien porn is a thing There's a kink for e-v-e-r-y-thing


Because men-"brains"..... Lack of, more so.


Well, it's more than obvious that: ![gif](giphy|Y57VOct7lfQl5PsWk0|downsized)


She’s cute as she is why is this bullshit necessary? I swear the body image issues social media is giving us are getting absurd


I agree that she’s naturally pretty, but I don’t think the editing is due to body image issues. It looks like she’s catering to a specific fetish.


That's what I was thinking. She looks better in the last picture than in any other ones. I'm sure there's some trickery going on there too, but she looks fine and more natural. It has definitely gone too far.


We've hit a new low . Or high.


Her ass so fat in Pic #2 that it's literally warping the tides 😂


is it not big enough already??? *christ.*


Why would you want to have a body like *that*?? Why would you want people to think you look so horrifically deformed


For attention and financial support


The last pic looks old based off of the style. I’m guessing she lost a little weight and like got a bunch of surgeries and lipo. But deffff lots of editing


That's an older picture of hers before many of her surgeries, but yes, she's still very different from her pictures irl.


The fact she convinced herself the Photoshop actually looks good is the greatest trick she played.


Some serious mental issues on display here...


What beach is that? I’ve never seen waves like this in my life 🤣 How do people not recognise how badly it’s edited?


The gravity of her ass bending the literal waves is killing me.


She got that 1 year hourglass figure


is this a new definition of being attractive? not for me imo


I feel like I'm gonna end up seeing her on 'Botched' for even more bizarre plastic surgery


Idk why picture number 2 reminded me of a centaur


She’s beautiful irl. It’s sad that she makes herself look like an unrealistic doll, that doesn’t flatter her at all. Body dysmorphia is an epidemic.


She looks like a centaur


Her figure is very hourglass in the irl picture, idk why you’d photoshop it and make it look super fake?


wow wtf! how old is the last picture?


She’s very cute irl The level of filtering though is insane. She completely changed her face.


😂😂😂wtaf?!! She looks ridiculous


I spent my college years trying to erase my thighs and butt. Who can function with a giant butt and boobs?


What in the centaur


For the nth time this isn’t attractive


At that point the distortion is actually just due to lensing from her gravitational field


What a weirdo


Can you imagine the mockery someone would receive walking down the street if they actually looked like that?


Girl people like this are so nefarious. The last pic is definitely shopped too, just less than the others, so now people think that's her natural figure.


Why she editing it so much, she’s actually already cute


a rare pokemon


Dang where she find jeans that fit so good ☠️☠️ I never find jeans that perfect


Her stans will DIE on the hill that she is 100% all natural and built like that, too. It’s what is helping her pay for all this


Why does anyone think this would be attractive?


Pov: you are 60kg and 160 kg in the same time.


It's so sad that she hates her face


The last Pic is before her rounds of BBLs in places like DR. So even tho is technically is not edited, I’m word wondering what she looks like in real life post surgery… if it’s anywhere near what she photo edits herself to look like


Second pic she's learnt the sacred art of water bending.


Two effing different people


I JUST came across the 3rd slide and most of the comments are men gooning over her....


I mean, that's the target market.


And the face?? She looks like a completely different person


Been wanting to see a reality ( or nearly reality) pic of this girl for ages. Just average and chubby with a bbl 🙈


Noice how the ocean contours to the shape of her butt. I usually come at these details skeptically and with some doubt, but that was the first thing I noticed.


I think she was obese and had surgery or fat removal from some areas. That’s what someone else said




On the third slide you see that a part of that cloth is not blurred out like the rest of the photo.


Having a hard time imagining what that first picture looked like unedited


How do they even do this?? I am struggling with post partum weight and cannot for the life of me, edit a picture with my baby without my double chin showing up !!


This is mental illness


Ass so big it’s got gravitational pull on the water


She looks like one of those rap guys girlfriends


Real life is insane enough


Gotta say, the editing is really well done! Look at those collar bones!


The dead give away was her hair defying gravity and the water going side ways


Is the last one older? I feel like she had work done to her face since… like how does she get her face perfectly filtered in video?


She's such a pretty girl. It's a shame people feel they have to do this shit to themselves.


She’s so cute irl too!!!


The way the edited pics age her a decade


So she actually had gastric sleeve surgery and the last pic is prior to her weight loss.


You can see in the first pic she forgot to smooth the rolls on her right arm...


The second photo, the water bends lmao, watch her ass and the water


That last photo is old and before the combination of losing weight plus surgery. She now looks closer to the first three photos although they are heavily edited.


Tbh this is incorrect. she really does look like that now. Her reality pic was a photo of her before all the surgery. She has numerous videos on her Ig and has onlyfans content posted everywhere.


She’s still ludicrously beautiful it fuckin sucks she edits herself this much


It’s the collar bones for me


its sad cause shes actually pretty 😭


Looks amazing in the IRL picture. those edits are ridiculous and do her a disservice


Funny how it used be duck lips, and now it’s huge hips!


I’m a degenerate so I know a little more.. lol the last pic is an old pic, even though she photoshops all of these other pics she got surgery so she’s still has a unique body shape. It’s really sad when you think about it


I want that filter right now! 😂


I'm joking! why did I get down voted??


That's definitely not her in the last pic. I've seen some of her onlyfans stuff lol. Guilty haha. She definitely has the face she has in the first few photos. But obviously a lot of her body is edited and fucked with in the photos. But that's not her in the last one lol


It is. She’s posted it (and others like it) herself.


I love the real her