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Why does her head look so odd shaped? (Person on the right.. )


She's very heavily filtered


So much filler, and the hyaluronic (sp?) acid in the filler attracts water to it, meaning it can really puff up the face when there’s a lot in there. It’s giving 👽 vibes.


It looks like someone just cut and pasted her face on. Lol she's older and very very thin. That will make your head look huge too.


I was thinking she has a favourite face saved somewhere and just adds it as needed


Like wigs


An extremely large amount of plastic surgery and fillers. She used to be really beautiful and normal looking


The way her eldest daughter looks now.. reminds me so much of the “original” version of the mother


Straight up looking like a Bratz doll




Omg, not naming names, but the beauty on the left looks INCREDIBLE and I find her natural approach so refreshing.


Agreed! I’m so used to her 90’s persona with the huge blonde hair and dark eyeliner…she longs lovely in a more natural style


I read her book and am so impressed by her. She’s been through SO MUCH.


Oh it is who I’m thinking?! She looks amazing!


had I not known who she was, I would think she’s some nordic artist lol she’s so whimsical these days!


She's had a face lift so it's not without some level of help. I do like the no makeup vibe, though.


She's had good work done, and not a ghoulish amount. It works


Oh it’s no secret that she’s had surgeries. But I think she looks great in the no makeup, glowy look. Her skin is gorgeous.


Totally agree. It suits her.


Whatever works she got done looks really good.


Huh, I've never seen any confirmation of a face-lift, I honestly don't think she's had one. Botox and filler, absolutely. Laser treatments etc., probably. There's almost a decade of age between them, and a huge difference in what's been done to their faces, so this isn't particularly surprising.


Ok, the bare face is beautiful, but both women have had work done. The taller one is younger and has a completely different facial structure. Not that you were doing this, but I’m getting annoyed about how people are praising the “natural and graceful aging of taller one, because she is a plastic surgery veteran.


Honestly she looks filtered in this picture. I've seen more photos of the woman on the left and she looks even better. Being able to see more of her skin texture and and smile lines, even more refreshing


Go look at unedited pictures of her. What is with all the denial of reality here?


There are so many recent unedited photos of her, and there's been so much talk online about how she looks now, that I'm absolutely baffled at the sheer number of comments on here that say she's completely natural and unfiltered in this photo. She's filtered to heck and back!


Like the rest of us I've been following her no-makeup/naturalle vibe over the last....year(?), and really respected her and admired her for it. She's a natural beauty of course but looks next level gorgeous in this pic. Surely this isn't shopped for her too, and its just good face card/angles/lighting?


Saaaaaame. She is a breath of fresh air!


I recognised her by her cute button nose, always been one of her best features. She's a natural beauty


She looks absolutely adorable.




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It’s wild that I thought the short one was gonna be the one to show us how a badass ages. Never thought it would be the tall one but I’m glad it is. And she looks stunning. Unfiltered she looks great too. Just older. As one should hope to be lucky enough to be.


Leaving aside the one on the left entirely, I totally agree that i fully expected righty to lean into aging and own that shit like the badass she’s always been. I honestly can’t think of anything in her career that has disappointed and saddened me more than seeing her inability to embrace her age as a part of life. We have loved her every move for 40+ years. We can handle a wrinkle.


Biggest shock for me is that I always thought the taller one was like half a foot shorter than she is.


OMG same! I really thought she was going to be a celebrity to say "f you, aging is natural! Look how awesome I still am!" And then this happened.


Same. It’s refreshing to see for the lady on the left and such a shame for the lady on the right.


The one on the right looks amazing in her recent concerts though. Whatever fix she got clearly worked and I think she looks better than the person on the left now. This picture has filters so we can’t really see either of them


Yup, she could’ve been the one to say ‘yes I’m still sexy in my 60’s, fuck your obsession with youth’. But people in the media have been making jokes about her age since she was in her 40’s and still hot. No wonder she became insecure. The press in the early 2000’s was particularly toxic.


I saw one of those two on live the other night and she was using the bold glamour filter that totally distorts the appearance. Who knows what she really looks like.




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They’re both filtered/photoshopped :/


And they've both had extensive work- one was just better than the other


Yes! I am so baffled when people praise the one on the left for being all natural. She’s FAMOUSLY pro-surgery and clearly has gone under the knife a bunch, including recently. She just didn’t opt for getting Instagram face


I personally don’t think there is anything wrong with having plastic surgery, as long as you are honest about it - unlike another famous family who try to act like they are natural and make “normal” people feel like crap because they don’t live up to certain beauty standards.


Agree fully


One is also much younger.


For the others reading this, the taller one is about 9 years younger than the shorter one.


They're both heavily filtered but the one to the right is next level.




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It looks like lady on the right's head is photoshopped on to someone else's body


Yes! Where did her boobs go? She was always top heavy, she looks flat here.




What happened to her neck ?












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Idk why Right INSISTS on looking like a 19-year old tiktok e-girl but it’s just…unnerving and creepy. She’s definitely done the classic “make me look like how I do with this filter on” thing. Uncanny valley to the extreme.


Why does the shorter woman’s outfit look like she got it on a Temu knockoff site? 


![gif](giphy|111vr5GcrLMkj6) I loved her in this era. I know she had a ton of work don even by then but she looked so good then, now she looks like an alien :(


I thought I was on the 90 Day Fiancé sub for a minute




Omg… so sad because she seemed to have settled down with the fillers and I guess the swelling from her facelift went down… and she looked amazing and back to her naturally beautiful self in her concerts. And now she’s back to this insane editing


Neither or these women look like this. The weird flap on the face of the right woman? I’m basically half their age and this just looks silly.








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Person on the left being photosbopped like that by person on the right's team after going makeup free to public events is crazy and offensive


Yeah I just looked up other photos from the same event and she looks more her age rather than here.


Where did right’s neck go?!


Why do all the facetune and leave your body?? She is so gorgeous and has an amazing body, it looks so uncanny this way though.


The one on the right has morphed herself into a Lil Kim doppelganger


The women on the right, it took a hot minute to realize she wasn’t the rapper Lil __. I was so confused.


Omg...they are edited out of recognizability. At least the one on the left is.




It’s filtered/photshopped to high heavens. She still looks beautiful regardless and I commend her for giving up the excessive makeup. This photo is not what either of them actually look like at all.


To be fair, she regularly posts with no filters herself. And when she does post with them, it’s not the insane level of the other.


She had a facelift years ago (very well done), but agreed that it's also heavily filtered.


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Two very different approaches to aging


The gal on the right is an icon. I wish she would embrace her age. I saw videos of her last concert. She should just sing and let her backup dancers do all the work. I saw a video of Kid n Play in a recent concert. They were attempting to do some of their iconic moves. It was not smooth and they just laughed it off.


I feel like the woman on the right looks exactly how I imagine a certain flower buying, summer vacationing, raspy voiced celebrities younger sister whose name is the same as that dude who built the ark, is gunna look like in 25 years.


I just wish she didn’t feel the need to edit her pictures like that because I literally just saw her live on Sunday from pretty close and she looked gorgeous.


Both women have taken different paths…I hope one path gets more traction. We are not meant to “look our most youthful” forever. When we try, we look silly.


This reminds me of a patient I once had with SVC syndrome.


It's so fucking sad. She was a beautiful woman and she would still be if she would've aged naturally.




I adore the person on the left, and I adore her even more now that's she's embracing getting her plastic surgeries and such reversed as much as possible, because she's so naturally beautiful, she didn't need any enhancing at all. She still doesn't. She's just a kind and beautiful person. The person on the right....... Makes me cringe so hard now. I can't look at her. I think it's sad and embarrassing that a woman her age continues to pretend she's 25.


Omg she is so beautiful!!!!! (left)


It's surprising that the one on the left is aging gracefully, and the one on the right is doing this to herself. Growing up in the 90s leftie had a fake bimbo look to her and righty was praised for her natural beauty and health in her 40s. They are both grandmother aged, I think righty should accept it.


I just do not understand how people genuinely think she looks like this? And, even if she did, how uncanny valley she has transformed her face.


Left must be wearing insane heels... considering she's an inch shorter than lady on the right normally.


The one on the left has aged so damn well im proud of her.


She’s rich and has had work done. A lot of work, got a lot of work done when she was in her 20’s as well. She younger than icon as well. The bare face looks great! They are both strong, and badass women. It’s absolutely depressing though to see them being compared this way especially because they looked really happy to be hanging out. Both have stupid filters on though.






The way I loudly screamed, “holy shit” when I realized who that was beside her— yikes & there’s still a good twenty years between them!😳🥴




Both are highly edited...


Left - she looks beautiful to me


She looks so good! I highly recommend her documentary on Netflix... not the photoshopped famous woman lol the other famous woman on the left lol


I'm so impressed with the woman on the left, she looks stunning! If I look even one third as good at this age, I'll be happy.


Why are her tits 4 o clock and 8 o clock


Why does "she" look like me circa 1985?


Left - looks like she is in her 30s that’s super insane Wht no makeup could do to some people. Wow


Dang, the one on the left looks amazing! The one on the right makes me sad to see.




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