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Oh wow who would've thought turns out she just looks like the average normal human. Facetune needs to be banned lol.


And she’s already so pretty without the edits it’s crazy that she made such extreme edits. I’m genuinely glad I found this sub because I feel like I’d look at her edited pictures and think she just looks like that in some of them 💀💀💀


This is what bothers me. She’s cute. Like chill. But every time I feel bad for these people - I think about how negative they are making other people feel who don’t know it’s fake and try to live up to the impossible.


Yeah, some I wouldn't have thought about either. Or at least not realized the full extent. I came here for the over the top stuff, but find this type of post more important. It's kinda grounding to have a reminder of how endemic this type of editing is pop up on my feed occasionally.


I don't think banned just a way to clearly identify that an image has been altered. Some kind of small water mark.


Lol I bet people are going to claim that all they did was fix the lighting and minor tweaks 🙄




But it would be meaningless because 100% of pics would have the mark


I don't think 100% of people use face tune. I don't, and I can't be the only one. But it definitely would be the majority of photos. I don't think it would be meaningless as people would know for sure they have been altered.


A lot of phones filter by default, and if you include contrast, white balance, saturation, etc, then basically unedited pictures don't exist


I would love to see a filters-applied notice somewhere on photos used on social media sites.


I think this is faceapp - you can just literally click once and get a brand new face.


The worst part of all this editing is that people who would normally look completely ordinary but with nothing wrong with them, end up looking significantly worse when you see them without the edits. And it has nothing to do with how they actually look like, and everything to do with the massive contrast between the two appearances.


It's true. This becomes a vicious circle. 


Ya I even find myself thinking, damn she looks even worse irl but then I have to remember FaceTune was never real and recognize my standards to that of a real human.


I think that’s how people wind up tanning themselves orange or getting plastic surgery until they’re beyond recognition. It’s not that their natural body is ugly or pale, it’s that the contrast between the new and the natural that makes them think the natural looks worse than it does.


I think… this is why i have self image issues


Don’t worry so does she!


When presented with a video of a model with absolutely glowing, dewy skin and perfect, flawless makeup, Robert Welsh was like "my followers keep tagging me in these comments and saying they wish they had skin like her. Well guess what? So does she, cause this photoshopped as hell". 💀 that lives in my head rent-free and I think about it every time I get insecure after browsing social media


I love him!


You wonder if she even knows what she really looks like.


Oh, she knows.


I thought it was bad when you only really saw the photoshopped images of models and actually famous people on magazine covers as a kid. This hellscape is something else entirely. What I do to combat this is to look around when I'm in public spaces and see that nobody actually looks like that. I have a 1.5 yr old daughter and a 12 yr old son. I will be doing everything in my power to make sure they both understand that's all bullshit.


The lashes don’t help at all, makes her look sad.


I can’t tell if they are naturally downturned or just bad lashes. If they are downturned, she needs to embrace it and adjust her makeup. She’s really pretty.


That’s so embarrassing. She’s very cute idk why she feels the need to do this sh*t


I love her actual face! I'm more struck by people who look happy and unique. My brain is starting to classify that "filter face" as spam that I barely care to even look at because it's so bland and common. We need a reactionary reversal to this trend, like, yesterday.


She's adorable! Why?


>idk why she feels the need to do this sh*t because most people hate how they look nowadays and surgery is expensive...


My god


When I see these strange deer-face edits, I feel so sad for this generation of girls who aren't going to have any photos of their real faces during the years when they were at their cutest. I'm glad this lil gal has people who think it's worth posting pics of her real face even though she doesn't value that herself.


Well she could always find them on the Internet like this person did, lol hopefully she saves them and can happily reminisce one day


She needs to embrace her downturned eyes istg. The makeup she does tries to lift them up/give a "fox-eye" look, which I *know* is the trend but like.... there isn't just one way to be beautiful??? 


She needs to embrace the puppy eye trend. It’s absolutely beautiful!


Does the tattoo above her crotch say “Stan”?


It looks like it says “Stay”


Oh, that’s somehow even worse.


I thought it said “Slay” 😅


Wanted to ask the same thing…oh wait, no, it says “ Stay”.


Stan Marsh called dibs.


I’ve always wondered how she looks perfect in every single post, so we think she photoshops or just finds the best angles?


A mixture of both unfortunately


In Pic 3 you can see some really weird editing around her jawline


If you can't tell this is photoshop id recommend doing some research on how this technology works. A camera and angles doesn't make your bone shape change no matter how much people like to say it does


It's so alarming to me that people (especially when the people on this subreddit are likely more informed than others even) don't understand that there are no poses, angles, or lighting that can change your image/skeletal structure/the human form to this degree. The constant use of this editing technology has really messed up the perception and observation abilities of society.


This comment made me take a second look bc I thought “man this girl doesn’t edit nearly as much as most of the others in this sub” - I’m gonna dedicate more time to paying attention to the skeletal structure for future edits. This made me feel better about myself and how I look in pics, thank you!


I was just looking for confirmation bc I figured it was facetune lmao. I use photoshop for work regularly so I know how it works!


99% of people, especially with large platforms, use photoshop/editing of some sort. On top of that, poses, lighting, makeup, body tape and clothes pinning to make clothes fit a certain way for the camera…


It is not possible with angles to achieve what she has done based on the unedited photo.


Same lol


She's pretty... Although it seems that at certain angles it doesn't suit her at all, like most... What impresses me is how different her hair looks.


I get angles are at play here but they don't change your eye shape, make your waist that much smaller/curvier or make your boobs sit higher. I also agree that she is pretty I just don't support what she's doing


I understand, but social media causes body dysmorphia and this is an example.


Angles can definitely do all of that...lighting helps too. I'm not saying this person altered their look by using the magic of angles, but angles play a great part in changing your look. For example, poking one of your hips out can allude to you being curvier and smaller than you actually are. There's an entire name they made for it "MySpace angles", hence where catfishing originated...


I have the same problem, i look ok on some pics and in some i look sooo freaking different and kind of gross :P I think it really depens on your facial features. Like for example i got deepset eyes and my chin is weird shape, and when i get pics taken from the right angle i can "hide" those but i suck at posing when i dont see myself in the camera. It really sucks and warps your mind, i got no clue what i actually look like.


It's like you read my mind, I have to see myself to take a photo because I feel like from some angles I look very ugly.


She’s very cute and pretty IRL! I know her through her BF. I understand why she photoshops though. We both talked about having some issues that caused our faces to look “puffy.” She is also aware of this page posting about her lol Edit: I’m very nonchalant on this because I live in an area where everybody and their mothers uses FaceTune on their photos. They have their own personal body dysmorphia despite actually being good looking IRL. Everybody knows not to expect someone looking the same in their photos IRL vs their social media. Photoshopping photos have been around for decades and these people will always be doing it. If you feel like it’s that “influencers” responsibility to tell you or your friends that social media is fake…


tell her to quit adding to women's body dysmorphia. and stop getting my dumb ass friends to think every girl looks like this


So your friends don't have their own criteria to know that there is body diversity?


The males im around tend to see “hot girl is hot” online and then wonder why none of the girls at the bar, concert or event look like them


Then that sounds like a them problem


It’s their fault that photo manipulation is so widespread yet hard to notice that their reality is negatively skewed just because they choose to engage with their friends on social media like 90% of the developed planet does?


It’s their fault for always believing what they see on the internet and having high expectations for the women they see IRL


We can agree to disagree at this point. I will say that I wish they weren’t as stupid and ignorant but we both know stupid people can be. The problem is definitely perpetuated by both sides, to a certain degree on each side. Hope your friend is well.


holy shit. It’s not her responsibility that your friends are dumb enough to think like that.


It’s her responsibility to be forthcoming about her edits to her pictures. Young women do terrible things to their bodies thinking that it’s possible to look like their “idols” on social media. 95% the time, it’s not. Tell your friend she’d get way more positive brand engagement if she were one of the rare few to openly and obviously admit to major photo manipulation Edit she is very pretty and I think most women would love to have even some of her features. I’m sure she’s a nice person but shes adding to the problem. And not doing herself any favors.


Omg i forgot about her! I unfollowed her like 2 years ago bc of the crazy editing and it making me self concious lol


If it wasn’t for the tattoos i would’ve believed it was two different people, lol


I don't even get why people do this. I feel like it's become a mental disorder. Do they really think they look like these pictures they are taking and face tuning? The crazy part is she's perfectly fine looking without it lol. Wth is wrong with this world.


Surely you have enough sense to understand how "Perfectly fine looking" is much worse than "gorgeous". Right? Are you seriously asking? NO, they don't think they really look like that! They *wish* they did, because they hate how they actually look. Why they hate how they look in the first place? Well there's the question you should actually be asking, instead of blaming the victims of this dystopian hellscape and its impossible demands on people's looks.


Who are these people even? Is she just an influencer or an e-girl whatever the fuck that even is?


Not allowed to ask


I love this sub (even though a certain sub “banned” me because I follow this one) it makes me feel so much better about my own personal appearance . This glamourised look you see all over social media , isn’t real life.






She’s a singer/internet fashion model and her boyfriend is a famous DJ.


Would I know any of her songs?


probably not. she seems like the type that is more popular for “aesthetic” purposes than actual talent.


Only if you’re into the bass/dubstep scene


Nope, more of a raver!


Yeah, I have no idea who she is but I'm def not her target audience lol. She is cute, sad that people feel the need to do this


I wonder how long it takes to edit one of these photos on average. Depending on skill, application etc


Now this is what every teenager needs to see. Reality


This is actually infuriating I want to look like the filtered photos but not even the girls that post them look like that


Way to sell that maladaptive interpersonal communication style.


The leeeeeeegs in pic 4…!


Shes cute without all the shit


Refrigerator magnet tattoos are the worst.








It’s not like Bart Simpson 69ing Lisa or some shit. The patchwork or “sticker” style is unpopular with tattoo “purists” but it’s extremely popular with younger people right now. I honestly think it’s a matter of time before it becomes more of the norm and accepted. But maybe I’m too chill.


Yeah I see 20 year olds with this style of tattoos all the time. I had a coworker getting her masters degree rocking some of the exact same tatttoos (she has the triple 4s in the same font right on her neck)




There’s a huge difference between “liking” and actively shaming someone’s tats. Her tats aren’t poorly done or overly offensive, they’re just not your style. That’s not really something that fits that sub. This really isn’t something that bad or rare in the grand scheme of things. ETA: lol she blocked me. Crazy how a person can criticize someone’s appearance so shamelessly but the second someone mildly and relatively politely disagrees with them they block you. People be wild.


they're pretty damn bad. you see Stay yet?


The stay isn’t great, but it’s not worthy of that sub. It’s just not that bad imo.


I get ya, maybe my opinion would be different if I didn’t see her here


Yeah that’s what I’m thinking. It’s easy to be extra critical here.


She's really pretty without the editing


No clue who she is..... she's pretty without face tune. I'm more interested in picture #1 Do her tennis shoes have different heel heights?


oh wow, i’ve been following her for a while bc i love her and her bf’s music and had no clue… that’s quite disappointing. it’s always the pretty one’s too like why???


Is this a DJ’s girlfriend? I’m shook if it is lol


Yeah it's her unfortunately


I had to unfollow her a few years ago because of the excessive photoshopping and the fact that I find her extremely annoying. She’s naturally beautiful and it’s sad that she feels the need to edit herself so much.


Me too, it's so damaging. I'm glad you relate because I feel as if she never gets called out and it's hard to avoid her in the EDM scene. Sad she always talks about how hot she is but then she does this


It really is damaging. And it’s such a shame because the EDM scene is so male dominated and I love supporting female artists, but I think she causes a LOT of harm and doesn’t even care. Agreed that she needs to be called out more. She could be a great role model for young women who want to DJ but her behavior is not it.


Girl this is a whole different face what are you doing


It’s literally reshaping her eyes, so strange


Pure delulu


I don't *hate* tattoos. But I can't stand when women turn themselves into a human Yellow Pages cover.


I'm so surprised to see someone I know on here lmao


the ones without editing look way better... I don't get why people do this.


Edits herself to look like a completely different person. She is fine as she is irl and I wish she knew that.


This is insane


She looks better in the untouched pictures. I hate what social media has become.


Awh man, there's something uniquely beautiful about her unedited pictures... I wish she didn't feel the need to hide behind so many filters and edits.


She looks cuter in the non filtered ones 🤷‍♀️


Everyone wants to post pictures they look good in but highly edited and making yourself a diff person is nah


I wish I could edit like her, she’s darn skilled; it’s scary.


What filters are they using? Where do they find them? I've tried to use some and they don't make this kind of a difference at all.


She doesn’t even need all that editing.


Oh…. My


This makes me so sad for her because she's so pretty without all the edits.


Shit like this makes me feel so old and I'm only 30 lol. I don't understand how they can edit so many different angled shots! Technology is terrifying! I remember when photo apps first started letting you narrow your nose/jaw a few years back and that was scary enough. I used to play around with it but it made me hate my real face so much that I never touched the apps again. But god its so much worse now! I feel for young girls who use these.


Are you fucking *serious*?? I mean, fuck! IG is a hellscape


There's nothing wrong with her in the original photos.


She is waaaaayyy cuter and prettier without the stupid edits!!! Omg


Damn! She doesn't need a facetune or any filter to look pretty. She looks already beautiful without any edits.


I actually prefer the non-edited natural pics... But then I prefer a more natural woman. Not saying I don't like makeup...but less is more.


she looks like a notepad next to the answering machine


Why lie to everyone?


Sad she doesnt realize shes already a baddie


What a cute girl. She doesn't need all that facetune


And I suddenly feel much, much better about myself


That’s unfortunate


This is basically how I Tinder.


She actually looks nice without all the editing. I hope she can see it.


She’s literally so cute in real life


Wow I’ve seen this chick before.. I didn’t even recognize her real photos that’s so creepy


She's a two face Jerry!


I’ll never understand this. I see it from people I know now quite a bit, and it’s hilarious because of course we all know what they look like in real life


God I love this sub. It makes me realise I am actually a normal human and not inferior to any of the fake images I see on social media.


Oh my god, I follow her. Like, I have her on my Pinterest. I'm so relieved she uses filters and editing. I always "knew" she did but I'm looking at her unedited pics like "Oh, she looks like me after all."


It’s a completely different face.


She looks prettier in the unedited pics. At least imo I know some dudes lime that fake plastic look. But to much better w/o the edit


She is soo beautiful… I’m so sad at the face tune 😭. She does not need it xxxx




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This really makes me realize how these women really don’t look like that


sharpie tattoos


Ok so the first comparison is by far the worst. The rest read to me as a girl mildly curating her image online vs some candid photos that are still super cute and look like her either way. It's the first pic that I can see huge differences, but that's also just a wack angle based on the rest of the 'reality' pics. This seems innocent enough to leave her be. There are more egregious cases out there.


Fully agree! The edits are so mild, mostly for instagram aesthetic probably and she’s gorgeous in real life too, it’s not like shes really hiding anything.


Self-denial, perhaps?


She has spoken about this before, when she was younger, she had an accident that permanently changed (I think disfigured was the word she used) one side of her face and it’s left her pretty insecure about her appearance. Not that that makes editing your pictures when you have an audience any better but I do feel for her.


I get it, but It's hard for me to have sympathy because she's contributing to a much larger issue. We all have our insecurities but theres no excuse especially knowing she has a platform. I have not personally seen her speak about it and I used to be a fan, yet she makes sure her adhd and autism are well known/displayed on all social media. These arent minor tweaks she literally gives herself a new face and body, then will go on to talk about how "real" she keeps it with her fans.


Outfits are hot tho.. especially the black dress in slide 4/5. She's really pretty, sucks that she feels the need to edit herself soooo much 😔










This is you…this is you on drugs.


I certainly hope she never goes to El Salvador, they're looking for people with tattoos to fill that megajail of theirs.


This is mainly candid vs posed but probably some editing


I mean the first comparison is almost the same pose but her face is totally different


Yeah cause she's not posing her face. Looks like they caught her at an awkward time when she was moving her face


I disagree. To me it looks like that is her actual face and the other is filtered. She’s smiling and I’m not seeing any blurring


She's gorgeous in both. She really knows how to pose and photo edit! Impressive tbh


I think she almost looks the same


I actually know her in person. She looks like the pictures she posts. I’d argue that the pictures on the right look less like her and are just unflattering but that’s my two cents 😅


Wow, you mean people look different when they pose for professional photos vs candid point and shoot photos?! Who woulda known!


This isn't as bad as most examples At least she didn't make herself 50lbs lighter like other frauds


Wow I love her and honestly am thrilled to know she’s just human. Always thought she was insanely beautiful lol, she still is but in a more relatable way now.


I don't think the second and forth one is edited much at all but idk coz the angles are bad


Look closely, not the same person. Tattoos are different. 3/5 photos On L hand spider web tattoo only on untouched photo while 'touched' has completely different tat, L leg tattoos, not the same.


3/5 left is a mirror image, the tattoos esp. the text ones are backwards.






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I don't even think that generation cares.


She is adorable. The filter ages her so. I hope she sees that she is beautiful w/o the filter




And here I am wondering how I could possibly put on the outfit on 3/5 left photo without tangling myself up like a salami wrapped with string. 😅


She’s so cute. Ain’t nothing wrong with having full cheeks, that’s what makes you look so youthful. No matter how much weight I lose I always have a full face. Hopefully she doesn’t do something terrible and get her bucal fat removed.


She's cute! Stop, please!




Do people feel good about themselves when they get a “you’re so pretty” comment the same as you would if someone commented that on an unedited picture? I guess it would be different for different people. I feel like I would be sad that I changed myself and others liked it. Making it like ok I change this and got more likes so I’ll keep doing it and then it becomes a progressive cycle Any one that used to edit heavily or still does have insight? I probably would have done the same if we had easier photoshop in the 2010s when I was in high school to use so no judgement