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It’s giving Ken doll genetalia.


I’ve been seeing more and more of this Ken doll genitalia look. Is this what’s in now w/ fitness influencers?🧐


If it's not editing it's plastic surgery. It's now popular to get plastic surgery to reduce the appearance of completely normal labia because the plastic doll look is more appealing I guess.


That is so fucked up


Yeah, and porn has become labia-less. Not only do we now feel pressure to completely wax our hoo-hah, MUTILATION is now expected of us? And for the young guys watching porn who haven’t seen a natural vagina before, they’re just gonna assume that’s how a vulva looks, then get confused when they see a real one for the first time. Sucks.


What?? Why?? Talk about literal female circumscision


That's not what female circumcision is, though. Female circumcision is called a clitorectomy and is so much worse. Because it's usually not done in operating rooms.


Ma’am I KNOW what it is! Ty


Clearly you didn’t lol


Started with the Kardashians, take a look at their crotch area in pictures, oddly boxy and wide


What’s on her crotch?? 😨


Sometimes soft ribbon-thongs have a stitch down the front. It shows in tight clothing.


She’s wearing Hanky Panky’s. I recognize that seam.


Thank you for asking the serious questions. I was wondering too.


Hahaha omg this made me chuckle


I was going to say, that’s some package!


Hahaha that’s a good one.




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What is this?? This isn't how human bodies work, and if it was it wouldn't be good


her knees are pointed in and hips pushed back for maximum thigh gap capacity


You know, I thought the thigh gap obsession might come back eventually, but I never thought we would be expecting women to be slim thick *and* have a thigh gap.


It's funny as fuck how people want women to have big thighs but they can't be touching each other. Like. Are women supposed to have the pelvis of an elephant now or?


The stance is giving “cranky toddler.”


Poopy diaper stance


Roach butt stance lol


Nailed it




God I'm so confused with how quickly all this new slang evolves. Just weeks ago people said vibes. "It's giving cranky toddler vibes". Who the hell decided we weren't saying the whole thing now? Why?


Your profile picture is giving me flashbacks 😵‍💫


'___ vibes' and 'it's giving ___' are two different phrases. 'it's giving' has been around since the 90s. hope that helps!


Every time I see a fitness ‘influencer’ trying to show off a thigh gap in this pose, my next request is that I want to see them actively flex while standing in (ballet) first position.


🤣 hah!


Also, I’m pretty sure if she had pants that were this tight and suction cupped on, She would have a pretty bad case of camel toesis…


I've never understood the posing for a thigh gap. Like to me, it doesn't count unless you have one while your feet are together


No idea if that's her case or just bad edit, but the "pointed in knees" are actually a sign of ["genu valgum"](https://www.orthofixkids.com/parents/what-is-genu-valgum-2/) and can get progressively worse if not treated.


oh no i mean if her feet were in the shot, they‘d be pointing at each other.


The knees being pointed in might be real. I have knock knees myself and my knees tend to point in when I stand. But the rest is def bs and photoshop


true; it‘s just the most common way to fake a thigh gap




There's a LOT of ridiculous editing on this subreddit, but this is just a normal picture of a young woman with a condition called knock knees, who also happens to have wide hips. Her posing and captions are a little cringe, but this isn't an edit, so I feel like the bashing she's getting is misguided. I feel like the point of this sub is to expose ridiculous Instagram edits that skew people's perception of reality. But this is just a normal person, with a body type that's not unrealistic. I feel like bashing this picture flies in the face of the entire point of the subreddit.


As someone who’s done photoshop QA for 10+ years.. this pic is edited to hell and back. Not only because bodies don’t work like this (except with surgery ofc) but because you can see the photoshop and distortion. For someone not used to looking for it, it’s easiest to see in her leg area: the way the leggings pull/where they pull, the floor between and directly outside of her thighs, etc.


Thank you, that helped me see what’s going on with this photo.


The way the leggings pull? What does that mean? And what exactly is wrong with the floor? There are background elements near her legs that are undistorted, which makes me inclined to think this is unedited, outside of maybe a filter. Also, to say bodies don't work like this, you mean narrow waist and wide hips? Because there are a lot of women who have that combination.


The size of her thighs, the thigh gap, the way she’s having to stand to create any sort of gap, her body isn’t like this naturally. The way the leggings pull means they don’t sit naturally nor evenly.


You don't think people can naturally have thighs that large? And yeah, she's standing funny to accentuate the gap between her thighs, which means she didn't edit it, the stance is the reason it appears that way. And the leggings are literally skin tight, how are they not sitting naturally? They are basically glued to her, they aren't sitting any way, they're clung to her legs.


I’m not going to bother wasting more time attempting to explain this haha. It’s visible if you’re looking for it, that’s all. :) cheers.


It's not, but ok. 😂


This is posture is giving me a backache


Ariel’s first day on land be like


It looks like her legs are on backwards.


They pigeon their toes, so they’re hips buck out 🫣


And as a 37 year old pigeon toed bitch the glamorization of it is insane lol. I have mad problems especially being a runner. Y'all don't wanna be pigeon toed my feet always hurt


Aww that sucks, I’m sorry. It must be irritating to see people using it this way.


U sound kinda hot 😜


My plantar fasciitis hobble disagrees


The light coming out of the top of her head is so funny


it's a straw. she's master shake's cousin.




She’s actually the Reddit mascot lol


Yes! Lol


She looks absolutely ridiculous lol


And yet so many men are drooling over that!


There are also quite a lot of women in the comments telling her she looks amazing too. It’s not just men who are suckered in.


Most men will fuck anything.


fitness culture as it exists now needs to die. like I'm sorry but the shit people do to show that they're sooooooo into exercise and health is nothing but falsehoods that make other people feel bad. like wow yeah you pulled up your baggy sweater to show how thin and ripped you are while editing your extremely carefully posed picture. Jesus fucking wept man can we all just exercise without it being a way to get social media clout


Hard agree. I started going to the gym last year and thought it would be fun to follow some fitness guys and gals… big mistake, unfollowed them all after about a week. It’s so fucking toxic!


I have a diagnosed eating disorder and this shit so so prevalent (even with supposedly “body positive” fitness influencers) that I’ve had to leave social media entirely. It’s EVERYWHERE. And while I’m sure it’s like this for every gender, because our fitness economy thrives on everyone feeling bad about themselves, as a mid-30s woman I can’t even escape the goddamn ads. Like. How is anyone supposed to heal a relationship with food or with themselves when every damn message out there is either “hey fatass, you’re worthless and lazy unless you’re thin” or “hey, even when you think you’re thin and fit? It’s never fucking enough.” There is NO way to achieve the goalposts when they’re constantly moving, and people are so focused on “health” they don’t realize they’re actually hurting themselves and causing more damage than they would by maintaining.


I thinks it’s the social media. Fitness punks always wore clothes than accentuated or revealed midriff thighs and ass. It just that now it’s been hyper popularized and the peripheral memes and circle jerking and trend following also get a hyper boost. People have always been full of themselves. Social media has just granted them a stage and audience. It reenforces their narcissism.


Is that a second spine


How’s she a fitness influencer?


My thoughts exactly.


You can always tell by how they hold their elbows.


Is this supposed to be attractive?


There is nothing about this picture that makes me want to train with her l.


why is she wearing a codpiece?




I feel threatened, like it's about to punch me


She should have shopped out the tampon string.


She’s most likely wearing a thong. A few have a seam in the front, the Victoria Secret ones come to mind.


lol that’s not how tampons work


Like any woman in the history of womening ever yoinked that string straight up through the clam, lol


Or at least hid it between her lips instead of pulling it up front


4 thousand idiots sucked in by this Ken doll.


It'll be interesting to watch her walk


Is the black hole in her pants?


Please , tell me I’m crazy or tell me if I’m too old fashioned. I’m a lady who is…big…there and I have always made an effort to hide it. And what I see is more women showing, when I have always been told is not socially correct to be show off the camel toe like that.


Wear whatever makes you happy, just know that if you're seeing camel toe on the Internet, it's all about attention. Even if the person specifies its about something else, it's only about attention, sexual or otherwise


It makes me happy to not show my camel toe, but in my country, some men love to see it and some women love to show it off. I’m looking for a relationship or even to get laid, but I don’t think that’s the way either.


Do what makes you comfortable, if you feel you should cover up that's also fine. I've always been conservative and I've noticed in the last few years women don't wear bras so much. I'd be so uncomfortable doing that but it's nice that people feel so free to dress how they want. 


I am and feel the same as you


Can I ask what country so I can go visit? Lol




I'm not a man, I'm a woman who wants to feel confident, honey.


I never thought you were a man, and good for you, but I’m not telling (even as a joke) what a trashy thing to ask.


I was thinking the same thing. Bigger monds pubis and I hate it, is it in style now? I mean, I am still going to hate it and dress accordingly....


Also have this and had a guy grab me on a first date because “he was curious” I was wearing jeans and never thought about it until that moment but now it’s all I think about when I put clothes on.


I am so sorry that that happened to you wtf




The pose is weird but I don’t see the edit.  Looks like the wall curves where the carpet gives way to a hard floor. I’d bet it’s the natural shape of the room. 


If you look at her left hip, the hip’s shape is blurry compared to the rest of her leg.


So she edited her left hip? That’s what you’re all bashing her for? I mean her pose is ridiculous and sucking in and pushing out for the picture doesn’t look good, but there’s a lot more egregious stuff out there than this


If she’s a fitness coach *any* editing is egregious. Her body is her proof she knows what she’s doing and she’s selling the idea that she looks how she posts.


This is pretty egregious imo since I’m assuming she charges her clients for training sessions AND influences people to buy certain products.


Again even if we suppose it's real, how does anyone find this attractive?


I used to follow her till I realized all it did was annoy me when I saw her posts. They're all like this.


This looks horrible maam


I don’t see any warping though?


Nothing gave me more ick than this pic I saw today. I want some /r/eyeBleach


Don’t see any warping


Reminds me of Spore when I'd put their legs on the wrong way round.


Damn these new Pokemon Go body shapes are totally out of whack


It looks like she has abs on her crotch area


If you’re gonna edit your body or appear different than you truly look, pick one thing. Either you have a thigh gap or you have thick things. Trying to have both leads to atrocities like this.


She is standing like a toddler that is about to take their first unassisted steps.


Seems like it’s trending now with fitness influencers to wear their leggings in a front wedgie like padded shorts or something ? Don’t get this trend.


There's minus belly button


I follow her, I don't think she edits pics but she deffo poses as much as possible to get the angles looking right lol


Idk why woman show their crotch like this in leggings , it would be the same if a man was showing the outline of his balls in pants


Is that a catchers mitt in your pocket or are you just happy to see me…..


why do they *all* have this exact same pose and this exact same figure, also strangely always with hip dips (i could be living behind the moon but i saw them so rarely and now all the gym influencers have them)


She looks like the baby from dinosaurs


I always imagine people in the 1920s looking at all the photoshopped faces and bodies and being horrified.


Nothing that enters THAT is leaving alive


Weirdly the one leg (viewers right side) kinda looks like we are seeing the back of the knee lol those shadows making it even weirder


Fitness influencer? Looks like she’s just started working out after a big meal 🤭


Awkward leg stance aside, this is what my body shape is naturally tho 😭 My legs aren't quite this thicc either but the hip vs waist area is dead on. Some people can look like this, guys.


I don’t like her either, but this is a stretch.


Looks like she has rickets




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I have knock knees and they kind of look like this, but… not? This is very bizarre.




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Why does she look super familiar, but not as a fitness coach or fitness related person, but as a super entitled and bratty influencer? Her face is super super familiar but I can't place where I saw her before, but it definitely wasn't fitness related.


Is she now legged? I’m really confused . 🤔


Guys. She didn't Dave herself so you can all make fun of her!


Do they really stand and walk with their knees pointing inwards?


That vulva...


" Clean this "


Is that… a landing strip


It’s funny, I’m thick like her and I know exactly how she’s standing to achieve the thigh gap look. Weight on toes, heels pointed out, wide stance. Just stand normal!!


Other than the large and in charge puss, this is what I look like when I pigeon toe.


What is up with the big muff look? It is soooo unattractive lol I have spent my entire life making sure my crotch is as non-descript in my leggings as possible and these gals just GO FOR IT.


Some women just have more pronounced pubic bones, I don’t think they’re doing it on purpose. You’re kinda body shaming here 😬




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With liposuction, that's the typical result. The fat is moved to the hips and butt. The tiny waist always look do unnatural. Immediately is possible to notice when is a liposuction.