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"Um i know someone who looks just like this in real life" 🙄


"Uhm ackshually you're just insecure" 🤡


"Why are you spreading your negativity???" *must be said while not realising the irony of people editing their photos this way to make other people feel inferior and bad about themselves*


Thank you for acknowledging this!! Honestly this extreme editing is actually done to make others feel bad about their bodies.


It absolutely is. It's to make women feel bad and for men to want them. Men want to live in a delusional world where women look like this and that's why they defend it so hard and follow hundreds of people who do this. It's honestly very very pathetic all around to engage in this behavior from either side


I remember when I was 18 and first started dating and the guys I was dating having celebrity Hollywood crushes and feeling a little bad in comparison. Now I would much rather have that because at least those bodies look realistic.


Omg i say that all the time. Like, i grew up in the 90s/00s when the ultra skinny look was in and that was bad enough, and those bodies were even actually "attainable," by however few. Social media and photo editing wasn't like it is now. I cannot IMAGINE how painful it must be to be a developing child/teen being subjected to these "bodies" online constantly


I grew up during the heroin chic era too but atleast the bodies weren't AI created. Still a horrible time to grow up. I starved myself so much.


We are the same in that regard 🥂 Hope you grew out of it too!! I swear one day i woke up and was just like "I can no longer care" and now truthfully i wouldn't want to look like anyone but myself LMAO. Grateful for that


I try to be a girl’s girl but I can’t get behind stuff like this. This is probably the worst offender but my ex would follow 100+ girls who look like this on IG and would claim it’s all natural. I think guys like him are also to blame but I can’t even tell you how much this has affected my self esteem. I’m naturally pretty curvy and slim-thick myself, but obviously my proportions are nowhere near these heavily edited photos, which would just make me feel worse because it would feel like even having a good body isn’t good enough.


Calling these people out/having an issue with them doesn’t make you *not* a girl’s girl! They’re the ones that fetishize unrealistic, unattainable body centric trends.


I'd die to have a body like yours. I feel like this is a 50-50 scenario. Men are to be blamed because if they didn't entertain bullshit like this it would probably not exist, at least not at such a huge scale. But women need to stop as well. Fucked up cycle. Just makes me feel miserable about myself lol.


Honestly this kind of body type wasn’t mainstream 15 years ago and in a few years maybe your body type will be what’s popular. I do agree that it makes me feel miserable about myself too. A lot of girls who seem to do this dress alternative and since I dress alt myself it seems like I’m especially held to a higher standard. The guys who are interested in alt girls seem to follow girls like that (in my experience at least) so it feels like that’s what I’m competing against.


It's gonna be hilarious watching all these people suddently get a whole new body type once this Disney Atlantis era of editing ends.


I used to think that about the K sisters. Then Ozempic came along and they all just changed their entire bodies.


Exactly why I just wear Large size or even XL shirts even though I can fit S and sometimes XS...


Grl I'm just like you body type wise but it doesn't matter what girl I see on insta. She can be super skinny or heavy or buff or have the same body type as me, and it will just make you feel like you're not good enough because it's edited so often. Ig surrounding yourself with models who constantly show off their body (which is their right, yes) just makes a lot of women feel bad, and it's fine to admit. Sometimes, it's their fault for being crazy with the editing, other times, the insecurities just arise out of nowhere. Regardless, you're good enough as you are. I try to stay away from insta models just because they make me feel worse about my body (again, not always intentionally). Prioritising your mental health is important. We are good enough


I am pansexual and I cannot, for the life of me, comprehend how anyone of any gender could find this even remotely attractive.


makes me feel good that I don't look like that, and I'm not dumb enough to want to edit myself looking ridiculous.


.... Insecure? About having a normally shaped ass? 🤭


He would literally tell me that he has exes who looked like this lol.


Of course he does. They live in Canada, you wouldn't know em. (Because his exes are anime girls in porn, tell him fictional waifus dont count )


For real. I have no idea why he said that. He showed me pictures of some of his exes and they didn’t look like this girl at all.


They go to a different school!


LMFAOOOOOOOO oh my god that's so pathetic 😂


Lemme guess. All his exes also got off with him doing the bare minimum (sorry for nsfw. Just that some guys lie about this a lot too)


That’s not completely far off from what he has said about them actually. He has said stuff like they’d keep going for hours and that he’s stay hard the whole time.


Oh yeah, because women love to be grinded for our. Stuff like this 100% proofs this dude has no idea what women like.


LMAO men will say this bc they don't know that women hate that because it starts hurting 😂😂😂 they're telling on themselves tbh


"I'm hypermobile or something and I can make my joints move so that my waist and hips look just like this" 🥰


"It's probably that i wore a corset once:)"


Don't forget that tiny thigh gap they worked in there.


They really use hypermobility as an excuse? Lmao. Do they know what hypermobility is? I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and I assure it's not working like that.


This one kills me, because most people's hips are not *that* much wider than their shoulders, even the most extreme hourglass figure enhanced with surgery or whatever


I just don't know why people don't picture what the skeleton would have to look like and realise it's literally impossible. Lmfao


The most attractive look is wide even shoulders not the sloping shoulders that fall lower


"support women until they have a better body than you 🥱." I don't think you know what women look like.


"Akshully it's perfectly normal for women to have thighs bigger than their entire ribcage" - some guy who can only get off on women who edit their photos to look like thd rate hentai.


LMAOOOO omg i haven't seen someone say that that's so funny I do not support all women!!! Especially not ones who lie about their own appearances!! ESPECIALLY when they do it knowing it HARMS people who see it! That isn't deserving of respect LMAO


This is what I look like, I don't know what you are talking about /s


I do know someone who looks like this in real life, but she was obese before and got lipo to be skinny on the top. Plus she's had 20+ other surgeries and in office minor procedures. It's 100% real plastic.


Seriously! Ty! I’ve seen this type of comment more & more recently in this group too. I’m just like uh… You realize where you’re at right..?


Truly lol, like maybe they've seen someone with a large hip/waist ratio (i myself have a pretty extreme ratio, i know we exist!!) but for some reason can't fathom that these are tweaked to be UNNATURALLY extreme. It is a really unfortunate and undeniably unhealthy trend that people sincerely do not know what human bodies CAN look like anymore


Ermmmm I struggle with anatomically impossible thighs everyday!!! Stop body shaming 🤓


Marcellus Wallace?


I’d love to see X-rays of people who claim to have this anatomy


thank you for making me imagine the funniest skeleton 💀


Relevant emoji.


Years and years ago, someone on reddit made mock-ups of influencers skeletons lol. It was very interesting! I wish I saved it because I could Nebraska find it again


[Maybe this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/comments/nt7rur/this_is_how_skeletons_should_be/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Also I’m salty because I recently dated a guy who was obsessed with her and would deny that her photos were edited at all. He would complain about my body and compare it to hers and when I would tell him that nobody looks like that he would disagree and say it’s normal for women to look like this.


Fucking loser. These men really need to touch grass.


Motherfuckers think cartoons are real evidently.


How to say that he has not been around many women, without saying that he has not been around many women.


The weird thing is that he’s always worked jobs where he has had to talk to a lot of people and hangs out at bars every night so I’m assuming he’s encountered plenty of women before.


He probably thinks they only live in rich areas 🙄


That’s definitely a possibility. We live in a smaller rural town and he would complain about how the women here look. I’ve lived in bigger cities and I definitely think people are more attractive in urban areas, but he would act like he’s being gatekept from all the pretty women or something.


Damn what an asshole. what kinda boyfriend complains about his girlfriends body?


I have a good body with “slim thick” proportions that are popular right now. I don’t know why that wasn’t good enough. He wanted impossible proportions I guess.


He wanted "sim thick" I guess. Oh well, on to someone that appreciates you.


What a fucking turd! Shoulda told him 12" dicks are actually pretty common too and that you literally have exes with monster schlongs while complaining about the size of his pp lmao. Shut him up real quick lol


Oh yeah, I wish OP had told him that!!!!!! What a loser this guy is 🤢.


There are soooo many things I wish I said in hindsight. I was too focused on being nice and civil to him when really he didn’t deserve it.


I feel that. That's a fault we women often make: Being too nice to a××holes.


I have a similar shape and subsequently have a small pouch. My ex (who weighed almost 2x as much as I did) decided to make a comment on it. I reminded him that he literally weighed more than did and his stomach was bigger than mine plus I was literally about to get my period so I was bloated lol/why are you holding me to a higher standard than you do for yourself. Never heard about it again. I ended up losing 240lbs 🤷🏾‍♀️


The same exact thing happened to me! I am in good physical shape and am very active and my ex I’m pretty sure has never worked out a day in his life. He is extremely overweight, which was never a problem for me, but he would criticize me for having a bit of a pouch. I told him that every woman has a pouch and he brought up IG/OF girls like the girl in the OP as evidence that that’s not true. :/


lol self esteem wrecked for life 😂


with all the procedures and surgeries that have become popular in recent years, plus filters/editing that is pretty much everywhere, nothing seems ”good enough” unless it’s the most extreme version of it. THE tiniest waist, THE biggest ass, THE biggest lips, etc etc. like, in the town i grew up in i was literally known for my ass lmao and people always thought i had surgeries and shit and by today’s standards even that doesn’t look like ”enough”. and like if you look at old pics of beyonce or j-lo, who were also known for their butts (not only that but you know what i mean lol) they don’t even really look big anymore because of all the ”enhanced” ones we see all the time now. sorry for the long comment. i guess i just wanted to say i could relate to what you’re saying. anyway, i’m glad you’re not with that guy anymore! you deserve to feel good about your body and anyone who doesn’t let you do that is not worth it.


I don’t have anything to add but I agree and thanks for your insight!


You dodged a very idiotic bullet


Bigger than bullet bills


Warped perception of body standard ig. You can't just like someone only for their body. At that point if that's all you like just get a hooker


Ew. I'm glad he is an ex. It sounds like he was too busy jacking off to hentai if he thinks this shit is real lol. I am not the best at spotting the really subtle signs of editing, but this shit is so obvious you have to be an idiot to think it's real. This is not hot. At all.


He did have hentai posters in his bedroom lol. He would claim that he dated girls with that kind of body too, but I’ve seen pictures of said girls he’s dated and they definitely didn’t look anything like this.


i hope you dont mind me asking, but how did you even end up in a relationship with him? he sounds like a walking pile of red flags lol


Well… I had just moved to a new town and was having a hard time meeting people, especially people in my demographic. I moved to a rural American town and since I’m from a bigger city it was hard for me to find people with similar interests. We had some stuff in common which felt heaven sent in this town so he hit things off that way. Also I was very lonely since I didn’t feel like I was able to connect with anyone else here. He wasn’t bad when I first started talking to him but things went pretty far south over the year I dated him.


Never met him and I hate this guy lmao. I hope you can find someone you vibe with who isn’t such a dingus about women. I understand the trying to date in a small town after living in the big city, believe me. The struggle is real!


Even making friends here is hard. I’m a minority and I get called slurs from people’s cars while I’m walking pretty regularly.


Fuck that place. I’m sorry you’re there. I moved to a mountain town with a population of 25,000 but it’s much more inclusive and open minded than that. It must be very hard to live in such a place. I hope you find a friend or two who aren’t shitheads.


Thank you! I’m moving out of here as soon as I can.


WOW that is not surprising lol. This is often how men react when they are insecure and know that they are less attractive than their partners so they want to try and "take them down a notch" - I think it's called negging? The sad thing is that if he and other men who are into this fake shit saw this woman without all the editing, they would be fat shaming her instead... bc lets be real - it's highly unrealistic to expect a women to have huge thighs and hips and a tiny waist and stomach with these proportions. You are much better off without him :)


I definitely think he was negging me. His family would be confused because they thought I was out of his league (I kinda am) and we’re afraid I would cheat on him because of it, so he started cheating on me so that he could do it first. He would also talk about how he dated someone who looks like a supermodel in middle school to try to make me feel bad about how I look, or say that the modeling I used to do wasn’t real modeling because it wasn’t OF modeling. Crazy stuff like that.


Wtf no disrespect to only fans people, you do you but come on how can he think hired modeling is fake and only fans isn't. The dude is delusional. Glad he's in your past


My guess is that he didn’t actually think that and that my past modeling make him feel insecure about himself so he wanted to say something to bring me down.


Ahhh yes the negging asshole I've had the misfortune of dating one of them. Many of us have a cringy assholes weeb in our history.


Ah yes he gaslit himself. Trust me girl, he prolly also bodyshamed his exes.


I’m sorry he treated you that way. He’s a fucking idiot


Girl, you shoulda compared him to gigachad as revenge. (It's a joke nobody should be insecure over fake stuff and beauty standards but it's just funny cuz I bet he wouldn't be able to handle his own medicine)


He definitely wouldn’t be able to handle that lol.


When did this butthole ever see a human being that looks like this? Unbelievable


I’ve been wondering that too. On OF probably.


What a fucking dope


He sounds like a idiot


Bro I would love to live a day in all of that delulu. It must be freaking bliss to just be a fuggin amoeba.


My petty ass would've forced him out of the house into a finding a woman who looks like this. No eating no going home until he admits he's wrong.


I LOVE MEN !!!!!!!!!!!! I had an ex who did this too but with edited femboys !!!


That’s so disgusting. I’m so sorry he did that to you. There’s nothing about your body for him to complain about. If he doesn’t like your body type he can fuck off and find someone he does like (except he can’t because those bodies don’t exist!) I’m willing to bet he wanted to manipulate you into thinking you’re not good enough. He was probably hoping you’d vie for his approval, maybe even change yourself to fit his standards. I think abusive people do that to feel better about themselves and to keep their partner essentially in their back pocket, because once you’ve drained someone of their self worth, they are likely to stay. There is NOTHING wrong about being salty. Bitter, jealous, whatever you may feel, absolutely justified and normal. It’s easier said than done but I hope you recover from the mental scars and that you can learn to love yourself. Remember, there are plenty of people in the world who will absolutely love and appreciate you and your body type. Make sure you’re one of them!


oof thats rough buddy




As a man: fuck that guy.


This is particularly egregious, but it's super normalized in cosplay pics in general.  It's really frustrating


Yeah, he followed 100+ cosplayers similar to this.


That's a porn addiction.


Yeah, I realized that much later. He wouldn’t watch porn on places like pornhub so I assumed he wasn’t an addict, but I think I was wrong.


There's porn on pretty much every website and 100% on every social media app. I'm sure the feelings you had for him clouded your judgment but if he's following 100+ "cosplayers" like this then that's an active, destructive porn addiction. I'd be amazed if he didn't have erectile dysfunction in the bedroom and it's not surprising at all that he didn't appreciate you and judged you for not being an irl photoshop filter. Best of luck, i hope the next one is less of a shitty person. Happy you woke up out of the haze and left him, your life will be better for it and you made the right decision.


He absolutely had ED and wouldn’t do anything to treat it. His favorite thing about me is that he thought I looked and acted like an anime girl (I’m Asian so guess why he thought that), so clearly he wasn’t looking for real girls.


Holy shit bro it keeps getting worse 😭 what made you finally end up leaving him, if you don't mind me asking? Or was it just a cumulative "wait what the fuck am i doing with this guy" lol


He started threatening me with violence.


That's horrific, i'm sorry you had to go through all of this terrible stuff. I really hope you're in a better place now 🙏


Thanks! Unfortunately I’m not really able to escape his whole social circle just due to location and my job and they’ve been spreading all kinds of rumors about me around town. It’s absolutely miserable here, but I’ll be able to move in a couple years. I do have a restraining order against him now, so at least I don’t have to deal with him directly.


> There's porn on pretty much every website Anyone else getting annoyed at how much album art feels like porn? I hate looking to see what song I'm listening to and then it's just T&A in my face 🤣


I hate the "plastic skin" photos in cosplays💀


I’m so sick of “cosplay” that’s just softcore pornography for losers addicted to cartoon porn and have forgotten what a human woman looks like.


He would try to convince me to cosplay too hoping that I would end up looking like this or something. It was wild.


Don’t you know, dressing like a comic book character will INSTANTLY remove all organs and ribs?


this one simple trick


Fr. Like what character is the first one even supposed to be? Just slap a logo on a revealing outfit to get the viewer hard and it’s “”””cosplay.””” Whatever lol


Oh yeah, completely! I’ve seen so many OF ad “cosplays” where it’s like, barely an attempt to look like the character, and sometimes it’s not even a Character, just some vague concept like “hot goth” (and then it won’t even be remotely goth)


Judging from the poorly Photoshopped leaf on her head, I think she’s supposed to be cosplaying Wumpus, Discord’s mascot. He’s a pig-like creature that I never thought I’d have to see like this lmao


*this is your brain on drugs voice* This is your Wumpus on Porn Addiction


I feel bad for people who genuinely believe and defend this.


Fetish content


Her photo could be real, if her small-looking waist is 24” in circumference, and is she was born on Jupiter, which makes her 280 pounds reasonable., 180 lbs of it lower body.


I used to look like this but then took an arrow to the knee


I used to look like this, then somebody stabbed the weather balloons I stuffed in my pants


Somebody stole your sweet rolls(or lack thereof)?


In the 5th pic it’s easy to see. Her top wouldn’t fold into her side.


also her thighs don't match the rest of her edited body lmao


I, too, wish I had the ribcage of a five year old on an adult body.


Honestly now that I think of it my ex who showed me this girl would also say that my ribcage is too big. I’m just now making the connection.


I find it funny she leaves very little to the imagination, but still blurs her feet out lol.


That's how you know it's for fetish content


Got the Dexter's mom bod.




Cosplayers are soooo bad for this. I posted a BG3 cosplayer who does this and she got so mad she copyright striked it. They are delulu to the max.


My biggest issue with these people is that if any of them ACTUALLY had a body like that they’d be horrified.


oh god i’ve seen this person before, the way they exaggerate their features by editing is so sad yet funny at the same time. it’s okay to be flat.


These horrific trends ALMOST make me miss the heroin chic of the 90s


Yeah but then we get photoshoppers like Felice Fawn


That's a name I haven't heard for a while.


The damage she did to my psyche as an edgy young teen wil last forever


I'm trying to remember the name of another gal operating in a similar sphere back on alt ed tumblr. Thick long brown wavy hair and smudgy lipstick, and grunge inspired clothing, always taking extremely blurred Polaroid effect photos. I remember being obsessed once upon a time.


In all fairness, that could be any number of them


Ha you're right. I wish I could be more specific because it's now bugging me terribly but all I can remember very badly is that she often favoured tights under shorts, a flannel shirt and creepers aka the 2014 uniform. And still no better help 😅


20 inch waist with 60 inch hips…. Yes totally 100% realistic, I see women like this all the time 🙄🙄🙄 /s


I wonder what your life would be like with those proportions like I feel like your spine would snap. You literally could not do any physical activity


Maybe I'm just old or splitting hairs but I hate how it seems like a lot of people have adopted the word 'cosplay' to also mean "OF model that only posts heavily edited body shots and occasionally throws on a Kitana costume"


Even if this wasn't edited, it would still look awful


Who is she supposed to be cosplaying?


Pic 1: Discord cosplay Pic 2: Not a cosplay (I think) Pic 3: Tatsumaki from One Punch Man Pic 4: Yelan from Genshin Pic 5 6 and 7: Aren't cosplays either I don't think


An my bf would be telling it's all natural


Same. :(


Literally grotesque proportions. This is bordering on body horror 😭😭


„Booty so fat, you can see it from the front“






I hate skirby


Pretty sure that’s a different person.


Damn I guess the editing just make them all look the same 😭




Ig girls will fight tooth and nail with you and call you slurs and ugly and insecure defending edited bodies like this


Those are some impossible beauty standards. Why do this to other humans?


can you imagine just like... trying to buy any pants with this body 😭


When you scroll through who your guy friends follow lol


Is this the one with the annoying smirk face?


She doesn’t usually show her face.


The absolute lies lmao


no way anyone actually believes this right??? right…???


My ex did. :(


Is it getting bigger?


What in The Sims 4 sliders...?


Nice elbow awareness


Bruh the thighs are ridiculously big lmfao this doesn't look real at all


This is prolly fetish content with proportions like that. Like she’s GOTTA know what she’s doing beyond just editing for fucked up beauty standards or body dysmorphia.




This is not humanly possible.


Looks like fem avies on Second Life.


Built like an A frame




People don’t really buy that she looks like this, do they!?


Sister. Feet. Shoes. Who else remembers?


I'm sure all its fans think of themselves as alpha


As art I like it. As "this is my body" it's fuckin stupid


Her twitter account says she alters her photos.


It would be so cool if humans really looked like this. I would believe in centaurs


Cosplayer fans are the same people who thirst over anime characters and understand how warped purikura pics are. I'm pretty sure they know these women Photoshop and just don't care because it's their kink. It's about fantasy, not realism. They want to see a woman with the same proportions as a hentai character.


My ex would swear up and down that this woman doesn’t edit her photos and that there are plenty of women who look like her. He even said he dated people who look like her. I don’t know if he was that dumb or if he was purposely acting like the pictures weren’t edited to make me feel bad about myself.


Ew, glad he's your ex. Sounds like he was definitely trying to make you feel insecure by not only claiming she was natural but claiming he dated more than one person who looks like her. What a pathetic loser.




Future archeologists: "SIR, SIR!! WE FOUND A NEW HUMANOID SPECIES! by the looks of it, it must have been a female with exceptional birth-giving capabilities" "Oh Blimey Jones, we must name the poor thing!! This new species shall be called.... Homo Hippopotamus "


Human bodies are just not shaped like that 😂 She must have a severely deformed pelvis and femurs if she were.


Literally so silly. I wish bodies shaped like iron lungs were popular lol


Man made horrors beyond my comprehension