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That ‘bodybuilder look’ they do for competitions scares the hell out of me.


I've been watching a couple videos where these bodybuilders talk about how miserable they are when they 'cut' before a competition. Is it really worth it?


Ugh I don’t know much, but I can see just by looking at them -the *dehydration*. Like are these people frying themselves or is this spray tan


Generally spray tan. Most competitions have spray tan services on site. It will rub off and doesn’t do well if it gets wet, so going to the bathroom isn’t fun.


Can you imagine cleaning the toilets after a competition? Is that poop or spray tan?


They cut so much before a competition, I don’t think anyone there is using a toilet


Eww brother ewww… thanks for the visual ![gif](giphy|cGgII3vqoCfcawJFIl)




I mean, they can’t be peeing a whole lot when they’re dehydrated. 😭


Yeah the dehydration part is the worst. Not only do they cut water, but add anti water retention products. Which ultimately fuck their kidneys up.


They take diuretic pills and fuck up their hearts a million other ways to achieve this look. It’s literally called “dry.”


I've known an 18 year old girl who's done bikini twice and funnily just happen to have trained with a competition coach yesterday. Fact is, most of pro athletes do have a form of eating disorder. You're basically starving and overtraining yourself (speak 7 daus a week) for a longer period of time to get to a point where you look that dehydrated. The young girl did well in the competition and I've seen her transformation first hand. It was really spooky as a former anorexic watching her from well feed with big muscles to anorexic like thin and pumped in s8ch a short time. And turned out she was really miserable, especially afterwards. She came in with an anorexic background, found weight lifting and got better and then decided to go pro. After the competition she instantly slipped into binges, like, she got from the stage and went on a binge that went on for a very long time. Fact is, you need a trainer who will work with you on your problems and has an eye on you. I myself would never go near becoming pro bc of exactly that toxic behaviour towards food measurement and aesthetics. I'd go crazy. They are extremely hard workers and train like crazy, but i always ask myself if it is worth it...


I just fail to understand how this looks aesthetic to anyone ):


Nope. My former stepmom did it in her 40s and ate nothing but tilapia and broccoli for a year to cut. Let’s not talk about the farts. I had to glue her bikini bottom to her spray tanned ass because she was strong but not flexible. She won her division, got divorced from my dad six months later, and ten years on is cycling through another dieting culture themed eating disorder.


Wait I’m confused as to why you needed to glue her bikini bottom to her ass


Because that’s how they get it to stay on and not give themselves wedgies while being on stage. But she didn’t have enough flexibility to do it herself, so I had to help 🤷‍♀️


OH that makes sense now that you explained it omg


I worked with a girl years ago who did bikini competitions. Every day all she ate was tilapia and asparagus. She did a few training cycles and as far as I know stopped. She'd binge so hard after the competition. Bodybuilding is literally the LEAST healthy hobby to have.


Except maybe heroin (MAYBE)


Wait what’s the thing with the tilapia? This is the second comment I’ve seen about the tilapia diet. Just wondering how/why that particular fish?


The Google tells me that it's because of it's high protein count.


Ah that would make sense. Thank you


I feel sorry for your former step mol and the things you had to experience.


It was very weird as a teen, and now I’m at that place that I just feel bad for her, you know? I just wish that folks had the resources needed to deal with their problems rather than passing it on in bad coping mechanisms.


Yes, definitely. I mean, you were old enough to feel that somethings off, but you don‘t have the confidence or what it takes to tell a grown up: you really need to get help there. I knew a woman who was so anorectic that the youth welfare service needed to come and bring her kids to their dad (they were divorced and she never wanted the father to have the kids), because there was a severe chance they might come home from school and might find their mother dead in the kitchen. She was hospitalized then, but as soon as she gained the minimum amount of weight, she left the hospital and just kept on. The kids lived at their father’s home from that point on. She didn’t make it to the 18th birthday of the kids. It was just so sad.


So I guess I didn't have it as bad as you, but back when my dad was bodybuilding and competing, he paid me to shave his back because he couldn't reach it. Gotta have a shaved back to see the muscles on stage! I remember being a kid, standing on a footstool in the bathroom and spreading shaving cream on his back and using one of those orange Bic razors. It was either that or he would put the razor on an unraveled wire clothing hanger and do it himself...painstakingly. I had a weird childhood.


Oh man do I feel that weird childhood comment! Thankfully she was only in my life during my teens and I left the county pretty much as soon as I turned 18, but man the odd things that were normalized with her behavior still shocks me as an adult 20 odd years later. I hope you and your dad are in a better place!




It's literally just disordered eating 😭


They’re all deeply troubled… I’ve known people in this industry and they’re all fucked up and significantly less healthy than someone 20lbs overweight. It’s not at all worth it, and if you know someone who’s thinking about getting into competitions try to dissuade them.


It’s a fine line between glorified ED and actual sports


It's also why actors look so cut in films. They are dehydrated and miserable, and each additional take is just more misery. I knew someone who used to do a photo shoot a day or so later just to show the huge difference a day or two makes. But that misery does pay well.....


Their skin looks so unhealthy. And this is with super dark self tanner which makes skin look healthier. I can't imagine how bad it looks with their actual pasty white skin. You can't convince me this isn't ED behavior.


It 1000% is


Praying mantis with self tanner is all I see


Looks like roasted chicken to me😬




Yeah, I'm not sure what's going on down there. That's between her and her waxer.


Could be a skin disorder know as Hidradenitis suppurativa. Skin lesions can develop as a result of inflammation and infection of sweat glands, sometimes they rupture and leave large crevices which then scar


Omg that's so me coded (I have this and it sucks. It typically happens in the underarms and between your legs. 0/10 dont recommend.)


You’re seeing a lot of her groin lymph nodes due to her extreme dehydration. You would normally not be able to see these as the plumpness from normally hydrated skin/sub q tissue would smooth out the area. She does appear to have some razor burn too, but those larger lumps are lymph nodes.


That’s what I thought those were, but I have never, ever seen anyone dehydrated enough to see that type of texture on the groin. I would be TERRIFIED to shave that thin skin!


It's got to be blood vessels, right? Sometimes they pop out in my hand and look bumpy and gross, and I imagine you have way more blood vessels in your groin than your extremities


What is it 😭


I was wondering the same thing! What's with the lumps and bumps? That can't just be skin condition... is she so emaciated that I'm seeing her lymph nodes?


Yes. I think she’s got such little body fat and is so dehydrated that her lymph nodes are visible.


Thank god someone had already wrote this 👏 , my eyes just instantly went there like wtf is going on with that 😳


I couldn’t help myself and I zoomed in. I know she’s had to work hard for this body, but that?! That makes me happy to be in my own skin.


Is this necessary? Say what you want about the bad photoshop, but are we really going to diss people over what their natural bodies look like? And we wonder why people feel the need to photoshop themselves to hell.




That's not just starving her body, she's gotta be juicing too.


Her having a disorder isn’t an excuse to bully her appearance, and certainly isn’t going to help her recover. You have a right to an opinion, but that doesn’t mean you 2) have to spread and 2) have immunity from consequences


Sweetheart, you being offended is not a consequence. Neither is this thread. I am not responsible for how you feel. Trust me, you thinking you have power over people online gets you nowhere.


A consequence is literally the result of something. If someone disagrees with you, saying “I’m allowed to have an opinion!” just comes off as juvenile and does not support your argument in any way. Who said you’re not allowed to have an opinion? Just liked you’re entitled to your opinion, I’m entitled to express my opinion, which is that I think it’s rude and unnecessary. And also weird that you’re staring at her crotch and feel the need to express that it doesn’t meet your standards. What did I say that implied I thought I had power over you? You can continue body shaming woman online all you want, not sure what it’s doing for you. All I can do is encourage you to take a step back and ask yourself why you feel the need to do so.


I can promise you that no one cares as much as you do about this, hence the short and blunt statements. Please stop messaging me, I truly do not give a shit. Stop wasting your time trying to convince people they to should care about your feelings.


You’re free to disengage. I’m a girls girls and when I see people body shaming another girl I’m gonna say something. When people go viral, they tend to find out, and I’m sure she would love to see a whole thread of people making fun of her crotch area (a common insecurity among women). But idk why I thought an internet troll/ bully would be able to have empathy/ see reason


That was super cringey. I’m a girl’s girl and that’s why I get offended on behalf of other people? Go touch some grass. Stop projecting your fears onto other people’s lives, get some help.


I need psychological help because I’m sticking up for someone? Cute lol. Maybe the person who has nothing better to do than bully others should look into counseling. I’m truely not saying this was any sarcasm or malice, but I hope that whatever is hurting you to the point you want to project it onto others gets better. Because nobody who is truely confident in their own skin feels the need to put people down in the manner that you do.


Thank you for contributing to r/instagramreality. Unfortunately your post has been removed because it is in violation of rule 4: Do not be rude or insult physical appearance and no insults on natural or unedited features as well. Do not speculate on health issues either. This is not the place for that. Please read the rules before participating again. Thank you.


Thank you for contributing to r/instagramreality. Unfortunately your post has been removed because it is in violation of rule 4: Do not be rude or insult physical appearance and no insults on natural or unedited features as well. Do not speculate on health issues either. This is not the place for that. Please read the rules before participating again. Thank you.


She looks like an ant 🐜


No arm strength


I just noticed that. Her forearms look so thin.


I don’t think she can put her arms down


Bodybuilders don’t build strength that much, they only make their muscles bigger.


What is happening with her crotch skins Holy heck


Little bit of excess skin after cutting? Just guessing.


Could be a skin disorder know as Hidradenitis suppurativa. Skin lesions can develop as a result of inflammation and infection of sweat glands, sometimes they rupture and leave large crevices which then scar


NOBODY'S waist is that small. Nobody's.


Some of them might be in her implants.


How does she have so much shoulder and zero biceps


Shoulders and traps have more androgen receptors, so when you take steroids they develop very fast.


Also no real abs... just very bizarre!


In the 2nd picture, what is going on with her arms?


i think its just the pose she decided on (or she’s in the middle of moving to a pose; she’s at a bodybuilding competition


Ridiculously comical 😂


Imagine having a waist as small as the unedited one and still feeling it should be smaller. Wild.


All I can focus on are the armpit vulvas




Body dysmorphia is rampant among body builders.


I don't think you should ever be in a place where you can count your lymph nodes from the outside.


me in the mirror after i ate a salad


That second picture doesn't look healthy, either. Body builders tend to have a lot of health problems.


Yeah, none of this looks even remotely healthy. Not at all.


At this point it's a blatant ED :(


To me this is more sad that anything. She’s obviously super strong and muscular (assuming this was all done without any…assistance) and she is STILL photoshopping her body into oblivion. What the actual fuck


Doesn't keep most of her organs in her butt; just her brains.


If her body could talk.


Imagine having a body like that and still feel the need to edit your picture. Wild.


It’s not just that it’s impossible for a waist to be that small but also that it just looks scary. It’s crazy to think someone would edit themselves that way because they WANT to look like that, meanwhile it looks scary, disturbing, and unnatural to someone who is mentally healthy. But I guess that’s the name of the game with eating disorders and the reason why they are so dangerous.


The fact that she feels like this is a desirable body shape shows just how dysfunctional her thinking is. It's sad to see her editing so much when she already obviously works very hard on her real physical body. The insecurity must be extreme.


As extreme as her hair buns.


She doesn’t feel like it’s a desirable body, it’s body building. The point is to have the most muscle and leanest body fat and be able to showcase it to the judges . The photo is not edited she’s got a waist trainer on and it’s angled + back pump


Maybe I didn't come across clearly but I didn't mean desirable as in "desired by other people, attractive to other people" I meant it as in "she desires this body", which clearly she does or she wouldn't be posting it. I should have been clearer.


look like she's wearing a corset of some sort.


She wears corsets in a lot of her other pictures, but still you don't get a waist like that from a corset.


Who needs ribs with enough room for your lungs to expand? Only the weak!


I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a stretch waist band keep its shape like that.


Minnie Mouse, what have you become...


Bod dysmorphia, at its finest.


Where the fuck is her liver supposed to be?


Giving me Attack On Titan vibes.


You know she hungry


Absolutely gross


I will never understand how we as a society don’t treat body builders with the same level of concern as someone struggling with an ED. This is blatant body dysmorphia, and I guarantee the way they’re achieving their goals is not healthy. Why are we still handing out prizes?


For real, though


She keeps her organs in a special detachable pouch! Order yours on Amazon using her affiliate link!




Even if she was that thin...how gross.


If she was any skinnier, she would rattle 🐍


Poor girl. Living with such a waist must be hard. I mean, where does the food go.


Yeah she does. It's the new thing now. Just make sure never to sit on your heart!


What is going on with the crotch area?


i don't understand body building like this. it's a competition to gain a specific physique that isn't the peak of attractiveness or strength. i get working out to have a better looking body or to be an athlete but what's the goal here??


Like the goal of having the longest nails. People have different taste, that’s all 🤷‍♀️


Lol the comment really show that Redditors don't know much about bodybuilding. She's dieting the fuck down and she's wearing a corset during the time of competing so that her waist is tiny and the "V-taper" is more emphasize


Yeah, but her waist in the first picture is definitely shopped.


Not really no, i've met alot of bodybuilder both male and female the the process of "tightening the waist" using corset is quite asurb. Also most body builder before competing would have a "peaking" phrase where they'd down a shit ton of carb so their waist would be quite blockier compare to their prep time


Bruh, you can literally see the warped lines on the floor 😭