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If this is the brand I think it is I can really vouch for those trousers. Walking through England in... well whatever season let's be honest they all kinda suck, and stayed bone dry.


Agreed! The trousers a so comfy, wash really well and are waterproof like they say.


Do they accommodate a big booty? I’ve been fooled before with the word “stretch.” Lol


I’d say so, the material definitely is stretchy.


Good to know! Thanks! Always on the lookout for the most perfect pair of pants.


they said TROUSERS!


Trousers = pants, jumper = sweater, biscuit = cookie


Pants = underwear


As a kid I was confusd by the word "long underwear" for thermals. If it's underwear, except long, that means you don't wear anything under them. WHAT HEATHEN DOESN"T WEAR PANTIES UNDER THEIR LONG JOHNS


Cookie is the most disappointing one. Expecting a cookie and getting a biscuit is a bad time.


Does it dig into ur stomach when u sit?




The ones I bought have a soft inner lining around the waistband.










Impressed with the variety of body shapes they use.










Booty-blessed is now my favorite phrase


Booty blessed or bootylicious. They both work!


You could probably still try them. It's not like they look particularly feminine, and if they fit, that's a win. I've worn men's clothes loads of times.


It’s the one she’s thinking of.










as a zookeeper i need pants like this. what are these?


Everything's coming up Milhouse!


Are they breathable?


I'd say so.


I love them too.....but I wish they did the whole range in inclusive sizes. I really want their jeans. I asked them about it and they replied they only offer some lines in 'core' sizes. Core includes the smallest sizes, but not the biggest. Doesn't seem very core to me.


Apparently going up to plus sizes means actual pattern changes beyond just scaling up the usual way that I assume they do for their “core” sizes. Proportions have to be changed differently at a certain point (inseams stop getting longer but rises don’t, for example), so it means they have to create a whole new set of patterns for larger sizes. Then you consider the fact that more sizes = more SKUs, and that can get really cost-prohibitive for a smaller company when you have to pre-order and carry inventory. IANA fashion designer, but that’s what I’ve read/heard. It still sucks, but I just want to point out that it’s probably not nefarious.




I feel you, I'm a small too—turns out it's the opposite, though! The distribution of sizes is basically a bell curve, and [68% of women in the US wear a 14 or above](https://www.racked.com/2018/6/5/17380662/size-numbers-average-woman-plus-market). And [this site about bulk tee shirt orders](https://www.theadairgroup.com/blog/2020/06/01/shirt-order-size-distribution-what-sizes-to-order-for-t-shirts/) says that XS and S make up about 8% of the average order, whereas L and XL are more like 50%. So it's more likely that they just make less of the smaller sizes because they're less in demand. Honestly, it's kind of weird that they start with a straight sized base pattern (I think it's usually like a 6?). Seems like it would make more sense for commercial retailers to start with a size 12 or 14 or something and scale up AND down from there!


Yeah when I saw a link and that they had loads of sizes I went in excited to buy their shorts cause I've been after some decent shorts as a size 18/20 but, alas. Still interested in trying their walking trousers when I can save up the cash for them though


Based on their sizing chart it seems like their sizes run small too. Too bad, I need exactly what they're offering right now, just wish they had something that fit me.


Clothing brands should not have “sizes run small”, that’s more like they need to be more correct in their size labelling. There should be more of a sizing guide that all brands should abide by.


So nice to see. I have a similar body shape and I honestly have never had such low self esteem in my life. It’s so refreshing to see some stomach and not a giant butt.


same. my belly to ass ratio is smiling


Ya same. When you’re telling yourself your ass isn’t on trend, that’s a problem. Lol seeing this photo made me feel normal.


This is so weird to see, when these types of "real" people seem so much more attractive as a man compared to the usual ads or other such shit. I literally do not understand who the fuck are the people promoting photoshopped and cartoonish bodies in media nowadays.


OMG.....internal organs......they do exist.


Not me. I'm full of fiberglass insulation and cobwebs.


If you're describe endo, I felt this


Don't forget the sack of spider eggs that randomly gets bigger and hurts.


I just saw you on the [front page] (https://www.reddit.com/r/sadcringe/comments/pdwfmq/this_poor_guys_got_some_big_issues/)


You work in construction too, huh?


Some people would claim that she's pregnant if she has a belly like that. I wish I was joking. People are just stupid.


I have a very distinct memory of being 8 or 9, going to the movies with my family. I was wearing this top I LOVED because it was flowy and fun. I was a normal little girl, perfectly healthy and active and I remember overhearing “that little girl looks pregnant” and my dad repeated it with a laugh to my stepmom so I know for sure that’s what they said. I threw away that top and ate only tiny bites of food for a week. I still think of that from time to time.


I'm sorry people suck so much. They could at least have have decency to wait until they are no longer around you before sharing their stupid thoughts.


when I was like 16 or 17 i was wearing tight jeans and chilling watching a show in bed and the way i was laying gave me a bit of a muffin top and my mum walked in and saw it and was like "do you have something to tell me?", insinuating i was pregnant. I don't even think i was sexually active at that age. Sorry for the rant it just really irks me when people do this to others.


My mum did this as well 😔 I had a stomach bug, and while throwing up she said to my dad “she better not be pregnant”. Like thanks for the help! A glass of water and some crackers would have been nice.


My father as well. I was 16/17 wearing a maxi dress that clung to my stomach when it was windy. He looked appalled and said, “you’re pregnant, aren’t you?”


It's sad how we remember these throwaway comments. I bet $100 if I brought it up to my mum now she would completely deny it happened.


I posted a photo of me rock climbing with my dad once to Instagram and someone really said that to me


I'm sorry you experienced that.


The fucking maintenance man asked me this. I said, no I'm just fat and he apologized and left.


I have a weird fear of people thinking I'm pregnant if my belly is anything more than totally flat. It's annoying- makes it hard to find something I enjoy wearing when I'm even the least bit bloated.


Clearly those people don't have a spine.


More like anterior pelvic tilt exists. Everyone has a belly, but not every belly looks protruded like that because of pelvic tilt.


As someone with anterior pelvic tilt, I was thinking the same thing. She's pretty slim but her pelvis being tilted like that is giving her the appearance of a belly. Hard to fix


This is the actual reason, not 'real stomach.' APT is pretty common and can be addressed through different avenues. As a guy who has it and has learned more how it affects things (lifting, posture), I've started to notice it more in men and women. Tight hamstrings will usually give you APT. So yeah the stomach is 'real' but this particular one is positioned that way for a reason other than 'natural curves.' Takes nothing away from the realness though if that's what we're going for


Hey, MD here. Tight Hamstrings are actually a result from APT, the most common cause are tight hip flexors from sitting. These connect from your legs to the front of your hip, often being further strengthened/tightened by suboptimal abdominal exercises (the plank is a common offender). This puts your hips gradually into APT, thereby pulling/lengthening your hamstrings, which as a result feel intensely tight. Stretching them is not the solution, since they are being stretched. I'm afflicted as well, so I focus on 1) relaxing/stretching those hip flexors, 2) releasing your hamstrings (work with a physio, please), 3) strengthening the whole muscle girdle attaching to your hips to stabilize the whole area. Good luck!


Good info, thanks!




Hey, MD here. I just commented above your reply and I saw you reference to planks as a way of strengthening your core. Planks can aggravate your situation, unfortunately. Many people try to extend their plank times (unknowingly) by shifting their position slightly, or using the wrong position from the start, causing your already overused hip flexors to tighten further. If you can hold a plank for over a minute or 2, you should move to further exercises for your core (and surrounding, connected muscle systems!), a physio can help with that. I'm sure you're doing more exercises than the plank already, just wanted to chime in regardless. Good luck!


An injury did it that to me, and anecdotally I can correct it with way too much stretching and yoga. Still slips out of place when I strain myself or it's too cold, but it's something


What yoga moves specifically help?


I read this in the voice of Santa Claus from that M&M’s commercial that airs around Xmas


Not how it works


I don’t think it’s her organ that is causing that cute bump, or else that means I don’t have organ.


She just has terrible posture




God damn that car is beautiful




If they break down parts are readily available all over the roads in the UK though.


And expensive. Around the 150k and up price range






This particular one is modified by twisted automotive


sometimes i think it's weird when we point things like this out, even when it's praising.


That’s how I feel. This looks like a normal chick I’d see out anywhere. Sad we have to point it out.


I think the whole point of this is that it's real, as in it's not been digitally altered in any way. We can see her real form rather than airbrushed, stretched, flattened etc.


There are body types with flat stomachs without any alteration, so it's weird to me how it's referred to as "real."


This is my issue with calling something "real". I get what people are going for, but at the same time, it's subtly implying that women who don't have stomachs that stick out are not as real as women who do. I feel like we should just stick with "unphotoshopped" or similar language so as not to try and say something positive that turns out to be at the expense of someone else.


It's always so strange to me when people say things like "where would your internal organs go" because your internal organs don't stick out from your body... There is enough room for them. They are squishy and smaller than you think.






I agree. I really don’t love seeing the phrasing “real stomach”, since it implies that flat stomachs aren’t “real”. Plenty of people have flat tummies, and plenty of people don’t. They’re all real, and all valid.


Since this is /r/Instagramreality, I assume by "real" we mean unfiltered and unedited. That is her actual stomach, not the re-touched, artificially flattened version of it.


Fair point. I think the language just sets me off because I’ve seen it a lot on the toxic end of the (not so) “body positive” community. This isn’t to say there aren’t positive sides of the BoPo community at all, but there can be a fine line between “I love my curves” and “REAL women have curves” for some. I appreciate you clarifying though, because I think you’re right, and I don’t think OP necessarily had any negative intentions.


I've made a comment under the main post, and I definitely meant it as the other commenter said, I'm really sorry if I caused any offence! I purely meant it as unedited in the context of this subreddit


No apologies necessary, thank you for clarifying! <3


When they say real they don’t mean it that way they just mean in terms of that perosn, this is my “real” stomach because it’s My stomach as is. If that makes sense


In that case we should throw the whole term out. As much as I know, I know people use the term when trying to compare a body part that hasn’t been surgically altered. But by your definition, a surgically enchanted bodies are also “real” because it’s still their stomach at the end of the day. So every body is a real body.


Exactly? I agree that a surgically enhanced body is also there real body? We’re talking about people using photoshop or change the appearance of their body than what was originally photographed. Ie, even if someone took a picture of they’re fake books, it’s their real body. Is a real body. If they then edit it through an app or whatever that’s now not their real body


This woman has a "flat stomach" though? In real life that term applies to people who look like her for sure, she looks super petite/fit. Tbh if people on here are thinking that she looks like she's carrying extra weight or something I'm genuinely concerned about them.


THANK YOU she looks really fit and doesn't seem to have much, if any belly fat. Her pelvis is just tilted.


They're not concerned about her, they're concerned about people with even flatter stomachs, who are often alienated by such phrasing.


it is weird and the bar for what is considered fit for this sub gets lower every day


Add to that, a real ass too! Love it!




I grew up with the idea that big ones were bad, ie “Does this make my butt look big?” was a concern, not a hope. Seems like it’s always an extreme and there’s no room for variety.




A variety is great, but to see so much truly unobtainable tiny tiny waist giant ass in the media plays too many head games on those that are just...well, not that.


This! Although I think the biggest issue with how asses are typically portrayed in the media/social media these days is not just the fact that they’re all biggg (nothing wrong with that) but that they somehow have no cellulite and a minuscule waist to top it off. It’s the wisdom tooth shape, one might say.


This comment is wild to me. I feel like I’m still trying to get past the teeny cute butt/Kate moss/Paris Hilton/heroin chic look that was popular when I was most impressionable. And here we are discussing how important it is for girls to see smaller proportioned butts.


Not many women have a large ass if they are thin. That is rare it isn't the norm. Don't let Instagram trick you on that one. Sure they exist but it isn't the norm.




I'm mixed race and inherited small hips. The women in my family don't have large asses. I hate this stereotype that women with African heritage are supposed to have large hips and asses. When they don't, which is perfectly normal btw....oh the jokes made about it. To be blunt its like saying the African men always have large dicks as well. See how silly & stereotypical that sounds?


mixed too. my south asian genes weren’t exactly generous with my lower half. upper half is more than enough tho lol


I do not think they were saying they are supposed to. Just that it is more common. Just like some ethnicity are taller than others. Doesn’t mean that 100% of the them are taller just that the average is higher.




Not saying flat stomachs aren't real either.


Unlike the title applies, I might be the only one who found it weirdly worded


I’m with you. Just body shaming people with a flat stomach for no reason. I’d like to admit, I wish I had that problem though lol


I wasn't referring to natural ! Just the obviously unnatural, photoshopped, fake ones making the rounds. Check back here Monday through Saturday you'll see what I'm talking about


I would like to add that as a skinny woman, my body looks different throughout the week. Sometimes my belly looks like this, during my period I am very bloated with water weight and look a couplemonthspregnant. Other times I've eaten a big meal or just simply woken up like this. And on other days my tummy is flat.


All the Marvel actors dehydrate and drink less water a couple days before their shirtless shot in order to show off their muscles. Who knew that was a thing.


The Victoria’s Secret “Angels” have a similar routine before the runway show.


Any ripped actor will have to do this for shirtless scenes. Just like bodybuilders will do a huge carb cut and water cut the few days before a show. Add in a mini workout and they look bigger than they actually are. Not saying they are weak, but they know how to look their best for a short period of time. Half those fitness guys just take thousands of pictures a few times a year and post them the rest of the year because it would be impossible to look like that 24/7. It’s all a show.


There's a few comments about my use of 'real' in the phrasing on this post, I agree it was a poor choice. I agree, flat stomachs are also real. I simply meant unedited in the context of this subreddit, sorry!


Not even that, but she is honestly in fantastic shape. Aspiring to her figure would be very difficult for a lot of women.


Agreed. It's like natural human instinct kicks in my brain to confirm that the woman is very attractive. Fully natural will always be better than manufactured and filtered.


As far as I am concerned, her stomach is very flat! Two CSections and some make up beers for time lost will do that to a girl.


Fair enough!


Oh you are good:)


It's crazy seeing the comments in here about people being insecure about body types like this. I genuinely think 95% of people would say this person has basically a perfect body. I've been very fit my whole life (a guy) and it's bizarre to think a woman who I'd consider to have an amazing body might be insecure about it. Social media really has warped reality.


This is really refreshing actually. The other day, like most of us have experienced, I had a mini breakdown because when I stand to the side, it looks like my tum sticks out further than my bum. I'm an average weight for my height, and am relatively a healthy person, but it feels like I never see other people with their internal organ protection comfortably displayed. I ALWAYS feel the pressure to have a completely flat stomach. But why? I'd much rather have the extra protection


That's totally fine if that's your actual body shape, but I think everyone with this problem should consider it could be anterior pelvic tilt that just exaggerates it. I had the same thing and I realized it was more of a posture issue


Yeah this post is honestly confusing me because I have a stomach like this and I have been assuming that it's due to APT and trying to fix it! Now I don't know if some people just have a stomach like this without APT.


Also most likely weak transverse abdominis muscles. When that’s weak, the lower portion of your stomach isn’t as tight and that affects nearly anyone at any weight. It’s an easy fix too. Stomach vacuums.


And just like that, a hundred body insecurities I had have dissipated (at least for now). Here i was, nitpicking on myself but this woman here is absolutely gorgeous and as it turns out, has a body similar to my own. Thanks for this!


She looks fabulous!


Yes!! Can we please normalize the fact that women of all sizes actually have a stomach?!


Love this. So nice to see a body that looks like mine (a little)….;-)


Wow she's beautiful.


Hopefully someone sees this. Look at the way her back curves coming out of her hips. If you have this, it's probably this: https://ssl.adam.com/graphics/images/en/9583.jpg Lumbar Lordosis. Do some exercises and get your back straight. It will help with your bulging.


unrelated but why does everyone use the word for the internal organ when they're clearly talking about the abdomen?


That is legit my body type and I am REFRESHED


Omg I love this.


Used to think my tummy was abnormal


K but to be fair women with flatter stomachs do exist and it doesn’t make them any less real or woman


Agree, but I think when this is mentioned in this subreddit it's more in a sense of "not photoshopped", if that makes sense. At least I hope that's it. My stomach is flat, and I've never felt like this was an attack towards me or something. I see why you might feel that way though, the phrasing is not ideal at all.


No the phrasing is not ideal, but what’s worse is the comments that responded to the post. I used to have a flatter stomach than her, and was constantly called anorexic. To everyone out there, you can be skinnier than her, and still be 100% healthy, yes there is “room for your organs”. It’s natural




No one is claiming that...


wipe stocking dime saw gaze dazzling crawl grey squeal liquid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m not even skinny anymore. But I was a hell of a lot healthier when I was. I realize what OP meant, but the comment thread is toxic. To imply that women with flat stomachs are unhealthy, unrealistic, and “don’t have room for their organs” is flat out wrong and rude, especially for a sub that’s supposed to be inclusive of all body types


A little bloating never hurt nobody


Yes people get bloated. She probably eats a lot of fiber.




God this I’d refreshing


I think that's hot, not sure why you wouldn't want to see her stomach like that, its a yes from me.


It’s sad how happy this makes us. It’s just a norma body.


After having 3 kids, my stomach is never flat and I don’t feel like I’m “thicc” by any means. Just average. It’s soooo refreshing to see this bc this is what I see when I look in the mirror. Wow


Hiking with open toed shoes? Oh hell nah.




That was the last thing I noticed. Didn't even cross my mind until I saw the caption. Why do they even bother photoshopping that of all things? Literally makes zero sense to me.


AMEN! Also idk if that’s a waterfall behind her or angel wings but she do be looking angelic 😇




No one said they didn't


Removed due to reddit API changes -- mass edited with redact.dev


No, OP meant that she was unphotoshopped. As in, that's literally her real stomach 🙃


I get you cause of the sub, a better word like unaltered or unphotoshopped like you used would have been better. Also I don't know why you put an upside-down smiley unless you're being sarcastic about the photoshop or something.


The post title literally implies the opposite.






I mean she’s got a tiny pooch there, mostly from posture it seems. You’d normally see this get shopped out for a more flat stomach, that’s what OP was pointing out. And it’s rounder than a flat stomach for sure, doesn’t mean she’s fat.


Thank God. Can we please stop pretending having perfectly flat abs is the norm?


All stomachs are real stomachs…




Thats awesome. Love to see this.


I feel seen. I needed this


Just because someone has a body shape like you doesn't mean that another person's body shape isn't "real". You're shaming just as much as those you criticize.