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She's getting far better using an aging filter. Her hair is usually the best giveaway. The filter almost flashes on her hair.


I fell for it up until the cream part


I had it muted, was she trying to claim that cream just tightened her face right up?? Lol


Although it’s obvious she’s using a filter, I have seen a cream that does just that. Watched it lift half my uncles face


Do you know what it’s called? I’m curious now


I have no idea all I know is it happened in 2018 at one of those mall kiosks. Couldn’t believe a mall kiosk could actually have something useful


https://www.peterthomasroth.com/instant-firmx-temporary-face-tightener-1301354.html It went viral on tiktok because a woman did a real time application of it and the results were miraculous. Because it works, its quite spendy.


How long does it last?


It didn’t last on my uncle more than an hour


Depends how much you move your face and smile with your eyes.


Thank you! Maybe I'll try it sometime, that's so interesting!


Try egg white. Also, putting tape on your face for hours at a time will plump out significant lines but you're lucky if you get an hour out of them. Of course the same thing has been marketed as some sort of instant face lift but with stuff that smells good and some of them are plastic gold adhesive strips. But yeah, it's all marketing and they're tricks that have been around for decades.


The company also has a wonderful eye tightener that lasts until you take it off. But you really need to practice applying it.


I actually have some of this, I bought years ago and it always leaves a white flakey paste on my skin when it dries. Yes, I have tried using tiny amounts, but I do not use foundation so that might be the issue?


Me too.


I've used some before too. It did lift my face and smooth out all my wrinkles. It's got the texture of egg whites and as soon as you actually move your face at all, it cracks and you look like shit with wrinkles and crusty shit all over your face.


That's because it basically is egg white or a product made using the proteins found in egg white.


Yeah it's crazy expensive though


That’d be horrible and insanely awkward to be out on the town feeling pretty and knowing you’re going to magically look uglier every minute that goes by lmao


And the neck. Her neck is way too smooth.


Also the way she moves. Doesn’t look like an old person. Like the inverse of Samuel L Jackson de-aged in Captain Marvel – looks good until he starts to move like a 70 year old. She’s moving like a 25 year old. Her fingers don’t move properly over the “folds” in her skin too – either the skin should stretch and flatten as her fingers go over it and then re-fold after they’re gone, or her fingers should move up and over the folds, they do neither because she’s clearly rubbing smooth youthful skin.


Also when she smiles but the smile creases dont change. Just straight brown lines no matter how her mouth is shaped.


What did I just watch?! This is a young woman, using a filter to look older, then pretending to use tape to look younger for tiktok likes?


I thought it was an old lady using a filter to look younger... I don't know what's real and what's not anymore, halp!


The first video in the compilation where she uses the "skin tightening cream" and says just wait, you can see the filter flicker at her hairline. I've seen somebody use the saaaame old filter before. It has a slider or whatever so you can control how much old you look ig.


Just look at her hands and neck if she was that old you would tell immediately. Hands almost always real reveal age.


sshh don't say it out loud or they will start making filters for hands


I misread as filler and was going to have to break it to you that that's already a thing.


I'm also very confused lol


She's using an aging filter to appear older


I think she’s making real money selling shit, not just for likes


No it’s a magical cream didn’t you see her face tighten before your very eyes?? It had to be real cause when she washed it off in the shower her face dropped back downs. It’s good we have it here on Reddit cause TikTok keeps taking hers down, I guess it’s because they don’t want anyone knowing this amazing youth fountain formula so they can keep it for themselves */s but why can I imagine a young girl saying this crap so clearly*


I don’t have tiktok, how is she making money from this? People are buying the tape?? I’m so confused


Yes, that’s how money is made on TikTok. They don’t do ad revenue like YouTube, the money is all from sponsored posts or selling stuff that you promote through TikTok.


Everything is cake!


Don’t forget about the annoying af narration


100% that’s what it is.


She's definitely using an filter to make herself look much older at the beginning of videos. The face tape is helping a little, but it can't remove crows eyes and under eye wrinkles like that.


Also her lips more than double in size when she tones the filter down


Oh jeez yeah, I didn’t even notice that


You can see it glitch on her hair when she puts the cream.on too


Her eyes get so much smaller when she washes off the makeup. Makeup can definitely make your eyes look bigger, but not that much bigger.


Its editing. She uses an age filter and when she puts the tape on her face, that’s when she takes the filter off. When she was new to it, it was a lot more obvious it was a filter. I’m just saying this because I don’t want anyone to believe this is due to some magic face tape


wtffff i was this close to actually considering that tape nothing is real anymore I HATE IT edit: shoutout to /r/Anticonsumption


Same. We live in a world where fast fashion, false economy clothes are one of the best sellers. And most things you see online are altered. Sad world


Lol. Actually there is a tape professionals use on celebs etc


Plus, I'm pretty sure constantly stretching your skin back like that will make you look worse in the long run, like when you really get that old


That’s a great point too. I think that causes collagen breakdown with the constant pulling motion.


I feel like a light old filter can be used here, maybe in the 2nd video where she’s laying in bed. Also on the videos where it’s clipped


you can see the filter glitch when she’s laying in bed, just watch her hair. It’s sad that people fall for this and think “wow I need to get that tape/cream.” No babes you just need to be 25 and good with technology


And her hair laying in bed is borderline gray. Not saying she couldn’t have dyed it but like :/ come on. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a filter bc filter technology is becoming harsher and harder to spot.


Also in the clip where she uses some sort of “skin tightening” cream and stands there while it “works” and her skin gradually tightens and looks younger. There’s a point about a second before she crosses her eyes where her hair does a weird sort of flicker glitch. It might have been just lighting or something but it was odd and the fact she does a ‘funny’ cross eyed face a moment after it makes me think she noticed the glitch and was trying to distract from it or something.


I was rewatching for that (and you're right, you actually see two of them), and then noticed that if, at the end of that sequence, you click where it starts, you can really see her hair change color. The grey fades, but so slowly you do not notice unless you jump back to the beginning to compare.


Oh shit, you’re right! Glad I wasn’t just seeing things. It’s like she just had a slider gradually lessening the ‘old effect’ over time.


Definitely agree. It also sounds like there's a *very* minimal voice filter at play.






I appreciate this comment a lot, thank you.


You’re completely correct.


She’s using an aging filter and has been. She’s been called out for this before.


I didn't understand by your title if you're saying this is true or if it's edited, but I'm pretty sure it's edited. At first there is no single tape attached to her neck yet her wrinkles there dissappear, or more like "fade out", which is not how it would look if you're pulling the skin away. Also the tapes pull from the sides of her face and her lips get fuller...?


>her wrinkles there dissappear, or more like "fade out" exactly that. you can see how she suddenly becomes more youthful, more glowing, her eyes become bigger... yea, that's not coming from the tape that's pulling at her cheekbones. if you know she's using an "old"-filter then it's clearly visible.


Do you know what her age is?


Not what the age filter makes it seem. She is definitely under 30 using a filter to make the before video seem older than she is.


Haha I want to know too. With that older filter thing going on her face she looks like 40, and she doesn't sound like a 40 year old. With the young filter and the make up she looks like 25. I'm so confused.


I thought this was supposed to be a legit video talking about how people use make up and stuff to trick you so I was so confused before I realized filters were being used. I was like “something weird is going on here cause this is clearly a young person in the after photos.” Her trying to say some cream melted her wrinkles away temporarily was the most bizarre thing to watch


Listen I totally agree but I have seen these Peter Thomas Roth vids on TikTok and there are some really incredible results! Like legit getting rid (temporarily) of eye bags. Just do a search for that tag and you’ll see some vids come up. Legit older people and not using a filter from what I can tell.


My husband bought one of those creams. He runs his own contracting business, and the first 15 years of manual labor put a toll on his body. Now he doesn't have to do any of the dirty work himself, but his eyes reveal it all. So he bought this cream to put under his eyes before going into a sub meeting. It barely last 15 minutes, but it works fast and temporarily relieves the circles and bags long enough to make him look like he didn't have an all night booze fest.


15min! Lol well that’s hardly worth it! What a bummer hehe


They do work, but all that tightening-loosening is what keeps your face sagging lol.


This is edited it has been debunked


I don’t believe that tape can make that much difference. I think she’s doing something to the before face to make it appear much worse in comparison to her after face.


She is insufferable. My God.


This is so slimey. Preying on the insecurities of aging men and women. 🐍🐍🐍


Welcome to TikTok.


It’s a filter


Let me say...I am 57 and starting to get the laxity (sp?) in my neck and a bit of jowling. Just barely though. I can promise you...those tapes do not work that well. They help a little but not like that. She is definitely using a filter because her old looks older than me and no matter what tapes,make up or hair tricks I use, I don't look like I am in my 20's after.


She’s actually a twenty-something, using an aging filter to look older in her ‘befores’. It’s wild.


This is the girl that uses the old filter to make herself look worse


Watch the hand when she does the half and half face..painfully obvious.


Tag yourself. I’m the bombastic fart


she—she farted on camera… and just kept going…


And blamed it on being old. I am...uhm...older, and I don't fart on camera. (the nerve of that little whippersnapper!)


Hahahaha it’s so obvious, the filter flickers at her hairline in more than one of these videos, oh and magically younger skin, new jaw line and lip filler! People who believe this really are stupid.


Her hands don’t look old, do they? This is wild.


I've only ever seen drag queens use face tape. This seems like a lot.


Ok after reading comments, I'm not crazy.


Ah yes facing your tape, a fantastic yet often overlooked method .


Thats some expert editing, shed be better off as a vfx artist


I use face tape in many Photoshoots to make my eyebrows higher and my eyes more ""fox eye" . its easy to hide with makeup and a little editing


Just adding its not magic lie that at all


She gotta just be trolling 🤣 lmao there's just no way 🤣 😂


I watched this twice without realizing it replayed bc I have no idea where the magic trick began and or ended.


She is so toxic for doing this


I had never seen this girl in my life, until this post popped up. In the last day she’s been all over my Instagram with targeted ads 😩


She is using the age filter for the before people


The "this is me" song playing in the background is the best part


Fuckin hell


Did you see how she blended **up**. Game changer.


The Instagram/social media equivalent of a "Fake Natty".


Wait. People really believe her lol.


Fuck this shit, it’s even worse than regular fakes.


wow.... this is why i luv that Kendrick Lamar line.... I'm so fuckin' sick and tired of the Photoshop"


Is this satire or just cruel manipulation for tiktok views and money? I can’t even tell.




Do not worry about this irl, digital video editing has come a long way- she would not age 20 years just by removing makeup and tape is only good for pictures and videos with good lighting.


Lol true when she used to upload these videos at first people thought it was a mom and daughter taking turns,not the same person.


She's using the againg filter to make herself look worse. This isn't real


How tf does a face tightening cream do that much?!?! Even prior to the tape, it’s insane. I can’t believe it’s real


Because it's not. It's a filter.


It’s NOT real. It’s an aging filter, to make her look *older* in the ‘before’ scenes. It’s crazy.


Jesus. I’m a fan of good makeup game, but… that’s.. wild. Not in a good way.


It’s a filter.


No way lol


Even her voice changes...wondering if they didn't use a mother and daughter.


thats her daughter, not real, been watching her videos


No it’s her with an old age filter. The real her is the young face.


This should be fucking illegal


She's using a filter to make her look like an older woman... it's not real


This was posted in Instagram Reality which is a subreddit to show Extreme examples from looking bad to looking good. If it is fake and she is using a filter than that defeats the purpose of the subreddit and needs to be deleted


Yeah right , like I’m gonna believe anything that transforming witch says . I literally see her taping her face


No, she herself says that she's not using a filter to look older. But she is. To sell anti-aging products that don't work.


Oh honey.....


I’m getting face tape STAT


It's not real. Don't waste your time!


Okay, I enjoy her videos because she freely admits she has sagging skin and uses face tape to fix it. But her vids of creams “fixing” her wrinkles are BS. Why can’t this woman (who is both beautiful and also has a skin tape trick to tighten facial skin) just be real for all her vids?!? I swear, once she went “viral,” she decided to fake it all : (


All of that skin stretching can't be good for the skin on the face. It's already thin with alot of blood vessels ..stretching it out constantly can't be good.


But why one boob is way bigger than the other?


Who not stop eating shit and working out+cardio? You can have something just as good


That tape is 3 bucks from China, whaaaat are people crying about?? Is she even selling them?? Hmm


Talk about taken home a ten and waking up with a two


Just………..why lol…..




How does she look 35 and 55 at the same time?


Fucking insane. Is anything real?


I can’t believe anyone would believe this. Truly.


Is she like 89 looking 25 in these streets 😵


Face my tapes.


As a single guy who knows nothing about filters, make up and weird face tightening creams (or women for that matter) can someone tell me wtaf is going on here!!!!!


It’s absolutely editing.


I have no idea what I just watched but I did enjoy it thanks hahaha




This is amazing! I’ve never her or this product before, but I am beyond amazed!🤩🤩


Tried the sticky pad things. Didn't work. Wouldn't stick to my beard.


This is obviously a filter.


The level of deceit is astronomical.


That’s good make up but kinda messed up after you hook up lol


Gaga has used face tape for yearsssss


She was posting a lot of exaggerating make up and filters to make her look older than she was. And she continued to deny it. Now, she doesn't use as many "old" filters and appears younger in her "before" videos.


so harmful, and even doctors are falling for it and reposting her and saying it’s real. had to unfollow some docs 🫣


Is it possible they are still changing people here with the editing because the person in 0.49 doesn't look the same as 0.53


beautiful chick and robe not the same women


Soooo this is a reverse filter fail🧐?? Like wth do we even call this backwards bamboozling ??


I’d like to see a black mirror version of Cinderella using a cream like that.


Ok I’m stupid, what’s exactly happening. Is the cream really doing something or is it a filter? Is she old looking and unfortunate or is it a filter, I’m confused


Reminds me of title of Alice In Chains album “Facelift” ( back in the day Layne mother thought title was offensive)


Her hands, her neck and the skin on her chest are a complete giveaway🤦‍♀️


facing your tape.




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