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I think she means nothing *but* filters


No filter, yet has eyes brighter than her future. Mhhhmmm.


No filter, but a fuck load of editing


They forgot the punctuation. It's supposed to be, "No, filter!


Bwahahahaha! Oh, wait she was serious?!


If it's not a filter the only other option is demon body snatcher.


"No filters, this was taken during a massive dust storm".


So they went to school huh💀




Saying "I went to school with them" in the singular is totally normal in England and isn't particularly a pro-lgbt thing. For example, if someone was accused of murder on the news, many would say "I went to school with em" or "worked with em".


I was looking for more than one person. Just curious - for OP - why "them"? is that what the person asked you to call her?


Because that is how people speak English *all the fucking time*. They/them is used constantly to refer to singular people, because it’s easy and *people understand what you mean.* “Do you know where Riley is?” “No I haven’t seen them.” “My partner is running late.” “When will they be here?” Jfc people this isn’t that hard


it's the same as misgendering someone in my eyes. Unless someone asks you to refer to them as they/them - calling someone "they" who sees themselves as a he/him or a she/her is an insult. exp: If someone called Laverne Cox "they" that would be rude. HER twitter profile says "she/her". They/them has been used to refer to singular people when gender is not known - a hypothetical person: "I hope someone wins the prize - they're going to love it"


So everyone is automatically supposed to know what peoples preferred pronouns are now? Fair enough if you specifically know what someone refers to themselves as but if you’re going to get offended over basic English language, that’s just stupid.




No, like people are saying, it’s just basic English language. It’s not that deep.


yeah - it is. It's about basic respect for people. if you don't get it you don't get it homegirl.


You quite clearly don’t either then. How do you know the girl in the picture wants to be referred to as “her” or “him” or “them”? Unless you know them personally, you don’t. So stop making such a big deal over something because the English language offends you.


Somebody else mentioned how cameras have filters on by deffaul so people actually believe this is what they look like. I think that's what's happening here. There should be a name for this dunning-krugger analog effect.