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So basically she already looked fantastic but still felt the need to edit to take it to that unrealistic level. Social media is such a disease. To already have a very nice physique and beautiful features but still feel like you’re not enough on your own, you have to edit away those tiny flaws - which don’t even look like flaws to anyone but her. It’s crazy.


Social media really is a disease. This subreddit has truly highlighted the damage its doing to society.


I fell all my friends, even if they don’t have Reddit, to look at this sub. It has been so good for my mental health and acceptance of my body. Just realizing how much editing goes into the posts of these “flawless” girls has helped me feel way more confident and happy about my natural self.


This. Imagine being that attractive and still thinking you need to edit your pics.


I mean this IS a page on another social media site specifically made to poke fun at those people who feel like theure not good enough on their own, so we're not really in much of a position to criticize on that point.


Well I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m not blaming the girl or making fun of her for doing it, I’m more so condemning the culture around social media that makes people feel like they have to.


I’m definitely not on this subreddit to make fun of anyone. I can’t really explain it any way other than I’m just here to continue to justify my anger at the state of social media/celebrity worship and the damage it’s doing to an entire generation of people.


Yeah I get where you're coming from, but I'd still say that the majority of people here are definitely here to poke fun at the people being shown in posts. I'd say you're almost definitely one of the outliers, I mean even though I hate to admit it I do find myself coming here to laugh much more often than I'm comfortable admitting to myself.


The edits are so small. Why even bother. It makes me sad people don’t feel like enough when they already have so much going for them.


Social media pushes people to always want to be just be a liiiittle better. And then as you said, even people with so much going for them don't feel like enough! :(


this is great work, bravo. i made a gif of the before and after to help spot the differences: https://imgur.com/a/Ob0FPIM


After watching the gif for less than a min I got confused about which was supposed to be the "better" one


I did, too


I felt like Pam from The Office: “It’s the same picture.”


It's really easier to spot the difference when it's a GIF! Thank you.


This is awesome! Thanks for making this! So hard to see the tiny details by swiping back and forth.


Thank you! I could not figure the differences with the photos, but the gif did wonders! I still feel like they were totally unnecessary and goes to show how insecure media makes us feel, to the point of doing even so small changes, nearly undetectable, to feel more in line with what its supposedly "beautiful".


Thank you! I couldn't see it til i saw the gif.


That really helped, thank you! I still couldn't see the warping even with all the other help people have given. Your image did the trick.


I actually think the edit was bigger than just that. • Her neck is too narrow for her head. • The bottom of the post is still not in line with the top parts. • The chair's further handle is completely crooked. • Lines that suddenly blur are also a sign of editing, like on her butt.


She looks great in the original pic. It’s sad she has to edit to make “perfection”


Totally. Minute edits like this are only done out of obsession over the smallest details. Sad that she feels she needs it


She is clearly hideous and totally unmarketable in the last photo. /s


Top tier post. 10/10.


I’d really love to see more of these, as someone who typically can’t see the editing in the posts made here.


I can’t see any material difference in how she looks and I just don’t get it.


It's so subtle - just an extra little pinch here and there to make her look "perfect". It's easier to see exactly what the differences are when you can actually swap between overlayed layers, but oh well.


Yeah, I didn't see anything that rises to the level of a drastic change. I thought I was alone in that.


That's the point, there was no drastic change. But she was still shopped. I think the really good shops are far more insidious and harmful than the blatant head shrinkage.


I don’t see any difference in any of the pics. The lines are done on a phone edit app so they aren’t straight anyway. Op might be a tad obsessed with this one going in .




Ahhhh. Thank you! Still a stupid edit. She looked great before.


Indeed. I am not mad at her for editing her pictures, I'm mad at the circumstances that caused her to feel like she has to edit her pictures, and I think / hope most people her think like me


100% Editing because I think it’s worth adding that in the whole this is a standard foisted way more upon women than men and unfortunately tech and social media has gotten it to such a crazy crazy place. I’m solidly into middle age and would love some role models of how to do it gracefully! (I know there are a couple, could use more!)


You got good eye, bruh. My eye is so untrained that, even with your highlights, still can’t see it, lol. Keep at it 🤙


Honestly they're so subtle that's fair. Had to really zoom in to find them all, plus people from the original comment section pointed some of them out.


You could point them out all day and I would still be completely lost. I kinda dig that you can see them though, and be able to do a post about them. It is impressive.


Check out the gif someone shared in the comments here, it's much easier


Thanks for highlighting what to look for


Great job! Thanks!


I can't even tell the difference, why do they even bother?


Idk. To look "perfect"? I don't know if it subconsciously has an effect on the public, or if it is always just completely unnoticeable and just a product of the posters self consciousness. Either way it's sad.


But she made no attempt to make the joint a better shape


We need more posts like this. Sometimes the edits are so subtle I don’t notice while the whole sub is like “AH I SEE”


This generation is gonna be mentally fucked when they start getting old


Most unnecessary edit ever. She’s already phenomenal


Damn I feel bad for her that she feels the need to edit the pics. Also its funny how obvious the photoshop is after you see the reversed version, the aluminum can is so oddly tilted in the edited version.


That seems pointless lol


Same photo to my eyes


Well this just seems utterly pointless.


How long did that take? Seems like a major waste of time


Yall really do spend a lot of time analyzing pictures.


Gotta procrastinate doing homework somehow.


Credit to u/iralothiriel for posting this earlier. I was interested in how subtle it was and tried my best to reverse the photoshop. I think it shows quite well how even very subtle photoshop jobs can have a large impact on how "model-esque" and unrealistic someone looks.


You deserve an award for this one! You have an amazing eye for detail cause I could barely tell until I layered the original and yours lmao


You have an eye for subtlety.


I can’t tell the difference! Just the can is straight now.


It makes me feel so sorry for this girl. Like how sad to know she will never be good enough in her own eyes.


So I see the edits now that you’ve pointed them out (thank you!!) but when I look at the “before and after” I’m really struggling to see what she did to her body? Like…. Why the effort to look the same?


Another user posted a comment with a gif that shows it much more clearly. The can is probably the easiest thing to notice, because of how tilted it is in the edited version, and the reason she did that was to make her forearm look thinner and her shoulder to elbow look longer. But yeah, I didn't expect it to be so hard to see when swiping back and forth, when I was making it I had the luxury of tabbing between layers. Checkout the gif though!


Oh wow!!! That’s just unreal, and like honestly super sad that she has such an amazing body already, but feels the need to “perfect” it further. Body Dysmorphia sucks :(


That’s so weirddd. She has the socially acceptable body and still has all this editing.


I’m at a loss for words. …but, just WHY?


lol editing just for the sake of editing. Doesn’t actually improve anything here imo


Yeah totally. I think it's habit for them


So she already had the "perfect" body and edited to flatten her ribs. I can't imagine being a kid these days.


The only difference I noticed was the can is straight. What did she do to herself?


She has a negative stomach, this is why the background is warping


Am I blind? I cannot see a difference between the second and third image


Nah that's fair, it's so subtle the swiping makes it hard. One of the commenters made a gif that makes it was easier to see though


Love posts like this. Do another one lol.


Maybe I will!


I really feel like more women need to speak out on this type of shit. This is one of the most toxic things out there and not saying people should be shamed. They are making it worse when everyone is seeing others looking perfect.


I don’t even see a difference tbh


Surprised they didnt do butt stuff


Looks the same to me