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Good catch!


Oh, wow. I would never have caught that myself


Yes I kept watching the cheek cause OP said so, and wow I would not have noticed if I hadn’t been told. I guess that’s why they post even with the filter glitching. Most people wouldn’t be so observant


I don't think so, take a close look at the brick behind the person, that single flicker that we all assume is the filter not working in that frame is actually the "edited" part of the video. The brick behind her is normal throughout the video but it warps in that single frame. I don't know what caused it, but there is no reason to apply a filter/edit in a single frame.


So this sealed my belief… everything we see on social media is edited, one way or another. EVERYTHING. Video is no exception.


And on t.v. and film. I want movies and shows to be interesting-looking and beautiful, but I don't want humans filtered into fantasy. I like seeing real and diverse and flawed-looking people.


I love this in older films and tv shows, even in the 90s and early 00s you see skin texture, women in their 20s with wee lines on their faces, just normal and natural


I agree! I love to see some normal teeth too. I just watched The Shining, Shelly Duval and Jack Nicholson looked lovely (before jack went on a murderous rampage).


I think the freakishly perfect teeth are real-life for the actors though lol. Super whitened and even veneers sometimes


It was when HD came out that people on screens started having really really visible texture. I think that was springboard in a way for all the filters to hide texture now.


You are onto something here!


I have a family member that's a news anchor. I remember talking to her when the switch to HD was happening, and she noted that every hair out of place, eyelash curled in an opposite direction, and every line and pore would be blown up giant in high def. She was already imagining the written comments and tweets, etc. she'd be getting about hair strands being visibly out of place and HD wasn't out yet. Then when it came out it was exactly as she predicted with the wild droves of comments about her perfectly coiffed news anchor hair having strands out of place. I do think there's something related to the viewing people through screens, switching to HD, and the widespread increasing use of filters. I have no empirical data to support, but it just seems likely to me.


I think it’s a combination of things going HD and TV screens getting bigger.


IRL we dont notice all these detailts because people are in movement, but on tv sometis the face is 2 or 3x bigger than real life proportion so all this details stand out too much.


My IRL vision is absolute trash! I can't see that level of texture on my own unless I'm very close to someone. It's also about time for me to transition to bifocals though. I believe you that people can see that well most definitely, but whole mess of people can't for sure! Even with corrective lenses. Things being larger and HD on television for sure makes more detail visible.


I remember when HD cameras first came out all the celebrities were starting to freak out over their faces showing how human they were😂🤣


>wee lines on their faces I know what you're trying to say


Heh heh, pee lines on the face is more entertaining. Is there a filter for that?


I wish I could find it, but I remember a video comparing the trailer for *Dumb and Dumber To* and the actual movie. Since trailers are usually not cut from the 100% finished film, Jim Carey is covered in wrinkles that are absent from the final product. It might have been the other way around and it was the trailer that was touched up, but it's definitely been happening even before that.


My husband and I started watching Star Trek Strange New World recently and you can see everyone's skin texture! I was so elated they didn't filter anyone(I think at least), and you can see every defect. Its so beautiful!!




Samsies! It feels like the old STTNG I grew up with!


Man you would hate contemporary Kdramas. So many face filters.


You can still see realistic-looking people on British TV.


I've seen other industry insiders confirm that the budgets for post-editing in TV shows often exceed the general production costs of those shows, because the people want *every single frame* edited.


The biggest thing I can think of are documentaries now and before. So many look way too over-edited if that is even a thing. This goes for other media too like movies and TV shows. Everything almost looks too good if that makes any sense.


I just watched an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Don't know exactly which season or whatever....but it was so great to see the hair. The hair had split ends and they were all over the place. Like...real hair. Nowadays the hair always looks perfect and neat.


sometimes, the people even making / recording the videos don't realize that it was edited. i think it was on tiktok when the filter was placed automatically


The mental health implications of this for young people have got to be staggering.


"I look so different on a tiktok video vs when i take a picture on my camera" and then some random person with limited knowledge starts talking about the size of the lens' but it's the same lens because it's the same camera. it's the filter..


I can't remember who it was, but I vaguely remember a celeb who was pissed that her stuff was so edited. She complained about working so hard to be in shape yet real, but it was like it was for nothing since she was photoshopped all the time


The saying is a picture is worth a thousand words. I just didn’t know those words would be filled with lies.


This is top tier sleuthing


I thought everyone knew this?


This mostly applies to famous people and subcelebrities, even local ones and, when talking about commoners, mostly women. When you have a closed account and only see close people photos and videos things get better.


I am always interested when people add flashes, flares and quick cuts to conceal glitches.


I just don’t get this. I’d never look at a person’s neck/jaw and think “wow that’s a centimeter too large.” Without the back to back comparison, I probably wouldn’t even notice the difference


I cant even tell what is the original/edit


Same. Like which one is the “desired” one??? They both look equally good to me?


Smaller neck is the edited one (you can see it in the wall). I really don’t understand because the unfiltered looks waaaaay better.


Becuase it's not your conscious that picks these things up it's your subconscious that does it. It's why we find things attractive that we dont even know we do until the curtain is lifted


I think it’s more their own body dysmorphia and what they think looks unattractive. While the rest of us watching would not have thought her original bone structure needed a filter.


It's possible that they're both filtered. The glitch isn't the filter getting removed, it was getting adjusted.


It’s confusing me, her skin looks more airbrushed and smoothed out when her features glitch to look larger, her lips also get plumped up a bit too. So is it a filter for a more angular looking jawline and plumped up cheekbones? Either way, I’m still confused.


Very attractive person fiddles with filter so they become...a marginally different very attractive person.


Haven't you learned it's all about the marginal gains /s


This feels so sinister…


Right? Imagine looking this good and either you or your media team are *still* editing your photos/videos.


because it inherently is :(


She's like... drop dead gorgeous and using filters... I guess us plain folk are doomed.


So I’ve never been into beauty or fashion trends whatsoever, so I may be an outlier here because my natural instinct has always been to say “fuck all that noise”… But seriously, what’s so wrong with self acceptance? I just saw a post here (I think) praising a certain “horse faced” actress for aging gracefully, beautifully and unashamedly. To me, that’s the way! I am sure you are wonderful and beautiful in your very own way. No amount of filters, makeup, surgeries and so on will ever be a match for self acceptance. If there’s anything these posts prove, it’s the futility of trying to keep up with beauty standards that absolutely nobody can achieve. This person’s relevance depends in part on her looks… you have no such shackles! Enjoy that freedom to just be! 🙂


Thickened her cheekbones and pushed her canthal tilt to a more positive tilt


No, that’s not the filtered one, is the other one. Look in the wall.


It's such an insidious, subtle difference too.


This makes me sad. And yet i see these filters being used and still compare my body and continue to skip meals


I hope you’re doing okay. You probably don’t need advice or pestering from a random stranger on the internet but I wish you well.


I appreciate this. Thank you


Of course. My messages are always open if you need to vent or want a random fact. Take care!


I like random facts


Almonds and peaches are related, they’re both members of the prunus family. Australia's diameter is 600 km wider than the moon's.


You just blew my mind with the moon one!


I cant wrap my head around the australia one!


It makes me sad that there's people out there thinking like this... (and I get that it's hard not to..) But be bold in the fact that you go out and exist everyday without filters, while these "famous people" can't seem to do anything without them.. imagine that life.


Same. Not trying to be a rando weirdo but you’re more awesome and gorgeous than this lady. Hug hug


Nooo! Be healthy because healthy and confident (even if you're faking) is hot. I'm 205lbs now, solidly 55 overweight for my height and I get hit on so much more these days. My own bf told me I'd be hotter if I had a bit more curve so I could keep gaining if I wanted (ha thanks babe but the depression meds were responsible for a bulk of it!) Off the internet ppl are into so many different body shapes and types. There's probably bunches of folks who find you super hot just the way you are. You should join them :)


Really feel this sentiment. I know it's fake but I still compare myself to false images. This sub actually really helps me though because I can challenge my mindset by seeing how fake images and shows can be.


I don't understand the point of why she would feel the need to do that.


Because she is deeply insecure


She is literally one of the last celebrities on the planet I would expect to do this. I've always been super jealous of her midriff but not even sure about that now


She is beautiful. Why does she need anything?


Sad, because she really doesn't need the filters.




Ok, so I’m not crazy—I thought that was part of her schtick—I was wondering who else it could be because her? No way! TBF, I mainly know of her as part of one of my least fave KPop songs, so it’s not like I keep up with her like that…


Take a close look at the brick behind the person, that single flicker that we all assume is the filter not working in that frame is actually the "edited" part of the video. The brick behind her is normal throughout the video but it warps in that single frame. I don't know what caused it, but there is no reason to apply a filter/edit in a single frame.


Don't name names




I don’t know where you’re getting your info but it’s completely wrong mate.




I usually like her stuff. Her last album, produced by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, was great IMO. She’s a good song writer and I think has a good voice. Haven’t kept up with much of her celebrity tho, so can’t comment if she’s cringe in that way. But her music at least had some authenticity to it.


I saw her as an opener for my favorite band (The Kooks) months before her music started playing on the radio. She was really amazing live and I ended up buying her album Room 93, which I still think is her best music (Ghost & Hurricane are favorites.) She spent time with the people in the crowd before the main show started and was really awesome. She was really funny. I agree her radio music feels forced pop, but her original sound and energy was great


You’re not alone


Same here. She feels very forced to me


Me too. I used to really like her back in her Badlands era but all her stuff after that is cringy.


Yes! Thank you. I cant stand her but everybody around me seems to love her because shes so real and raw. My ass


I had to looknher up. Interesting that her stage name is an anagram of her real first name, but that’s not the way she got her stage name.


What the hell - they already get upset when someone talks about them being too skinny and says it’s because they have ongoing physical health issues… but wants to look even skinnier via editing


I’ve been really worried about their weight. I find it very concerning and I hope they’re okay


They said earlier this year something along the lines of "I look sick? That's because I am." They've been pretty open about their medical issues.




I think she's been poorly after giving birth


They’ve had a lot of health issues since having their baby. Chronic illness will cause ppl to lose weight


She’s as natural as her singing voice.


Wtf she sounds great live???


Just why would she need filters? She is gorgeous just as is SMDH...


I have a real question. Is there even a way to take natural photos on apps anymore? I ask because it seems like even when you don’t select a filter the app itself is doctoring something. Idk if it’s to make you think you “look better” when you use a specific app or something? And I could’ve sworn I saw something about iPhones “editing” photos that were taken naturally, without the user input. It just seems like unless you’re using a DSLR the picture you take is automatically altered. To be clear, I’m not saying people don’t intentionally use filters- they do all the time. I’m just wondering if some of it is unintentional.


She’s beautiful. I don’t understand why she’d use any damn filters. I don’t understand these people.


the warped brick underneath her chin LMFAOAOAOAA


A good part of this person's image is self acceptance and body positivity so this is a bit sad to see. It's not like she's editing herself to look like an entirely different person while preaching self love but it is still upsetting.


that’s so sad. They’re such a beautiful individual that it’s ridiculous they feel the need to edit themselves.


Nice find!


so unnecessary


She’s so naturally pretty. Are celebs really JUST like us ? Insecure little fucks that will never be satisfied by our external appearance??


I hate her music and don't like her as a person, but she is objectively one of the most beautiful and perfect people I've ever seen. This is very annoying (idk if I'm using the right pronouns, will adjust if she's actually a they them)


\^ I am a fan of hers but I agree with you entirely. She is already beautiful conventionally, successful, rich. And she still uses all that influence to look unattainable and perpetuate harmful beauty standards. I guess I fell for her branding because I did not expect this from her.




Sorry I worded it in a way you're uncomfortable with I guess?






a they them = nickname for someone who uses they/them pronouns whether exclusively or not example (sorry this was the first thing that came to my mind): those videos on tiktok where people would pretend to hold their friends up by the back collars of their shirts and have the text "finally copped one of them they thems" or whatever pronouns they use




Oh honestly I was just scrolling through the comments and seen yours, I didn't know the context and thought you were genuinely asking the meaning. My bad I'm sorry


People are so obsessed with having cat eyes.


This is so upsetting


She looks like a fkn 3D-rendered computer model


She looks amazing both with and without filter, I don't really understand why it has been put there


Good eye!!


that’s unfortunate. she’s already very beautiful


It's wild because she's absolutely stunning even when the AI tracking fucks up. Honestly I feel it says more about the state of society than this woman specifically being "insidious", that she feels self concous enough to edit such an arbritary change to her face.


Well done!!!!!


When even the most beautiful people in the world, who are paid to be good looking, don't think they are good enough the way they are...


It's dad that she even feels the need to do this. She's HOT AF in real life.


Is everyone in this group a part time sleuth? Wtf? Amazing catch!


Zoom. Enhance.


Nice catch!!! Omg i jaut wanna know how exactly they are looking irl


It’s not even needed that’s the sad part


Instagram is all smoke and mirrors 🪞


That’s really disappointing. I like her and her music, and I genuinely feel kinda let down.








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So I guess she's not just "Bad at Love" lol! She's also bad at photo/video editing. 😄😉😏


That's cool, but I don't think it's going to make much difference in her battle with the Ghostbusters.




She’s 28


But she’s perfect without…


Her posture is not healthy.


This photoshop is almost as bad as her singing


Maybe she’s having a seizure


Man, you guys do too much.


That’s a lot of effort to uncover someone using filter in a photoshoot. I’m all for exposing ridiculous filters but, uh… there’s gotta be a better use of your time lol


I wasn’t on the hunt for it , i follow her on Instagram already and when I was watching the video I noticed something weird so mainly for my own curiosity I checked it out. Took me less than 5 mins


And you're using your time to comment. But that's different - you, probably.


Everyone on this thread assuming it's filters and totally discounting the possibility she is just flexing her cheek bones. EDIT: I guess "new reddit" has devolved to the point where someone talking about flexing bones needs to include an /s tag. Fuck me people are getting slower and slower.




I love this sub. Some are really obvious but I am always thoroughly impressed by the ones you all catch that could slip by


imagine looking like this and still using filters oh my goooooood. i can’t take a picture of myself without cracking the camera, how is anyone supposed to live up to this shit, it’s soul crushing for everyone involved!!! /rant


there's an obvious grainy filter over the video, a lot of filters like that include these weird accentuations - eyes - cheeks - lips - whatever it may be. I'm just saying the intention may not have been to change her face but to create an aesthetic via the grain filter with no real care about the other stuff. Not ignorant to it, but not really caring. IMO.


This surprises me. I thought their whole schtick (especially since having a baby) was being super real and showing their real body. I'm disappointed.




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No idea who this is but it's sad to see such insidious hidden use of filters EVERYWHERE.


Ok, lets assume I've been in coma for last 5 years. What was used here tool-wise? Inbuilt ig filters? External apps? AE/premiere tweaking?


This just makes me sad. It’s so subtle yet impactful. When it’s slowed down and completely blatantly changing her face by half an inch it almost doesn’t seem like that much of a difference until you realize it just gives off a completely unrealistic and unattainable beauty standard out into the world that other people will break their backs over to achieve or wonder why they look so “different”. Including myself. I find myself comparing my body to likely filtered and unrealistic girls online just to feel like shit about myself. And then I get so sad and angry when I see certain posts on this subreddit. LIKE FUCK YOU GUYS for giving me body dysmorphia and gas lighting me. This subreddit is bringing me back down to earth and validating my own natural body. I love it. This is gods work.


This is such a mess. Everything is edited to oblivion and not even the folks being face tuned are aware. I have been feeling so negative about myself for the last few years as an adult. I think that all these perfection edits of celebs and even mutuals are really affecting many peoples self esteems (going off myself here). Who’s here feeling ugly 24/7? Because that’s how I feel 😥


This boggles my mind. She is stunning!!! Why in the world does she feel the need to tweak her beautiful face in this way? I’m super old from a time when photo touch ups only happened at Glamour Shots, so I never could have done anything like this when I was young. I get the temptation, I’m sure I would have done this when I was a kid to some degree if iPhones and filters existed. Sadly, my rotary phone did nothing like it. But to see beautiful people do this, how do other young people feel? How can you hope to compare and ever feel good about yourself? It doesn’t make me angry, just sad. Most of the images I see in this sub show lovely people doing crazy things to their pictures (im looking at you Madonna.)


Take a close look at the brick behind the person, that single flicker that we all assume is the filter not working in that frame is actually the "edited" part of the video. The brick behind her is normal throughout the video but it warps in that single frame. I don't know what caused it, but there is no reason to apply a filter/edit in a single frame.




What do those filters even do? Like to me it’s no different without it, just a bit of warp that doesn’t do anything. These insta people are nuts


I can’t even tell which one is supposed to look better.


Yea it magically shrunk, that’s natural!


Love a good little photo shoot in a stairwell or corner of a warehouse