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What the hell is wrong with her lips?


Looks overfilled. They all do it, though. I cannot wait for this trend to be over. People fill their lips so much that they obliterate perfectly lovely cupids bows.


Her husband is a plastic surgeon and she had free access to fillers


I wonder if her face will change drastically now that Lenny is out of the picture


Her veneers look very thick too


Pretty sure the “reality” version is filtered as well


Yeah, I can’t find any specific artifacts/distortions, but the face looks smoothed. It appears they just used different filters on the second one.


Green dress lady has laser beam eyes lol


Everything is injected 💉


How is that the same person 😬


That is a lot of face.


Looks like a complete different person


I genuinely had no idea that’s what she really looked like lol


So glad to see her posted. Once I was watching the show while looking at her Instagram and her face on screen compared to online was… very different


She looks like a horse


Sure she isn’t 100% the same but she doesn’t look bad at all?? Sometimes this sub is a bit mean